2008/9/14 rajivv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Random r = new Random();
>DirectedGraph graph = GetGraph();
>decimal B = 0.1m;
>decimal D = 0.05m;
[ deletia ]
>if (P[i] < 0)
>P[i] = 0;
I am working through Tom Minka's lectures on Data Mining and am now on Day 32.
The following
is the link:
In order to use the functions cited I followed the instructions as follows:
Installed tree package from CRAN mirror
rajivv wrote:
> P <- vector(mode="numeric",length =10)
> SS<-function(){for(id in 0:9){
> if(0 print("ss")
> else
> print("ss")
> }}
> SS()
> ---
> Error in if (0 < P[id]) print("ss") else print("ss") :
> argument is of
P <- vector(mode="numeric",length =10)
SS<-function(){for(id in 0:9){
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
2008/9/14 rajivv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> P <- vector(mode="numeric",length =10)
> SS<-function(){for(id in 0:9){
> else
> print("ss")
> }}
> SS()
> ---
> Error in if (0 < P[id]) print("ss") else print("ss") :
# bit hard to provide a simple conversion without definitions of the
class 'Node', the template 'DirectedGraph' and the function 'Writed'!
# I've used the package 'igraph' as a drop in - hope it is still clear.
# by the way:
# - your curly braces don't match,
# - not all elements of P are initial
Did you say:
at the top of your script?
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Meir Preiszler
> I am working through Tom Minka's lectures on Data Mining and am now on Day
> 32. The following
> is the link:
> http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~tpminka/courses/36
Greetings dear friends.
Please, I really find problems having the program read my datasets (here
Have converted datasets to csv, imported but always not reaching the target.
Would be very happy if some one out can help me on time.
Ndoh Mbue Innocent
International corporation of
I ran your example
Speed <- cars$speed
Distance <- cars$dist
[1] 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15
[26] 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 22 23 24 24 24 24
[1] 2 10 4 22 16 10
Yes, it's easy but you get a significant "jump" between a time
step and the next one, which makes the animation unpleasant and
difficult to follow. I think that this problem is because
of the use of plot(), which redraws everything, and that
there is no way around within R (is it?).
I also unde
I'm using aov() to analyse changes in brain volume between males and
females. For every subject (there are 331 in total) I have 8 volume
measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues
(grey/white matter)). The data looks like this:
Subject Sex LobeTissue Volume
> I am wondering if there is a function which will do a join between 2
> data.frames by minimum distance, as it is done in ArcGIS for example. For
> people who are not familiar with ArcGIS here it is an explanation:
> Suppose you have a data.frame with x, y, coordinates called track, and a
> s
Hi Roberto,
>> but I can't figure out the /(Lobe*Tissue) part...
This type of nesting is easier to do using lmer(). To do it using lme() you
have to generate the crossed factor yourself. Do something like this:
tfac <- with(vslt, interaction(Lobe, Tissue, drop=T))
str(tfac); head(tfac)
Hi Agus,
Yes you are absolutely right about the awkward jumps in the animations
and this has also been my big problem for a long time. To solve this
problem, I think I need a third-party software, as I don't know any
solutions merely using R. Maybe the "swfc" utility in the SWF Tools or
the Proces
I have a density plot in which the x axis
ranged from 0 to 2000.
How can I scale the data so that the x-axis
is scaled in -1 to 1 form?
- Gundala Viswanath
Jakarta - Indonesia
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
2 * (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) - 1
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Gundala Viswanath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a density plot in which the x axis
> ranged from 0 to 2000.
> How can I scale the data so that the x-axis
> is scaled in -1 to 1 form?
> - Gundala Viswanath
Thanks for answering Mark!
I tried with the coding of the interaction you suggested:
> tfac<-with(vlt,interaction(Lobe,Tissue,drop=T))
> mod<-lme(Volume~Sex*Lobe*Tissue,random=~1|Subject/tfac,data=vlt)
But is it normal that the DF are 2303? DF is 2303 even for the estimate of
LobeO that has only
Hi Roberto,
It's difficult to comment further on specifics without access to your data
set. A general point is that the output from summary(aov.object) is not
directly comparable with summary(lme.object). The latter gives you a summary
of a fitted linear regression model, not an analysis of varia
I am using kernlab to build svm models. I am not sure how to access the
different slots of the object. For instance if I want to get the nuber of
support vectors for each of model I am building and store it in a vector.
>ksvm.model <- ksvm(Class ~ ., data = somedata,kernel = "vanilladot", cross
Good afternoon,
I’m in need of an advice regarding a proper use of glm.nb, zeroinfl or hurdle
with my dataframe.
I can not provide a self-contained example, since I need an advice on this
current dataset and its “contradictory” results.
So i have a dataset which contains 1309 cases
I realize that using: x[x > 3 & x < 5] I can fetch all elements between 3
and 5. However I read in from a CSV file, and I would like to fetch all
columns from within a range ( 842-2411). In teh past, I have done this to
fetch just select few columns:
data <- read.csv(filein, header=TRUE, n
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
--- On Fri, 9/12/08, gaurav1983 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: gaurav1983 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] library instal
> To: r-help@r-project
I have 2 data frames DF1 and DF2 where DF2 is a subset of DF1:
DF1= data.frame(V1=1:6, V2= letters[1:6])
DF2= data.frame(V1=1:3, V2= letters[1:3])
How do I create a new data frame of the difference between DF1 and DF2
newDF=data.frame(V1=4:6, V2= letters[4:6])
In my real data, the rows are no
Hi Joseph,
Try this:
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 12:49 PM, joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have 2 data frames DF1 and DF2 where DF2 is a subset of DF1:
> DF1= data.frame(V1=1:6, V2= letters[1:6])
> DF2= data.frame(V1=1:3,
Hi Mark
as you guessed it, I meant a dataframe of the rows in DF1 that are not in DF2 .
Here is what I got:
> complement<-setdiff(DF1$V2,DF2$V2)
> DF1[,complement]
Error in `[.data.frame`(DF1, , complement) : undefined columns selected
- Original Message
From: Mark Leeds <[EMAIL PROT
Hello, trying to locate all the string commands in the base version of
R, can't seem to find an area that describes them. I am in need to do
some serious parsing of text data to create my dataset. Is there a
summary link to all the character operators? string manipulations that
would help in
Hi Jorge
both commands work;
can you extend it to several coulmns? the reason I am asking is that in my
real data the uniqueness of the rows is made of all the columns; in other words
V1 might have duplicates.
- Original Message
From: Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Sep 14, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Jason Thibodeau wrote:
I realize that using: x[x > 3 & x < 5] I can fetch all elements
between 3
and 5. However I read in from a CSV file, and I would like to fetch
columns from within a range ( 842-2411). In teh past, I have done
this to
fetch j
Have you tried:
data_filter <- data[842:2411]
Also if you have a lot of data to read, I would suggest that you use a
connection, and it all the data is numeric, possibly 'scan'. If you
do use a connection, this would eliminate having to 'skip' each time
which could be time consuming on a large f
On Sep 14, 2008, at 1:53 PM, zubin wrote:
Hello, trying to locate all the string commands in the base version
of R, can't seem to find an area that describes them. I am in need
to do some serious parsing of text data to create my dataset. Is
there a summary link to all the character opera
Start with
and then follow the "See Also". Exactly what type of serious parsing
are you trying to do? R can do some, but if it is very complex, you
might want to consider awk/perl.
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 1:53 PM, zubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, trying to locate all the string
Jim, this is a GREAT help. I was trying something similar before, but I was
unable to detect EOF. Thanks for the help!
Also, David, your suggestion worked perfectly.
Thanks for all the help, everyone!
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 2:08 PM, jim holtman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you tried:
Try this:
help.search(keyword = "character", package = "base")
Then read each of the pages listed to get info on the indicated command
plus related commands also described on those pages (but not necessarily
listed in the help.search list).
You might also want to look at the gsubfn package and
It would be useful to have indexed both dataframes with a unique
identifier, such as in rownames etc.
Without that information, you could possibly try to use the same
approach as duplicated() does by "pasting together a character
representation of rows" using "|" (or any other separator).
Actually you got it, the data sets you created are a perfect example (row#1 and
row#2 in DF1 have the same V1 and differ only in V2) , but here is the problem:
row#2 in DF1 exists in DF1 and not in DF2, however it does not show in the
Difference. It seems to me that both V1 and V2 should be consi
On Sep 14, 2008, at 1:53 PM, zubin wrote:
Hello, trying to locate all the string commands in the base version
of R, can't seem to find an area that describes them. I am in need
to do some serious parsing of text data to create my dataset. Is
there a summary link to all the character opera
Error in `[.data.frame`(data_tmp, seq(842, 2411)) :
undefined columns selected
I know my file has about 3000 columns.
This happened when I used:
data_tmp <- read.csv(filein, header=TRUE, nrows=10, skip=nskip)
On Sep 14, 2008, at 4:01 PM, Jason Thibodeau wrote:
Error in `[.data.frame`(data_tmp, seq(842, 2411)) :
undefined columns selected
I am guessing that you wrapped some code into a function but you did
not provide the function. You ar
On Sat, 13 Sep 2008, roberto toro wrote:
I've used this command to analyse changes in brain volume:
I'm comparing males/females. For every subject I have 8 volume measurements
(4 different brain lobes and 2 differ
i calculated the density and wanna do something like this
separate in 0-19-29-39-49-59-69-79-99
and put in these spaces 8 densities .. 0.something
i have the frequency in % and divided already in 20 or 10 to get the density
i tried and tried..made breaks vector to separate but couldn't put the ot
On Sun, 14 Sep 2008, roberto toro wrote:
Thanks for answering Mark!
I tried with the coding of the interaction you suggested:
But is it normal that the DF are 2303? DF is 2303 e
Hi Jason,
data[] is a data frame, remember--you need to specify rows AND columns. So,
data[,c(2,12,17)] is what you should be doing in the first place, and
data[,842:2411] in the second place.
Not sure if the help you needed was using the comma, or the : syntax, or if
you're trying to read only
Hello, I would like to conduct a k-sample K-S test, but cannot find
reference to its implementation in R. Does anyone have experience with this?
Thanks, Mark
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list
On Sep 14, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Jason Thibodeau wrote:
> I cannot provide (all) the sample data (NDA) but here is the entire
> function:
> TEST_filter <- function(filein,fileout)
> {
> file.remove(fileout)
> nskip<-0
> while(1)
> {
Hello, what's the most efficient way of using R to automate a data
collection task i have:
-Login into a web site using my ID and PWD
-submit a query within the site using the search form after login
-extract the result of the search data into R so i can cleanse and use
for analysis
kind of l
On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Ahoussou Sylvie wrote:
From: "Ahoussou Sylvie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:48 AM
To: "Thomas Lumley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [R] Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package
Maybe you should look a little harder.
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read th
Hi Everybody,
Now I have a doubt that is more statistical than R's technical. Im working
with ecology of recent Foraminifera.
At the lab we used to perform cluster analysis using 1-Pearsons R and Wards
method (we already saw it in bibliography of the area) which renders good
results with our
Thanks Jim, it worked great!
On Sun, 2008-09-14 at 21:27 -0400, jim holtman wrote:
> try this:
> > c(tx,ty)
> 1 2 3 3 4
> 3 2 1 4 1
> > z <- c(tx,ty)
> > tapply(z, names(z), sum)
> 1 2 3 4
> 3 2 5 1
> >
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
I checked GlmmML package. However, it can only do binomial and poisson
distribution. How about others such as gamma or neg binomial?
Thank you so much!
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do rea
On Sep 14, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Esther Meenken wrote:
I was unable to open this file Bill Venables' excellent "Exegeses on
Linear Models" posted at
http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS3/Exegeses.ps.gz I'd be very
interested in reading it?
It's a gzipped file that expands into a ps file. On my Mac
I would like to decompose the log of a time series. There will be time slots
that are zero. In order to handle this I insert 'NA' for all of the zeros in
the time series. Having a zero value is a very legitamate value. With those NAs
in the time series stil requires an na.action argument because
every time i try to run HoltWinters i get this error message:
> HoltWinters(z, seasonal="additive")
Error in decompose(ts(x[1:wind], start = start(x), frequency = f), seasonal)
time series has no or less than 3 periods
what's going on? somebody please help me.
View this message in conte
Hi there,
I hope to draw a plot like this:
is it possible to draw it using R?
thanks for any suggestions.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
On Sep 14, 2008, at 5:39 PM, Adam D. I. Kramer wrote:
Hi Jason,
data[] is a data frame, remember--you need to specify rows AND
columns. So,
data[,c(2,12,17)] is what you should be doing in the first place, and
data[,842:2411] in the second place.
Actually, the construction df[c(2,12,17)]
Hi Martin,
I got my initial question fully answered.
I do not have enough experience to to judge whether the behavior of R with
regard to Inf is "excellent" or "better" than Perl.
In my opinion, both Perl and R are great languages, designed for very
different applications.
So instead of me trying
On 15/09/2008, at 10:02 AM, Adam D. I. Kramer wrote:
Maybe you should look a little harder.
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-
Please do read the guy's question!!!
Hello, I would like to conduct a k-sample K-S te
Try this version:
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Esther Meenken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was unable to open this file Bill Venables' excellent "Exegeses on
> Linear Models" posted at
> http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS3/Exegeses.ps.gz I'd
Hi Everybody,
Now I have a doubt that is more statistical than R's technical. Im working
with ecology of recent Foraminifera.
At the lab we used to perform cluster analysis using 1-Pearsons R and Wards
method (we already saw it in bibliography of the area) which renders good
results with our
Say I have the following data, and it's distribution given by table():
> x <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
> tx <- table(x)
> tx
1 2 3
3 2 1
Now say I have new data,
> y <- c(3, 3, 3, 3, 4)
> ty <- table(y)
> ty
3 4
4 1
Is there a way to "combine" tx and ty in such a w
On Sep 14, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Mark Na wrote:
Hello, I would like to conduct a k-sample K-S test, but cannot find
reference to its implementation in R. Does anyone have experience
with this?
Thanks, Mark
I didn't have any luck with the method Kramer suggested, perhaps
because I do not have
If I understand you correctly, you already pre-computed the frequencies
and bin widths and want to display them as a histogram. If correct, then
what you are asking for is analogous to what bxp() is to boxplot. I am
not sure if such a function exists.
Instead you can think of the task as drawi
62 matches
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