We need to define what it means for these models to be the same or
different. With the usual lm assumptions suppose for i=1, 2 (the two
models) that:
y1 = a1 + X b1 + error1
y2 = a2 + X b2 + error2
which implies the following which also satisfies the usual lm assumptions:
y1-y2 = (a1-a2) + X(b1
Suppose I have a matrix of size 256x14x32 in MATLAB. I want to import
that into R. I used readMat and then do.call. But the variable is
stored as an array as its done in R. However, I want to define a
variable W=array(0,c(256,14,32)) in R and read the multidimensional
matlab variable into W. I
Is Collaborative Filtering available in R?
It seems I could not find any R package implementing Collaborative
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.
I want to export the results of R in a data frame. So I want to give
rownames,columnnames & title to the data-frame.I have applied the following:
But, it does not work.
Can you help me?
The code definitely works, but I may need a more elegant way to do it.
Rather than 5 rows, the full data contains 829 rows, so instead of d of
length 10, d will be of length 343206.
Jorge Ivan Velez wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am sure there is a better way to do it, but here is a suggest
Hi r-users,
I really need help in fitting the t-copula. I try to reproduce the
example given by Jun Yan in "Enjoy the joy of copula" but I'm not sure
how to correct the error based on the error message. I tried so many
ways but still could not get it working.
loglik.marg <- function(b, x)
I am facing a problem which i think i need to explain it to you with some
I need to use the Project R pnorm function in Visual Basic 6.0.
I have already installed R and this is how i perform and get back the
> pnorm(2, 15)
[1] 6.117164e-39
which is what i need.
I have a
It sounds like you haven't got the right line in your Rprofile.site
file. If in Tinn-R you do R, Configure, Permanent this will open and
edit this file, adding in the relevant lines including one defining
David Jessop
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-proje
Hi William,
On 6/10/10 2:07 AM, William Dunlap wrote:
> I'm not sure exactly what you want in poly_ids, but
> if x is a vector of numbers that might contain NA's
> and you want a vector of integers that identify each
> run of non-NA's and are NA for each then you can get
> it with
> poly_id <-
i use the following code,but it is talking too much time to execute. It
there any alternate code for the same.
>z6<-NULL;for ( i in 1:1496837) { if (bimas_epitopes[i,7]>39.99 )
Hi everyone,
here's the same patch as a new branch on GitHub.
On 6/7/10 3:39 PM, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> Hi Hadley and everyone,
> here's a patch for ggplot2 that fixes the behavior of
> opts(legend.position={left
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, Ali Makhmali wrote:
I am facing a problem which i think i need to explain it to you with some
I need to use the Project R pnorm function in Visual Basic 6.0.
I have already installed R and this is how i perform and get back the
pnorm(2, 15)
[1] 6
please help me
again I have a problem.
I want to do cross-validation for multinomial log. reg. I have a response
variabe with 7 levels (Z((a,b,c,d,e,f,g)) and 4 predictor(1 classifier and 3
continuous). I did:
#data with 100 observations
> library('bootstrap')
>x<-matrix(c(data$H, data
Peter Ehlers napsal dne 09.06.2010 19:05:24:
> Soapbox:
> Well, if you're just starting out with R it would be
> a VERY good idea to learn right away that T is not TRUE
> and F is not FALSE, at least not always. Sooner or
> later you WILL have problems. So do yourself a favour
> and get into
I wrote a function that cbinds vectors of different lengths. Basically, the
function adds NAs to shorter vectors and cbinds in the end. I'm attaching
the code for guidance.
# This function takes in a list() of vectors and cbinds them into a
timerMelt <- function(x, write.down = FALSE,
Gopi -
Not much to go by, but maybe this will be helpful:
In matlab:
themat = rand(10,5,3)
save themat
In R:
themat = readMat('themat.mat')
[1] 10 5 3
(Since .mat file can store more than one object,
readMat returns a list with each object as a
On 10.06.2010 10:19, Petr PIKAL wrote:
Peter Ehlers napsal dne 09.06.2010 19:05:24:
Well, if you're just starting out with R it would be
a VERY good idea to learn right away that T is not TRUE
and F is not FALSE, at least not always. Sooner or
later you WILL have problems. So do
split/sapply can be used besides other options
sapply(split(iris[,1:4], iris$Species), mean)
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 10.06.2010 00:43:29:
> Hi there:
> I have a question about generating mean value of a data.frame. Take
> iris data for example, if I have a
On 10.06.2010 04:48, Mohan L wrote:
Dear All,
I have the data some thing like this, I am showing here three days data
dummy.data<- read.table(file='dummy.txt',sep='', header=TRUE)
StDate Domaindesc Logins
1 05/01/10xxx 10
2 05/01/10xxx 45
3 05
you shall use na.action = "na.exclude" option in your lm call?
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 10.06.2010 01:12:55:
> Hello R help
> I have a dataframe, with 71 samples (rows) and 30 variables. I got
> models for some of the variables, and I want to join fi
I wonder if there is a way to selectively manipulate the position of the
axis labels (i.e., the numbers). As far as I get it from ?par the only way
to manipulate it is via mgp = c(x,y,z), where z is the relevant number.
However, this manipulates the position of the axis labels for both the x-
On 09.06.2010 19:39, Philip A. Viton wrote:
Can someone tell me how to make up (eg) a library's html help files by
hand? I think I ought to be able to use RCMD Rdconv for this but
(R-2.10.0, MS-win) when I type (in a dos session) "rdcmd rdconv --help"
I get a message to the effect that a perl
On 10.06.2010 11:02, Singmann wrote:
I wonder if there is a way to selectively manipulate the position of the
axis labels (i.e., the numbers). As far as I get it from ?par the only way
to manipulate it is via mgp = c(x,y,z), where z is the relevant number.
However, this manipulates the po
Uwe Ligges napsal dne 10.06.2010
> On 10.06.2010 10:19, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Peter Ehlers napsal dne 09.06.2010 19:05:24:
> >
> >> Soapbox:
> >> Well, if you're just starting out with R it would be
> >> a VERY good idea to learn right away that T is not TRUE
> >>
> I am having a few problems with this. 1) My y
> label seems to be getting
> cut off by the edge of my graphing area. I have tried
> adjusting the "mar"
> and "omi" but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
Sure mar changes the plot. Add for example
and you can see th
This is only valid in case your X matrix is exactly the same, thus
when you have an experiment with multiple response variables (i.e.
paired response data). When the data for both models come from a
different experiment, it ends here.
You also assume that y1 and y2 are measured in the same scale,
See 'The R Inferno' Circle 2 for why
this takes so long, and what to do
about it.
On 10/06/2010 08:35, makhdoomi wrote:
i use the following code,but it is talking too much time to execute. It
there any alternate code for the same.
I'll try to add some more information regarding my experiment - maybe that
would help clear things out.
Instead of actually measuring the learning curve (i.e. number of correct
responses per block) I created a variable that substract the number of
correct answers from the last block with that of th
Or ?aggregate
logins<-sample(1:10, 10)
aggregate(dummy.data[,3], by=list(dummy.data[,1],dummy.data[,2]), FUN=sum)
# same result as tapply, but with only levels that
Package arulesSequences isn't on CRAN for automatic package install.
I downloaded a *.tar.qz version because no *.zip for Windows offered.
Why is this?
I expanded *.tar.qz in ~R/R-2.11.0/library/arulesSequences
I then assumed that R would list it in the packages list but it doesn't.
What am I doing
On 10.06.2010 11:15, Petr PIKAL wrote:
Uwe Ligges napsal dne 10.06.2010
On 10.06.2010 10:19, Petr PIKAL wrote:
Peter Ehlers napsal dne 09.06.2010 19:05:24:
Well, if you're just starting out with R it would be
a VERY good idea to learn right away that T is no
In MS Windows I
a) invoke Rterm from a batch file (test.bat)
b) to execute commands from a script (m:\test.rsc)
c) capturing output in a log file (m:\test.log)
BUT if the script results in an error the error message is NOT written to
the log file, leaving me problems when the error is from a
Hi all,
I'm having great trouble working with the Cforest (from the party package)
and Random forest functions. Large data set seem to create very large model
objects which means I cannot work with the number of observations I need to,
despite running on a large 8GB 64-bit box. I would like the
On 10.06.2010 12:28, markw...@afrihost.co.za wrote:
Package arulesSequences isn't on CRAN for automatic package install.
I downloaded a *.tar.qz version because no *.zip for Windows offered.
Why is this?
Because the DESCRIPTION file and hence the web page of the package at
markw...@afrihost.co.za wrote:
Package arulesSequences isn't on CRAN for automatic package install.
I downloaded a *.tar.qz version because no *.zip for Windows offered.
Why is this?
I expanded *.tar.qz in ~R/R-2.11.0/library/arulesSequences
I then assumed that R would list it in the packages lis
Keith Jewell wrote:
In MS Windows I
a) invoke Rterm from a batch file (test.bat)
b) to execute commands from a script (m:\test.rsc)
c) capturing output in a log file (m:\test.log)
BUT if the script results in an error the error message is NOT written to
the log file, leaving me problems wh
I had Harold's idea (matrix indexing), but I was curious to see which of
these ran fastest. I simulated
1000 rows and three columns of binary data, along with a fourth column that
sampled the values 1:3
1000 times. Here are the timings:
> f <- as.data.frame(matrix(rbinom(3000, 1, 0.4), nrow =
As I explained, you cannot just test two models with different
dependent variables. You can model the difference you calculated, if
you think you can give a sensible interpretation to it. But be aware
of the fact that your model will tell you something about the relation
between your predictors and
Dear Chris,
Just define the following function:
transf.iasin <- function(x) {
z <- sin(x)^2
to give the inverse of the arcsine transformation. Then specify this function
under the atransf argument.
I will add the transf.iasin() function to the package.
Wolfgang Vie
First of all, read the help file ?data.frame. What you do is adding a
variable row.names, column.names and title to your dataframe. What you
want to do is set the rownames and colnames.
> results <- data.frame(matrix(c(1,2,3,4),nrow=2,ncol=2))
> rownames(results) <- c("a","b")
> colnames(results
Thank you very much for your answers.
The setup is not as you described - all participants have 4 stimuli - 2 for
punishment and 2 for reward. all participants see them in mixed blocks.
I try to measure the correlation between some personality traits (measured
with personality questionnaires) and t
On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 10:25 -0700, Dipa Hari wrote:
> Hello Sir,
> I am using mgcv package for my data.
> My model isy~x1+f(x2),I want to find out the function f(x2).
> Following is the code.
> sm1=gam(y~x1+s(x2),family=binomial, f)
> summary(sm1)
> plot(sm1,residuals=TRUE, xlab="AGE",pch
On 06/09/2010 10:14 PM, Mustafa Tufan Turp wrote:
Dear R users,
I need to learn plotting Taylor diagram. I dowloaded the "plotrix" that
includes "taylor.diagram" but I dont know how to study with real datasets.
Anyone help me?
Hi Tufan,
Try this:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
> This is only valid in case your X matrix is exactly the same, thus
The poster did not give a full explanation so the best that can be
done without getting into an extended question and answer is to make
some assumptions, show the result and hop
On 06/10/2010 01:44 PM, beloitstudent wrote:
Hello experts.
Sorry this is such a novice question, but I have been trying, fruitlessly to
get my x axis to angle at 45 degrees. I have tried the text() call with srt
and adj and just cannot get my labels to tilt. Does anyone have any other
Is there any R function which does power calculation for unbalanced groups (n1
neq n2)? Since power.t.test has n
Number of observations (per group).
Many thanks,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
>> This is only valid in case your X matrix is exactly the same, thus
> The poster did not give a full explanation so the best that can be
> done without getting into an extended ques
On 6/10/2010 8:26 AM, Samuel Okoye wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any R function which does power calculation for unbalanced groups
> (n1 neq n2)? Since power.t.test has n
> Number of observations (per group).
> Many thanks,
> Samuel
See pwr.t2n.test() in the pwr package.
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, Keith Jewell wrote:
In MS Windows I
a) invoke Rterm from a batch file (test.bat)
b) to execute commands from a script (m:\test.rsc)
c) capturing output in a log file (m:\test.log)
BUT if the script results in an error the error message is NOT written to
the log file, lea
This is a typical problem we give as a homework to students. If you
can't solve this yourself, you really need to brush up your
statistical knowledge or look for a statistician close by to cooperate
Take a look at these :
I think you can do this:
ids <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT id FROM my_table")
other_table <- dbGetQuery(conn, sprintf("SELECT * FROM my_other_table WHERE
t1_id in (%s)", paste(ids, collapse = ",")))
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Ted Byers wrote:
> I have not found anything about this except th
On Jun 10, 2010, at 7:18 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 06/10/2010 01:44 PM, beloitstudent wrote:
>> Hello experts.
>> Sorry this is such a novice question, but I have been trying, fruitlessly to
>> get my x axis to angle at 45 degrees. I have tried the text() call with srt
>> and adj and just
Cool! Thanks Karsten. If you send me a github pull request I'll incorporate it.
On Thursday, June 10, 2010, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> here's the same patch as a new branch on GitHub.
> http://github.com/kloesing/ggplot2/commit/a25e4fbfa4017ed1
> Best,
> --Karsten
Try this also:
rowsum(`mode<-`(!is.na(m[,-(1:2)]), 'numeric'), m[,2])
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:03 PM, steven mosher wrote:
> # create a matrix with some random NAs in it
> > m<-matrix(NA,nrow=15,ncol=14)
> > m[,3:14]<-52
> > m[13,9]<-NA
> > m[4:7,8]<-NA
> > m[1:2,5]<-NA
> > m[,2]<-rep(1800:1804
I have trouble with Sweave (I think) cutting of my newlines.
As stated in the help of Sweave, I generate tex code straight from R for
dynamically computed reports.
If I do this in R:
for (i in 0:4) {cat("\n",i,"\n")};cat("\n 3")
The output looks correct.
I'm totally new to R so I apologise for the basic request. I am looking at
the incidence of a disease over two time periods 1990-1995 and 2003-2008. I
have counts for each year, subdivided into three disease categories and by
I understand that I need to analyse the data using p
Hi Bill,
No worries, always a million things to do! Thanks very much for the reply,
that has cleared that up and I'll look out for the update next week.
Many thanks,
View this message in context:
I have a problem regarding drawing curve.I pose the problem as follows:
suppose I have two vectors:
It gives me the plotted points.But I want to draw a smooth curve passing
througt these points.
How can I do this?
Thanks & Regards,
Suman D
Hi Jim and Hi Jannis,
Thanks very much to both of you for your help! Both methods work perfectly!
Always good to know that there is more than one way to skin a cat when it
comes to R! I will just need to get a grip on the regular expressions, it
would seem.
Many thanks again for you r help,
Have a look at the ggplot2 package
x <- 1:6
y <- c(.01,.09,.08,.03,.001,.02)
dataset <- data.frame(x, y)
ggplot(data = dataset, aes(x = x , y = y)) + geom_smooth()
ggplot(data = dataset, aes(x = x , y = y)) + geom_smooth() +
ggplot(data = dataset, aes(x = x , y = y))
Hi Florian,
Have you tried to replace each '\n' with '\r\n'. That did the trick for
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek
team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg
Gaverstraat 4
9500 Geraa
Dear R People:
I have a zoo object with its date index as a factor.
> xAle1.zoo$index
Error in xAle1.zoo$index : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
> str(xAle1.zoo)
Class 'zoo' atomic [1:32] 1253 1316 1038 1157 1710 1489 1159 1142 945 1245 ...
..- attr(*, "index")= Factor w/ 32 levels "0
Thanks to both Prof. Ripley and Duncan Murdoch for correctly diagnosing my
problem as failure to redirect stderr (nothing to do with buffering).
Both pointed me to R CMD BATCH which would have done the job, if I hadn't
wanted to run interactively - in my real task (not the example below) I had
How to mark points on x axis of a graph keeping x axis as constant and
changing y from y1 to y2 respectively. I want to highlight the area from y1
to y2.
Any suggestions
Thank you
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hello, please excuse me if this is a repost, I think I got confused
about how to reply. Anyway, I posted the message below about a day and a
half ago through Nabble but have not been cleared until today. Here it
goes again. Please bear with me I will get better with time.
Start of message s
Hello everyone,
I have a matrix of over 4 line and about 30 columns.
For my analysis I would like to add another column with ascending numbers
(column header should be "order", and than 1,2,3,4 the end of the
During my analysis I reorder them ( due to merge commands by a differen
What am I failing to understand here?
The script below works fine if the dataset being used is
DNase1 <- DNase[ DNase$Run == 1, ] per the example given in
Obviously, I am trying to understand how to use nls and nlrob to fit
curves to data using R.
I downloaded the patch, how do I incorporate it to my current version of
Felipe D. Carrillo
Supervisory Fishery Biologist
Department of the Interior
US Fish & Wildlife Service
California, USA
- Original Message
> From: Hadley Wickham
> To: Karsten Loesing
> Cc: "r-help
> or # 3
> aggregate(z, as.Date(time(z), "%m/%d/%y"))
2009-04-16 2009-04-17
1 2
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Gabor Grothendieck
> Its best to use dput when displaying your data in r-help as in dput(z)
> or dput(head(z)) if large.
> Try this:
>> library(zoo)
plot(x,y, type='l')
Please try ?plot before asking to the list.
On 10-Jun-10 12:11, suman dhara wrote:
I have a problem regarding drawing curve.I pose the problem as follows:
suppose I have two vectors:
The OP asked for a smooth curve,
foo = splinefun(x,y)
curve(foo, min(x), max(x))
# points(x,y)
I'm sure a R wizard could make it a one-liner.
On 10 June 2010 16:48, Mario Valle wrote:
> x<-c(1:6)
> y<-c(.01,.09,.08,.03,.001,.02)
> plot(x,y, type='l')
> Please try ?plot before
> prop.test(c(271,433),c(6164113,5572041))
2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
data: c(271, 433) out of c(6164113, 5572041)
X-squared = 54.999, df = 1, p-value = 1.206e-13
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
-4.291428e-05 -
Can't find a way to convert from shortDate to LongDate format. I got:
3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using:
\title{my title}
% Convert date
I have the following files list:
> list.files()
[1] "Prostate-Cancer_cvs_Dir"
[2] "Prostate_Cancer-miRNAs&Genes.Pathway.xml"
[3] "Prostate_Cancer_Pathways-miRNAs-GeneTargets-Dir"
[4] "Prostate_Cancer_Pathways-miRNAs-GeneTargets-Dir.zip"
[5] "Prostate
Can't find a way to convert from shortDate to LongDate format. I got:
3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using:
\title{my title}
% Convert date
Is the quote below from Deepayan a possible Fortune? It put a sardonic smile
on my lips.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
... You should really get into the habit of reading
documentation; it can often turn out to be very useful.
-Deepayan Sarkar
Hi Maura,
Try list.files(pattern = 'csv')
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:24 AM, <> wrote:
> I have the following files list:
> > list.files()
> [1] "Prostate-Cancer_cvs_Dir"
> [2] "Prostate_Cancer-miRNAs&Genes.Pathway.xml"
> [3] "Prostate_Cancer_Pathways-miRNAs-GeneTargets-Dir"
On Jun 10, 2010, at 10:21 AM, Felipe Carrillo wrote:
> Hi:
> Can't find a way to convert from shortDate to LongDate format. I got:
> 3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using:
> \documentclass[11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{longtable,verbatim}
> \usepackage{ctable}
> \usepackag
Hello, I am trying to run some examples from the book of P.Congdon. If I run
the following script
# Program 7.2 Bayesian Statistical Modelling - Peter Congdon
mo <- function() {
rho ~ dbeta(1,1)
th ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
Y[1] ~ dpois(th)
for (t in 2:
Hello list,
Is there a way to add contour lines to a levelplot at different
breakpoints than are used for the colors? For example:
# colors good but too many contours
levelplot(volcano, at=94:195, contour=TRUE)
# I thought something like this might work
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 10.06.2010 15:56:06:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a matrix of over 4 line and about 30 columns.
Matrix or data.frame?
> For my analysis I would like to add another column with ascending
> (column header should be "order", and than 1,2,
It gets my vote.
-Peter Ehlers
On 2010-06-10 9:30, Bert Gunter wrote:
Is the quote below from Deepayan a possible Fortune? It put a sardonic smile
on my lips.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
... You should really get into the habit of reading
documentation; it can often tu
Its best to use dput when displaying your data in r-help as in dput(z)
or dput(head(z)) if large.
Try this:
> library(zoo)
> # test data
> z <- zoo(1:2, factor(c("04/16/09","04/17/09")))
> # 1
> aggregate(z, function(x) as.Date(x, "%m/%d/%y"))
2009-04-16 2009-04-17
1 2
> # o
Dear all R users,
I want to realize 800 000 ANOVAS and to store Sum of Squares of the effects.
Here is an extract of my table data
Product attribute subject rep t1 t2 t3 ⦠t101
P1 A1 S1 R1 1 0 0 ⦠1
I want to realize 1 ANOVA per timepoint and per attribute, there are 101
timepoints and 8 attr
Please let me know where i have to type below thing to RSQLite database get
installed.Please let me know the solution.Thanks in advance
RSQLite -- Embedding the SQLite engine in R
(The RSQLite package includes a recent copy of the SQLite
distribution from http://www.sqlite.org.)
How can we find a distance matrix for categorical data
ie. given a csv below
var1 var2var3var4
element1-1 yesx a k
element1-2 no y b l
element1-3 maybe y c m
how can i
You don't say what you mean by validation and calibration of the model (these
terms have multiple meanings) but if you mean looking at how good the
prediction is, all the raw materials are available through svykm() and the
predict() method for svycoxph(). There aren't any predefined function
Hi everyone,
I'm doing some coxph() analyses with a large and complex dataset. The data was
collected in different centers, so I am using strata(centers) to stratify the
My main issue is, not all centers collected all the variables, so for a model
such as:
coxph(Surv(days, cancer)
I'm doing some coxph() analyses with a large and complex dataset. The
data was collected in different centers, so I am using
strata(centers) to stratify the analysis.
My main issue is, not all centers collected all the variables, so for
a model such as:
coxph(Surv(days, cancer) ~ varA + sex +
My report is done every two weeks and is created automatically.
I click a command button on an Excel form and it runs a .rnw script
in R creating a latex dynamic report. Excel sends 15 days of data
to R, eg: 6/1/10 to 6/15/10. Right above my report I usually write the range
of the report m
The lm and aov functions can take a matrix response allowing you to
fit all of the responses for a single attribute simultaneously.
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:47 AM, melissa wrote:
> Dear all R users,
> I want to realize 800 000 ANOVAS and to store Sum of Squares of the effects.
> Here is an ext
see ?daisy in the library cluster
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:12 PM, kapil mahant wrote:
> All,
> How can we find a distance matrix for categorical data
> ie. given a csv below
> var1 var2 var3 var4
> element1-1 yes x a
See ?daisy in the PACKAGE cluster. *slaps head*
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Joris Meys wrote:
> see ?daisy in the library cluster
> Cheers
> Joris
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:12 PM, kapil mahant wrote:
>> All,
>> How can we find a distance matrix for categori
I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the results
to the \Sexpr{}'s.
If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code
chunk before the point where you need to output the formatted dates:
START <- format(as.Date(report[1, 1],
Thanks for reinforcing that, I was just trying to go that route.
It seems to be simpler to import the dataset and just grab the first and
last date from it and then format it. Thanks again.
Felipe D. Carrillo
Supervisory Fishery Biologist
Department of the Interior
US Fish & Wildlife Serv
On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
> Felipe,
> I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the
> results to the \Sexpr{}'s.
> If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code
> chunk before the point where you need to output
> newmat <- cbind( oldmat, order=seq(nrow(oldmat)) )
See ?seq and/or ?rev for descending.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r
Your question is not really clear, do either of these examples do what you want?
with(anscombe, plot(x1, y2, ylim=range(y2,y3)) )
with(anscombe, points(x1, y3, col='blue', pch=2) )
with(anscombe, segments(x1, y2, x1, y3, col=ifelse( y2>y3, 'green','red') ) )
with(anscombe, plot(x1, y2, ylim=
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 9:30 PM, wrote:
> Hello list,
> Is there a way to add contour lines to a levelplot at different breakpoints
> than are used for the colors? For example:
> library(lattice)
> # colors good but too many contours
> levelplot(volcano, at=94:195, contour=TRUE)
> # I t
On 2010-06-10 8:27, Graves, Gregory wrote:
What am I failing to understand here?
Several things; see below.
The script below works fine if the dataset being used is
DNase1<- DNase[ DNase$Run == 1, ] per the example given in
Obviously, I am trying to understand how to use nl
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