Winsemius Send Time:2018 May 4 (Fri) 13:25To:孙业平
Cc:R Help Mailing List Subject:Re:
[R] why the length and width of a plot region produced by the dev.new()
function cannot be correctly set?
> On May 3, 2018, at 6:28
Hi Spencer
Thank you for your suggestion.
I tried sos -- Is it actually supposed to actually list out the functions along
with the packages?
This is what I got:
found 7 matches
Downloaded 7 links in 4 packages.
Ignoring template.
Warning messages:
1: In file(templateFile, encoding = "utf-8
> On May 3, 2018, at 12:58 AM, Spencer Graves
> wrote:
> library(sos)
> (mp <- findFn('{molecular properties}'))
> ** found 7 matches in 4 packages and opened two web pages in my default
> browser with (a) the 7 matches and (b) the 4 packages. The first function was
> s
... In addition, you may wish to also post on the Bioconductor list
for this sort of thing.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Thu, May 3,
On 04/05/2018 3:04 AM, sunyeping via R-help wrote:
--From:David Winsemius
Send Time:2018 May 4 (Fri) 13:25To:孙业平
Cc:R Help Mailing List Subject:Re: [R]
why the length and width of a plot region produced by the dev.new() function
It looks like you made a copy/paste error below. Your ata.frame should
be data.frame.
On 05/04/2018 08:18 AM, Bill Poling wrote:
Good morning.
Novice usR. Here.
I am following this string, among many, learning as I go.
Quick question please?
I thought that perhaps ata.frame was part
On Thu, 3 May 2018, Bert Gunter wrote:
... In addition, you may wish to also post on the Bioconductor list
for this sort of thing.
... where "this sort of thing" is the original subject matter "molecular
properties" rather than the sidebar about the sos package which is
probably better discu
Good morning.
Novice usR. Here.
I am following this string, among many, learning as I go.
Quick question please?
I thought that perhaps ata.frame was part of the zoo pkg, b/c when I searched
it came up in help?
However, evidently not or I am not using it properly.
Please advise, thank you.
Oh, how funny, hence the term Novice usR. UGH!
Thank you Sir.
From: Kevin E. Thorpe [mailto:kevin.tho...@utoronto.ca]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 9:08 AM
To: Bill Poling ; Huzefa Khalil
Cc: R Help Mailing List
Subject: Re: [R] Converting a list to a data frame
It looks like you made a co
> On May 4, 2018, at 12:04 AM, sunyeping wrote:
> --
> From:David Winsemius
> Send Time:2018 May 4 (Fri) 13:25
> To:孙业平
> Cc:R Help Mailing List
> Subject:Re: [R] why the length and width of a plot region produced by the
On Fri, 4 May 2018, Allaisone 1 wrote:
Hi all ,
I have a dataframe (Hypertension) with following headers :-
ID Hypertension(before drug A) Hypertension(On drug A)On drug B?
Healthy diet?
These is essentially a statistical question, which are generally
consider off topic here. So you may not get a satisfactory reply.
stats.stackexchange.com is probably a better venue for your post.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
Is this cross posted from StackOverflow?
Cross posting is discouraged by r-help. See the posting guide regarding
The question is not exactly the same, th
> dev.new(height=10,width=10)
> dev.size('in')
[1] 10 10
> dev.new(length=10,width=10)
> dev.size('in')
[1] 10 7
Obviously, because height was not specified, some default calculation was used
to set the height. And length was ignored.
And thanks to Duncan Murdoch for pointing ou
I have very little knowledge about file encodings and would like to
learn more.
I've read the following pages to learn more:
R Help Forum
Is there a R library (or a way) that I can extract unique character strings,
or repeating patterns in textual strings. Say for example I have the
following records:
And I would like to see
The answer is, of course, using regular expressions and/or libraries
therefor. However, I do not think you have defined your problem
sufficiently. Some questions I have:
1. Do possible patterns to be matched always appear at the beginning
of your strings?
2. Always together between specified sepa
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 4:47 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> I have very little knowledge about file encodings and would like to
> learn more.
> I've read the following pages to learn more:
> http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html
> https://stackoverflow.com/qu
18 matches
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