Hi R users,
I would like to convert a string into a data frame by creating a separator
(ie pipe) between each potential fields (then using *read.table* function).
ie. Here is the dummy input data for illustration
(4 x 5)
Date Type Description
Hi R users,
I’m having some issues trying to extract texts from PDF file using tm
Here are the steps that were carried out:
1. Downloaded and installed the following programs:
- Xpdf (Copied the ‘bin32’, ‘bin64’, ‘doc’ folders into ‘C:\Program
Files\Xpdf’ directory; also added C:\Progr
ighly appreciate for any advice.
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 3:33 PM, wrote:
> dump("x", file = "x.R")
> file.show("x.R")
> will get you most of the way.
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@
Hi R users,
I desire to transform the following vector consisting of repeated characters
x <- rep(letters, 3)
into this exact format (i.e a single string containing each characters in
quotation mark separated by comma between each; al ).
("a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b", "c", "d",
Hi all,
>From a list of strings, I desire to filter out the followings:
1. Digits at the beginning of the strings
2. Character "SPE" following the digits (if it exists)
3. Any characters followed by hyphen
The following produces the desired result, but would like to know whether
this can be done
ini <- as.Date("2010/1/1", "%Y/%m/%d")
# Generate arbitrary data frame consisting of date values
oc <- data.frame(Open = seq(ini, ini + 6, 1), Close = seq(ini + 365, ini +
365 + 6, 1), Open1 = seq(ini + 365*2, ini + 365*2 + 6, 1), Close1 = seq(ini
+ 365*3, ini + 365*3 + 6, 1), Open2 = seq(ini + 365
Hi all,
I would like to flag each record in the data according to certain conditions
as specified below.
For example,
If "Close_date" in *dat* is between ("Open" & "Close") or ("Open1" &
"Close1") or ("Open2" & "Close2") in *oc, *flag the records as "Valid",
otherwise "Invalid"
I would like to
Hi all,
I am trying to convert all the dates (all days that are not Friday) in data
frame into dates to next Friday.
The following works but the result is returned as vector rather than the
original class.
It would be greatly apprecited if you could provide any solution to this
Many th
Hi all,
I imported a file (in CSV format) into R for processing, then imported the
result into MySQL. However, there are *carriage return* characters
(hexadecimal: *0D*) that are appended to the characters in the last field of
the table.
i.e *\r* appended to the character values (as shown below)
Hi all,
There are matrices with same column names but arranged in different orders
and I desire columns of these matrices to have same order.
For example, below are 2 arbitrary data sets with columns arranged in
different order. I require columns of these to have same order as specified
in "colum
Hi all,
I have imported csv file for processing and exported as txt file (using *
"write.table"* with sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE options)
However, when I import this txt file in R (*"read.delim"* with header =
TRUE, sep = "\t" options) the dimension (i.e number of rows) is inconsistent
with th
Hi all,
I wish to generate additional records according to one of the field values
in a data frame.
For example, unique record from the input data is required to be generated
number of times as specified in the 'Number' field in the following code.
> x <- data.frame(Name = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
Dear R users,
Im trying to load *"xlsx"* package which depends on *"xlsxjars"* and *
"rJava"* packages.
All the 3 packages (zipped files) are installed successfully in windows.
I have added "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\client" to the PATH
variable to get rJava working.
However, the f
Dear R users,
The following are 2 root elements contained in XML file (of 1 root
child element (as highlighted in 2nd root element) is missing in the
1st root element.
Consequently, when imported into R (via "xmlToDataFrame" function), the
columns ("Section", "ProductionDate" &
Hi R users,
Im trying to install XML source package (in window platform) using the
following command.
*install.packages(pkgs = "C:\\Documents and
Settings\\skang\\Desktop\\Softwares\\R\\Library\\XML_2.6-0.tar.gz", repos =
NULL, type = "source")*
and get the following result.
gzip: stdin: unexpec
Hi all,
I have imported xlsx file (Excel 2007) into R using the following scripts.
*setwd("...") *
*query <- odbcConnectExcel2007(xls.file = "GI 2010.xlsx", readOnly = TRUE)
dat <- sqlQuery(query, "select * from [sheet1$]", as.is = TRUE, na.strings =
*dat* cont
Hi all,
I am trying to replace a string containing ' (apostrophe) with "(two
apostrophes not inverted commas).
*asdf'qwer* replaced to *asdf"qwer*
Is this feasible?
Thanks .
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Cedrick W. Johnson <
cedr...@cedrickjohnson.com> wrote:
> Try:
> for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
> dir.create(paste(parent.dir,folders[i], sep="/"))
> }
> The above creates FUND1, FUND2 & MARINE folders whereas the desired folders
to be created are "FD1 Q4 2
Dear R users,
I would like to create the following 3 folders (FUND1, FUND2, MARINE) within
the 'parent.dir' as defined below.
FUND1 <- "FD1 Q4 2009"
FUND2 <- "FD2 Q4 2009"
MARINE <- "MARINE Q4 2009"
parent.dir <- "D:/."
folders <- c("FUND1", "FUND2", "MARINE")
for (i in 1:
Hi, all
Basically, I have unknown number of data that need to be imported and
collapsed row-wisely.
The code below works fine, however the "rbind" function may require 50
arguments if there are 50 data files...
Thus, I would like to explore whether there are any methods in using dynamic
Hi all,
I have a csv file containing words with *UNPRINTABLE ASCII* characters
(described in the following table).
Are there any viable method in eliminating these characters?
I realise that *EXTENDED ASCII* characters (i.e , ¡, ¢, £, ¤ etc) can be
removed or replaced via *"gsub"* or *"gregexpr"
Hi all,
I get an error message when trying to replace *+* or *?* signs (with empty
space) from a string.
x <- "asdf+,jkl?"
gsub("?", " ", x)
Error message:
Error in
gsub("?", " ", x) :
invalid regular expression '?'
In addition: Warning message:
In gsub("?", " ", x) :
regcomp error: 'In
Hi guys,
Are there any feasible methods in searching & finding non-ASCII characters
in R?
For example, from the following object,
x <- mia. SzaÌmitaÌó
The desired output is,
x.out <- mia. SzaImitaIA
Your help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
can try
matrix.x <- as.matrix(x)
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:38 PM, bbslover wrote:
> In my disk C:/ have a a.csv file, I want to read it to R, importantly,
> when
> I use x=read.csv("C:/a.csv") ,the x format is data.frame, I want to it
> to
> become matrix format, how can I do it ?
> t
Dear R users,
I wish to utilise processed and saved objects as arguments of a function.
Specifically, I have created objects using *"assign"* & *"paste"* functions
with an incremental index i, the names of the objects are:
fund1, fund2, fund3,., fund80,. (where the numerical value
> Color me puzzled. Can you express the run more clearly in Boolean logic?
> Its a bit tedious to explain in Boolean logic..
Suppose the data is subsetted according to two distinct 'clm'
variables (i.e 1 set consisting of only "General" & other only of "Life")
* General.dat*
* * id loc
> a$uid <- paste(a$id, ".", a$loc, sep="")
> out <- tapply( a$clm, a$uid, paste ) # can also add collapse=","
> $A1.B1
> [1] "General"
> $A2.B2
> [1] "General" "Life"
Dear R users,
Basically, from the following arbitrary data set:
a <-
> a
id loc clm
1 A1 B1 General
2 A2 B2 General
3 A3 B3 General
4 A
Hi all,
I require 2 RMySQL libraries in order to query from a database.
'RMySQL_0.7-4' (newest version) results in an error when more than 1 field
is queried.
''RMySQL_0.5-11' (old version) resolves this issue where more than 1 field
can be queried without any errors. However, other queries resu
Dear R users,
Basically, I desire to extract more than 1 column from a table in MySQL
However, I get a pop-up error reading *"R for Windows GUI front-end has
encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the
incovenience."* when there are more than 1 field following "SELEC
Thanks all for your help!
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Ishwor wrote:
> Hi Duncan
> >> You can try putting this in your Rprofile
> >> options("keep.source=F")
> >>
> >> This will work in the R cmd but it will not work in the RGui
> >>
> >
> > The syntax is wrong there: that should be optio
Hi R users,
I have a script composing of more than 1000 lines and would like suppress
the R codes from the console when executing the script (to reduce the
physical processing time)
I have tried options(echo=T) but no luck..
*Q1. Are there any way of suppressing the commands in the R console?*
Dear R users,
Suppose the csv file contains header names such as *"Nike, dunk"*, *"Converse,
All stars"* etc
When imported to R (with header = T option), the column names are given by:
*"Nike..dunk"* *"Converse..All.stars"*
I have tried the following command to convert these c
Dear R users,
I would like to accumulate objects generated from 'for' loop to a list or
To illustrate the problem, arbitrary data set and script is shown below,
x <- data.frame(a = c(rep("n",3),rep("y",2),rep("n",3),rep("y",2)), b =
c(rep("y",2),rep("n",4),rep("y",3),"n"), c = c(rep("n"
r build the name however you like
> fpath <- 'macintoshhd/users/me/myfolder/ # or whatever you need
> read.csv(eval(paste(fpath,fnam,sep="")) #worked for me
> Carl
> ---
> Try this:
> read.csv(sprintf("D://R//Da
Dear R users,
I have numerous data sets (csv files) saved in the folder which has the same
name as individual data.
(i.e data x1 saved in x1 folder, data x2 in x2 folder etc)
I would like to read in the desired data set name using 'scan' function and
assign this inputted value to an object so th
<- "The university of North Carolina"
Note: above shows only partial (if/else if) conditions.
Q1: The above "for" loop works fine (but very slow on large data set..),
thus I would like to explore whether there is an alternative VECTORIZATION
Dear R users,
I have a data where I desire to subset according to certain conditions.
However, the script is very messy as there are about 30 distinct conditions.
(i.e. same script but with different conditions)
I would like to make a user defined function so that I can input the desired
> > fortune("parse")
> If the answer is parse() you should usually rethink the question.
> -- Thomas Lumley
> R-help (February 2005)
> So please use one of the other answers given in the thread...
>MO> --- On Thu, 27/8/09
Dear R users,
I am trying to extract the rownames of a data set for which each columns
meet a certain criteria. (condition - elements of each column to be equal
I have the correct result, however I am seeking for more efficient (desire
vectorization) way in implementing such problem as it can
Hi all,
I am currently woking with hundreds of objects in workspace and whenever I
invoke ls() to observe the names of the objects, there are too much of
unnecessary variables.
For example, if I only require say 3 or 4 objects from hundreds of objects
in workspace, are there any methods that may
Dear R users,
I am trying to fill in arrays (5 different according to distinct "id")
from objects produced from arbitrary data set below.
a <-
idpro sa
criteria where xx == 9
sub.a.10 <- sum(sub.a$xxx) to get sum of xxx (=28) satisfying the
criteria where xx == 10 etc
Please enlighten my problem.
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:19 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2009, at 10:12 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
Dear R users,
I am using "subset" function to filter out specific conditions and would
like to use the value of subsetted argument as a name of an object.
Specifically, from the following statement:
a <- subset(dat, dat$x == "A" & dat$xx == 1 & dat$xxx == "AB" & dat$y
== "B" & dat$yy == 2)
Hi all R users,
I am trying to extract elements from an array (x as shown below) where the
difference between the consecutive elements does not equal 1.
The desired output is:
j = 6,17,27,38,58,69,79,90
However, the code below only returns:
j = 1,69,79,90
I am a
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