Re: [R] R with openblas and atlas

2013-11-01 Thread Simon Zehnder
There is no R code following On 01 Nov 2013, at 05:34, Li Bowen wrote: > Hi, > > I have been trying to build R with optimized BLAS library. > > I am using a Ubuntu 13.10 x86_64 desktop, on which I am able to build R > with openblas without any problem: > > #BEGIN_SRC sh > ./configure --enabl

[R] Replace element with pattern

2013-11-01 Thread mohan . radhakrishnan
Hi, I have a data frame with one column and several rows of the form. "Peak Usage: init:2359296, used:15859328, committed:15892480, max:50331648Current Usage : init:2359296, used:15857920, committed:15892480, max:50331648|---|" I tested the regex Current.*?[\|]

[R] Combinations of values in two columns

2013-11-01 Thread Thomas
I have data that looks like this: Friend1, Friend2 A, B A, C B, A C, D And I'd like to generate some more rows and another column. In the new column I'd like to add a 1 beside all the existing rows. That bit's easy enough. Then I'd like to add rows for all the possible directed combination

Re: [R] Count number of consecutive zeros by group

2013-11-01 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi Another option is sapply/split/sum construction with(data, sapply(split(x, ID), function(x) sum(x==0))) Regards Petr > -Original Message- > From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r- >] On Behalf Of Carlos Nasher > Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 6:46

Re: [R] Combinations of values in two columns

2013-11-01 Thread Simon Zehnder
You could use the data.table package require(data.table) DT <- data.table(Friend1 = sample(LETTERS, 10, replace = TRUE), Friend2 = sample(LETTERS, 10, replace = TRUE), Indicator = 1) ALL <- data.table(unique(expand.grid(DT))) setkey(ALL) OTHERS <- ALL[!DT] OTHERS[, Indicator := 0] RESULT <- rbi

Re: [R] Combinations of values in two columns

2013-11-01 Thread Chris Campbell
Hi Thomas, It depends whether you'd like to include all levels of each column in every column. For including all values you could try something like this: isAllDifferent <- function(z) !any(duplicated(z)) myData <- data.frame(Friend1=c("a", "a", "b", "c"), Friend2=c("b", "c

Re: [R] help with ggplot legend specification

2013-11-01 Thread Ista Zahn
You can override the legend aesthetics, e.g., ggplot(df,aes(x=Importance,y=Performance,fill=PBF,size=gapsize))+ geom_point(shape=21,colour="black")+ scale_size_area(max_size=pointsizefactor) + scale_fill_discrete(guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4))) Best, Ista On Thu,

Re: [R] Extracting values from a ecdf (empirical cumulative distribution function) curve

2013-11-01 Thread Manoranjan Muthusamy
Thanks, Bill & Duncan. Actually I tried values which are inside the defined region. please find below the extracted script > xnew<-rlnorm(seq(0,400,1), meanlog=9.7280055, sdlog=2.0443945) > f <- ecdf(xnew) > y <- f(x) > y1<-f(200)## finding y for a given xnew value of 2

Re: [R] Replace element with pattern

2013-11-01 Thread jim holtman
try this: > x <- rbind("Peak Usage: init:2359296, used:15859328, > committed:15892480,max:50331648Current Usage : init:2359296, > used:15857920,committed:15892480, max:50331648|---|") > apply(x, 1, function(a) sub("(Current.*?[/|]).*", "\\1", a)) [1] "Peak Usage: init:235

Re: [R] Replace element with pattern

2013-11-01 Thread mohan . radhakrishnan
Thanks. I converted my data structure( that is most of the confusion in my case ) into a data frame and then applied this function y <- apply( y, 1, function(z) str_extract(z,"Current.*?[/|]")) to get "Current Usage : init:2359296, used:15857920, committed:15892480, max:50331648|" Mohan F

Re: [R] ggplot2 - how to get rid of bar boarder lines

2013-11-01 Thread Dimitri Liakhovitski
Thank you very much, guys - it worked beautifully. On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 7:55 AM, John Kane wrote: > At a guess, don't use colour. > > John Kane > Kingston ON Canada > > > > -Original Message- > > From: > > Sent: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:11:37 -0400 > > To: r

[R] computation of hessian matrix

2013-11-01 Thread IZHAK shabsogh
below is a code to compute hessian matrix , which i need to generate 29 number of different matrices for example first element in x1 and x2 is use to generate let say matrix (M1) and second element in x1 and x2 give matrix (M2) upto  matrix (M29) corresponding to the total number of observations

[R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread Tstudent
I have R version 2.15.3 When i try to load it: library (tawny) i receive this response: package ‘parser’ could not be loaded The package Parser in not on Cran anymore, it seems a dead project! If i try to manual install parser_0.1.tar.

[R] aggregate function output

2013-11-01 Thread Daniel Fernandes
Hello, I´m using function aggregate in R 3.0.2. If I run the instruction x<-aggregate(cbind(mpg,hp)~cyl+gear,data=mtcars,quantile) I get the result the following data.frame: cyl gear mpg.0% mpg.25% mpg.50% mpg.75% mpg.100% hp.0% hp.25% hp.50% hp.75% hp.100% 4 3 21.5 21.5

Re: [R] Replace element with pattern

2013-11-01 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: Lines1 <- readLines(textConnection("Peak Usage    : init:2359296, used:15859328, committed:15892480,max:50331648Current Usage : init:2359296 used:15857920,committed:15892480,max:50331648|---| Peak Usage    : init:2359296, used:15859328, committed:15892480,max:50

Re: [R] Count number of consecutive zeros by group

2013-11-01 Thread arun
I think this gives a different result than the one OP asked for: df1 <- structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), x = c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)), .Names = c("ID", "x"), row.names = c(N

Re: [R] Download CSV Files from EUROSTAT Website

2013-11-01 Thread Adams, Jean
Lorenzo, I may be able to help you get started. You can use the XML package to grab the information off the internet. library(XML) mylines <- readLines(url("";)) closeAllConnections() mylist <- readHTMLTable(mylines, asText=TRUE) mytable <- mylist1$xTable However, when I l

Re: [R] aggregate function output

2013-11-01 Thread Adams, Jean
Daniel, You can see better what is going on if you look at as.list(x) There you can see that cyl and gear are vectors but mpg and hp are matrices. You can rearrange them using the function x2 <-, x) dim(x2) Jean On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:08 AM, Daniel Fernandes wrote:

[R] Inserting 17M entries into env took 18h, inserting 34M entries taking 5+ days

2013-11-01 Thread Magnus Thor Torfason
Pretty much what the subject says: I used an env as the basis for a Hashtable in R, based on information that this is in fact the way environments are implemented under the hood. I've been experimenting with doubling the number of entries, and so far it has seemed to be scaling more or less l

Re: [R] aggregate function output

2013-11-01 Thread arun
Hi, Try:,c(x,check.names=FALSE)) A.K. Hello,   I´m using function aggregate in R 3.0.2.  If I run the instruction x<-aggregate(cbind(mpg,hp)~cyl+gear,data=mtcars,quantile) I get the result the following data.frame:   cyl gear mpg.0% mpg.25% mpg.50% mpg.75%

Re: [R] Inserting 17M entries into env took 18h, inserting 34M entries taking 5+ days

2013-11-01 Thread jim holtman
It would be nice if you followed the posting guidelines and at least showed the script that was creating your entries now so that we understand the problem you are trying to solve. A bit more explanation of why you want this would be useful. This gets to the second part of my tag line: Tell me w

Re: [R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread R. Michael Weylandt
The release version of tawny has no such dependency and builds just fine on CRAN. Try updating that instead. Michael On Nov 1, 2013, at 7:10, Tstudent wrote: > > > I have R version 2.15.3 When i try to load it: > > library (tawny) > > i receive this response: > > package ‘parser’ could n

Re: [R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread Uwe Ligges
Install a recent version of tawny that does not depend on the other package? Best, Uwe Ligges On 01.11.2013 12:10, Tstudent wrote: I have R version 2.15.3 When i try to load it: library (tawny) i receive this response: package ‘parser’ could not be loaded The package Parser in not on C

Re: [R] aggregate function output

2013-11-01 Thread arun
You could also try: library(plyr)  newdf <- function(.data, ...) {    eval(substitute(data.frame(...)), .data, parent.frame())  } x1 <- ddply(mtcars,.(cyl,gear), newdf, mgp=t(quantile(mpg)),hp=t(quantile(hp))) #(found in one of the google group discussions) #or library(data.table) dt1 <- data.

[R] spsurvey analysis

2013-11-01 Thread Tim Howard
All, I've used the excellent package, spsurvey, to create spatially balanced samples many times in the past. I'm now attempting to use the analysis portion of the package, which compares CDFs among sub-populations to test for differences in sub-population metrics. - My data (count data) have

Re: [R] Extracting values from a ecdf (empirical cumulative distribution function) curve

2013-11-01 Thread William Dunlap
You are not using the inv_ecdf function that Rui sent. His was inv_ecdf_orig <- function (f) { x <- environment(f)$x y <- environment(f)$y approxfun(y, x) } (There is no 'xnew' in the environment of f.) Bill Dunlap Spotfire, TIBCO Software wdunlap From:

[R] ggplot2 - value labels + "adjusting position using y instead"

2013-11-01 Thread Dimitri Liakhovitski
I am building a horizontal bar plot using ggplot2 - see the code below. A couple of questions: 1. On the right side of the graph the value labels are inside the bars. How could I move them to be outside the bars - the way they are on the left side? 2. How can I make sure that the scale on my X axi

Re: [R] Inserting 17M entries into env took 18h, inserting 34M entries taking 5+ days

2013-11-01 Thread Magnus Thor Torfason
Sure, I was attempting to be concise and boiling it down to what I saw as the root issue, but you are right, I could have taken it a step further. So here goes. I have a set of around around 20M string pairs. A given string (say, A) can either be equivalent to another string (B) or not. If A

[R] forecast.lm() and NEWDATA

2013-11-01 Thread Ryan
Good day all. I am hoping you can help me (and I did this right). I've been working in R for a week now, and have encountered a problem with forecast.lm(). I have a list of 12 variables, all type = double, with 15 data entries. (I imported them from tab delimited text files, and then formatted

Re: [R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread Tstudent
Uwe Ligges> writes: > > Install a recent version of tawny that does not depend on the other package? The most recent version is this: I can install, but can't load without parser package. It seems true for 2.15

Re: [R] Irregular time series frequencies

2013-11-01 Thread sartene
Thanks a lot Achim! This helped a lot. I do not have exactly what I want yet, but I now have promising ideas to gather my data and find what I'm looking for (especially as.numeric(x, units = "hours")). Regards, Sartene Bel > Message du 31/10/13 à 08h48 > De : "Achim Zeileis" > A : sart...

Re: [R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread Bert Gunter
(Inline) On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Tstudent wrote: > > Uwe Ligges> writes: > >> >> Install a recent version of tawny that does not depend on the other package? > > > > The most recent version is this: > > > I

Re: [R] Count number of consecutive zeros by group

2013-11-01 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi Yes you are right. This gives number of zeroes not max number of consecutive zeroes. Regards Petr > -Original Message- > From: arun [] > Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 2:17 PM > To: R help > Cc: PIKAL Petr; Carlos Nasher > Subject: Re: [R] Count number

Re: [R] Lattice Legend/Key by row instead of by column

2013-11-01 Thread Richard Kwock
Hi Duncan, Thanks for that template. Not quite the solution I was hoping for, but that works! Richard On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Duncan Mackay wrote: > Hi Richard > > If you cannot get a better suggestion this example from Deepayan Sarkar may > help. > It is way back in the archives and I

Re: [R] Inserting 17M entries into env took 18h, inserting 34M entries taking 5+ days

2013-11-01 Thread William Dunlap
Have you looked into the 'igraph' package? Bill Dunlap Spotfire, TIBCO Software wdunlap > -Original Message- > From: [] On > Behalf > Of Magnus Thor Torfason > Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 8:23 AM > To: r-help@

[R] find max value in each row and return column number and column name

2013-11-01 Thread Gary Dong
Dear R users, I wonder how I can use R to identify the max value of each row, the column number column name: For example: a <- data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = rnorm(4)) > a x y z 1 -0.7289964 0.2194702 -2.4674780 2 1.0889353 0.3167629 -0.9208548 3 -0.6

Re: [R] forecast.lm() and NEWDATA

2013-11-01 Thread David Winsemius
On Nov 1, 2013, at 6:50 AM, Ryan wrote: > Good day all. > > I am hoping you can help me (and I did this right). I've been working in R > for a week now, and have encountered a problem with forecast.lm(). > > I have a list of 12 variables, all type = double, with 15 data entries. > (I imported

Re: [R] find max value in each row and return column number and column name

2013-11-01 Thread Clint Bowman
?which.max should start you down the right path Clint BowmanINTERNET: Air Quality Modeler INTERNET: Department of Ecology VOICE: (360) 407-6815 PO Box 47600FAX:(360)

Re: [R] find max value in each row and return column number and column name

2013-11-01 Thread arun
Hi, Try:   cbind(a,,apply(a,1,function(x) {data.frame(max=max(x), max.col.num=which.max(x),[which.max(x)],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)}))) ##assuming that unique max for each row. A.K. On Friday, November 1, 2013 1:05 PM, Gary Dong wrote: Dear R users, I wonder

Re: [R] Extracting values from a ecdf (empirical cumulative distribution function) curve

2013-11-01 Thread Manoranjan Muthusamy
Yeah, now it works. Thanks a lot, William and everyone who helped me. This forum is really helpful for beginners like me. :) Mano. On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:54 PM, William Dunlap wrote: > You are not using the inv_ecdf function that Rui sent. His was > >inv_ecdf_orig <- > >fun

Re: [R] find max value in each row and return column number and column name

2013-11-01 Thread David Winsemius
On Nov 1, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Gary Dong wrote: > Dear R users, > > I wonder how I can use R to identify the max value of each row, the column > number column name: > > For example: > > a <- data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = rnorm(4)) > >> a > x y z > 1 -0.7

[R] extraction of roots in R

2013-11-01 Thread Gary Dong
Dear R users, I wonder if R has a default function that I can use to do extraction of roots. Here is an example: X N 2.5 5 3.4 7 8.9 9 6.4 1 2.1 0 1.1 2 I want to calculate Y = root(X)^N, where N repre

Re: [R] extraction of roots in R

2013-11-01 Thread Don McKenzie
If you just want the nth root of X, use X^(1/n) > x <- 256 > x^(1/8) [1] 2 > x <- -256 > x^(1/8) [1] NaN It appears that you get the positive real root. Is this all you wanted? On 1-Nov-13, at 11:11 AM, Gary Dong wrote: Dear R users, I wonder if R has a default function that I can use to

Re: [R] extraction of roots in R

2013-11-01 Thread Don McKenzie
If you want complex roots, there is a post by Ravi Varadhan from 2010, a reprint of which I found quickly by a google search at On 1-Nov-13, at 11:20 AM, Don McKenzie wrote: If you just want the nth root of X, use X^(1/

Re: [R] spsurvey analysis

2013-11-01 Thread Law, Jason
I use the spsurvey package a decent amount. The cont.cdftest function bins the cdf in order to perform the test which I think is the root of the problem. Unfortunately, the default is 3 which is the minimum number of bins. I would contact Tom Kincaid or Tony Olsen at NHEERL WED directly to ask

Re: [R] spsurvey analysis

2013-11-01 Thread Tim Howard
Jason, Thank you for your reply. Interesting ... so you think the 'classes' in the error message "The combined number of values in at least one class..." is referring to the CDF bins rather than the sub-population classes that I defined. That makes sense as I only defined two classes (!). I

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread Adams, Jean
Claudia, I have not worked through the example myself. Since you seem to be getting errors, perhaps a different example would help. Here are some more choropleth maps (although these use US states rather than European countries).

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread Bert Gunter
... but you may be interested in this: Cheers, Bert On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Adams, Jean wrote: > Claudia, > > I have not worked through the example myself. Since you seem to be getting > errors, perh

[R] constucting a sub-network based on time period

2013-11-01 Thread Jinie Pak
A sample of my data looks like this. Header: Time Sender Receiver 11 2 11 3 22 1 22 1 31 2 31 2 There are 3 time periods (sessions) and the edgelists between nodes. I

[R] Plot of coxph tt effects

2013-11-01 Thread cesar garcia perez de leon
Dear all, We are conducting a study in with a set of covariates and a time to event outcome. Covariates b1 and b3 violate proportionality. We applied a coxph with a “tt” term to evaluate the nature of time dependence. Call: coxph(formula = Surv(start - 1, stop, outcome) ~ tt(b1) + b5 +

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jean, thanks again for your response. As I told you I did the downloads and double checked if I selected the right directory. But I noticed right now what happend: The command in the example is : eurMap <- readShapePoly(fn="NUTS_2010_60M_SH/Shape/data/NUTS_RG_60M_2010") But it should be :

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, that works nice. Thanks again! Have a nice weekend, best regards Claudia Zitat von Jim Lemon : On 10/31/2013 03:04 AM, wrote: Hi Jim, thats the second time that you helped me in a short while so thanks a lot! But it seems to me quite laborious and error-pron

[R] Impose constraint on first order derivative at a point for cubic smoothing spline

2013-11-01 Thread Victor hyk
Hello,        Dr. Simon Wood told me how to force a cubic spline passing through a point. The code is as following. Anyone  who knows how I can change the code to force the first derivative to be certain value. For example, the first derivative of the constrained cubic spline equals 2 at point (0,

Re: [R] Load Tawny package on R 2.15.3

2013-11-01 Thread Tstudent
> I have no specific expertise here, but I just wanted to point out that > this sounds like a losing strategy long term: As new packages and > newer versions of packages come out that fix bugs and add features, > you'll be unable to use them because you'll be stuck with 2.15.3 . I > suggest you bi

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jean, nevertheless this page "R-bloggers" looks realy interesting so I'll work through the tutorial. Thanks again for recommanding this web-site. Best regards Claudia Zitat von "Adams, Jean" : Claudia, I have not worked through the example myself. Since you seem to be getting errors,

Re: [R] Plot of coxph tt effects

2013-11-01 Thread David Winsemius
On Nov 1, 2013, at 11:16 AM, cesar garcia perez de leon wrote: > Dear all, > > We are conducting a study in with a set of covariates and a time to event > outcome. > Covariates b1 and b3 violate proportionality. Can you describe the basis for that statement? > We applied a coxph with a „tt‰

Re: [R] (no subject)

2013-11-01 Thread arun
Hi, Check whether this works: vec1 <- c( 'eric', 'JOHN', 'eric', 'JOHN', 'steve', 'scott', 'steve', 'scott', 'JOHN', 'eric') vec2 <- c( 'eric', 'JOHN', 'eric', 'eric', 'JOHN', 'JOHN', 'steve', 'steve', 'scott', 'scott') vec3 <- c( 'eric', 'eric', 'JOHN', 'eric', 'JOHN', 'JOHN', 'steve', 'ste

Re: [R] quickly extract response from formula

2013-11-01 Thread Andreas Leha
Hi David, thanks for your quick answer! David Winsemius writes: > On Oct 31, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Andreas Leha wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> what is the recommended way to quickly (and without much burden on the >> memory) extract the response from a formula? > > If you want its expression value its

Re: [R] quickly extract response from formula

2013-11-01 Thread William Dunlap
You can bullet-proof it a bit by making sure that length(formula)==3 before assuming that formula[[2]] is the response. If length(formula)==2 then there is no response term, only predictor terms. E.g., replace resp <- frm[[2]] with resp <- if (length(frm)==3) frm[[2]] else NULL (or call st

Re: [R] Inserting 17M entries into env took 18h, inserting 34M entries taking 5+ days

2013-11-01 Thread Martin Morgan
On 11/01/2013 08:22 AM, Magnus Thor Torfason wrote: Sure, I was attempting to be concise and boiling it down to what I saw as the root issue, but you are right, I could have taken it a step further. So here goes. I have a set of around around 20M string pairs. A given string (say, A) can either

Re: [R] Lattice Legend/Key by row instead of by column

2013-11-01 Thread Duncan Mackay
Hi Richard Untested Perhaps adding some dummy factors with NA and then have their labels as " " and color of lines as 0 or "transparent". I think that I used it partly for the same reason and in addition I was combining 2 purposes with the groups and wanted to split them Duncan -Original

Re: [R] Combinations of values in two columns

2013-11-01 Thread arun
Hi, You may try: dat1 <- read.table(text=" Friend1,Friend2 A,B A,C B,A C,D",sep=",",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) indx <- as.vector(outer(unique(dat1[,1]),unique(dat1[,2]),paste)) res <- cbind(setNames(read.table(text=indx,sep="",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE),paste0("Friend",1:2)),

[R] Package(s) for making waffle plot-like figures?

2013-11-01 Thread Zhao Jin
Dear all, I am trying to make a series of waffle plot-like figures for my data to visualize the ratios of amino acid residues at each position. For each one of 37 positions, there may be one to four different amino acid residues. So the data consist of the positions, what residues are there, and t

Re: [R] quickly extract response from formula

2013-11-01 Thread Andreas Leha
William Dunlap writes: > You can bullet-proof it a bit by making sure that length(formula)==3 > before assuming that formula[[2]] is the response. If length(formula)==2 > then there is no response term, only predictor terms. E.g., replace >resp <- frm[[2]] > with >resp <- if (length(fr

[R] plot time series data in wide format

2013-11-01 Thread Gary Dong
Dear R users, I wonder if there is a way that I can plot a time series data which is in a wide format like this: CITY_NAME 2000Q12000Q2 2000Q32000Q4 2001Q1 2001Q2 2001Q3 2001Q4 2002Q1 2002Q2 CITY1100.5210 101.9667 103.24933 104.050

Re: [R] computation of hessian matrix

2013-11-01 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
On 1 November 2013 11:06, IZHAK shabsogh wrote: > below is a code to compute hessian matrix , which i need to generate 29 > number of different matrices for example first You may consider using Numerical Derivatives package for that instead, see:

Re: [R] plot time series data in wide format

2013-11-01 Thread Pete Brecknock
wudadan wrote > Dear R users, > > I wonder if there is a way that I can plot a time series data which is in > a > wide format like this: > > CITY_NAME 2000Q12000Q2 2000Q32000Q4 2001Q1 > 2001Q2 2001Q3 2001Q4 2002Q1 2002Q2 > CITY1100.5210

[R] Installing RCurl: 'configure' exists but is not executable

2013-11-01 Thread Rainer Schuermann
I'm trying to install.packages( "RCurl" ) as root but get ERROR: 'configure' exists but is not executable I remember having had something like that before on another machine and tried in bash what is described here and helped me before: # mkdir ~/

Re: [R] Installing RCurl: 'configure' exists but is not executable

2013-11-01 Thread Michael Hannon
The error message doesn't seem to refer to the tmp directory. What do you get from: ls -l `which curl-config` -- Mike On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Rainer Schuermann wrote: > I'm trying to install.packages( "RCurl" ) as root but get > ERROR: 'configure' exists but is not executable > >

Re: [R] Installing RCurl: 'configure' exists but is not executable

2013-11-01 Thread Rainer Schuermann
# ls -l `which curl-config` -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6327 Oct 20 15:25 /usr/bin/curl-config On Friday 01 November 2013 20:21:36 Michael Hannon wrote: > The error message doesn't seem to refer to the tmp directory. What do you > get from: > > ls -l `which curl-config` > > -- Mike > > > On