> baptiste auguie
> on Fri, 20 Apr 2012 09:01:35 +1200 writes:
> library(plyr)
> adply(my.array,1:3)
Hmm, as Marc Schwartz has already said:
There's the base R as.data.frame() method for "table" objects
which also works for arrays, so
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 03:12:34PM -0800, Katrina Bennett wrote:
> Dear R Help,
> Sorry I wasn't more clear before. Here is another crack at this.
> What I am still trying to do is estimate the point on a line when the
> slope changes or asymptotes. I have found some similar postings
> talkin
In fact, I took over the code of someone else, but I agree with you. It is
really a mess and very hard to understand the code if you haven't programmed
it. So you would suggest to put everything in functions and therefore have
only very little return variables to work with. This also should limit t
RSVGTipsDevice came to my rescue while trying to add tooltips to a scatter
plot. Thanks to developers for building this tool.
Tooltips are very useful to gather information on a given data-point just by
placing cursor on that point. However, the position of tooltip box occludes
other data
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Jeff Newmiller
> If you read the help, it talks about compiling vectors into matrices, or
> scalars into vectors. It does not say anything about combining matrices.
> For the error about 14 elements, you should keep in mind that matrices are
> just vecto
Hi everyone!
I have the following difficulties using ggplot2
# My Data
data<-as.data.frame(cbind(a=c(1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4), b=c(1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4)))
And I would like to plot the frequency-distributions of both variables in
one plot as lines. For both variables the values (1-4) should be on the
Try something like this
data<-as.data.frame(cbind(a=c(1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4), b=c(1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4)))
Molten <- melt(data)
ggplot(Molten, aes(x = value, colour = variable)) + geom_density()
Best regards,
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en boson
Dear R helpers
x <- c(1:3)
y <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
> y
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 5 9
[2,] 2 6 10
[3,] 3 7 11
[4,] 4 8 12
I wish to multiply 1st column of y by first element of x i.e. 1, 2nd column of
y by 2nd element of x i.e. 2 an so
try this:
x <- 1:3
y <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
y * rep(x, each = nrow(y))
I hope it helps.
On 4/20/2012 10:51 AM, Vincy Pyne wrote:
Dear R helpers
x<- c(1:3)
y<- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
Dear Mr. Dimitris Rizopoulos,
Thanks a lot for your great help. It worked nicely. I couldn't have figured it
out. Thanks again.
--- On Fri, 4/20/12, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:
From: Dimitris Rizopoulos
Subject: Re: [R] Matrix multiplication by multple constants
To: "Vincy Pyne
I'm having some problems computing a matrix being symmetric on both
Does anyone know a way to get from this matrix
M <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,2,7,0,0,3,4,0,0,6,0,0,0), ncol=4)
to this one
M_final <- matrix(c(1,2,3,6,2,7,4,3,3,4,7,2,6,3,2,1)
Can anyone help me maybe with a question I can seem to find an answer on.
I have this: x = c(1, 5, 70, 53, 7, 29, 75, 37, 30, 11)
And I would like to have the numbers above 20 selected out.
But I can't find what code I need for that
I tried sort(), but then I can't fill in I only need tho
Le vendredi 20 avril 2012 à 03:26 -0700, Yellow a écrit :
> Can anyone help me maybe with a question I can seem to find an answer on.
> I have this: x = c(1, 5, 70, 53, 7, 29, 75, 37, 30, 11)
> And I would like to have the numbers above 20 selected out.
> But I can't find what code I need
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Jeff Newmiller
> wrote:
> > If you read the help, it talks about compiling vectors into matrices,
> scalars into vectors. It does not say anything about combining matrices.
> >
> > For the error about 14 elements, you should keep in mind that matrices
This really has little to do with sorting, but can be much more easily
done with logical subscripting:
x[x < 20]
which I read as "x such that x is less than 20".
Hope this helps,
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Yellow wrote:
> Can anyone help me maybe with a question I can seem to fin
- Mail original -
De : Yellow
À : r-help@r-project.org
Cc :
Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 avril 2012 19h26
Objet : [R] Sort out number on value
Can anyone help me maybe with a question I can seem to find an answer on.
I have this: x = c(1, 5, 70, 53, 7, 29, 75, 37, 3
I would like to calculate vector from existing value
v <- 1000
s <- 30
d1<- v-s
d1<- 970
d2<- d1 -s
d2<- 940
d 3 <- d2-s
d3<- 910
d15 <- .
so how I should get vector of length 15
I am trying to integrate this function
f_x(x) = (1/(2pi))*(1+sin(2x)) for o < x < 2
I know the answer is (x/(2*pi))-(cos(2x)/(4*pi)) but I must be doing
something wrong..
View this message in context:
Sent from t
Thanks everyone. :)
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
You're thinking about it wrong. This is an arithmetic sequence:
seq(from = 1000, by = -30, length.out = 15)
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 5:14 AM, uday wrote:
> I would like to calculate vector from existing value
> e.g
> v <- 1000
> s <- 30
> d1 <- v-s
> d
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 5:47 AM, dcgf wrote:
> I am trying to integrate this function
> f_x(x) = (1/(2pi))*(1+sin(2x)) for o < x < 2
> I know the answer is (x/(2*pi))-(cos(2x)/(4*pi)) but I must be doing
> something wrong..
> --
> View this message in context:
One solution among many:
seq(970, 970 - 30*14, by=-30)
If you want to be fancy, a function can be easily written:
seqf <- function(startp, lengthv, byv) {
seq(startp, startp + (lengthv - 1)*byv, by=byv)
seqf(970, 15, -30)
[1] 970 940 910 880 850 820 790 760 730 700 670 640 610 580 550
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 03:03:40AM -0700, juliane0212 wrote:
> I'm having some problems computing a matrix being symmetric on both
> diagonals.
> Does anyone know a way to get from this matrix
> M <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,2,7,0,0,3,4,0,0,6,0,0,0), ncol=4)
> to this one
That is exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Ahh, I understand -- unfortunately, I'm not aware of an easy way to do
this so you'll have to hack your own: this doesn't look too hard
however, if you call
you can get the prediction scheme R uses. It seems that most of the
heavy lifting is already in C so you'd probab
I found out something strange when I used the same thing on another data
In a excel file I have same data too and there I asked in a certain column
what values where above the 7.5. Result: 206.
Now I have done the same thing in R and I get as result: 400.
My code:
# Find values above 7.
Dear R users,
I fear this is terribly trivial but I'm struggling to get my head around it.
First of all, I'm using the "survival" package in R 2.12.2 on Windows Vista
with the RExcel plugin. You probably only need to know that I'm using
"survival" for this.
I have data collected from 180 or so
I see the problem.
There are 400, but there are Na and Inf is there for like 1/2, and I need to
get those out.
Think I need to filter those out.
Now that would make sense. LoL
View this message in context:
Without data it is only a guess.
> I found out something strange when I used the same thing on another data
> file.
> In a excel file I have same data too and there I asked in a certain
> what values where above the 7.5. Result: 206.
> Now I have done the same thing in R and I g
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 1:22 AM, Worik R wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Jeff Newmiller
> wrote:
>> If you read the help, it talks about compiling vectors into matrices, or
>> scalars into vectors. It does not say anything about combining matrices.
>> For the error about 14
I now filtered the Na and Inf out of my data.
And the number is exactly the same als the output from the excel file.
Thanks everyone. :)
Now I can finish my work.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R he
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling with
one issue:
*I want to compute different quintiles for the cumulative survival
probability derived from the Lee-Carter-Forecast (e.g. the 50%-quintile,
The graphic produced was what I was after, except it was inverted. The
original tabular data represents a plot as oriented in the field i.e. with
North at the top, South at the bottom. The graphic from this had South at
the top and North at the bottom, so I input the data the other way around
I just installed R-2.15.0 on windows XP and cannot load package tcltk2
(which I just downloaded from CRAN as tcltk2_1.2-1.zip; package install
reported no problems):
> library(tcltk2)
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamesp
What is the result with
> x[x>7.5]
- Mail original -
De : Yellow
À : r-help@r-project.org
Cc :
Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 avril 2012 21h31
Objet : Re: [R] Re : Sort out number on value
I found out something strange when I used the same thing on another data
In a excel file I h
I'm new using R im trying to do a tukey test, but when i see the results the
p value results in NA im guessing its because i have missing values but im
not sure how to fix it
AnovaModel.2 <- aov(area ~ trat, data=apilados)
> summary(AnovaModel.2)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(>F)
On 20/04/2012 8:41 AM, Roberto Ugoccioni wrote:
I just installed R-2.15.0 on windows XP and cannot load package tcltk2
(which I just downloaded from CRAN as tcltk2_1.2-1.zip; package install
reported no problems):
> library(tcltk2)
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk inte
Dear Nglthu,
Not sure what you mean by scale(x1,x2), this:
x1 <- rnorm(nrow(speed))
x2 <- rnorm(nrow(speed))
produces an error ...
but, the use of two predictors or covariates on the transition matrix is
speed$x2 <- x2
mod1 <- depmix(lis
On Apr 20, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:
try this:
x <- 1:3
y <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
y * rep(x, each = nrow(y))
Another way with a function specifically designed for that purpose:
sweep(y, 2, x, "*")
I hope it helps.
On 4/20
On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Adrian Duşa wrote:
One solution among many:
seq(970, 970 - 30*14, by=-30)
If you want to be fancy, a function can be easily written:
seqf <- function(startp, lengthv, byv) {
seq(startp, startp + (lengthv - 1)*byv, by=byv)
seqf(970, 15, -30)
[1] 970 940 910
I can not reproduce your problem.
Can you use ?dput, and try to create a self contained example?
Here is my attempt:
warpbreaks1 <- warpbreaks
warpbreaks1[1,1] <- NA
fm1 <- aov(breaks ~ tension, data = warpbreaks1)
On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:05 AM, Petr Savicky wrote:
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 03:03:40AM -0700, juliane0212 wrote:
I'm having some problems computing a matrix being symmetric on both
Does anyone know a way to get from this matrix
M <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,2,7,0,0,3,4,0,0,6,0,0,0), ncol=
You can also have a look at the pcaMethods package on Bioconductor.
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Michael wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found that the PCA gave chaotic results when there are big changes in a
> few data points.
> Are there "improved" versions of PCA in R that can help with
On Apr 20, 2012, at 16:03 , Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 20/04/2012 8:41 AM, Roberto Ugoccioni wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just installed R-2.15.0 on windows XP and cannot load package tcltk2
>> (which I just downloaded from CRAN as tcltk2_1.2-1.zip; package install
>> reported no problems):
>> > li
First off, I admit it is not clear to me what you are trying to
achieve and more importantly, why? by "why" I mean 1) I don't see the
advantage of writing one general panel function for completely
different situations (one/multiple smoothers, grouping levels etc.) 2)
your intended result as
I am trying to add a ternary plot as a corner inset graph to a larger
main ternary plot. I have successfully used add.scatter in the past for
different kinds of plots but It doesn't seem to work for this particular
function. It overlays the old plot rather than plotting as an inset.
Here is
Young, Jennifer A dfo-mpo.gc.ca> writes:
> I am trying to add a ternary plot as a corner inset graph to a larger
> main ternary plot. I have successfully used add.scatter in the past for
> different kinds of plots but It doesn't seem to work for this particular
> function. It overlays the old plo
Hi all,
I know the overall display precision can be changed in R...
but what about overall calculation precision?
Thank you!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Usually whenever I want a tiny plot, I just create it as is (or even large) and
then downscale it in the end application like LaTeX of MS Word. However, all
these graphic devices like postscript, pdf, win.metafile retain physical sizes,
so it would be natural if I can just insert grap
I apologize for the previous e-mail that was unintentionally sent not as a
plain text and was unreadable.
Usually whenever I want a tiny plot, I just create it as is (or even large)
and then downscale it in the end application like LaTeX of MS Word. However,
all these graphic devices like
On the R level, I believe you're limited by the type of numeric
representation being used: either 32-big integer or 64-bit double. See
the storage.mode() of your objects. External code can make use of
128-bit types if desired, but I don't believe those can be naturally
represented back at the R lev
I'm pasting below a working R file featuring a function I'd like to polish up.
I'm teaching regression this semester and every time I come to
something that is very difficult to explain in class, I try to
simplify it by writing an R function (eventually into my package
"rockchalk"). Students have
The straight answer is "no", there is plenty of precision available in a double
precision float. Nevertheless, keep in mind that some algorithms require
iteration toward their solution and may have function arguments such as "tol"
(tolerance) documented in the help files that define "good enoug
So I am a complete noob at doing this type of linking. When I write this
statement (all the input values are assigned, but I have to confess I don't
know what to do with the output variables -- in this call they are all
assigned "NA"):
.Call("La_dgeev", JOBVL, JOBVR, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, ALPHAR=NA,
Incidentally, if you want to test this out:
> A
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1457.738 1053.181 1256.953
[2,] 1053.181 1213.728 1302.838
[3,] 1256.953 1302.838 1428.269
> B
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 4806.033 1767.480 2622.744
[2,] 1767.480 3353.603 3259.680
[3,] 2622.744 3259.68
On 17/04/2012 7:23 PM, David Bapst wrote:
Hello all,
I was checking the newest update of my library before submitting it to
CRAN, using R 2.15.0 and Rtools for Windows 215 using Rcmd in the Command
Prompt, on my x64 Windows7 laptop. I recently heard that for checking
packages for CRAN submission
Would using the 'sink' function with type='message' and split=TRUE do
what you want?
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:00 AM, Alexander wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working under R2.11.0 Windows and I would like to ask you if you know a
> way to save all warning messages obtained by the R function "warning" in
And another way is to remember properties of matrix multiplication:
y %*% diag(x)
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:35 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:
>> try this:
>> x <- 1:3
>> y <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
>> y * rep(x, each =
The triplot function in the TeachingDemos package uses base graphics,
the subplot function (also in TeachingDemos) is another way to place a
plot within a plot (and triplot and subplot do work together).
If you want to stick to grid graphics then you can use viewports in
grid to insert one plot in
On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:16 AM, jolo999 wrote:
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling
one issue:
*I want to compute different quintiles for the cumulative survival
probability derived from th
On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Yellow wrote:
I now filtered the Na and Inf out of my data.
And the number is exactly the same als the output from the excel file.
Thanks everyone. :)
Now I can finish my work.
In the future it might be safer to use subset() or perhaps
x[which(x>7.5)]. That wou
I think
gives more unsurprising results when none of the data meets the criteria than
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#.
Although an old topic,
To follow-up on the suggestion to alter the legend function.
Type "legend" in R, copy-paste the appearing code into you code-editor and
search for the line
points2(x1, y1, pch = pch[ok], col = col[ok], cex = pt.cex[ok],
the cex function controls the scaling, so you wan
Hello everyone,
I have tried several ways of doing this and searched the documentation and
help lists and I have been unable to find an answer or even whether it is
possible to do it. I am pasting together a formula and I need to insert
double quotes around the strings. Here's an example:
Hi everyone.
I performing a simple PCA using the princomp function. Then, I use the
biplot function to show it. However, the function use line number to
represent samples. I would like to know if there's a way to use a dot
(point) instead of the line number when using the biplot function.
With r
As a short disclaimer - I have read the previous posts on Fitting the Gamma
Distribution, but have two questions going beyond that:
1. Does anybody have a reference for the theory of fitting a gamma
distribution (i.e. whether to apply Kolmogorov-Smirnov, or similar)
2. Has anybody toyed around with
StellathePug wrote
> Hello everyone,
> I have tried several ways of doing this and searched the documentation and
> help lists and I have been unable to find an answer or even whether it is
> possible to do it. I am pasting together a formula and I need to insert
> double quotes around
Dear R Users,
i' wondering, if there is any possibility to render interactive stereoscopic 3d
plots in R and use the
functionality of those new 3d displays (e.g. with poarisation technology) like
this one:
> http://shop.fujitsu.com/de/displays/display-p23t-6p-fpr-3d
Does anyone know if there
On 4/19/2012 5:20 AM, Brian Smith wrote:
Thanks Brian. That worked. I also wanted to increase the size of the
'points' on the graph. Is there any way I can get rid of the 'legend' (in
this case '3') appearing on the plot?
=== code
leaves<- letters[1:8]
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4574990/invgrosor.csv invgrosor.csv
Thanks for your answer well, I uploaded a file with mi data, hope you can
solve my problem since i'm using R for my thesis
View this message in context:
Hello R-help!
I am trying to draw series of lines in 3d, and I am not sure how to get the
depth set up properly - lines that are in front of other lines appear to be
behind and vice versa. I've been doing this by first generating an empty
persp plot, then adding lines via the data into trans3d foll
Thanks for your answer well, I uploaded a file with my data, hope you can
help me to solve my problem since i'm using R for my thesis
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4574997/invgrosor.csv invgrosor.csv
View this message in context:
On Apr 20, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
I think
> y <-c(1,1)
> y[y>2]
> y[which(y>2)]
gives more unsurprising results when none of the data meets the
criteria than
I don't see a difference.
Look at:
> x <-c(NA, 1)
> x[which(
I'm designing a set of plots intended for a general audience; here's the code
for one of them, using the latest version of ggplot:
plot.enr.all <-
ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=HS_GRAD_YEAR, y=Percentage, group=Enrolled_by,
color=Enrolled_by, shape=Enrolled_by, fill=Enrolled_by)
Ok, I figured out a solution and I'd like to get some feedback on this from
the R-helpers as to how I could modify the following to be "package
friendly" -- the main thing I'm worried about is how to dynamically set the
"dyn.load" statement below correctly (obviously, its hard coded to my
On 20/04/2012 2:47 PM, Benedikt Orlowski wrote:
Dear R Users,
i' wondering, if there is any possibility to render interactive stereoscopic 3d
plots in R and use the
functionality of those new 3d displays (e.g. with poarisation technology) like
this one:
> http://shop.fujitsu.com/de/displays/
On 20-04-2012, at 18:58, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> So I am a complete noob at doing this type of linking. When I write this
> statement (all the input values are assigned, but I have to confess I don't
> know what to do with the output variables -- in this call they are all
> assigned "NA")
See the help for 'biplot'. For example:
biplot(princomp(USArrests), xlabs=rep("+",nrow(USArrests)))
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:52 PM, Filoche wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I performing a simple PCA using the princomp function. Then, I use the
> biplot function to show it.
Is there a parameter somewhere in RODBC that enables more columns to be
retrieved from an Excel worksheet?
# This next bit uses an undocumented call in RODBC
z <- odbcConnectExcel("./BBaselinePtQaires_apr2011.xls")
BQ <- sqlFetch(z, "BBaselinePtQaires")
Gives me:
z RODBC[1]
BQ 1
On 4/20/2012 12:11 PM, Bush, Daniel P. DPI wrote:
I'm designing a set of plots intended for a general audience; here's
the code for one of them, using the latest version of ggplot:
ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=HS_GRAD_YEAR, y=Percentage, group=Enrolled_by,
My apologies:
When reviewing my initial email I made a typo -- what I needed was dggev,
not dgeev. I have confirmed that my function reproduces the scipy outputs
I mentioned in my first email. The function is part of lapack. I'm not an
R noob, I just haven't dealt with external Fortran or C cal
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling with
one issue:
I want to compute different percentiles of the survival probability
distribution derived from the Lee-Carter-Forecast (e.g. the 50%tile,
60%tile, 7
Greetings R users,
I have a curious problem. I read in a csv file (subset shown below) as
However, the numbers from the dataset are not registered as numeric:
When I try
If the exact value does not exist in the vector, can I still get at the
intersections? Is there a simple way to do this and avoid looping? Seems
like there would be a simple R function to do this...
vec <- c(5,4,3,2,3,4,5)
[1] 5 4 3 2 3 4 5
I wan
Yes, Rui, it did work. Thank you very much for your help. Or maybe I should say
"muito obrigada!"
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."--Derek Bok
> Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 11:15:06 -0700
> From: ml-nod
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> Ok, I figured out a solution and I'd like to get some feedback on this from
> the R-helpers as to how I could modify the following to be "package
> friendly" -- the main thing I'm worried about is how to dynamically set the
There's doc
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Charles Determan Jr wrote:
> Greetings R users,
> I have a curious problem. I read in a csv file (subset shown below) as
> normal
> data=read.table("C:/Users/Chaz/Desktop/test.csv",sep=",",header=TRUE,
> na.strings=".")
> However, the numbers from the dataset
I am having the same problem loading tcltk2
> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available =
> TRUE)),graphics=TRUE)
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tclt
Excel is not a database, and the Excel ODBC driver is extremely limited. Put
your data in a CSV file or a SQL database (even a Jet database is a step up
from Excel).
florian wrote
> Hy,
> I want to select an interval of a time series (containing intraday data)
> by the data and a certain time frame (e.g. 9 AM to 10 AM). However, I do
> not know how to specify the time during the day:
> #load data
> library(RTAQ)
> data("sample_tdata")
> data=s
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Ben quant wrote:
> Hello,
> If the exact value does not exist in the vector, can I still get at the
> intersections? Is there a simple way to do this and avoid looping? Seems
> like there would be a simple R function to do this...
> Example:
> vec <- c(5,4,3,
On Apr 20, 2012, at 4:13 PM, jolo999 wrote:
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling
one issue:
I want to compute different percentiles of the survival probability
distribution derived from th
I use RODBC for importing Excel files quiet often and never got the
similar problem.
Have you tried with sqlQuery?
>>z <- odbcConnectExcel("./BBaselinePtQaires_apr2011.xls")
BQ <- sqlQuery(z, "select * from [BBaselinePtQaires$]")
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Jeff Newmiller
Hi ilai
Thank you for your advice I think I can now get what I need from what
you have said here.
I think I may have to get involved in packet.number but the original
packet.number with its arguments has stuck in my mind and I have not used it.
I find locfit better than loess etc for a lot of
On 2012-04-20 12:10, danipaty13 wrote:
Thanks for your answer well, I uploaded a file with my data, hope you can
help me to solve my problem since i'm using R for my thesis
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4574997/invgrosor.csv invgrosor.csv
Are you sure that's the data you're posting about?
I am trying to estimate stated preferences for Tv sets by using mlogit. The
choice set is designed as with 4 attributes: [ brand(has 4 levels),
technology(has two levels), class[has 4 levels), price(has 4 levels)]
There are 16 choice sets with 4 alternatives each one (i.e. each respondent
On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Duncan Mackay wrote:
Hi ilai
Thank you for your advice I think I can now get what I need from
what you have said here.
I think I may have to get involved in packet.number but the original
packet.number with its arguments has stuck in my mind and I have not
On 20/04/2012 2:48 PM, Nate Cermak wrote:
Hello R-help!
I am trying to draw series of lines in 3d, and I am not sure how to get the
depth set up properly - lines that are in front of other lines appear to be
behind and vice versa. I've been doing this by first generating an empty
persp plot, then
Oops - that is "reply all"
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 5:29 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> I'm a bit puzzled by this exchange. I know there is a 'panel.locfit', but
> you two are spelling it differently. Can you explain why you are doing so?
Hi David,
Thanks for stepping in. panel.Locfit is the OP'
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