Just a copy :-)
Answers please!
Anyway, did my answer resolve your issue?
From: Clive Nicholas [mailto:cliveli...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:07 AM
To: PIKAL Petr
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Bootstrapping issues
Thank you for your answer - I will co
Dear R users,
I want to aggregate all *d *data from all combination of n *plots* taken
by k.
Thank very much!
My data is like that:
plot d 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 14 1 18 1 20 1 21 1
43 1 108 1 43 2 41 2 61 2 83 2 61 2 84 2 45 2 21 2 12 2 11 ... 100
Please use ?dput to post your data.
dput(MyData) # paste the output of this in a post.
And you must be more clear, what does "aggregate" mean? To sum? In the
mean time see
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 14-11-2012 11:11, catalin roibu escreveu:
Dear R users,
I want to agg
Hi Andrew, great to hear from you :)
You really ought to review the (100% R-specific) US Government Survey
Datasets already available at http://usgsd.blogspot.com/ and contact me
directly if you hit a problem -- I am furiously working on a few right now
Not a specific answer to your question but have you seen
www.et.bs.ehu.es/~etptupaf/pub/R/RforSAS&SPSSusers.pdf. If you are just
starting to use R it is a very handy reference on the differences and
similarities among the packages.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
A new release 0.10.0 of Rcpp is now on CRAN, bringing a number of new
features to R --- please see the announcement text below.
The most direct change may be what we call 'Rcpp attributes' and which is
described in a new vignette bringing the total to nine vignettes in the
Dirk, on b
You forgot to Cc the list.
As for your question, you want all possible combinations of rows? For
all possible values of k in 1:19?
> sum(sapply(1:19, function(k) choose(19, k)))
[1] 524287
Or you want to split the data.frame by plot and the have all possible
> sum(sapp
Please try this:
> library(devtools)
> create("mdaa")
> setwd("mdaa")
> dev_mode()
d> install()
...* DONE (mdaa)
Reloading installed mdaa
But when I then try to build documentation
d> document()
devtools/roxygen just hangs with a "?" like so:
Updating mdaa documentation
On Nov 13, 2012, at 11:55 PM, Manish Gupta wrote:
> Hi,
> I have one xml file.
> First node
> Second node
> Third node
> Fourth node
> for (i in 1:xmlSize())
> {
> print(Class[i]) # how can i filter Node1 ?
> }
> by using xmlChildren(Class), i g
This will give you a list of 19 elements, each element k is a matrix of
all combinations of 19 taken k at a time.
cmb <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)), function(k) combn(nrow(dat), k))
d <- dat[["d"]]
lapply(cmb, function(cc) apply(cc, 2, function(j) d[j]))
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Try the following.
fun <- function(x, k){
n <- length(x)
cmb <- combn(n, k)
apply(cmb, 2, function(j) x[j])
uplot <- unique(dat$plot)
fun(uplot, 2)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 14-11-2012 13:42, catalin roibu escreveu:
Hello again,
I want the individual plots aggreg
dear useRs,
i created a distance matrix, of certain voltage values. unfortunately, i lost
the original values. i am only left with the distance matrix that i created
from those values. i wanted to ask that is there a way in R to reverse distance
matrix for the original values?
thanks in advance
Hi Eliza,
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:33 AM, eliza botto wrote:
> dear useRs,
> i created a distance matrix, of certain voltage values. unfortunately, i lost
> the original values. i am only left with the distance matrix that i created
> from those values. i wanted to ask that is there a way in
thnx sarah!!!thnx for saving my time
> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:44:58 -0500
> Subject: Re: [R] reversing distance matrix for original values
> From: sarah.gos...@gmail.com
> To: eliza_bo...@hotmail.com
> CC: r-help@r-project.org
> Hi Eliza,
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:33 AM,
Have a look at this example in plot.zoo:
## Custom x axis labelling using a custom panel.
# 1. test data
z <- zoo(c(21, 34, 33, 41, 39, 38, 37, 28, 33, 40),
as.Date(c("1992-01-10", "1992-01-17", "1992-01-24", "1992-01-31",
"1992-02-07", "1992-02-14", "1992-02-21", "1992-02-28",
On 14/11/2012 14:33, eliza botto wrote:
dear useRs,
i created a distance matrix, of certain voltage values. unfortunately, i lost
the original values. i am only left with the distance matrix that i created
from those values. i wanted to ask that is there a way in R to reverse distance
You might reconstruct the values if you have some of the original data.
Metric multidimensional scaling (cmdscale) will give you a set of values
that produces your distance matrix. If it is based on a single voltage, you
only have one dimension to reconstruct. There are an infinite number of sets
> I know this scenario is strange as there's no roxygenizable stuff in the
> package, but I am trying to track down an identical error in one of my
> nascent packages and am wondering
> 1) where this behavior originates and
> 2) why document() does not provide more informative feedback.
See https:
Dear R users,
A have a dataframe (matrix) with two collumns (plot, and diameter (d)). I
want all diameters values for different combination of plots.
For example I want all d values for all posible combination, 100C2 (all d
values for plot 1 with all d values in the plot 2...with all d values
You can use combn(100, 2) to generate the combinations of the plots.
It is not clear to me what you want to do with the diameters. You have 4
diameter for plot 1 and 2 for plot 2. What should the output look like?
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute f
Dear R friends
I´m interested into apply a Jackknife analysis to in order to quantify the
uncertainty of my coefficients estimated by the logistic regression. I´m
using a glm(family=binomial) because my independent variable is in 0 - 1
My dataset has 76000 obs, and I´m using 7 independe
I am having a similar problem on this data (given below). I have tried
several starting values for a and b, but it is consistently giving me:
fm <- nls(y~f(x,a,b), data.frame(x,y), start=c(a=1,b=1))
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) :
Missing value or an infinity produced whe
Dear David,
I am having a similar problem on this data (given below). I have tried
several starting values for a and b, but it is consistently giving me:
*fm <- nls(y~f(x,a,b), data.frame(x,y), start=c(a=1,b=1))
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) :
Missing value or an infinity
Hi all,
I've made a heatmap using '-', '=' and '+' as possible values. However, the
heatmap itself shows more than three colors. How to avoid this?
Thanks in advance.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R he
I want to change the type to factor of all variables in a data frame whose
names match a certain pattern.
So here I am trying to change the type to factor of all variables whose name
begins with namestub in the dataframe df.
But thi
I plotted a nice tree with "ctree" . It shows 3 nodes with the prediction of
my 2 groups. (see picture)
Unfortunately I need a larger scale to read the exact prediction of my
groups to get the specificity and sensitivity. I tried to change the scale
with "axis" but it didn't work, my guess b
Try this:
my.data$item_Num<- ave(my.data[,1],my.data[,1],FUN=seq_along)
# person item_Num
#1 1 1
#2 1 2
#3 1 3
#4 1 4
#5 2 1
#6 2 2
Dear R users,
Please help me with the following problem. I have a data set of the form ´dat´
dat <- data.frame(id = seq(1:5), trt=c(0,0,1,1,1),tid=c(0,0,0,0,0),
The function auto is used to generate the autoregressive model:
auto <- function(seed,delta,bet
I'm absolutely not brilliant with R yet and working with package SIAR.
1) SIAR reads the first column of a table.txt as "int" instead of "num". Who
can help?
2) I therefore made tables with a data.frame() > that seems to work. But at
the end of the loading proces of the SIARmodel, I get a warning s
Hello everyone,
I would like to switch the place of the Groups in the ehplot function.
When I put my data (one vector) in a certain order for the "data vector" of
ehplot function, the plot doesn't show me data in the order which I
How to change that?
I have one vector for data and on
Hallo everybody!
I am trying to perform a TiTAN (Baker & King 2010) analysis with R 2.14.1. I
have come that far:
h89Abund <- read.csv("Fish89Abund.csv")
> names (Fish89Abund)
[1] "StationCode""Abramisbrama"
"Alburnoidesbipunctatus" "Alburnusalburnus"
Thanks, I'd started to look through serialize.c but got a bit lost.
Thanks again!
Jamie Olson
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 13/11/2012 1:45 PM, Jamie Olson wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong, but it also seems that more generally,
>> everything works as long as t
The simplest way, in my opinion is:
>save .xls file as .csv in ms excel "save as" option. csv means comma
>now type following command on R console;
this will open a dialog box will open and select your .csv
now the data
Thanks! It works
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
hi all - i've seen versions of this question before, but none seem to get
directly at my solving my (probably very simple) issue:
i simply want to annotate the tick marks on an axis with (superscripted)
10^x notation, and tried this:
axis(1, at = axTicks(1), as.expression(substitute(10^foo, list(
Hi everyone,
I've been asked to run a number of Wilcoxon tests on some behavioral data
(below is a sample). They want me to compare each trial to the first
trial, considered the control trial. I know I can use brackets to index and
select, for example, trial 1 vs. trial 4 (not exactly sure how to
Dear all,
I am trying to run a simple R script in batch mode on a cluster. Running a
simple test script with
"R CMD BATCH test.R test.Rout"
works fine, but as soon as I submit the very same command to the queue and
the job gets sent to a node, the following error is written to test.Rout:
Try this:
namestub1 namestub2 name1 name2
A1 B1 A11 B11
A1 B2 A11 B22
A2 B1 A22 B11
A2 B2 A22 B22
A3 B1 A33 B11
A3 B2 A33 B22
#'data.frame': 6 obs. of 4 variables:
# $ namestub1: chr "A1" "A1" "A2" "A2" ...
Also checkout the XLConnect package since it can read/write EXCEL
files directly so that you do not have to go through the step of
creating a CSV file. Really nice when you want to create an Excel
file with multiple worksheets containing different phases of your
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at
I recommend using bquote(), with its .() substitution operator, instead of
substitute any time you use plotmath.To make a vector of plotmath
expressions use the following sort of as.expression(lapply(... bquote ...))
plot(1:10, axes=FALSE)
at <- axTicks(1)
lab <- as.expression(la
Use ?dput to post data, like this it's unreadable. For instance,
dput(Mydata) # paste the output of this in a post.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 14-11-2012 15:58, Jeffrey Stratford escreveu:
Hi everyone,
I've been asked to run a number of Wilcoxon tests on some behavioral data
what happens here:
> install.packages("/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz",repos = NULL)
Error: file '/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz' is not an OS X binary
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
[1] C
awesome, works perfectly. LISP-iness to the rescue.
thanks much!
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:26 PM, William Dunlap wrote:
> I recommend using bquote(), with its .() substitution operator, instead of
> substitute any time you use plotmath.To make a vector of plotmath
> expressions use the
On Nov 14, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Christian Hoffmann
>what happens here:
> > install.packages("/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz",repos = NULL)
> Error: file '/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz' is not an OS X binary
> package
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
On Nov 13, 2012, at 5:41 PM, arun wrote:
> Hi,
> You could also try:
> dta <- read.table(text="
> 1 , 45 , 32, 45, 23
> 2 , 34
> 4, 11, 43, 45
> ",sep=",",fill=TRUE)
> library(reshape)
> dtanew<-reshape(dta,varying=2:5,v.name="brand",idvar="V1",direction="long")[,c(1,3)]
It's a bit puzzli
On Wed, 14 Nov 2012, mia88 wrote:
Hello, I plotted a nice tree with "ctree" . It shows 3 nodes with the
prediction of my 2 groups. (see picture) Unfortunately I need a larger
scale to read the exact prediction of my groups to get the specificity
and sensitivity. I tried to change the scale wit
On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:06 PM, SASandRlearn wrote:
> I have over 300 variables in my table. I want to choose only a handful of
> those variables to run through many procedures. Lm(), glm() etc..i have over
> 10 procedures that i need to run those variables everytime. Those handful of
> variables ca
On 2012-11-14 05:40, DusanP wrote:
Hello everyone,
I would like to switch the place of the Groups in the ehplot function.
When I put my data (one vector) in a certain order for the "data vector" of
ehplot function, the plot doesn't show me data in the order which I
How to change tha
Thanks for the data example.
Try the following.
sp <- split(dat, dat$trial)
control <- sp[[1]]
lapply(sp[-1], function(x) wilcox.test(control[["removed"]],
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 14-11-2012 18:01, Jeffrey Stratford escreveu:
Hi everyone,
I've been asked t
Uwe, now I've tried these steps, following RMySQL installation instructions
1. Download the RMySQL_0.9.tar.gz file to the folder C:\Program
2. Open a Windows command line, and change directory to that folder
3. Enter
I am new to using R and time series analysis in general. I have written code
to combine ARIMA + GARCH in forcasting. I am finding it hard to actually
get predicted values once I have model built and fit it to data series. i.e.
how can I use predict function to give me n.ahead = k number of va
I want to update a column of a database table (in MS SQL) using sqlUpdate( )
or sqlSave( ) function in "RODBC" package. E.g. SQLchannel is the database
connection; SQLtable is the destination table in the database, including at
least two columns, ID and Value; Xdata is a data frame in R environment
Hello everyone,
Hope you all are doing great! I have been fitting arima models and
performing forecasts pretty straightforwardly in R.
However, I wanted to add a couple of regressors to the arima model to see if
it could improve the accuracy of the forecasts but have had a hard time
trying to do
Hi Jim,
sizetree was what I was looking for.
I am going to play with the options a bit.
Thanks a lot,
On Nov 14, 2012, at 2:55 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 11/14/2012 11:04 AM, michele caseposta wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have a certain number of samples and I want to visualize the groups
Hi everyone,
I've been asked to run a number of Wilcoxon tests on some behavioral data
(below is a sample). They want me to compare each trial to the first
trial, considered the control trial. I know I can use brackets to index and
select, for example, trial 1 vs. trial 4 (not exactly sure how to
Back again.
Is there a quick way to add the sample names in the plot?
I was not able to find anything other than creating a new category with the
name in it (and the same color all over).
On Nov 14, 2012, at 2:45 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> sizetree was what I was l
Please be more specific about what you want. Give an example of the required
output. And keep the mailing list in cc when replying.
Van: catalin roibu [catalinro...@gmail.com]
Verzonden: woensdag 14 november 2012 17:54
Aan: ONKELINX, Thierry
Onderwerp: Re: [R] aggr
Dear all,
someone can find what I doing wrong with the following function. It is
for winsorisation mean. At my eyes it is ok, but for reason I sometimes it
is changing the results when I change the k value.
wmean <-
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, k = 1) {
if (any(i.na <- is.na(x))) {
Hello R help list,
I am using the mda package and in particular the fda routine to classify in
terms of gear a set of 20 trips.
I preformed a flexible discriminant analysis (FDA) using a set of 151
FDAT1 <- fda(as.factor(gear) ~ . , data =matrizR)
A total of 22 predictors were consid
> install.packages('xlsx')
> setwd('C://) (Define directory with your file)
> data <- read.xlsx('file.xlsx', 1) (Read the first spreed sheet)
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, jim holtman wrote:
> Also checkout the XLConnect package since it can read/write EXCEL
> files directly so that
You could also try:
#dat1 is the data
tapply(dat3$removed,dat3$trial, function(x) wilcox.test(x,dat2[,4])$p.value)
# 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#0.74726203 0.39555263 1. 0.45724442 0.061
Dear Anthony –
On closer examination, what I am talking about is not factor levels, but
something different (but analogous). The data that is categorical all has
integer codes, so the file is entirely numeric. The SAS proc format then
gives text strings for each code for each categorical variable
Why do you think the mean should not change when you change more of the data
values? At any rate, your function agrees with winsor.mean() in package
> library(psych)
> winsor.mean(a, trim=.05)
[1] 95.8525
> winsor.mean(a, trim=.06)
[1] 95.9064
> winsor.mean(a, trim=.07)
[1] 95.91
> winsor.m
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:11 PM, sbarandiaran wrote:
> Uwe, now I've tried these steps, following RMySQL installation instructions
> (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RMySQL/INSTALL):
> 1. Download the RMySQL_0.9.tar.gz file to the folder C:\Program
> Files\R\R-2.15.1\bin\x64
> 2. Open a
Dear All,
I have a matrix in which the diagonal has the string "Inf" in it. In
order to be able to do cluster analysis this needs to be replaced with
a Zero.
I can do this by putting it into Excel, replacing and putting it back
into R but it's tedious, and I am sure there is a simple way to do it
Is there a reference guide to the complete set of functions and their
arguments that are available in the R.dll library for Windows, i.e. the set
of functions that includes "Rf_initEmbeddedR" and "Rf_endEmbeddedR" listed
in section 8.2.2 of the Writing R Extensions manual?
This may be more of an i
Hey thanks for your help. Im afraid its a little bit too complicated for me..
Before I do al lot of research in the next days to finally understand it I
would like to make sure that it does help me with my problem.
Maybe I explain it once again : For example in the first node I can read
that group
I am looking for a reference guide to the complete set of functions
available, and their arguments, in the R.dll library for Windows, i.e. the
set of functions that includes "Rf_initEmbeddedR" and "Rf_endEmbeddedR"
listed in section 8.2.2 of the Writing R Extensions manual.
This may be more of an
On Nov 14, 2012, at 2:33 PM, andrewH wrote:
> Dear Anthony –
> On closer examination, what I am talking about is not factor levels, but
> something different (but analogous). The data that is categorical all has
> integer codes, so the file is entirely numeric. The SAS proc format then
> give
So, if you have duplicate row.names, get rid of them. Try
rownames(comb_model0) <- NULL
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
On 11/12/12 7:45 AM, "PavloEs" wrote:
>I have a matri
You can use ifelse()
#Create data for example
x <- matrix(data=c(Inf, 2, 3, 4, Inf, 6, 7, 8, Inf), nrow=3)
#Turn Inf into zero.
x <- ifelse(x == Inf, 0, x)
On 14 November 2012 14:13, Nick Duncan wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a matrix in which the diagonal has the string "Inf" in it.
I doubt your Inf is a string, R does have the numeric value Inf (and
-Inf), just try 1/0.
As for the question,
x <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)
diag(x) <- 1/0
x[x == Inf] <- 0
Note that it could also be diag(x) <- 0
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 14-11-2012 22:13, Nick Duncan escreve
I am fairly new with R and am having trouble finding an optimal group. I
checked the help functions for the various optimize commands and it was a
little over my head.
I have a dataset with 4 columns, name, type, value, and cost. The set
consists of a list of people, which have 3 types.
The standard errors and covariance matrix that automatically arise from
fitting the model already captures the uncertainties you seek, if I
Lucas wrote
> Dear R friends
> I´m interested into apply a Jackknife analysis to in order to quantify the
> uncertainty of my coefficient
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org]
> On Behalf Of andrewH
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:34 PM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] Getting information encoded in a SAS, SPSS or Stata
> command file into R.
> D
You don't provide a reproducible example. And, also, the package the
"titan" function comes from. The function I found doesn't use the
options you used in yours.
Le 14/11/2012 23:10, Sonja69 a écrit :
Hallo everybody!
I am trying to perform a TiTAN (Baker & King 2010
If it is value Inf, you could also use ?is.infinite()
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 0 3 6
#[2,] 1 0 7
#[3,] 2 5 0
- Original Message -
From: Rui Barradas
To: Nick Duncan
Cc: r-help
1. Homework? R has a no homework policy.
2. But in any case, check out the Optimization task view on CRAN. You
should be able to find something there that meets your needs.
Of course, if something is "a little over your head," that's not an
excuse, but rather an admission that you have to d
On 15/11/12 11:13, Nick Duncan wrote:
Dear All,
I have a matrix in which the diagonal has the string "Inf" in it. In
order to be able to do cluster analysis this needs to be replaced with
a Zero.
I am very sceptical about this assertion. "Inf" means infinity
which is of course *NOT* t
I am getting started with using the depmixS4 package. First, I would like
to see I am very impressed with its speed and flexibility.
The question I have is regarding predicting on new data. I want to fit the
model on some sequences with observed responses, and then make predictions
on the right en
On 11/15/2012 07:21 AM, michele caseposta wrote:
Back again.
Is there a quick way to add the sample names in the plot?
I was not able to find anything other than creating a new category with the
name in it (and the same color all over).
Hi Michele,
If by "sample names" you mean the variable na
Did you try the example that I sent you? I think it does what you ask for...
(sent from mobile phone)mia88 wrote:Hey thanks
for your help. Im afraid its a little bit too complicated for me..
Before I do al lot of research in the next days to finally understand it I
would like to make sure that
Dear R Group
I have a character vector from which I want to select a few elements and
create a new character vector.
I need a GUI to do this in R Script.
Can someone help?
## I want to have a GUI in R that will display elements in "object a" as
a drop down list.. fr
I am trying to do a two sample t-test with data that i received in a text
document. one list has the slab weights and the second has the company it
is associated with. here is an example.
weights company
1 A
2 A
2 B
3 B
I wa
untested, but something like this should get you what you want:
no.it <- 5
out <- vector("list", length=no.it)
for(i in 1:no.it){
mydata2 <- mydata[ sample(1:nrow(mydata), 76000/no.it) ,]
out[[i]] <- coef(
Your function is a supplementary material. I tried to apply this
function using the example provided and it failed. I use R version
2.15.2 (2012-10-26).
Le 15/11/2012 15:36, Stendera, Sonja, Dr. a écrit :
Thanks, but sorry, that's all I have. I ran the script with th
i used a package like 'benchamrk' is it helpful to find out the benchmak
value ?
and also colud u please provide some examples for the benchmak package , i
cant get the proper answer with that.
And also it shows the bs.sampling value also needed. but the r-help pages
provide without examples .
Silly stupid me (as usual) - problem resolved! The issue was the one you
correctly identified in your original response, namely the lack of a
-formula=- statement in the call to boot-:
test<-data.frame(A=rnorm(500, mean=2.72, sd=5.36),
88 matches
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