Re: [R] ANOVA in R

2018-10-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi again, Two things, I named the data frame SR as shown in the model. The other is for those who may wish to answer the OP. The mediafire website is loaded with intrusive ads and perhaps malware. Jim On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:02 AM Jim Lemon wrote: > > Hi Tranh, > I'm not sure why you are conver

Re: [R] ANOVA in R

2018-10-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Tranh, I'm not sure why you are converting your variables to factors, and I think the model you want is: lm(KIC~temperature+AC+AV+Thickness+temperature:AC+ temperature:AV+temperature:thickness+AC:AV+ AC:thickness+AV:thickness,SR) Note the colons (:) rather than asterisks (*) for the interact

Re: [R] ANOVA in R

2018-10-10 Thread Paul Johnson
We cannot read your message. Should post pure text, not html. Hm, my phone now may post html, must try to stop. Your R code not legible. It seems to be output? Lines all run together. I tried find articles you mention, but "not found" resulted. You should use aov() for fitting, then get post hoc c

[R] ANOVA in R

2018-10-09 Thread Thanh Tran
Hi eveyone, I'm studying about variance (ANOVA) in R and have some questions to share. I read an article investigating the effect of factors (temperature, Asphalt content, Air voids, and sample thickness) on the hardness of asphalt concrete in the tensile test (abbreviated as Kic). Each condition w

Re: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre
Thank you all for your **very good** answers: Using aovp(..., perm="Exact") seems to be the way to go for small datasets, and also I should definitely try ?kruskal.test. Juan [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailin

Re: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread S Ellison
> This package uses a modified version of aov() function, which uses > Permutation Tests > > I obtain different p-values for each run! Could that be because you are defaulting to perm="Prob"? I am not familiar with the package, but the manual is informative. You may have missed something when r

Re: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread Meyners, Michael
f Juan Telleria Ruiz > de Aguirre > Sent: Montag, 3. September 2018 17:18 > To: R help Mailing list > Subject: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test > > Dear R users, > > I have the following Question related to Package lmPerm: > > This package uses a modified version of aov(

Re: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Juan I do not use the package but if it does permutation tests it presumably uses random numbers and since you are not setting the seed you would get different values for each run. Michael On 03/09/2018 16:17, Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre wrote: Dear R users, I have the following Que

[R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre
Dear R users, I have the following Question related to Package lmPerm: This package uses a modified version of aov() function, which uses Permutation Tests instead of Normal Theory Tests for fitting an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Model. However, when I run the following code for a simple linear

Re: [R] ANOVA test to decide whether to use multiple linear regression or linear mixed effects model

2017-08-15 Thread S Ellison
> I am trying to decide between using a multiple linear regression or a linear > mixed effects model for my data: > ... > but I keep getting the following error code: > > Error in anova.lmlist (object, ...): > > models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset anova is defaulting to a

[R] ANOVA test to decide whether to use multiple linear regression or linear mixed effects model

2017-08-15 Thread Lucy McMahon
R-help: I am trying to decide between using a multiple linear regression or a linear mixed effects model for my data: model1 <- lm (responsevariable ~ predictor1 + predictor2 + predictor3 + predictor4, data= data) model2 <- lme (responsevariable ~ predictor1 + predictor2 + predictor3 + pred

[R] ANOVA for one subject

2017-03-28 Thread Uri Eduardo Ramírez Pasos
Dear everyone, I have a 2x3 design (medication x stimulus type) but very few subjects (6) and I would like to perform intra-subject stats using r's aov (I've already run the group analysis). Is there a conceptual problem with this, as long as I don't interpret the results as representative of the

[R] Anova() Chi-square test

2017-01-20 Thread Sergio Ferreira Cardoso
Dear all, Anova() for .car package retrieves Chi-square statistics when I'm testing a model the significance of a multivariate .gls model gls(x~1+2+3+x,corBrownian(phy=tree), ...). Is this Chi-square a two-sided test? Thank you. Best, Sérgio. -- Com os melhores cumprimentos, Sérgio Ferreira Ca

Re: [R] Anova() type iii SS plots and diagnostics

2016-07-19 Thread Fox, John
016 10:39 PM > To: > Subject: [R] Anova() type iii SS plots and diagnostics > > I am wondering if there is a way to plot results and model diagnostics (to > check > for outliers, homoscedasticity, normality, collinearity) using type III sums > of > squares in R

[R] Anova() type iii SS plots and diagnostics

2016-07-18 Thread Pamela Wong
I am wondering if there is a way to plot results and model diagnostics (to check for outliers, homoscedasticity, normality, collinearity) using type III sums of squares in R __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://st

[R] ANOVA for multiple repeated measurements

2015-06-23 Thread Thomas Evangelidis
​Greetings, My dataset consist of the following columns: Specimen C_flex C_rigid tau_flextau_rigidR_flex R_rigid1 0.1782 0.29750.3290 0.3223 0.4338 0.51002 0.0527 0.10970.1780 0.1038 0.2364 0.1086. where C, tau and R are statistic

[R] ANOVA for nested design

2015-05-15 Thread Jinsong Zhao
Hi there, The following is a simple design. A and B are factors with their levels randomly selected. In other words, A and B are random. The data is recorded in "abc", as: > dput(abc) structure(list(water = c(12.1, 12.1, 12.8, 12.8, 14.4, 14.4, 14.7, 14.5, 23.1, 23.4, 28.1, 28.8), A = structur

Re: [R] ANOVA test

2014-12-27 Thread peter dalgaard
> On 27 Dec 2014, at 02:50 , Richard M. Heiberger wrote: > > Kristi, > > The easiest way to do what you are looking for is the aovSufficient function > in the HH package. > > ## install.packages("HH") ## if you don't have it yet > library(HH) > B.aov <- aovSufficient(mean ~ site, data=B, sd=B$

Re: [R] ANOVA test

2014-12-26 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
Kristi, The easiest way to do what you are looking for is the aovSufficient function in the HH package. ## install.packages("HH") ## if you don't have it yet library(HH) B.aov <- aovSufficient(mean ~ site, data=B, sd=B$SE, weights=c(3,3,3,3)) summary(B.aov) You must have the sample size for each

Re: [R] ANOVA test

2014-12-26 Thread peter dalgaard
You could at least say that no, that is patently wrong! There are ways to reconstruct an ANOVA from means, sd, and group sizes, but this isn't it. In fact, the group sizes are not even used in the code. I agree about the need for a statistical expert. Fundamental misunderstandings seem to be pr

Re: [R] ANOVA test

2014-12-26 Thread Bert Gunter
This is a statistical question primarily and, as such, is off topic here. Either consult a local statistical expert or post to a statistical site like . Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics (650) 467-7374 "Data is not information. Information is n

[R] ANOVA test

2014-12-26 Thread Kristi Glover
Hi R user, I am wondering whether I can perform a simple ANOVA analysis in the data in which I  have mean + SE (+- Standard Error) for several groups.  For this one,  I calculated upper and lower confidence interval and made three classes for each group (mean, upper and lower values). After that,

Re: [R] ANOVA and permutation tests : beware of traps

2014-09-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
Beware of the trap of listening to people with no knowledge of basic numerical methods! It really is basic that the results of floating-point computer calculations depends on the order in which they are done (and the compiler can change the order). Using == on such calculations is warned abo

Re: [R] ANOVA and permutation tests : beware of traps

2014-09-23 Thread Joshua Wiley
Hi Stephane, This is the well known result of limitted floating point precision (e.g., Using a test of approximate rather than exact equality shows R yields the correct answer: nperm <- 1 Fperm <- replicate(n=nperm, anova(lm(sample(Y) ~ F, dat

[R] ANOVA and permutation tests : beware of traps

2014-09-23 Thread Stéphane Adamowicz
Recently, I came across a strange and potentially troublesome behaviour of the lm and aov functions that ask questions about calculation accuracy. Let us consider the 2 following datasets dat1 & dat2 : > (dat1 <- data.frame(Y=c(1:3, 10+1:3), F=c(rep("A",3), rep("B",3 Y F 1 1 A 2 2 A 3

[R] ANOVA MS residuals estimation: two models

2014-08-27 Thread Rosario Garcia Gil
Hello I have an experiment with two factors MANAGEMENT and REGION. And I have three MANAGEMENT types and three REGIONS. Like this. REGION: A, B and C MANAGEMENT: N, P, ST the independent variable is called PHt I have set the aov in R in two possible ways. The first model I understand, but I do

Re: [R] anova

2014-08-21 Thread Bert Gunter
... and you do get P values; you just don't understand what you're looking at, which is more or less what you said. This is not a statistical help site. You should seek local statistical consulting advice or post on a statistical help site (caveat emptor!) like, not here.

Re: [R] anova

2014-08-21 Thread Sarah Goslee
Hi Lynn, Please read the posting guide, this document: and don't post in HTML. (See your own email copied below for why.) Sarah On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:08 AM, Lynn Govaert wrote: > Hi all, > > I have troubl

Re: [R] anova

2014-08-21 Thread Lynn Govaert
I pressed enter to soon. Again Hi all, I have troubles with doing an anova. So I have the following variables: a variable group with two levels, a continuous variable trait and within each group we have 12 organisms (clone) and for each clone we have 5 replicates. So we want to see if for the va

[R] anova

2014-08-21 Thread Lynn Govaert
Hi all, I have troubles with doing an anova. So I have the following variables: a variable group with two levels, a continuous variable trait and within each group we have 12 organisms (clone) and for each clone we have 5 replicates. So we want to see if for the variable trait the two groups diffe

Re: [R] ANOVA for RCBD, two factors: how to plot residuals?..

2014-07-16 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
## Manuel, ## Please look at the maiz example in ?mmc in the HH package. install.packages("HH") ## if necessary library(HH) ?mmc ## After the full maiz example, then you need one more command maiz.proj <- proj(maiz.aov) maiz.proj ## I think you are looking for maiz.proj$Within[, "Residuals"]

[R] ANOVA for RCBD, two factors: how to plot residuals?..

2014-07-16 Thread Manuel Lambert
Hello, I'm having problems to analyse results from a RCB Design Experiment.I have three blocks. For each block: four treatments (factor A), randomized. And for each factor A treatment, I have 6 differents treatments (factor C), randomized. myAOV=aov(response ~ factorA*factorC + Block + Error(

[R] ANOVA for RCBD, two factors: how to plot residuals?..

2014-07-16 Thread Manuel Lambert
Hello, I'm having problems to analyse results from a RCB Design Experiment.I have three blocks. For each block: four treatments (factor A), randomized. And for each factor A treatment, I have 6 differents treatments (factor C), randomized. myAOV=aov(response ~ factorA*factorC + Block + Error(

Re: [R] ANOVA for proportions with large mass on an extreme of [0, 1]

2014-06-21 Thread Joaquin Rapela
Bert, My queries are directly related to R: 1. Can the R package frm can be used to compare nested models. If so, how. 2. Are there alternative R packages to perform ANOVAs on a dependent variable that is a proportion with significant mass one one extreme? Also, my statistical problem is well

Re: [R] ANOVA for proportions with large mass on an extreme of [0, 1]

2014-06-21 Thread Bert Gunter
Although your queries certainly intersect R, they are primarily about statistical modeling, which is OT for this list. Your issues also appear to be complex. I would therefore suggest that you eschew remote Internet advice and consult a local statistical expert for help. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter

[R] ANOVA for proportions with large mass on an extreme of [0, 1]

2014-06-21 Thread Joaquin Rapela
I am trying to perform an ANOVA on a dependent variable that has large mass on the 1 side of the (0, 1] interval. I decided to use Fractional Regression Models, as implemented in the package frm. This package seems well-suited for my problem, but I don't see how to perform model comparisons of nes

Re: [R] ANOVA repeated mesures

2013-12-23 Thread PIKAL Petr
-- > From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r- >] On Behalf Of Ma Teresa Martinez Soriano > Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:17 PM > To: > Subject: [R] ANOVA repeated mesures > > Hi to everyone, I am tring to make a Anova wit

[R] ANOVA repeated mesures

2013-12-18 Thread Mª Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, I am tring to make a Anova with repeated measures,my data set looks like: participantes <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8") grupo <- factor(c(rep("A", 8), rep("B", 8), rep("C", 8)))valor <-

Re: [R] ANOVA in R

2013-12-07 Thread Bert Gunter
I think you start by doing your homework: 1. Read "An Inroduction to R" (ships with R) or other R online tutorial. There are many good ones. 2. Use R's Help system: ?aov ?lm ?anova there will be relevant links in these docs that you should follow, especially to the use of formulas for model spec

[R] ANOVA in R

2013-12-07 Thread Robin Mjelle
ID a_t1a_t2b_t1b_t2 CACCCGTAGAACCGACCTTGCG_mmu-miR-99b-5p15781941234810941 CACCCGTAGAACCGACCTTGC_mmu-miR-99b-5p4424265643839 CACCCGTAGAACCGACCTTG_mmu-miR-99b-5p544366253 CCGTAGAACCGACCTTGCG_mmu-miR-99b-5p263333157 CGTAGAAC

Re: [R] Anova split by factors

2013-11-18 Thread ONKELINX, Thierry
of data. ~ John Tukey -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [] Namens catalin roibu Verzonden: maandag 18 november 2013 13:24 Aan: Onderwerp: [R] Anova split by factors Hello R-users, I have a problem with Anova in

[R] Anova split by factors

2013-11-18 Thread catalin roibu
Hello R-users, I have a problem with Anova in R and I don't know how to solve that. I want to compute Anova for each experiment (exp). I try this code: test<-lapply(split(eg,eg$Exp),function(x) aov( ~ Clona,data = x)) or test<-by(eg,eg$Exp, function(x) aov(,data=x))

[R] ANOVA nested model with random and fixed effects

2013-08-22 Thread Belyaeva Anna
Hello, I am confused with the design of experiment and I need your help. I study macroinvertebrates from 40 lakes. Each lake was sampled employing stratified random technique. Each lakes was divided into 3 different lake zones based on light penetration: near-shore area, transitional, and the d

Re: [R] ANOVA for mixture experiment

2013-07-15 Thread S Ellison
> But the ANOVA results is incorrect when I use > > aov.out = aov(Response~-1+x1*x2*x3). First, this doesn't work at all. Your variables are in upper case and your data environment is not specified, so you must have done something else. I can get an answer using something like anova(lm(Response~

[R] ANOVA for mixture experiment

2013-07-15 Thread Zhiqiang Cui
Hi I am trying to use ANOVA for mixture experiment. The data can be seen below Run Blend X1 X2 X3 Response 1 Pure 0.0 0.0 1.0 43.6 2 Pure 0.0 0.0 1.0 42.0 3 Pure 0.0 0.0 1.0 43.0 4 Binary 0.0 0.5 0.5 30.0 5 Binary 0.0 0.5 0.5 29.4 6 Binary 0.0 0.5 0.5 33.6 7 Pure 0.0 1.0 0.0 17.6 8 Pure

Re: [R] ANOVA Estimated effects may be unbalanced

2013-05-19 Thread Bert Gunter
I would say that the OP should seek local statistical help, as he appears to be out of his statistical depth. This would appear to be a mixed effects models-type setup, but a local statistical expert would be much better able to judge what the goals of the study were and what sort of approach, inc

Re: [R] ANOVA Estimated effects may be unbalanced

2013-05-19 Thread Jim Lemon
On 05/20/2013 10:52 AM, Luis Fernando García Hernández wrote: Dear All, This is a data relating leg shaking on differenntre treatments. I reused several individuals so I want to know 1) if there are significative differences on shaking per treatment and 2) if the reused individuals presented som

[R] ANOVA Estimated effects may be unbalanced

2013-05-19 Thread Luis Fernando García Hernández
Dear All, This is a data relating leg shaking on differenntre treatments. I reused several individuals so I want to know 1) if there are significative differences on shaking per treatment and 2) if the reused individuals presented some effect or significative variation. Nevertehless when I make

Re: [R] Anova und Tukey HSD

2013-05-13 Thread Meyners, Michael
is case where you have an inflated number of significance tests. HTH, Michael > -Original Message- > From: [] > On Behalf Of Jochen Schreiber > Sent: Montag, 13. Mai 2013 14:25 > To: >

[R] Anova und Tukey HSD

2013-05-13 Thread Jochen Schreiber
Hallo zusammen, ich mache zuerst mittels eine Anova eine Überprüfung ob in den Daten ein signifikanter Unterschied exisitiert. Danach will ich mittels des TukeyHSD rausfinden, zwischen welchen Gruppe der Unterschied vorliegt. Allerdings weiß ich nicht wie ich die Daten interpretieren soll. Hier

[R] Anova und Tukey HSD

2013-05-13 Thread Jochen Schreiber
Hallo zusammen, ich mache zuerst mittels eine Anova eine Überprüfung ob in den Daten ein signifikanter Unterschied exisitiert. Danach will ich mittels des TukeyHSD rausfinden, zwischen welchen Gruppe der Unterschied vorliegt. Allerdings weiß ich nicht wie ich die Daten interpretieren soll. Hier

Re: [R] Anova unbalanced

2013-04-17 Thread Jose Iparraguirre [] On Behalf Of paladini Sent: 17 April 2013 10:47 To: Subject: [R] Anova unbalanced Hello everybody, I have got a data set with about 400 companies. Each company has a score for its enviroment comportment between 0

[R] Anova unbalanced

2013-04-17 Thread paladini
Hello everybody, I have got a data set with about 400 companies. Each company has a score for its enviroment comportment between 0 and 100. These companies belong to about 15 different countries. I have e.g. 70 companies from UK and 5 from Luxembourg,- so the data set is pretty unbalanced and

Re: [R] anova comparisons

2013-02-23 Thread peter dalgaard
On Feb 23, 2013, at 10:06 , Rolf Turner wrote: >> >> What am I missing? > > A basic understanding of the theory of linear models. This really has little > to do with R. Go and read a good intro to linear modelling. > > Insofar as your question has anything to do with R: > > When you do > >

Re: [R] anova comparisons

2013-02-23 Thread Rolf Turner
On 02/23/2013 08:55 PM, Robert Zimbardo wrote: I have several linear models on the same data: m1 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,1)) m2 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,2)) m3 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,3)) What I don't understand is why anova(m1, m2, m3, test="F") - yields the same RSS and SS values, but a different p-value from an

[R] anova comparisons

2013-02-23 Thread Robert Zimbardo
I have several linear models on the same data: m1 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,1)) m2 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,2)) m3 <- lm(y ~ poly(x,3)) What I don't understand is why anova(m1, m2, m3, test="F") - yields the same RSS and SS values, but a different p-value from anova(m1, m2, test="F") - when it also yields the S

Re: [R] ANOVA repeated measures and post-hoc

2012-12-30 Thread Helios de Rosario
A (late) update to this question: On Fri Aug 17 07:33:29, Henrik Singmann wrote: > Hi Diego, > > I am struggeling with this question also for some time and there does > not seem to be an easy and general solution to this problem. At least I > haven't found one. > However, if you have just one re

Re: [R] Anova

2012-11-27 Thread S Ellison
> Now my question: Am I allowed to use these functions given > that my data is unbalanced? Unusually, Yes, assuming all the other requisite assumptions are reasonably well satisfied. One-way ANOVA interpretation is not much affected by imbalance because (among other things) with only one facto

Re: [R] Anova

2012-11-27 Thread Jose Iparraguirre
November 2012 10:12 To: Subject: [R] Anova Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and also new to statistics and I would appreciated it if someone would take some time to answer my question. I am analyzing companies in regard to their leverage. I categorized the companies into 3

[R] Anova

2012-11-27 Thread humming-bird
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and also new to statistics and I would appreciated it if someone would take some time to answer my question. I am analyzing companies in regard to their leverage. I categorized the companies into 3 groups: small, mid and large. For the group small, I have 55 de

Re: [R] anova test for variables with different lengths

2012-10-16 Thread S Ellison
>> I want to test whether the MEAN of two different variables, >> (and different number of observations) are the same. I am >> trying to use the anova test but it doesn't seem to like that >> the number of observations are different: >> >> a=c(1:5) >> b=c(1:3) >> aov_test=aov(a~b) >> Err

Re: [R] anova test for variables with different lengths

2012-10-16 Thread Jose Iparraguirre
b-evidence-statistics/ -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Sachinthaka Abeywardana Sent: 16 October 2012 04:18 To: Subject: [R] anova test for variables with different lengths Hi all, I want to test w

Re: [R] Anova, F statistics, P-values

2012-10-05 Thread Jhope
Thank you for the replies. I am actually trying to gain p-values and f values, and tried the below script but unsuccessful. 1) I have read in another forum to use the package lmer but apparently it does not exist. 2) Then I tried the pvals.fnc but it is not a function. 3) I read also that a gl

Re: [R] Anova

2012-10-05 Thread John Fox
Dear Jean, On Fri, 5 Oct 2012 01:27:55 -0700 (PDT) Jhope wrote: > Hi R-listers, > > I am trying to do an ANOVA for the following scatterplot and received the > following error: > > library(car) > scatterplot(HSuccess ~ Veg, > data =, > xlab = "Vegetati

Re: [R] Anova

2012-10-05 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, You're thinking of ?aov. anova() does _not_ have a formula interface, it would be anova(lm(HSuccess ~ Veg, data = or aov(HSuccess ~ Veg, data = Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 05-10-2012 09:27, Jhope escreveu: Hi R-listers, I am trying to do an

[R] Anova

2012-10-05 Thread Jhope
Hi R-listers, I am trying to do an ANOVA for the following scatterplot and received the following error: library(car) scatterplot(HSuccess ~ Veg, data =, xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", ylab = "Hatching success (%)") anova(HSuccess ~ Veg, da

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-30 Thread Landi
Hello again ! It worked exactly the same way as yours! I'm kind of astonished, because in "my" opinion our skripts are the same (obviously not...). Whatever! It works :-D Tomorrow (as where I live it's already evening...sunday) will be a great day, indeed, and I can go on with analysis ! I really

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-30 Thread Landi
typohne.csv Hello arun kirshna, I checked str() but I do not see any mistake. Find attached a subset of my data (did you mean this with "dput()" ?) Typ= treatment abun= abundance div= diversity, number of species best wishes. -- View

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-30 Thread arun
 B      12.75 # b      A      6.25 I am not sure why you didn't get the results as above.  Check str() to see whether the str() I got matches with yours. Have a great day! A.K.     - Original Message - From: Landi To: Cc: Sent: Friday, Septembe

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-28 Thread arun
Subject: Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping Hello ! Thanks for your advice. I tried it, but the output is the same: > HSD.test(anova.typabunmit, "typ", group=TRUE) Name:  typ ds.typabunmit$typ I don't get the values...!?!? -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-28 Thread Landi
Hello ! Thanks for your advice. I tried it, but the output is the same: > HSD.test(anova.typabunmit, "typ", group=TRUE) Name: typ ds.typabunmit$typ I don't get the values...!?!? -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-28 Thread arun
ge: 2.840532 #Honestly Significant Difference: 6.350628 #Means with the same letter are not significantly different. #Groups, Treatments and means #a      A      31.037037037037 #a      B      25.2592592592593   A.K. - Original Message - From: Landi To: Cc: Sen

[R] Anova and tukey-grouping

2012-09-28 Thread Landi
Hello, I am really new to R and it's still a challenge to me. Currently I'm working on my Master's Thesis. My supervisor works with SAS and is not familiar with R at all. I want to run an Anova, a tukey-test and as a result I want to have the tukey-grouping ( something like A - AB - B) I came ac

Re: [R] Anova problem with order of terms in model

2012-09-26 Thread Modi2020
Please check if your independent variables or Xs are independent. If they are not that can affect the sequential decomposition. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list arch

[R] anova for two mixture model objects

2012-08-23 Thread Maria Manuel Angélico
Hi, I´m having problems trying to compare models obtained using the mixture model fitting function “mix” model1<- mix(data, data.par1,dist="norm") model2<- mix(data, data.par2,dist="norm") anova(model1, model2) When the number of parameters estimated for the two models is different I

Re: [R] ANOVA repeated measures and post-hoc

2012-08-16 Thread Henrik Singmann
Hi Diego, I am struggeling with this question also for some time and there does not seem to be an easy and general solution to this problem. At least I haven't found one. However, if you have just one repeated-measures factor, use the solution describe by me here:

Re: [R] ANOVA repeated measures and post-hoc

2012-08-16 Thread Robert Baer
Check out: On 8/15/2012 11:32 AM, Diego Bucci wrote: > Hi, > I performed an ANOVA repeated measures but I still can't find any good news > regarding the possibility to perform multiple comparisons. > Can anyone hel

[R] ANOVA repeated measures and post-hoc

2012-08-15 Thread Diego Bucci
Hi, I performed an ANOVA repeated measures but I still can't find any good news regarding the possibility to perform multiple comparisons. Can anyone help me? Thanks Diego Bucci Fisiologia Veterinaria Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie Università degli Studi di Bologna Via Tolara di Sopr

Re: [R] anova in unbalanced data

2012-08-14 Thread S Ellison
> -Original Message- > Say I have the following data: > > a<-data.frame(col1=c(rep("a",5),rep("b",7)),col2=runif(12)) > > a_aov<-aov(a$col2~a$col1) > > summary(aov) > > > Note that there are 5 observations for a and 7 for b, thus is > unbalanced. What would be the correct way of d

Re: [R] anova in unbalanced data

2012-08-13 Thread arun
HI, Check this link: A.K. - Original Message - From: Sachinthaka Abeywardana To: Cc: Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 10:09 PM Subject: [R] anova in unbalanced data Hi all, Say I have the following

[R] anova in unbalanced data

2012-08-13 Thread Sachinthaka Abeywardana
Hi all, Say I have the following data: a<-data.frame(col1=c(rep("a",5),rep("b",7)),col2=runif(12)) a_aov<-aov(a$col2~a$col1) summary(aov) Note that there are 5 observations for a and 7 for b, thus is unbalanced. What would be the correct way of doing anova for this set? Thanks, Sachin

Re: [R] Anova Type II and Contrasts

2012-07-06 Thread John Fox
Dear Peter, Because your model is additive, "type-II" and "type-III" tests are identical, and the t-tests for the linear and quadratic coefficients are interpretable. I hope this helps, John John Fox Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statist

Re: [R] Anova Type II and Contrasts

2012-07-06 Thread David Winsemius
Dear Peter; This is an exact duplicate of a question posted on SO. Cross-posting is deprecated on Rhelp. -- David. On Jul 6, 2012, at 11:06 AM, mails wrote: the study design of the data I have to analyse is simple. There is 1 control group (CTRL) and 2 different treatment groups (TREAT_1

[R] Anova Type II and Contrasts

2012-07-06 Thread mails
the study design of the data I have to analyse is simple. There is 1 control group (CTRL) and 2 different treatment groups (TREAT_1 and TREAT_2). The data also includes 2 covariates COV1 and COV2. I have been asked to check if there is a linear or quadratic treatment effect in the data. I crea

Re: [R] ANOVA help

2012-06-20 Thread David Winsemius
On Jun 19, 2012, at 5:36 PM, James Johnson wrote: Hi All, I have a microarray dataset as follows: expt1 expt2 expt3 expt4 expt 5 gene1val val val val val gene2val val val valval . . .. gene15000

[R] ANOVA help

2012-06-20 Thread James Johnson
Hi All, I have a microarray dataset as follows:   expt1 expt2 expt3  expt4 expt 5  gene1    val  val val  val val gene2    val  val val  val    val . . .. gene15000   val   val val  val val The re

Re: [R] anova of lme objects (model1, model2) gives different results depending on order of models

2012-05-31 Thread Chris Beeley
Well that's that cleared up then. Thanks to all. Chris B. On 31/05/2012 17:51, Albyn Jones wrote: No, both yield the same result: reject the null hypothesis, which always corresponds to the restricted (smaller) model. albyn On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:47:30PM +0100, Chris Beeley wrote: Hello-

Re: [R] anova of lme objects (model1, model2) gives different results depending on order of models

2012-05-31 Thread Albyn Jones
No, both yield the same result: reject the null hypothesis, which always corresponds to the restricted (smaller) model. albyn On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:47:30PM +0100, Chris Beeley wrote: > Hello- > > I understand that it's convention, when comparing two models using > the anova function anova(m

[R] anova of lme objects (model1, model2) gives different results depending on order of models

2012-05-31 Thread Chris Beeley
Hello- I understand that it's convention, when comparing two models using the anova function anova(model1, model2), to put the more "complicated" (for want of a better word) model as the second model. However, I'm using lme in the nlme package and I've found that the order of the models actual

Re: [R] ANOVA question

2012-05-11 Thread Robert Latest
Hello Thierry, thanks for your answer! There is one thing, however, that I don't understand. The values labeled "B" in my data are generated with 1/20th the variance of the others, yet the standard error and confidence intervals are the same for all levels of the factor. How come? > summary(mod_

Re: [R] ANOVA question

2012-05-11 Thread ONKELINX, Thierry
cted from a given body of data. ~ John Tukey -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [] Namens Robert Latest Verzonden: vrijdag 11 mei 2012 9:37 Aan: Onderwerp: [R] ANOVA question Hello all, I'm very satisfie

[R] ANOVA question

2012-05-11 Thread Robert Latest
Hello all, I'm very satisfied to say that my grip on both R and statistics is showing the first hints of firmness, on a very greenhorn level. I'm faced with a problem that I intend to analyze using ANOVA, and to test my understanding of a primitive, one-way ANOVA I've written the self-contained p

Re: [R] ANOVA problem

2012-05-04 Thread rob.griffin.247
Thanks Richard, that works great on the test data, I'll try it out on the full dataset now and let you know how it goes. Thanks a lot! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at

Re: [R] ANOVA problem

2012-05-04 Thread rob.griffin.247
Gee Bert, thanks for the really helpful tip. But if you read my post properly you'll note that I do know how ANOVA's work. > The anova of *G* /AB01 /would be some thing like: y=V, fixed=S, Random= L > & > L*S... I didn't want to show a full model formula in case it led people do the wrong path to

Re: [R] ANOVA problem

2012-05-04 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
The following constructs the data.frame that I think the original poster asked for. I don't understand the graph, so I didn't attempt it. I agree with Bert that this might not make sense. Specifically, the distinction between AB01 and AB02 is not modeled, and that is probably the critical factor.

Re: [R] ANOVA problem

2012-05-04 Thread Bert Gunter
Rob: On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:18 AM, robgriffin247 wrote: > Hi, > I need to create a data frame containing the results of a number of ANOVA's > but I'm having some trouble setting it up (some being enough for me to spend > 3 days trying with no progress and be left staring in to the abyss which >

[R] ANOVA problem

2012-05-04 Thread robgriffin247
Hi, I need to create a data frame containing the results of a number of ANOVA's but I'm having some trouble setting it up (some being enough for me to spend 3 days trying with no progress and be left staring in to the abyss which some people call a weekend, and what I will call 2 quiet days in the

[R] ANOVA Lack of fit test results not matching

2012-04-24 Thread Bart Joosen
Hi, we have a validated program to do our calculations, but sometime I want to use R to do some quick statistical calculations. But for our linearity test, I can't reproduce in R. Suppose the following data set: dat <- structure(list(Level = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 1L

Re: [R] ANOVA in quantreg - faulty test for 'nesting'?

2012-04-21 Thread Roger Koenker
gt; >> Brian >> >> Brian S. Cade, PhD >> >> U. S. Geological Survey >> Fort Collins Science Center >> 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C >> Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818 >> >> email: >> tel: 970 226-9326 >> >

Re: [R] ANOVA in quantreg - faulty test for 'nesting'?

2012-04-20 Thread Galen Sher > tel: 970 226-9326 > > > From: Galen Sher To: Brian S Cade > Date: 04/20/2012 09:59 AM Subject: Re: [R] ANOVA in quantreg - faulty > test for 'nesting'? > -- > > > > Thanks Brian. I think anova.glm() requires the

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