On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 20:59 -0400, stephen sefick wrote:
> This is what my data looks like
> RM119mFeb-06 1 23
> RM61mFeb-06 246
> I have this both in a .csv and .txt I have read this in with
Your data can'
Deepayan Sarkar gmail.com> writes:
> > Try
> > xyplot(val ~ loc | mouse, data = df,
> >groups=valtype,
> >type=c("p","l"),
>distribute.type = TRUE,
> >col=c("black", "blue"))
For all who like me had difficulties finding distribute.type in the docs: it is
I am trying someone's example to build a R package,
but I get some errors, Can someone help me to figure it out?
* using log directory '/home/aiminy/myrpackages/roots.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
* checking for file 'roots/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'roots' ver
On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 23:34 -0400, stephen sefick wrote:
> I have looked all over the internet for being able to color sites
> differently in a plot of an MDS (metaMDS)- I would like to color the
> different sites in the ordination plot (plot or ordiplot). I have set
> the matrix up so that my si
I was hoping for advice regarding resolving the above error.
I have a csv file that contains the following variable:
$ Order.Made.Date : Factor w/ 299 levels
"1-Apr-08","1-Aug-05",..: 278 285 91 286 159 132 108 261 282 147 ...
I want to calculate a variable named F.length, whic
Anne-Katrin Link wrote:
> Dear all,
> how can I plot a line graph and a bar graph in one single figure? I tried
> to combine "barplot" and "plot". Even though they both have the same
> x-values (1 to 55), it just doesnt look as if they match in their scale
> (the barplot is much wider than t
Thanks all for your online help and emails. It works fine now!
-Halcyon- wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a matrix which is filled with simulation results for several years.
> Example of an output (7 years, 4 simulations):
> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
> [1,] 500 500 500 500
> [2,
Dear R List,
I want to download kinship_1.2_S.tar.gz in
to R. Once save this file to C:\, how I could load into R? I am working in
Windows XP. Usually what I do is, I go to "packages" and then "install packages
from local zip
There is a 'kinship' package on CRAN, with DESCRIPTION file
Package: kinship
Version: 1.1.0-19
Date: 2008-2-19
Title: mixed-effects Cox models, sparse matrices, and modeling data from
large pedigrees
Author: Beth Atkinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for pedigree
functions. Terry Therneau ([EMAIL
Thanks very much Paul.
I found that I could install it by following "Packages" and then "install
packages". However, I am not sure it is that latest version. Can Dr Terry
Therneau confirm this please?
- Original Message
From: Paul Hiemstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ra
On 11/04/2008 3:59 AM, Aimin Yan wrote:
> I am trying someone's example to build a R package,
> but I get some errors, Can someone help me to figure it out?
There is one error with a fairly clear error message:
> Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
>Tcl/Tk support is not available o
Thanks for your reply. The data I have was downloaded from a
government database so it now seems that the problem is how to
convert all the records in the format '1-Apr-08' to the format 2008-04-11.
I can ask the person working on the new version of this database
whether they will use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 11.04.2008 12:46:11:
> Hi,
> How to refer to rows using a vector of row names ?
Not sure what you mean but
rownames(data.frame) %in% vector of row names
shall give you numbers of rows, which you can use for subsetting
> Thanks
> Stanley
Dear list
I have two (trivial) memory-questions related to a call with .C:
If I allocate memory with R_alloc in a C-program (called with .C), will that
memory "be taken from" the "available memory pool" (of a maximum of 4gb?) which
R can allocate? (This is the impression I get from "Writing R e
On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Bob Green wrote:
> Brian,
> Thanks for your reply. The data I have was downloaded from a
> government database so it now seems that the problem is how to
> convert all the records in the format '1-Apr-08' to the format 2008-04-11.
?as.Date tells you how: as.Date("1-Apr-0
Rasanga Ruwanthi wrote:
> Thanks very much Paul.
> I found that I could install it by following "Packages" and then "install
> packages". However, I am not sure it is that latest version. Can Dr Terry
> Therneau confirm this please?
People do put information up for you to actually READ!
You need to give the format -- '1-Apr-08' might mean 2008-04-01 or
2001-04-08, and R refuses to guess.
Please *do* read the help file (e.g. as.Date) before posting: the
international standard format is 2008-04-11, and Australia has adopted
that standard.
On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Bob Green wrote:
Rasanga Ruwanthi wrote:
> Dear R List,
> I want to download kinship_1.2_S.tar.gz in
> http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/biostat/splusfunctions.cfm
> to R. Once save this file to C:\, how I could load into R? I am working in
> Windows XP. Usually what I do is, I go to "packages" and the
I tried that, it will work well if the vector contain unique row names.
However, my vector contain duplicate row names.
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Petr PIKAL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 11.04.2008 12:46:11:
> > Hi,
> >
> > How to refer to rows using
Paul Hiemstra wrote:
> Rasanga Ruwanthi wrote:
>> Dear R List,
>> I want to download kinship_1.2_S.tar.gz in
>> From the website of the Mayo Clinic:
>> """Although we realize that some will not have the expertise or perhaps
>> the software to do the compilation, particularly
How to refer to rows using a vector of row names ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 11.04.2008 12:47:57:
> Brian,
> Thanks for your reply. The data I have was downloaded from a
> government database so it now seems that the problem is how to
> convert all the records in the format '1-Apr-08' to the format
There is no need to
sapply(strsplit(TEXT, ';'), '[', 1)
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Dennis Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I have some text:
>TEXT<- c("a", "bb;ccc", ";e;ff")
> I want to retrieve the portion of each element before the first
> semicolon. I can
check this:
TEXT <- c("a", "bb;ccc", ";e;ff")
SPLIT <- strsplit(TEXT, ";")
sapply(SPLIT, "[", 1)
I hope it helps.
Dimitris Rizopoulos
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven
Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +3
if you want to refer your data frame duplicated times then
table(your vector)
gives you unique names and number of occurrences. Then you can use the
unique names for selection and values from table to replication.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 11.04.2008 13:
I have some text:
TEXT<- c("a", "bb;ccc", ";e;ff")
I want to retrieve the portion of each element before the first
semicolon. I can split each element using strsplit:
SPLIT <- strsplit(TEXT, ";")
This yields:
[1] "a"
[1] "bb
Here is a command I wrote to get the part of the email address before
the @ sign. It works, but I don't know why. The variable called
email is a vector of email addresses (not yet in character form, so
that is why I need "as character").
names(Score) <- sapply(email,function(x)
> I have a list which consists of data frames (all data frames have the
> amount and type of columns but different length).
> Now, I'd like to calculate for each data frame in the list the
> density function
> of the values of the fist column ($V1).
> This list could be an example:
On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Søren Højsgaard wrote:
Dear list
I have two (trivial) memory-questions related to a call with .C:
On Windows, I presume from past questions from yourself. The answers
really are completely Windows-specific, so please do remember to tell us
your OS!
If I allocate memor
networkdays <- function(start, end, holidays)
dates <- seq(as.Date(start), as.Date(end), by="day")
if(missing(holidays))holidays <- 0 else holidays <- length(holidays)
sum(as.numeric(format(dates, "%w") > 1)) - holidays
networkdays("2008-04-01", "2008-04-30")
How can I import user-defined missings from Spss?
It works for me to import spss datasets via library(foreign) with read.spss or
via library Hmisc by (spss.get).
But no matter which way I do import the data, user-defined missings from Spss
are always lost.
(it makes no difference if there
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 07:00:10PM +0800, Ng Stanley wrote:
> I tried that, it will work well if the vector contain unique row names.
> However, my vector contain duplicate row names.
how about
# generate toy data frame
d = data.frame(x=1:10, y=10:1)
# set up a vector of row names
v = c('1','3','
Of course, I know, but I cannot apply the function "density" to a data frame
(which is the element of the list) but to a vector coming from a data frame.
That's my problem I'd like to solve...
>> I have a list which consists of data frames (all data frames have the
Hi there,
I have a list which consists of data frames (all data frames have the same
amount and type of columns but different length).
Now, I'd like to calculate for each data frame in the list the density function
of the values of the fist column ($V1).
This list could be an example:
l <- lis
You would need to study the source code and make appropriate changes. Had
you supplied an example (see the footer of this message), some kind soul
might have been prepared to make a patch for you.
On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I import user-defined missings fro
That should work well too if my row names are integers only. However, they
are strings of alphanumeric characters
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Philipp Pagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 07:00:10PM +0800, Ng Stanley wrote:
> > I tried that, it will work well if the vect
Did you try Richie's suggestion? The x[,1] part will pick out the
first column of the data frame. Seems to do exactly what you asked for.
Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College
On Apr 11, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Antje wrote:
> Of course, I know, but I cannot app
This does seem excellent, I should check CRAN more often than I do.
OTOH, I really like element tree in python. One benefit there (for those
who care) is that you can create an executable using py2exe that others
can use if they don't have python on their machine. This is like
sprinkling some "fair
> That should work well too if my row names are integers only. However, they
> are strings of alphanumeric characters
This has nothing to do with integers. Please try it.
Dr. Philipp Pagel Tel. +49-8161-71 2131
Lehrstuhl für Genomorientierte B
Probably, I should read emails more carefully... sorry!!!
Of course, this solves my problem.
Thank you very much!
Charilaos Skiadas schrieb:
> Did you try Richie's suggestion? The x[,1] part will pick out the first
> column of the data frame. Seems to do exactly what you asked for.
> Haris S
I would like to know if anyone has had experience creating an added
variable plot for a coxph model. This method is outlined - with tounge
in cheek, quite rigorously - in Lindkvist (1999).
Thanks much,
Jarrod Dalton
Department of Quantitative Health Science
that worked just fine. I missed the fact that the scores could be
extracted- I am learning how to think like a programmer it is just
taking time. Thank you very much for your help
this is the code that I settled on:
sol <- metaMDS(x, distance="jaccard")
shrink <- FALSE ## see argument shrink
Hi Everyone,
I am doing a time series regression (one dependent time series variable, 7
independent time series variables and 32 annual observations). I have the
problem of cointegration, autocorrelation and multicollinearity. I am
considering an error correction model of the form:
On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 10:43 -0400, stephen sefick wrote:
> that worked just fine. I missed the fact that the scores could be
> extracted- I am learning how to think like a programmer it is just
> taking time. Thank you very much for your help
> this is the code that I settled on:
> sol <-
Hi All,
Can anyone direct me to a read function in R that will allow me to only
read in rows of a text file that begin with a particular value such as
the data below. I would read the entire file in and then limit, but the
files were constructed such that the first two letters determine how
Bill Venables gave you references to important tools for dealing with
for loops in R and they may be all the solution that you need. But here
is a little more detail on what is going on in case you want/need more
control in the future.
Note that the R for loop is what some programers call
Hello to the whole group.
I am a newbie to R, but I got my way through and think it is a lot easier to
handle than other software packages (far less clicks necessary).
However, I have a problem with respect to the summary of regression results.
The summary function gives sth like:
On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Zev Ross wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can anyone direct me to a read function in R that will allow me to only
> read in rows of a text file that begin with a particular value such as
> the data below. I would read the entire file in and then limit, but the
> files were constructed suc
On 4/11/2008 12:05 PM, Thiemo Fetzer wrote:
> Hello to the whole group.
> I am a newbie to R, but I got my way through and think it is a lot easier to
> handle than other software packages (far less clicks necessary).
> However, I have a problem with respect to the summary of regression resul
I am doing a time series regression (one dependent time series variable, 7
independent time series variables and 32 annual observations). I have the
problem of cointegration, autocorrelation and multicollinearity. I am
considering an error correction model of the form:
I am trying to use dprep for my data analysis. Please
let me know if feature selection methods such as sfs
or sffs can be used with methods qda, nnet. PDF guide
does not say anything about the methods. However, I
know that the package does require nnet as part of its
installation. Thanks in
On 4/11/08, Dieter Menne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deepayan Sarkar gmail.com> writes:
> > > Try
> > > xyplot(val ~ loc | mouse, data = df,
> > >groups=valtype,
> > >type=c("p","l"),
> >distribute.type = TRUE,
> > >col=c("black", "blue"))
> For all wh
> ## dummy group ID
> group <- sample(rep(1:3, each = 4))
> ## create dummy grouping factor
> group <- factor(group, labels = paste("group", 1:3))
> group
> # vector of colours
> cols <- c("red", "blue", "green")
> ## dummay data to plot
> datx <- runif(12)
> daty <- runif(12)
> ## p
Is it possible to get the legend box outside the graphic?
Kind regards,
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and pr
Is it possible to get the legend box outside the graphic?
Kind regards,
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and pr
Hi all,
I've been looking in R for an EM algorithm adjusted for multiple-locus
haplotypes frequencies, but failed in 100%. Has anyone heard of
anything of this kind in R?
Thanks in advance,
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Yes, here is one way:
> plot(1:10, pch=1:2)
> par(xpd=NA)
> tmp.u <- par('usr')
> legend(tmp.u[1], tmp.u[4], xjust=0, yjust=0, c('a','b'), pch=1:2)
You will probably want to increase the margins for a real case. See
?par and the 'xpd' entry for details on the clipping and ?legend for
more det
Dear all,
I have a data frame called x2, which looks like:
> dim(x2)
[1] 2237 2
> x2[1:4,1:2]
name id
1 STye hggd3
2 STy2 bffbd2
3 qw22ebdbdbbbd7
4 deffrdffnnshfd3
and a vector called
I have looked through several R books and searched the web to find
answers to my questions with no results. I have a ensembles of time
series data (essentially from Monte Carlo simulations) which I would
like to summarize as a time series of boxplots. I don't know how to do
this and I am
Hi all,
I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3)
and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these
variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose
but I don't understand them well.
I use a training sample data to ma
1. Strictly speaking, y is a one-column matrix if it has a non-null dim
attribute (it also is a vector).
2. ?match or ?"%in%" tells you what to do.
x2[x2[["name"]] %in% y,]
is what you want.
-Original Message-
Behalf Of ss
Does anyone have any experience plotting complex polygons on a
scatterplot3d display? I would like to present some spatially binned
data in a 3-d type plot with background polygons (i.e.. a filled
coastline map). I can get the coastline onto the plot window as a
line type but cannot figur
This is rather embarrassing, but the solution was fairly simple,
thanks to Uwe and Martin for a GREAT PACKAGE. Anyhow, hope somebody
else gets inspired at the very least
> library(scatterplot3d)
> # get a coastline
> library(maps)
> library(mapdata)
> coast<-map('worldHires', c('usa
Dear Bert,
Thanks a lot for help. I tried and got:
> x2[x2[["name"]] %in% y,]
[1] name id
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Any suggestions?
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Bert Gunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Strictly speaking, y is a one-column matrix if it has a non-null dim
Hi All,
I've finally gotten around to database access using R. I'm happily
extracting rows from a MySQL database using RMySQL, but am having
problems appending rows to an existing table.
What I *want* to do is to append rows to the table, allowing the
database to automatically generate pri
Thanks so much, these both work like a charm. The first method, though,
is very, very slow for a large dataset (<100,000) while the second is
reasonable in terms of speed. If you or anyone have any ideas for
speeding up the import send them my way otherwise the:
con2 <- pipe( 'grep "^RD
This is probably basic but I want to condition based
on the name of the component inside an lapply.
So, in the simple example below, if .elem was x
i want to do one thing but if it's y a
different thing etc. Can someone tell me
how to do that without using names(temp)
as the thing one sends into t
>Date: 2008/04/11 Fri PM 04:16:56 CDT
>Subject: [R] conditioning inside an lapply
in my previous example, the last name in temp should
have been z not x. i didn't intend to have
duplicate names in temp. I apologize for any
confusion that caused.
Dear R users,
I'm working with 2 data sets which look like (for example) dx and dy in the
next code:
# Seed
# First data frame
# Second data frame
As you will notice, so
>From: Jorge Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/04/11 Fri PM 04:36:58 CDT
>To: R
>Subject: [R] How to fill out some columns?
below works but my guess is that there's a better
Dear Professor Therneau,
We have followed your advice and the results that we have obtained make a
lot of sense. Thanks a lot!
I would like to check if we took a correct approach to obtain the expected
number of events. Since we had the hazard function as continuous (we used
splines) we have obt
Try this:
as.matrix(replace(as.data.frame(0 * dx), colnames(dy), dy))
If dx were a data frame already we could eliminate as.data.frame
and as.matrix so it would reduce to, in that case:
replace(0 * dx, colnames(dy), dy)) # only if dx is data.frame
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 5:36 PM, Jorge Vel
I have this function (largely based on this post by Thomas Lumley :
http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/6984642.html)
> yapply
function(X,FUN, ...) {
index <- seq(length.out=length(X))
namesX <- names(X)
if(is.null(namesX)) namesX <- rep(NA,length(X))
FUN <- m
Hello R user
I am using R now for some time and I like it a lot. I just started a new
project where I am working with video streams at a resolution of 1024 x
768 pixels. I am reading the images out of a big raw file containing the
uncompressed data. I do this via "readBin".
As far as I have fo
i found the posdefify, nearcor, and nearPD functions, but can't get things
to work. when i tried nearPd, it gave me an dpoMatrix, but i don't know if
it would have worked because it said:
"31 x 31 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix" "
right between $mat and the actual matrix and i don't know how to cut tha
If you have a MySQL table with an auto_increment field, you could just
insert a NULL value into that column and the database will increment the key
(it may not work in SQL STRICT mode, I'm not sure). I don't think there's
any way to specify which columns you want to load data into using
Hello Gred,
I try to read R-Reference, but I cant understand it.
What does par (xpd=NA)? and par('usr')) mean? Thank you.
Kind regards,
Am Freitag, 11. April 2008 19:19:24 schrieben Sie:
> Yes, here is one way:
> > plot(1:10, pch=1:2)
> > par(xpd=NA)
> > tmp.u <- par('usr')
> > l
I have got 2 Tables from different files:
Table 1 (lets say file: Salesman.data)
| ID | User_ID
1| 1 | 4
2| 2 | 6
3| 3 | 7
4| 4 | 2
5| 5 | 3
Table2 (file: Employee.data)
Dear all,
I installed Rmpi (without error messages), but when I try to load the
library in R I get the following error message:
> library(Rmpi)
Error in dyn.load(file, ...) :
unable to load shared library '/Users/ebruch/Library/R/2.6/library/
79 matches
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