On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:09:26PM -0400, gary engstrom wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> Please excuse my akwardness as I a new to R and computers, but would kindly
> appreciate help.
> {
> a <- sample (1:10,100,replace=T )
> b <-sample(10:20,100,replace=T)
> c <- sample(20:30,100,replace=T)
> d <- sample(3
The example below uses both the plyr and reshape packages. I'm
presuming that you expect the table proportions to comprise columns of
the output data frame - to do that, we'll use the cast() function from
Writing functions to pass into a plyr function needs to be done with a
bit of c
On Apr 21, 2011, at 05:14 , Juliet Hannah wrote:
> As you mentioned, the deviance does not always reduce to:
> D = -2(loglikelihood(model))
> It does for ungrouped data, such as for binary logistic regression.
To be precise, it only happens when the log likelihood of the saturated model
Here is the final solution with my minimal example :-)
## function for correct alignment according to the decimal point
align.digits <- function(l){
sp <- strsplit(as.character(l), "\\.")
chars <- sapply(sp, function(x) nchar(x)[1])
Thank you Dennis,
yes the problem is the input file. i have .rdf file and the format is in
same way i have posted earlier. if i open that file in notepad++ the lines
are divided or broken with CR+LF character. so any suggestion to retrieve
SpeciesScientific information without changing the input
First of all thank you both for the replies, my understanding is a lot clearer
after thinking about the example you showed.
One further question though, looking at the code for 'polr' in MASS suggests
that ordinal (and I would guess nominal too) data with levels >2 (ie not
binary) also has a sa
On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
If you had told us what the error message was, my job would have been easier.
But, at least you provied the code, so it was not hard for me to see where the
problem was. There is a problem with the strategy used by `qmvnorm' to locate
the initial i
Hi R package developers,
I would like to know whether anyone had experience using the C++ Boost
library within an R package, and how portable was the resulting package.
I am especially thinking of possible compiling problems on Windows and
Apple systems.
If anyone had any tips on how to render
Thanks for all the help!!!
On 16 April 2011 08:32, Tal Galili wrote:
> Hi Jurgens,
> In the following post I show how to use balloonplot from qplots to do more
> or less what you ask:
> http://www.r-statistics.com/2010/02/nutritional-supplements-efficacy-score-graphing-plots-of-current-studi
Hi All,
We have an application which uses R algorithms. We are currently using
save() command to store models.But for save() command, we have to give the
filename.But, in our application, we cannot afford to save it in any
specific location. In this case , for accessing the models generated in R
Estaré ausente de la oficina desde el 20/04/2011 y no volveré hasta el
Responderé a su mensaje cuando regrese.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http
On 04/21/2011 08:23 AM, David Bird wrote:
Dear gracious R community,
I would like to produce charts of phytoplankton biomass changes
through time. Each species has a line, and the biomass varies in
mirror form along the line for each species along the X time axis.
Here is an example of what I'd
I can reproduce the error when just running the example in ?pvals.fnc.
The authos has wrapped the example in a \dontrun, hence it is unchecked
on CRAN.
CC to the package maintainer:
Can we have a fixed version with increased version number uploaded to
CRAN in the usual way?
Uwe Ligge
On 11-04-21 5:36 AM, Raji wrote:
Hi All,
We have an application which uses R algorithms. We are currently using
save() command to store models.But for save() command, we have to give the
filename.But, in our application, we cannot afford to save it in any
specific location. In this case , for
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Dennis Murphy wrote:
> Hi:
> Perhaps you're looking for subset()? I'm not sure I understand the
> problem completely, but is
> do.call(rbind, lapply(database, function(df) subset(df, Symbol == 'IBM')))
> or
> library(plyr)
> ldply(lapply(database, function(
Dear Colleges,
Apologies for cross-posting. Places are available in the following
"Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis using WinBUGS and R"
Best Regards,
Course: Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis using WinBUGS an
On 20.04.2011 19:26, Maithula Chandrashekhar wrote:
Dear all, I have special task to expand a given VCV matrix, however
could not accomplice yet. Let say I have following VCV matrix
mat<- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3)
colnames(mat)<- rownames(mat)<- paste("variable", 1:3)
On Apr 21, 2011, at 5:27 AM, neetika nath wrote:
Thank you Dennis,
yes the problem is the input file. i have .rdf file and the format
is in
same way i have posted earlier. if i open that file in notepad++ the
are divided or broken with CR+LF character. so any suggestion to
On 2011-04-20 19:45, Joshua Wiley wrote:
Hi All,
I think I already know the answer, but I am hoping I am missing
something. I am using function omega from the psych_1.0-96 in R
version 2.13.0. I would like to override one of the default arguments
of a function that is eventually called (to fix
At 10:42 20/04/2011, Georgina Imberger wrote:
I am trying to work out the code to get a Fibonacci sequence, using the
while() loop and only one variable. And I can't figure it out.
> phi <- 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(5))
> phi
[1] 1.618034
> fib <- function(n) {(phi ^ n - (1 - phi) ^ n) / sqrt(5)}
Hi all,
I have been trying to add the line:
h = n - p0 + 1;
just after
h = n / 2 + 1;
(line 131) in the source code (the original paper mention this is possible
for p0
Hello all,
I'm using R 2.13.0 on windows 7.
It seems rJava is failing to load for me, here is the error received:
> library("rJava")
Error in utils::readRegistry(key, "HLM", 2) :
Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment' not found
Error in utils::readRegistry(key, "HLM", 2) :
Hola everyone,
I'm doing an analisys about abundance of a planctonic specie in Robinson Crusoe
Islan and I am having a hard time just adding the superscripts and the 100 (one
hundred) in the measure of abundance.
Perhaps this is so basic to you, but I need to put the real unit of measure.
Remélem valaki ezt is elolvassa, megérti, és válaszol a problémámra.
A gondom a következõ:
Kiszámoltattam a maradékokat az R commanderrel, és az SPSS -el is. És itt
kezdõdik igazán a gond. Az SPSS a Studentizált törölt maradékokra ugyanazt
az eredményt dobta, mint az Rcmdr a Studentizált maradéko
I have a character vector that contains the names of several objects
that I would like to pass to a function (specifically, the ridge
function in the survival package, but cbind is a similar example).
I've been struggling with how to do this so that the object values get
It is perhaps worth noting that this is probably a Type III error: right
answer to the wrong question. The right question would be: what data
structures and analysis strategy are appropriate in R? As usual, different
language architectures mean that different paradigms should be used to be
I hope someone is still there to help me:
How can I somehow merge/combine matrices to get such a result:
Matrix A
x1 1 0
x2 1 1
Matrix B
x3 1 0
x4 0 1
Resulting Matrix?
x1 1 0 0 0
x2 1 1 0 0
x3 0 0 1 0
x4 0 0 0 1
Does anyone see this probably obvious solution with
Just because it comes from a book does not make it true or correct.
Books are subject to considerably less peer review than journal
articles. Publishers will publish a book written by (almost) anyone -
I know this, because I've written some of them and they were
There really isn't much
A <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("x1","x2"), c("A","B")))
B <- matrix(5:8, 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("x3","x4"), c("C","D")))
result <- array(0, dim=dim(A)+dim(B),
dimnames=list(c(dimnames(A)[[1]], dimnames(B)[[1]]),
c(dimnames(A)[[2]], dimnames(B)[[2
On 21.04.2011 16:03, Jessica Myers wrote:
I have a character vector that contains the names of several objects
that I would like to pass to a function (specifically, the ridge
function in the survival package, but cbind is a similar example). I've
been struggling with how to do this so tha
I'm trying to do the following vector operation:
given vector x = c(x1,x2,x3,x4...xn), produce vector y =
E.g., from x = c(1,3,2,2,5), produce y = c(1,4,6,8,13).
The underlying problem is finding the cumulative distribution function
given the em
Thanks Uwe for your insight. However this could not solve my problem.
Actually, I meant to define 'Str' in this way:
> mat <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3)
> colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- paste("variable", 1:3, sep="")
> mat
variable1 variable2 variable3
variable1 1
On 21.04.2011 17:08, Maithula Chandrashekhar wrote:
Thanks Uwe for your insight. However this could not solve my problem.
Actually, I meant to define 'Str' in this way:
mat<- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3)
colnames(mat)<- rownames(mat)<- paste("variable", 1:3, sep="")
Oh.you are right.sorry. So many work nowadays, even
cant see things properly.
Anyways thanks for your input.
2011/4/21 Uwe Ligges :
> On 21.04.2011 17:08, Maithula Chandrashekhar wrote:
>> Thanks Uwe for your insight. However this could not solve my problem.
>> Actually, I
Inline below:
2011/4/21 Jeremy Miles
> Just because it comes from a book does not make it true or correct.
> Books are subject to considerably less peer review than journal
> articles.
Yes, but ... Peer review among journals is uneven, especially for
those from private for-profit publi
On 21.04.2011 17:14, Jessica Myers wrote:
Thanks - your last suggestion does seem to work with the ridge function,
but the names of the objects get lost in the process. Is there a way to
keep the object names with get?
Oh, come on, you can do that yourself:
L <- lapply(xs, get)
names(L) <-
> x = c(1,3,2,2,5)
> cumsum(x)
[1] 1 4 6 8 13
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Parodi, Pietro
> Hello
> I'm trying to do the following vector operation:
> given vector x = c(x1,x2,x3,x4...xn), produce vector y =
> c(x1,x1+x2,x1+x2+x3,...x1+...+xn).
> E.g., from x
Hello all-
I have a question related to encoding. I'm using a seperate program which
takes either 16 bit or 8 bit (flat binary files) as inputs (they are raster
satellite imagery and the associated quality files), but can't handle both
at the same time. Problem is the quality and the image come
Id like to do some sample matching with propensity scores. Ive estimated
the propensity scores:
glm1 <-
PDS.all, family=binomial, data=PBQ_110421)
Now I would like to match on the propensity score and have an exac
Thanks - your last suggestion does seem to work with the ridge
function, but the names of the objects get lost in the process. Is
there a way to keep the object names with get?
Jessica Myers
On Apr 21, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
On 21.04.2011 16:03, Jessica Myers wrote
On 2011-04-21 07:03, Marten Winter wrote:
I hope someone is still there to help me:
How can I somehow merge/combine matrices to get such a result:
Matrix A
x1 1 0
x2 1 1
Matrix B
x3 1 0
x4 0 1
Resulting Matrix?
x1 1 0 0 0
x2 1 1 0 0
x3 0 0 1 0
x4 0 0 0 1
If you d
On Apr 21, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Michael Dewey wrote:
At 10:42 20/04/2011, Georgina Imberger wrote:
I am trying to work out the code to get a Fibonacci sequence, using
while() loop and only one variable. And I can't figure it out.
> phi <- 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(5))
> phi
[1] 1.618034
> fi
On 04/21/2011 10:36 AM, Brian Buma wrote:
Hello all-
I have a question related to encoding. I'm using a seperate program which
takes either 16 bit or 8 bit (flat binary files) as inputs (they are raster
satellite imagery and the associated quality files), but can't handle both
at the same time.
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of David Winsemius
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 8:44 AM
> To: Michael Dewey
> Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] Fibonacci
> On Apr 21, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Michael D
Hi All,
Does somebody know how to know the detail of the line types?
For example, lty = 1, means what kind of line?, lty = 2, means what kind of
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 5:38 AM, Peter Ehlers wrote:
> On 2011-04-20 19:45, Joshua Wiley wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I think I already know the answer, but I am hoping I am missing
>> something. I am using function omega from the psych_1.0-96 in R
>> version 2.13.0. I would like to override one o
Dear Bert, Jeremy, et al.,
I must admit to being mystified by this whole exchange, and not just because
part of it is in Hungarian.
First, as far as I can tell, the issue, if there is one, has nothing to do
directly with the Rcmdr package, which simply uses the rstudent() function
from the standa
See ?par
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Hui Du <> wrote:
> Hi All,
>Does somebody know how to know the detail of the line types?
> For example, lty = 1, means what kind of line?, lty = 2, means what kind of
> line?
Thank you for your comment.
I forgot to mention that varclus and pvclust showed similar results for
my data.
BTW, I did not realize rms is a replacement for the Design package.
I appreciate your suggestion.
(11/04/21 8:00), Frank Harrell wrote:
I think it's OK. You can also use the Hmi
The system details follow below. Also, I have attempted specifying
the variables in a second "ratetable" statement, but the same "missing
object" error occurs in creating a survexp object/list.
> R.version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
Are you looking for something like
plot(1, 1, main = expression('Individuals/100m'^3))
? See ?plotmath for how to insert mathematical symbols into plots.
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Jose Bustos Melo wrote:
> Hola everyone,
> I'm doing an analisys about abundance of
Dear R users,
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Discovery version
of ASREML is now free (as in beer, not speech) for people in academia
(excluding commercial use) and for people in developing nations. This
applies to both the stand-alone ASREML and the R package ASREML-R.
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Nordlund,
> Dan (DSHS/RDA)
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 9:19 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] Fibonacci
> > -Original Message-
> > From: r-help-bou
OK. I'm going to copy this back to R-help too.
With R, we can convert a file of 8-bit integers to 16-bit integers like so:
# Create a test file of 8-bit integers:
con <- file("test.8", "wb")
writeBin(sample(-1L:4L, 1024, TRUE), con, size=1)
# Convert test.8 to test.16
icon <- file("t
Hello. I have made many pngs in the past, but started having trouble with
them yesterday. I just downloaded R 2.13.0 this morning, and was able to
make some pngs earlier this morning. Now I am trying to remake them, but
get the same error message I got yesterday:
> u='in'
> w=10.5
> h=8
> png('
> lines(survexp( ~ trt, ratetable=pfit.wtd, data=pbc), col='purple')
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'albumin' not found
The code does work, however, using the latest version of survival.
(Use of case weights in survexp languished on my to-do list for a long
long time.)
Terry Therne
My company uses Garamond and Verdana for most/all of their memos and reports.
I would like to use these fonts when saving graphs as PDFs or JPEGs. My office
uses Windows XP, though they are transitioning to Windows 7 shortly. Any
suggestions on how to add these fonts is greatly appreciated.
Em 21/4/2011 11:36, Jeremy Miles escreveu:
Just because it comes from a book does not make it true or correct.
Books are subject to considerably less peer review than journal
articles. Publishers will publish a book written by (almost) anyone -
I know this, because I've written some of them and
On 20-Apr-11 20:46:53, DOCMAA wrote:
> I have missing values from a few subjects due to instrumentation
> not working. My data set is N=283 data points. For some subjects
> i have 60 data points missing max.
> I tried to use Amelia 2 to impute the missing values but i am
> getting a negative
i'm looking for an R function to fit a one-way ANOVA with one factor
containing 10 levels. The factor levels have different numbers of
observations (varying between 20 to 40). For most of the dependent variables
i'm testing there are unequal variances among the factor levels.
I see the functi
On Apr 21, 2011, at 20:28 , Steven wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm looking for an R function to fit a one-way ANOVA with one factor
> containing 10 levels. The factor levels have different numbers of
> observations (varying between 20 to 40). For most of the dependent variables
> i'm testing there are uneq
Good afternoon,
I have a question about the use of the dsstd() function;
The documentation provides an example:
dsstd(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, nu = 5, xi = 1.5)
mean, sd, nu, xi are the location parameter mean, scale parameter sd, shape
parameter nu, skewness parameter xi
Skewness can be
Dear R-help-list,
I have a problem in which the explanatory variables are categorical,
the response variable is a proportion, and experiment contains
technical replicates (pseudoreplicates) as well as biological
replicated. I am new to both generalized linear models and mixed-
effects mo
Dear all,
is there an easy way to get all possible combinations (?) with replacement.
If n=6, k=3, i want something like
0 0 6
0 5 1
0 4 2
0 3 3
0 2 4
5 0 1
5 1 0
6 0 0
I tried to look at combn() but I could not get this done with it.
Thank you in advance:
probably expand.grid(), e.g.,
expand.grid(rep(list(0:6), 3))
I hope it helps.
On 4/21/2011 9:28 PM, Kehl Dániel wrote:
Dear all,
is there an easy way to get all possible combinations (?) with replacement.
If n=6, k=3, i want something like
0 0 6
0 5 1
0 4 2
0 3 3
0 2 4
Maybe you have to add
to your C++ source code.
Massimiliano Tripoli
Il giorno mer, 20/04/2011 alle 22.06 +0200, Sascha Vieweg ha scritto:
> #include
> using namespace std;
> void foo (double* x, double* y, double* out)
> {
> out[0] = x[0] + y[0];
> }
I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
seen before. The author used a <<- operator to update a variable, like so:
ecov_xy <<- ecov_xy+decay*(x[t]*y[t]-ecov_xy)
At first I thought it was a mistake and
I should probably point out that in the example, "ecov_xy " and "decay" are
scalars, and x and y are vectors.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am working with a raster and want to take values assigned to each
cell and sort them from largest to smallest, then cummulatively sum
them together (in order from largest to smallest). I'll then be
coding the individual cells such that the top 10% of the largest cell
values can be visual
Thank you.
I only need those where the rowsum = n.
I could choose those with code, but I dont think it is efficient that way.
2011-04-21 12:33 keltezéssel, Dimitris Rizopoulos írta:
expand.grid(rep(list(0:6), 3))
R-help@r-project.org mai
help ("<<-")
2011-04-21 12:14 keltezéssel, Cliff Clive írta:
I should probably point out that in the example, "ecov_xy " and "decay" are
scalars, and x and y are vectors.
View this message in context:
-Roy M.
On Apr 21, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Cliff Clive wrote:
> I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
> http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
> seen before. The author used a <<- operator to update a variable, like so:
> ecov_x
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Cliff Clive wrote:
> I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
> http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
> seen before. The author used a <<- operator to update a variable, like so:
> ecov_xy <<- ecov_xy+deca
On Apr 21, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Cliff Clive wrote:
> I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
> http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
> seen before. The author used a <<- operator to update a variable, like so:
> ecov_xy <<- ecov_xy+decay*(
Hi Kehl,
How large are n and k in your case? Using Dimitris' approach and I got the
following timings for 1000 replicates:
# function based on Dimitri's reply
foo <- function(n, k){
r <- expand.grid(rep(list(0:n), k))
subset(r, rowSums(r) == n)
# a second try
foo2 <- function(n
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:52:34PM -0700, Kehl Dániel wrote:
> Thank you.
> I only need those where the rowsum = n.
> I could choose those with code, but I dont think it is efficient that way.
Efficiency of using expand.grid() may be improved, if expand.grid()
is used only to k-1 columns, then the
On Apr 21, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Sara Maxwell wrote:
I am working with a raster and want to take values assigned to each
cell and sort them from largest to smallest, then cummulatively sum
them together (in order from largest to smallest). I'll then be
coding the individual cells such that th
I don't know if anyone is reading this, but I have more information now. I
can run the same script on my other computer over and over, change the
height, width and res, and it works every time. But on the faulty computer,
I can open R, open the script, and run it and it works. I can re-run it an
Dear R-users,
I am having some issues with a package I am working on (using R 2.12.1 in a
Linux environment) and would like to have your opinions/advises. My package
- let's call it mypackage for the purpose of this email - passes all checks
of R CMD check, except for the following failure message
Dear all,
I would like to store some data in a such way that I can import and export the
data from matlab to R (And vice versa).
I have a matrix of size 512*512 size.
I would like to have 101 of such matrices.
(that is easy so far)
and then I would like to have 35times the 101 matrices.
That mea
On 22/04/11 07:08, Cliff Clive wrote:
I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
seen before. The author used a<<- operator to update a variable, like so:
ecov_xy<<- ecov_xy+decay*(x[t]*y[t]-ecov_xy)
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 22/04/11 07:08, Cliff Clive wrote:
>> I've been reading some code from an example in a blog post (
>> http://www.maxdama.com/ here ) and I came across an operator that I hadn't
>> seen before. The author used a<<- operator to update a va
On Apr 21, 2011, at 11:30 , Jeffrey Pollock wrote:
> So am I right in saying that Binary data isnt the only case where this is
> true? It would make sense to me that for a multinomial model you could have a
> unique factor for each data point and thus be able to create a likelihood of
> 1.
I'm having trouble selecting 10 out of 41 attributes of the KDD data set. In
order to identify the components with the higher variance I'm using
princomp. the result i get for summary(pca1) is:
Comp.1Comp.2 Comp.3
It's just a typo.
You're missing a comma at the beginning of your index, and you should list
all of the rows in a vector, like this:
data[, c(19:27, 1:12, 13:15, 16:18)]
The way you entered it, R is looking for rows 19:27, columns 1:12, and
doesn't know what to do with the other numbers.
Hi, I am new to R.
With the command below, I generated the image on the left in R.
On the right, with the same data (x,y,z in columns), I generated a similar
image in SigmaPlot.
If you look at the R image, one can see that the resolution is low. Even
though the data
represents a 131 X 131 matri
I'm getting an error that I don't understand when trying to rearrange my data
columns with cbind. My data is in 27 columns, like so:
> data <- read.table("CalledFeatsNimblegen.csv", header=T, sep=",")
> names(data)
[1] "MF_not_mC" "MF_promoter""MF_genebody"
Please allow me to present you the ultimate distance calculation algorithm by
Charles Karney, accurate to one nanometre:
View this message in context:
I realized that my problem was not the image function but with the interp
The default for the interp arguements xo and yo = 40, which is why I had a
40 X 40 square image.
Here is the revised command.
ytar_rcayrtgy$V2, ytar_rcayrtgy$V4, ytar_rcayrtgy$V5,
Richard Friedman cancercenter.columbia.edu> writes:
> Dear R-help-list,
> I have a problem in which the explanatory variables are categorical,
> the response variable is a proportion, and experiment contains
> technical replicates (pseudoreplicates) as well as biological
> repl
On Apr 21, 2011, at 16:00 , Bert Gunter wrote:
> Folks:
> It is perhaps worth noting that this is probably a Type III error: right
> answer to the wrong question. The right question would be: what data
> structures and analysis strategy are appropriate in R? As usual, different
> language arc
Hi David et al,
Thanks for your help. I spent the afternoon and thought that would
work but then I realized it was giving a different answer.
I have counts ('hits') in each grid cell, and have then calculated the
proportion of the total hits represented in each cell (such that the
sum of
On Apr 21, 2011, at 9:33 PM, Sara Maxwell wrote:
Hi David et al,
Thanks for your help. I spent the afternoon and thought that would
work but then I realized it was giving a different answer.
I have counts ('hits') in each grid cell, and have then calculated
the proportion of the total hi
Hi Everyone:
I'm going a little nuts here and am hoping someone might have some
ideas to help out. Here is my problem:
I am using the calendarHeatMap function
to plot some values of percentages abov
I am using /set.seed()/ before the /sample/ function.
How does the length of the argument of /set.seed()/ and order of the
digits affect how the sampling is carried out?
Specifically, I have used set.seed(123456789). Will this configuration
give me a genuinely random sampling??
Thank yo
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Penny Bilton wrote:
> I am using /set.seed()/ before the /sample/ function.
> How does the length of the argument of /set.seed()/ and order of the
> digits affect how the sampling is carried out?
You can use set.seed() to specify a particular seed so
Dear R-help list,
Sorry to trouble everyone. This seems like it could be achieved with a
single command (? variant of apply), but I am not quite seeing it.
I am trying to multiply one vector (a1 below) by corresponding values in a3
(as determined by matching element in a vector a2). The example b
Hi, everyone. I know it may be a basic statistical question. But I can't
find a good answer.
I have a question raised by one of the reviewers.
Factor A expression was strongly correlated with B expression (chi-square)
in this series. Prior reports by the same authors showed that B expression
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Penny Bilton wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Thanks for your reply.
> The problem is have is in trying to retain the proportions of 2 groups in my
> data while sampling into training and test sets. I find that different
> arguments for set.seed give very different proport
a1 * a3[a2]
- Niels
Dear R-help list,
Sorry to trouble everyone. This seems like it could be achieved with a
single command (? variant of apply), but I am not quite seeing it.
I am trying to multiply one vector (a1 below) by corresponding values in a3
(as determined by matching element in a v
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