First of all thank you both for the replies, my understanding is a lot clearer 
after thinking about the example you showed.

One further question though, looking at the code for 'polr' in MASS suggests 
that ordinal (and I would guess nominal too) data with levels >2 (ie not 
binary) also has a saturated model log-likelihood of 0;

> res <- optim(s0, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...)
> .
> .
> .
> deviance <- 2 * res$value

So am I right in saying that Binary data isnt the only case where this is true? 
It would make sense to me that for a multinomial model you could have a unique 
factor for each data point and thus be able to create a likelihood of 1.

I have an example of this similar to the poisson one;

> library(nnet)
> y <- sample(1:3,replace=TRUE,size=10)
> factor <- as.factor(1:10)
> mod <- multinom(y~factor)
# weights:  33 (20 variable)
initial  value 10.986123 
iter  10 value 0.073035
final  value 0.000086 
> mod
multinom(formula = y ~ factor)

  (Intercept)   factor2   factor3   factor4  factor5  factor6  factor7  factor8 
  factor9 factor10
2   -14.33414 -21.50626  28.45961  28.45961 -9.18573 -9.18573 -9.18573 -9.18573 
 28.45961 -9.18573
3   -12.71240 -27.36982 -14.22512 -14.22512 23.75682 23.75682 23.75682 23.75682 
-14.22512 23.75682

Residual Deviance: 0.0001713779 
AIC: 40.00017 
> logLik(mod)
'log Lik.' -8.568897e-05 (df=20)
> cbind(y,factor)
      y factor
 [1,] 1      1
 [2,] 1      2
 [3,] 2      3
 [4,] 2      4
 [5,] 3      5
 [6,] 3      6
 [7,] 3      7
 [8,] 3      8
 [9,] 2      9
[10,] 3     10

My understanding of this is that; if I observe a factor of '1' then the model 
will say with probability 1 that the outcome will be 1 and so on for the other 
rows in the dataset, and this shows in the estimated coefficients. I think the 
reason the log-likelihood doesn’t return exactly 0 is that the fitting 
algorithm used gets suitably close and then stops. Wouldn't make sense to 
continue the algorithm until the coefficients where either 'Inf' or '-Inf'.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: peter dalgaard [] 
Sent: 21 April 2011 09:32
To: Juliet Hannah
Cc: Jeffrey Pollock;
Subject: Re: [R] GLM output for deviance and loglikelihood

On Apr 21, 2011, at 05:14 , Juliet Hannah wrote:

> As you mentioned, the deviance does not always reduce to:
> D = -2(loglikelihood(model))
> It does for ungrouped data, such as for binary logistic regression.

To be precise, it only happens when the log likelihood of the saturated model 
is 0, which for discrete models implies that the probability of the observed 
data under the saturated model is 1.  Binary data is pretty much the _only_ 
case where this is true (because individual fitted probabilities become either 
zero or one). 

Peter Dalgaard
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Email:  Priv:

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