Re: [R] qqplot for binomial distribution

2017-04-19 Thread Ashim Kapoor
Dear Boris, Many thanks, Ashim On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Boris Steipe wrote: > As per the help pages, the data samples are expected in the second > argument, "y". > > So try > qqplot(rbinom(n=100, size=100, p=0.05), count1_vector) > > ... and then plot your qqline() > > Alternatively,

[R] A new -up?

2017-04-19 Thread Rolf Turner
Now that this mailing list seems to have managed to eliminate the malign influence of nabble, some clever Johnny seems to have come up with a new way to cloud the lines of communication. I have started receiving r-help emails from It seems that one cannot rep

Re: [R] A new -up?

2017-04-19 Thread Berend Hasselman
> On 19 Apr 2017, at 09:48, Rolf Turner wrote: > > > Now that this mailing list seems to have managed to eliminate the malign > influence of nabble, some clever Johnny seems to have come up with a new way > to cloud the lines of communication. I have started receiving r-help emails > from r

Re: [R] A new -up?

2017-04-19 Thread peter dalgaard
I believe that the list maintainer is hunting this down. As I understood it, it was more due to incompetence than to actual malice. -pd > On 19 Apr 2017, at 09:48 , Rolf Turner wrote: > > > Now that this mailing list seems to have managed to eliminate the malign > influence of nabble, some c

[R] Follow-up: RStudio: Place for Storing Options (as plain text)

2017-04-19 Thread G . Maubach
Hi All, some time ago I asded a question about the places where RStudio stores it configuration information. I came across this posting explaining RStudio keybindings (predefined and customized). At the end of

Re: [R] A new -up?

2017-04-19 Thread Rolf Turner
On 19/04/17 20:01, peter dalgaard wrote: I believe that the list maintainer is hunting this down. As I understood it, it was more due to incompetence than to actual malice. Years ago I ran across an aphorism that very much appealed to me: "Never attribute to malice that which may be adequate

[R] R Course in Dublin (May 24th-May 26th, 2017) Introductory -> Modern

2017-04-19 Thread Antony Unwin
An R course from introductory to modern will be given by Louis Aslett (Durham University, author of the packages PhaseType and ReliabilityTheory) and Antony Unwin (author of the book “Graphical Data Analysis with R” CRC Press 2015 ). The cour

Re: [R] Safeguarded Newton method for function minimization

2017-04-19 Thread Martin Maechler
> J C Nash > on Tue, 18 Apr 2017 13:32:52 -0400 writes: > Recently Marie Boehnstedt reported a bug in the nlm() > function for function minimization when both gradient and > hessian are provided. Indeed, on R's Bugzilla here :

[R] Multiple Histograms in R

2017-04-19 Thread prateek pande
Hi, I have a data as mentioned below(at the bottom) Now out of that data i have to create multiple histograms in a single view in R. On that histogram i need on x -axis binned data with Breaks 10 and on y axis event rate . Here churn is dependent variable. *for example, for mou_mean , on x -ax

Re: [R] Multiple Histograms in R

2017-04-19 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Maybe package psych, function multi.hist is what you want. And don't post in HTML, your data is unreadable. Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 19-04-2017 14:05, prateek pande escreveu: Hi, I have a data as mentioned below(at the

Re: [R] Safeguarded Newton method for function minimization

2017-04-19 Thread J C Nash
I should have given a more detailed explanation about Automatic Differentiation. As Martin points out, there are some AD elements in deriv etc., but to my view they are related more to symbolic differentiation, and not in the same space as AD Model Builder or its successor whose name eludes me at

Re: [R] Multiple Histograms in R

2017-04-19 Thread Bert Gunter
Also, *if* this is homework, don't post at all, as this list is not for doing homework (though, for better or worse, sometimes such help is provided). -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley

Re: [R] A new -up? / mailing list woes

2017-04-19 Thread J C Nash
A slightly different mailing list problem was preventing me from posting without going to moderation. Talking with Paul Gilbert, I realized that my email (handled by Thunderbird) was using an outgoing server that was not the one normally associated with my R-help subscription address. Changing th

[R] Is there a way to open R terminal running in the background

2017-04-19 Thread Brad P
Hello, I am working on a GUI, which is working well so far. I am working on a Windows 7 machine with 64 bit R (Microsoft R Open 3.3.2) Essentially: 1) a VBS executable is used to open the GUI leaving the R terminal running in the background but not showing using: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Ru

Re: [R] Is there a way to open R terminal running in the background

2017-04-19 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 19/04/2017 11:44 AM, Brad P wrote: Hello, I am working on a GUI, which is working well so far. I am working on a Windows 7 machine with 64 bit R (Microsoft R Open 3.3.2) Essentially: 1) a VBS executable is used to open the GUI leaving the R terminal running in the background but not showing

Re: [R] Prediction plots

2017-04-19 Thread Boris Steipe
Can you provide a small reproducible example and explain what exactly is going wrong? Just a handful of data points will do. B. > On Apr 18, 2017, at 2:16 PM, Santiago Bueno wrote: > > Thanks Boris, the following is an extract of my data. I have developed > biomass models using codes like:

Re: [R] Is there a way to open R terminal running in the background

2017-04-19 Thread Brad P
Duncan, I was thinking to have an additional button in the GUI which would use an R function to open the window/process running in the background. I don't think this is a VBS question, as it is simply used to start the GUI without opening R and calling it directly. I suppose this may be considered

Re: [R] Is there a way to open R terminal running in the background

2017-04-19 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 19/04/2017 12:45 PM, Brad P wrote: Duncan, I was thinking to have an additional button in the GUI which would use an R function to open the window/process running in the background. I don't think this is a VBS question, as it is simply used to start the GUI without opening R and calling it di

Re: [R] A new -up?

2017-04-19 Thread Santosh
otherwise explain it as unexplained "random variable"/ "residual error" :) Santosh On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 1:32 AM, Rolf Turner wrote: > > On 19/04/17 20:01, peter dalgaard wrote: > > I believe that the list maintainer is hunting this down. As I >> understood it, it was more due to incompetence

Re: [R] Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit

2017-04-19 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
I'd be really surprised if basically not all text editors could be used here; it more that some have quirks making it less obvious. For instance, with plain old Notepad that comes with all Windows distros you can put (double) quotes around the file name in the Save As... dialog to prevent Notepad

[R] Asking for help

2017-04-19 Thread Santiago Bueno
I have tried to ask for help ragarding R software but it seems that I do not know how to send my questions. Can someone "PLEASE" tutor me on how to structure my messages? Best regards, Santiago [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-

Re: [R] Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit

2017-04-19 Thread BR_email
Henrik: Your points are well taken. My biggest mistake was that I thought my question was an easy one. But as you rightly stated, I did not explicitly provide my background. I assumed my question implied how much I did not know, beyond being new to R. It's like Einstein teaching arithmetic, he wo

Re: [R] Asking for help

2017-04-19 Thread Ista Zahn
For help in formulating your question in a way that makes it easy to help you see When asking for help on the R-help mailing list in particular, make sure to send plain-text email. Best, Ista On Wed, Apr 19, 2

Re: [R] Asking for help

2017-04-19 Thread Boris Steipe
What about the advice I sent you this morning? B. > On Apr 19, 2017, at 1:49 PM, Boris Steipe wrote: > > No attachments please. Use the dput() function. And keep the correspondence > on the list, there are many colleagues who are far more knowledgeable than I > am. > > Cheers, > Boris > >

Re: [R] Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit

2017-04-19 Thread John
On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:57:42 -0400 BR_email wrote: > Henrik: > Your points are well taken. > My biggest mistake was that I thought my question was an easy one. > But as you rightly stated, I did not explicitly provide my background. > I assumed my question implied how much I did not know, beyond

Re: [R] rdb and rds files include abolute file paths / help understanding how lazy-load dbs are created

2017-04-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
I think we are (I certainly am) going to need a more concrete example. As in, point us at a specific package and filename in this package that illustrates your concern. Such precision would also be expected on R-devel, so the lack of response may have been self-inflicted. Are you aware of the

Re: [R] Multiple Histograms in R

2017-04-19 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Prateek, There is some difficulty with including the empty categories in the factors generated. I couldn't get these even with drop=FALSE, so I had to go through the "xtab" function. You can do it with the "table" function in the base package, but it is a little more trouble. See if this is what

Re: [R] Multiple Histograms in R

2017-04-19 Thread Hasan Diwan
Prateek, I'm shocked this isn't answered previously, but you can try the par command (mfrow and mfcol parameters) and par(mfrow=n, mfcol=m) will generate n plots per row and m rows per column. For subsequent questions, please do a search through the archives before asking. -- H On 19 April 2017 at