Write the growth formula in an R script.
Define initial par values.
Input the size and age data.
Plot the size and age data as points.
Plot the growth model with the initial par values as a line.
Play with the initial par values until you see a good agreement between the
model (the line) and the
siriustar live.cn> writes:
> Hi, Dear R-help
> I know there are some R package to deal with zero-inflated count data. But I
> am now looking for R package to deal with zero-inflated continuous data.
> The response variable (Y) in my dataset contains a larger mount of zero and
> the Non-zero
As a further example of the trickiness, the "function" method of
plot() relies on curve(x, ...) being a request to plot the function
x(x) against x. I've added a comment to that effect to the help page.
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jun 2011, Abhilash Balakrishnan wr
On 05.06.2011 23:42, Chris Chapman wrote:
Thanks again. FWIW, I tried an even older R version (2.11) + BRugs 0.53
and 0.70 ... but got the same errors as with the iterations reported
below. So I'm giving up on trying to solve the issue.
My workaround is that I'm using the R2WinBUGS package ins
If you use RStudio (www.rstudio.org) you can find good initial start values
by interactive plot using manipulate() function. Look the simple code below.
age <- 1:20
k <- 3; b0 <- -5; b1 <- .5
y <- k*exp(b0+b1*age)/(1+exp(b0+b1*age))+rnorm(age,0,0.1)
start <- list()
I am trying glm with family = binomial to do binary logistic
regression, but how can I assess the accuracy of the fitted model, the
summary method can print a lot of information about the returned
object, such as coefficients, because statistics is not my speciality,
so can you share some rule
Dear ALL
I want to simulate data from Multivariate normal distribution.
S <-matrix(rep(0,1),nrow=100)
for( i in 1:100){sigma<-runif(100,0.1,10);S
for (i in 1:20){for (j in 1:20){if (i != j){S [i,j]=0.3*sigma[i]*sigma[j]}}}
for (i in 21:
I am just learning to use qplot and can't get the fill/colour to work. Below
is the R code for a scatter plot and bar graph.
qplot(x,y, main="Scatter Plot Test", xlab="X Label Test", ylab="Y Label
Test", colour="blue")z<-c("van", "van", "van
Im plotting some data with wireframe() like so:
wireframe(result ~ u * r, myData, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))
However, I would really like to display something different for the displayed
values of "u" rather than the actual values.
This is because my u-values are a sequence of quantiles of
I would like to sample 30 % of cases (with at least 1 value lower than 3 - in
the row) and among them I want to set all values lower than 3 (within selected
cases) as NA (NMAR- Not missing at random). I managed to sample cases, but I
donât know how to set values (lower than 3) as N
I am not able to run Dickey-Fuller test.
adf.test() function is not working. It is showing 'Error: could not find
function "adf.test"
Can any tell how to call "time series" library?
Siddharth Arun,
4th Year Undergraduate student
Industrial Engineering and Management,
IIT Kharagpur
Hello Michael,
try strsplit("aa-bb-cc dd", "-{2,}") . This function returns an array
with all the strings separated by multiple dashes (at least two).
Alternatively if you want the first string only try this: sub("(.*?)--.*",
"\\1", "aa-bbcc dd") (note the reluctant quantifier *? )
Hope t
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Xiaobo Gu wrote:
I am trying glm with family = binomial to do binary logistic
regression, but how can I assess the accuracy of the fitted model, the
summary method can print a lot of information about the returned
object, such as coefficients, because statistics is not m
Dear list,
I would like to call a Kerberos-authenticated web-service from within R.
Curl can do it:
$ curl --negotiate -u : "http://my.web.service/";
so I would expect that RCurl also has the capability, but I have not been able
to find the correct options to set.
listCurlOptions() does not re
What operating system are you using?
What version of R are you using?
How did you install the package in question? Did the installation
process give any error messages?
Did you load the package before trying to use it?
What package are you trying to load - there is no "time series"
package. Do you
I created a principal component plot using the first two principal
components. I used the function princomp() to calculate the scores.
now, I would like to superimpose an ellipse representing the center
and the 95% confidence interval of a series of points in my plot (as
to illustrate the grou
Hi Siddharth,
adf.test() is part of the "tseries" package, so you need to download and
install it before using that function. Try the following and let us now what
you get:
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:41 AM, siddharth arun <> wrote
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Dae-Jin Lee wrote:
> Dear R-users
> I'm trying to use lasso in lars package for subset regression, I have a
> large matrix of size 1000x100 and my aim is to select a subset k of the 100
> variables.
> Is there any way in lars to fix the number k (i.e. to s
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 9:49 AM, wwreith wrote:
> I am just learning to use qplot and can't get the fill/colour to work. Below
> is the R code for a scatter plot and bar graph.
> library(ggplot2)
> x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
> y<-c(1,2,3,2,5,6,3)
> qplot(x,y, main="Scatter Plot Test", xlab="X Label
One difference between colour and fill can be demonstrated by
specifying both with different values. In cases where a polygon is
filled, colour specifies border line color.
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 9:49 AM, wwreith wrote:
> I am just learning to use qplot and can't get the fill/colour to work. Belo
This worked perfectly. An example graphic is located here:
-Original Message-
From: Dennis Murphy [mailto:djmu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 12:11 PM
To: Graves, Gregory
Cc: r-help@r-project.org; Kemp, Susan K SAJ; patrick_pi...@f
Dear Lukas,
You might try the dataEllipse() function in the car package.
I hope this helps,
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org]
> On Behalf Of Lukas Baitsch
> Sent: June-06-11 10:33 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject:
Hello all,
I'm working mostly with machine learning code in R and looking for a structured
way to check if my code is working properly.
For example if I train a classifier on some data. How do I know if the
good / bad results
are related to the data are not just an programming error that I
Dear list,
I wonder how to write methods for the function 'as' in the sense that I
can call 'as(object, Class, strict=TRUE, ext)' and let method dispatch
figure out the correct method.
AFAIU, there is a difference between, e.g. 'as.data.frame' and the
methods of 'as()' as stated above since th
Dear John,
Thanks, this actually works just fine! much easier than the ellipse-package!
On Monday, June 6, 2011, John Fox wrote:
> Dear Lukas,
> You might try the dataEllipse() function in the car package.
> I hope this helps,
> John
>> -Original Message-
>> From: r-help-bo
Somehow I don't see my own postings in the list, so sorry for replying
to my own message and not the one that went out to the list.
I got a little further and I think I found exactly the thing that is
bothering me: how to get "extended" method dispatch going in 'setAs()':
setRefClass("A", field
On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 04:50:57PM +1000, Stat Consult wrote:
> Dear ALL
> I want to simulate data from Multivariate normal distribution.
> GE.N<-mvrnorm(25,mu,S)
> S <-matrix(rep(0,1),nrow=100)
> for( i in 1:100){sigma<-runif(100,0.1,10);S
> [i,i]=sigma[i];mu<-runif(100,0,10)}
> for (i in 1:20
Okay, I found something that is working, but it looks and feels pretty
awkward as the method def and method lookup takes place in one function ;-)
setRefClass("A", fields=list(X="numeric"))
setRefClass("B", contains="A", fields=list(Y="character"))
mySetAs <- function(
On 2011-06-06 06:33, Rbjørn Nicolaisen wrote:
Im plotting some data with wireframe() like so:
wireframe(result ~ u * r, myData, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))
However, I would really like to display something different for the displayed values of
"u" rather than the actual values.
This is be
Dear all, I have created a new S4 class with name "MyClass". Please see
below for it's definition. Now I want to create a
method for the show() function for this class. In defining this method, what
I want is, once user would like see an object of this class
some values will be displayed. Then R wi
Take a look at ?readLines Also, you should use function(object) not
function(x) because of how the generic is defined. Below is an
setClass("MyClass", sealed = FALSE, representation(
Slot1 = "vector",
Slot2 = "vector"))
setMethod(f = "show", signature = "MyClass
Dear all,
I’m doing some simulation studies in order to compare the estimates (and
estimated standard deviations) from the ARMA(2,1) Model with an estimator that
I’ve constructed. For carrying out the simulations I created a VBA project
within Excel.
Now, I’m using the RExcel tool for running th
Thank you very much, this does help quite a bit.
From: Petr Savicky
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 11:44:52 +0200
On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 01:54:33PM -0700, Ned Dochtermann wrote:
> Petr,
> This is the code I used for your suggestion:
> k<-6;kk<-(k*(k-1))/2
> x<-matrix(0,5000,kk)
> for(i in 1:5000
It's hard to see where the problem is from this information.
I would suggest subscribing to and asking this question of the RExcel
mailing list (accessible from http://rcom.univie.ac.at/) and providing
more detail of what you're trying to do, what is going wrong, error
messages (is it R or Excel g
Dear all
could you please plot many x's and y's with one legend per plot?
I would like to thank you in advance for your help
Best Regards
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the postin
Hi Alex,
You have not given enough details for us to answer your question. Is
this something like what you mean?
par(mfcol = c(2, 2))
plot(1:10, 1:10, pch = 16)
legend(x = 2, y = 8, legend = "Test 1", pch = 16)
plot(1:10, 1:10, pch = 15)
legend(x = 2, y = 8, legend = "Test 2", pch = 15)
Hi Alex,
could you be a little more specific as to what exactly you mean by
"plotting many x's and y's with one legend per plot"?
Please note what appears at the bottom of every R-help mail:
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commente
I have the following data:
prefix <- c("cheap", "budget")
roots <- c("car insurance", "auto insurance")
suffix <- c("quote", "quotes")
prefix2 <- c("cheap", "budget")
roots2 <- c("car insurance", "auto insurance")
roots3 <- c("car insurance", "auto insurance")
suffix3 <- c("quote", "quotes")
Thanks Jorge it worked
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Jorge Ivan Velez
> Hi Siddharth,
> adf.test() is part of the "tseries" package, so you need to download and
> install it before using that function. Try the following and let us now what
> you get:
> install.packages('tseries')
> r
Good morning,
Does it exist R code to do Denton benchmarking for time series ?
Thank you.
P. Grandeau
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-g
Dear All,
I am running into a slightly odd issue when attempting to produce a png/pdf
in R under centos. The version of Centos is 5.6 with an old version of R
(2010-10-15). My script is roughly:
mydata <- read.csv(myfile)
Im plotting some data with wireframe() like so:
wireframe(result ~ u * r, myData, scales=list(arrows=FALSE))
However, I would really like to display something different for the
displayed values of "u" rather than the actual values.
This is because my u-values are a sequence of quantiles of myDa
I think the easiest way is to use the function plotellipses of the
FactoMineR package (but you have to do your PCA with the PCA function
included in this package).
On 06-Jun-11 16:32, Lukas Baitsch wrote:
I created a principal component plot using the first two principal
Dear All, Hello!
I have some questoins in R programming as follows:
Question 1- How to take the integral of this function with respect to y, such
that x would appear in the output after taking integral.
f(x,y)=(0.1766*exp(-exp(y+lnx))*-exp(y+lnx))/(1-exp(-exp(y+lnx))) y in
i'd like to use the text() function to annotate some points, but the
labels get cropped, if the point is on the right
is there a way to prevent this, and tell the text() function to allow
writing outside the boundaries of the current plot?
i don't mind if it looks "messy" and steps on the margin
Dear expeRts,
I'm currently trying to get data from a PostgreSQL database _in parallel_.
I tried two methods:
* passing the DBI Connection object to the cluster nodes
* connecting the the DB on each node
The execution of the first method looks like this:
> result = sfClusterApplyLB(input, fun
Hello all,
I've run into a problem where I can't run predict.lme on an object simplified
via a stepAIC. A similar post has been recorded on this list:
but in my case, I'm going to great lengths to not repeat that poster's error
and stil
Hi all,
I got curious about something, so in proper scientific fashion I
obtained some data and analyzed it.
Question: what is the female participation in the R-help email list?
Data: the most recent list postings, obtained from the website. I took
my best shot at classifying the names given in
Hi Blaz,
See below.
x <-
nrow = 7, ncol=7, byrow=TRUE) matrix
pMiss <- 30 percent of missing values
N <- dim(x)[1] number of cases
candidate <- which(x[,1]<3 | x[,2]<
Hi Abraham,
Just take it step by step. Paste the values together, combine them,
and assign them to a data.frame column. Like this perhaps:
df.1.2.3 <- data.frame(Var1 =
c(with(df1, paste(Var1, Var2, Var3)),
with(df2, paste(Var1, Var2)),
with(df3, paste(Var1, Var2
Another possibility:
dfs <- list(df1, df2, df3)
df.1.2.3 <- as.data.frame(unlist(sapply(dfs, function(x) do.call(paste, x
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Ista Zahn wrote:
> Hi Abraham,
> Just take it step by step. Paste the values together, combine them,
> and assign them to a data.frame col
I don't think you can share dbi connections across different instances of R.
just have each of your helper functions open a local connection. or
alternatively, load a package on each instance which keeps a dbi
connection open.
and make sure you bump up your allowed number of connections in
On 2011-06-06 08:44, Erik Aronesty wrote:
i'd like to use the text() function to annotate some points, but the
labels get cropped, if the point is on the right
is there a way to prevent this, and tell the text() function to allow
writing outside the boundaries of the current plot?
Go to ?par a
Hello, I am into some calculation on a list object, therefore requesting the
peers if there is any short cut way to so the same calculation.
Let say I have following list object:
> List <- vector('list', length = 3)
> set.seed(1)
> List[[1]] <- rnorm(5)
> List[[2]] <- rnorm(2)
> List[[3]] <- rno
Hi Ron,
Seems like there might be a really elegant way, but I would use
lapply(). For instance:
lapply(seq_along(List), function(x) List[[x]] + Vector[x])
If you do this regularly and want something that reads more
intuitively, consider defining an operator that does this. %+% is
undefined (at
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Ron Michael wrote:
> Hello, I am into some calculation on a list object, therefore requesting the
> peers if there is any short cut way to so the same calculation.
> Let say I have following list object:
>> List <- vector('list', length = 3)
>> set.seed(1)
>> L
To add to what epter said...
I created this little function for clicking text anywhere on the plot (I
probably stole the idea from a list serve or Dalgaard's book or someplace like
that). Anyway it is helpful to me and may be of use to you too. Very basic
but I use it a ton. You modi
Hi all,
I am given the a data frame in which one of the columns has more information
together- see column 4, peak_loc:
chr startend peak_loc cluster_TC strand peak_TC
1 chr1 564620 564649 chr1:564644..564645,+ 94 + 10
2 chr1 565369 565404 chr1:565371..565372,+
Here is a start; you can change the column names:
> x
chr startend peak_loc cluster_TC strand peak_TC
1 chr1 564620 564649 chr1:564644..564645,+ 94 + 10
2 chr1 565369 565404 chr1:565371..565372,+217 + 8
3 chr1 565463 565541 chr1:565480..565
Greetings -
I've got the following table (the result of a two-way table operation):
f m
0 to 5 11.328000 6.900901
15 to 24 6.100570 5.190058
25 to 34 9.428707 6.567280
35 to 4410.462158 7.513270
45 to 54 7.621988 5.6929
Here is a one way.
> tab
0 to 5 11.328000 6.900901
15 to 24 6.100570 5.190058
25 to 34 9.428707 6.567280
35 to 4410.462158 7.513270
45 to 54 7.621988 5.692905
5 to 14 6.502741 6.119663
55 to 64 5.884737 4.319905
65 to 74 5.075606 4.2
I want to plot 6 line graphs. I have 10 points 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,
0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0.
At each point say 0.1, I have 6 variables A, B, C, D, E and F. The variables
all have values between 0 and 1 (and including 0 and 1). I also want to
label the x axis from 0.1 to 1.0 and the y
Hi All,
I am unable to get the plot geomap in googleVis package. data is as follows
> head(index.ret)
1 Argentina -10.18
2 Australia -3.42
3 Austria -2.70
4 Belgium 1.94
5Brazil -7.16
6Canada 0.56
> map1 = gvisGeoMap(index.ret,locationvar = 'country', num
I have a large dataset similar to this:
ID timeresult
A 1 5
A 2 2
A 3 1
A 4 1
A 5 1
A 6 2
A 7 3
A 8 4
B 1 3
B 2 2
B 3 4
B 4 6
B 5 8
Here's one way using package plyr and its ddply() function. ddply()
takes a data frame as input and expects to output either a scalar or a
data frame. In this case, we want the latter.
f <- function(df) {
mn <- min(df$result)
tms <- df$time[df$result == mn]
subdf <-
65 matches
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