Re: [R] Fwd: high p values

2019-03-19 Thread S Ellison
How many data points do you have in each group? - How much do the two groups overlap? If the answers are 'not many' or 'lots' (in that order), and especially if both apply, you can't expect a significant test result. S Ellison *

Re: [R] Help with gsub function

2019-03-18 Thread S Ellison
> tb2a$TID2 <- gsub(tb2a$TID, pattern="-[0-0]{0,7}", replacement = "") Just to add something on why this didn't work ... It looks like you were trying to match a hyphen followed by a number up to seven digits. by mistake(?) you gave the digit range as [0-0] so it would repmatch a hyphen followe

Re: [R] R help

2019-02-15 Thread S Ellison
> I am having an issue with creating a code in which i can hold information such > as the author of a paper, the year of publication, and the title. This doesn't really tell me what the trouble is. But ... > Also would like > to add into this data frame a logical variable which would show some >

Re: [R] pattern evaluation in electron microscopy images

2019-02-11 Thread S Ellison
Not really my field, but would you not approach this using FFT on selected regions? I think IMageJ has some capability in that area; see example at Steve Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On

Re: [R] CRAN Task View: Optimization and Mathematical Programming

2019-02-06 Thread S Ellison
> Limited water resources need to be apportioned among various competing > users > (e.g,, agriculture, fish and wildlife, Tribes, potable human water > supplies). Water management is definitely not my field, but for interest - and maybe to help other folk respond - can I ask what the loss functio

Re: [R] Printing a list of simultaneous equations

2019-01-21 Thread S Ellison
> -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Michael > Friendly > Check out the `matlib` package on CRAN and devel on github: Very nice! Thanks for the pointer. Steve E *** This

Re: [R] Printing a list of simultaneous equations

2019-01-18 Thread S Ellison
You can drop the quote marks by calling print() explicitly with quote=FALSE, by using round your cbind, or - perhaps best - by constructing your output matrix as a data frame in the first place. ( defaults to quote=FALSE). And if you suppress name checking in a dat

Re: [R] Colors on box plots in ggplot

2019-01-18 Thread S Ellison
) which uses default colours. Once you have an aes mapping you can change the scale, so ( p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "blue", "green")) ) gives you the colour ordering you want. ( p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "blue", "gr

Re: [R] NA rows appeared in data.frame

2019-01-14 Thread S Ellison
subset(t1, apply(t1, 1, function(x) !all( (or the equivalent '[' usage) and, as an aside, using '==' for floating point numbers is not generally safe; for example > sqrt(2)^2 == 2.0 [1] FALSE See R FAQ 7.31 for details of why '==' is bad for floating poin

Re: [R] Tinn-R: new web site

2019-01-14 Thread S Ellison
> From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Jose > Claudio Faria > > The Tinn-R project has a new web page: > > Thanks for this - and thanks, also, for maintaining Tinn-R and keeping it available as free software. The effort is muc

Re: [R] Request for aid in first R script

2018-11-19 Thread S Ellison
Pointers inline below: > > Since I'm a newbie on R, I was wondering if you could help me to achieve a > > small project that I think it's possible with this project (I cant seem to > > find a similar tool) > > > > I have a data file with about 2000 value lines, organized like this: > > > > x;y;z;j

Re: [R] extrat non diagonal

2018-11-14 Thread S Ellison
> With your code you just remove diagonal elements from your matrix. Worse; it removed _all_ elements from the matrix that match _anything_ in the diagonal! Which, in that example, was everything ... *** This email and any attach

Re: [R] extrat non diagonal

2018-11-14 Thread S Ellison
i) Your code creates w2 but references w1 to create aa. So you needed aa <- matrix(rep(c(0.4, 0.1, 0.2), 3), 3,3) for a working example. ii) This > matrix(as.numeric(aa)[!as.numeric(aa) %in% diag(aa)],2,3) removes any value that is present in the diagonal of aa. Look up ?"%in%" to see what that

Re: [R] How to create gridded data

2018-11-13 Thread S Ellison
You might take a look at the reshape package, which switches from 'long' to 'wide' formats and vice versa in a fairly flexible way. S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of lily li > Sent: 13 Novemb

Re: [R] getting 21 very different colours

2018-09-11 Thread S Ellison
You could look at combning a number of palettes from the RColorBrewer package to get the palette length you want. S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Federico > Calboli > Sent: 11 September 2018 08:35 &g

Re: [R] ANOVA Permutation Test

2018-09-03 Thread S Ellison
> This package uses a modified version of aov() function, which uses > Permutation Tests > > I obtain different p-values for each run! Could that be because you are defaulting to perm="Prob"? I am not familiar with the package, but the manual is informative. You may have missed something when r

Re: [R] exponential day

2018-08-09 Thread S Ellison
x likelihood, maybe nlme in the nlme package. For other ideas, look up 'non-linear fitting with R' on any search engine, or check the R Task Views S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use, copyi

Re: [R] security using R at work

2018-08-09 Thread S Ellison
> If I install R on my work network computer, will the data ever leave our > network? As far as I know, if you run R locally (and not, say, on an amazon EC2 instance) your data - indeed anything about you or your machine - will only leave your desktop if you download and run an R package that tr

Re: [R] Submit your own R package - @examples

2018-08-08 Thread S Ellison
> Most of my methods, are not exported to the namespace using the > @examples > options. Joanna, You normally need to export _all_ the objects/functions that you expect users to be able to run. And if you are giving an example of a function, it seems likely that you expect users to use it, so it

Re: [R] loop over matrix: subscript out of bounds

2018-08-08 Thread S Ellison
> > Eric Bergeron Wed, 8 Aug 2018 12:53:32 +0300 writes: > > > You only need one "for loop" > > for(i in 2:nrow(myMatrix)) { > >myMatrix[i-1,i-1] = -1 > >myMatrix[i-1,i] = 1 > > } Or none, with matrix-based array indexing and explicit control of the indices to prevent overrun i

Re: [R] [FORGED] Adding % sign to ticks in persp()

2018-08-06 Thread S Ellison
Another possible approach, using the transformation returned by persp() to locate axes explicitly and using base graphics to place labels etc, is given at > -Original Message- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-

Re: [R] Questions for Licensing

2018-08-03 Thread S Ellison
g your business. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use, copying or disclosure other than by the intended recipient is unauthorised. If you have received this message in error, please notify the

Re: [R] Combinations of true/false values where one pair is mutually exclusive

2018-08-03 Thread S Ellison
> Given that clarification, I'd just generate the full set and remove > the ones you aren't interested in, as in: I'd agree; that is probably the most efficient thing to do with only half a dozen binary variables and a single condition. A way of going about it for a more complex case might be to

Re: [R] Philip Morris International - Windows10 migration assessment

2018-08-02 Thread S Ellison
Suggest you take a look at the R website at; the most important answers are evident there. If you 'require' more authoritative answers within a particular timescale, I suggest you engage an R consultant and pay for them. This is a voluntary list. S Ellison >

Re: [R] Combinations of true/false values where one pair is mutually exclusive

2018-08-02 Thread S Ellison
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 11:20 AM, R Stafford > wrote: > > But I have the extra condition that if E is true, then F must be false, and > > vice versa, Question: Does 'vice versa' mean a) "if E is False, F must be True" or b) "if F is True, E must be False"? ... which are not the same. b) (and

Re: [R] Using apply function to merge list of data frames

2018-07-27 Thread S Ellison
xpected results. S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Naresh > Gurbuxani > Sent: 25 July 2018 07:17 > To: > Subject: [R] Using apply function to merge list of data frames > > I have

Re: [R] extract and re-arrange components of data frame

2018-06-12 Thread S Ellison
> #I need to get this final result > r<-data.frame(i=c(1,1,1,2,2,3), s=c(97, 98, 99, 103, 105, 118)) Nothing magic to suggest. But maybe: list.s <- strsplit(d$s,",") r <- data.frame(i=rep(d$i, times=sapply(list.s, length)), s=unlist(list.s), stringsAsF

Re: [R] internet routines cannot be loaded, R 3.5.0

2018-06-08 Thread S Ellison
", not the menu function or the package installation function "install.packages" The latter needs a list of packages to install. The former tells you what is already installed. S Ellison *** This email and

Re: [R] Change the legend order by order function

2018-05-23 Thread S Ellison
levels=c("name_b", "name_c", "name_a")) #or, for a more obviously likely example lmh <- factor(sample(c("High", "Medium", "Low"), 30, replace=T), levels=c("Low&qu

Re: [R] strange behavior of plotmath

2018-05-21 Thread S Ellison
need_ the enclosiong {}, though; > expression(NO[3]^'-'~(mg/L)) works as you intended S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __

Re: [R] BoxPlot Adding Mean and Median Values

2018-05-10 Thread S Ellison
ats[3,], names, pos=1) #labels just below the medians #And for placing means on the plot: RTFmeans <- with(AmbientTr, tapply(RTF, batch, mean)) points(1:length(RTFmeans), RTFmeans, pch=19) text(1:length(RTFmeans), RTFmeans, paste(round(RTFmeans,0)), pos=

Re: [R] Fill down a new column in data frame with a number

2018-05-10 Thread S Ellison
> I am traying to create a a column in my data frame filled down with a > number. > > > df$newcolumn <- number > > How can I do it? I am considering use rep() but in this case it is > necessary know the number of rows in each data base that I have and I would > like to do it in a faster ( and m

Re: [R] Bivariate Normal Distribution Plots

2018-04-12 Thread S Ellison
> -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of JEFFERY > REICHMAN > # Standard deviations and correlation > sig_x <- 1 > sig_y <- 1 > rho_xy <- 0.0 > > # Covariance between X and Y > sig_xy <- rho_xy * sig_x *sig_y > > # Covariance matrix > Sig

Re: [R] convert numeric variables to factor

2018-04-10 Thread S Ellison
rn tells me that you have not constructed your data frame correctly. I can't tell you what you did wrong there. - As another poster has said, data.frame is the name of a function - one that construicts a data frame. R can often tell which you want, but it is never safe to use the na

Re: [R] Obtain gradient at multiple values for exponential decay model

2018-04-06 Thread S Ellison
he differential function from your function for y; see ?D S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __ mailing list --

Re: [R] Shading specific region in R

2018-03-27 Thread S Ellison
> Following the given codes below, I generated a plot that has 6 regions around > a > center point (IL), with 5 regions containing > > a point (L1, L2 to L5) and sixth vacant region. I want background of all the > filled > regions turned "green", while "red" for the > > vacant region. Can it be

Re: [R] How to Find the value of r-square change in hierarchical multiple linear regression

2018-03-19 Thread S Ellison
t? See ?summary.lm For a linear model L summary(L)$r.squared gives R^2 and the adjusted R^2 is summary(L)$adj.r.squared S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __

Re: [R] Set Difference Problem

2018-03-19 Thread S Ellison
, "P3", "P4"}} Note the double parentheses ... this is still a set of sets with one member, not a set of character strings with four members. Hope that helps ... S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Neha

Re: [R] stats 'dist' euclidean distance calculation

2018-03-15 Thread S Ellison
ors constructed from allele data, you will usually get complete nonsense in genetic terms. You should probably look at something like dist.gene in the ape package: see

Re: [R] alternative for multiple if_else statements

2018-02-26 Thread S Ellison
ps something that picks the minimum year for a subject or other relevant group might work? For example paste("survey", ave(year, studyno, FUN=min), sep="_") S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Kevin >

Re: [R] stem - strange leaves

2018-02-16 Thread S Ellison
> > From: Leif Ruckman [] > > Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 3:27 PM > > To: PIKAL Petr > > Subject: RE: stem - strange leaves > > > > Thank you, I also found that solution but I think it is strange that > > this happens at all. I have tried different data and sometimes

Re: [R] Interesting behavior of lm() with small, problematic data sets

2017-09-06 Thread S Ellison
standard errors. So this particular example is apparently version-specific. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __ R-help@r-project.o

Re: [R] [FORGED] Re: Block comment?

2017-09-05 Thread S Ellison
e thing. So there's probably more than one reason // was added to C. That and better editors. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} ___

Re: [R] Strange lazy evaluation of default arguments

2017-09-05 Thread S Ellison
Mathias, If it's any comfort, I appreciated the example; 'expected' behaviour maybe, but a very nice example for staff/student training! S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Matthias > Gondan > Se

Re: [R] Suggestion for installation of R

2017-08-17 Thread S Ellison
> >Is it possible to download and run R on Asus ZenFone, if yes, which > >version Try Googling 'R on Android' The top link is *** This email and any a

Re: [R] ANOVA test to decide whether to use multiple linear regression or linear mixed effects model

2017-08-15 Thread S Ellison
anova is defaulting to anova.lm, and that doesn't expect a mixed effects model. Switch them round to put model2 first: anova (model2, model1) S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confid

Re: [R] weight in lm

2017-08-14 Thread S Ellison
that there is a difference across three types, is there a reason not to use something like Levene's test to confirm that the variances differ by more than chance? S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are con

Re: [R] problem with R. program

2017-08-11 Thread S Ellison
ify Upper limit and Lower limit, though I've not tried omitting them. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use, copying or disclosure other than by the intended recipient is unauthorised. If you have

Re: [R] Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution

2017-08-10 Thread S Ellison
> I think that I need to > draw a Hypercube sample for each age class (i.e., for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) > in a > given simulation (i.e., N = 1) and the LHS values for all age classes should > be > like the observed cumulative distribution (see attached figure). > output of randomLHS should be a

Re: [R] Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution

2017-08-08 Thread S Ellison
> However, my variable is simulated from the cumulative distribution function > of the Poisson distribution. Then I am afraid I don't know what you're trying to achieve. Or why. However, the principle holds; write a function that maps [0,1] to the 'pattern' you want, do that and apply it to the

Re: [R] Nested for loop

2017-08-08 Thread S Ellison
ke a list of either subpopulations or sets of population parameters, lapply your simulation generator over the list and (assuming the output from each of those is a vector) use c(that.list, recursive=TRUE) to concatenate the resulting list of

Re: [R] Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution

2017-08-07 Thread S Ellison
. For example: q <- randomLHS(1000, 3) colnames(q) <- c("A", "B", "mort") q[, "mort"] <- qpois(q[,"mort"], 1.5) S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confid

Re: [R] switch of cex adjustment with mfrow?

2017-08-03 Thread S Ellison
> use > > par(mfrow=c(2,2), cex = 1) This does work as written. But when I first checked single-call setting, an mfrow change to cex in the same call superseded cex=1; hence my suggestion to use separate calls to par(). Further checking confirms that the result of a call to par is dependent on

Re: [R] switch of cex adjustment with mfrow?

2017-08-02 Thread S Ellison
Checking ?par, " In a layout with exactly two rows and columns the base value of '"cex"' is reduced by a factor of 0.83: if there are three or more of either rows or columns, the reduction factor is 0.66." You should be able to simply set cex to 1/0.83 for a 2x2 layout and by 1/0.66 for

Re: [R] metRology package

2017-07-13 Thread S Ellison
> I'm having trouble with a simple application with metRology. Well, what you probably need is to contact the maintainer of the metRology package. Fortunately that's me. An immediate problem that I have is that I don't quite understand what you're doing (in the measurement), so I may need to

[R] Hunting a histogram variant

2017-06-21 Thread S Ellison
t? ... and the R question: ii) Is it already hiding somewhere in an R package?* S Ellison *If it's not, I'll be adding it to one, hence the hunt for due credit/sources *** This email and any attach

Re: [R] understanding I() in lmer formula

2017-06-15 Thread S Ellison
u run the product on the command line, either inside I() or not, what's the class of the result? If that is order-dependent for the object types you're combining, while I don't know why that might be it would go some way to explaining

Re: [R] Keep only those values in a row in a data frame which occur only once.

2017-06-12 Thread S Ellison
appear. > > How can I do this? Use unique() on each row and pad with NA? Example: uniq10 <- function(x, L=10) { u <- unique(x) c(u, rep(NA, L-length(u)) ) } t( apply(tmp, 1, uniq10) ) ) assuming tmp is

Re: [R] organizing data in a matrix avoiding loop

2017-05-26 Thread S Ellison
atrix with the available flow data dT.m[as.matrix([1:2]) ] <-$Flow #This relies on a default conversion from data frame factors to a character matrix, together #with R's facility for matrix indexing by 2-column matrix #Then[1:10

Re: [R] [FORGED] Logical Operators' inconsistent Behavior

2017-05-19 Thread S Ellison
> > SQL, for example, generally takes the view that any > > expression involving 'missing' is 'missing'. > > Well, then SQL gets it wrong. Well, that's a view. But paraphrasing an R Turner from a few lines away in the same email: > One should be very, very circumspect about presuming to know

Re: [R] [FORGED] Logical Operators' inconsistent Behavior

2017-05-19 Thread S Ellison
] #Which returns # # FALSE which - particularly since it appears without warning - is not an obviously sensible outcome. I am not suggesting a change to R's logical operations, which have clearly been thought through (that is evident from NA&FALSE == FALSE&NA == FALSE). But

Re: [R] R function stopped working

2017-04-04 Thread S Ellison
Maybe a daft question arising from lack of reproducible example, but have you run ls() manually to make sure there are objects that _exactly_ match "_Figs_" ? The simplest explanation for a loop doing nothing is that there are no cases. S Ellison > The following function is suppo

Re: [R] Plot Arrows with Angle and length - correction

2017-03-29 Thread S Ellison
radians=azimuth ) arrows(x, y, x+cos(az.rad)*size, y+sin(az.rad)*size, ...) } plot(0:6, 0:6, type="n"), y, Azimuth, Length) "..." means you can pass all the other options to arrows() S Ellison > > > Thanks, > > Julio > >

Re: [R] Plot Arrows with Angle and length

2017-03-29 Thread S Ellison
<- switch(units, degrees=azimuth*pi/180, radians=azimuth ) arrows(x, y, x+cos(az.rad)*length, y+sin(az.rad)*length, ...) } plot(0:6, 0:6, type="n"), y, Azimuth, Length) "..." means you can pass all the

Re: [R] argument to 'which' is not logical

2017-03-23 Thread S Ellison
recommend you avoid using common function names as variable names) If you do need to test elements for zeroes, though, note that '==' and '!=' are not usually recommended for comparisons with zero owing to finite numerical representation. So that may well be unwise. See the N

Re: [R] force axis to extend

2017-03-16 Thread S Ellison
b="") barplot(height = df$Percent[df$Sex == "Males"], add = TRUE, axes = F, col="#f8bb85", ylab="", names.arg=c("18-29", "30-44", "45-59", "60+")) axis(side=2, at = seq(-35,35,by=5), labels=format(abs(seq

Re: [R] Match ISO 8601 week-of-year numbers to month-of-year numbers on Windows with German locale

2017-01-18 Thread S Ellison
> -Original Message- > (yw <- format(posix, "%Y-%V")) > > # [1] "2015-52" "2015-53" "2016-53" "2016-01" > > Which, after checking back with a calendar, would give me reason to believe > that it using %V does in fact seem to work: it's an input to `format()` and R > doesn't seem to ignore

[R] rstan error: C:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++: not found

2016-12-02 Thread S Ellison
Apologies for posting a possibly package-specific question, but I'm not sure whether this is an R or rstan ussue. Running rstan under R 3.1.1 in windows 10 I get the well-known error "Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created! C:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++: not found" The cause on my sy

Re: [R] Variable 'A' is not a factor Error message

2016-11-16 Thread S Ellison
ot factors. You will then get a numerical gradient for each factor instead of a single offset for each upper level. That isn't really what Placket and Burman had in mind, so I would not normally start with a P-B design if I wanted to do that. Consider a response surface model instead. S

Re: [R] Issues with the way Apply handled NA's

2016-11-16 Thread S Ellison
NA) > plabor A slightly more compact variant that avoids the intermediate 'vals' variable is to apply an anonymous function that does the check internally: plabor$colD <- apply(plabor, 1, function(x) if(all( NA else prod(x, na.rm=TRUE)) S Ellison ***

Re: [R] Text categories based on the sentences

2016-11-16 Thread S Ellison
> I have data set contains one variable "*Description*" > > *Description** Category* > > 1. i want ice cream food > 2. i like banana very much fruit > 3. tomorrow i will eat chick

Re: [R] Adding a column to an **empty** data.frame

2016-11-02 Thread S Ellison
> Now, how can I add a third column name to that empty df? You could use functions that generate zero-length objects. Examples: df$newv <- vector(mode="numeric") #logical by default, so <-vector() would give you a zero-length logical df$newi <- integer() df$newf &

Re: [R] function ave() with seq_along returning char sequence instead of numeric

2016-11-01 Thread S Ellison
actor, '<-') can use. *though plenty of reason to warn of unexpected consequences if not, of course S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __

Re: [R] lsa-cosine subscript out of bounds error

2016-10-28 Thread S Ellison
om the information you have given. But in general, subscript errors in a function are often caused by the user (you) supplying the wrong object type or an object with incorrect dimensions. So you could start by making sure is what cosine() expects. class( dim( str( coul

Re: [R] How to put below code in Automator in iOS

2016-10-27 Thread S Ellison
>From 'An introduction to R' in the html help system: "If you just want to run a file foo.R of R commands, the recommended way is to use R CMD BATCH foo.R. " There is also a short section on 'Invoking R under OS X' in the 'Introduction to R'; it may

Re: [R] nls.lm

2016-10-20 Thread S Ellison
whether couched in terms of count of residuals - is simply to make sure that you have more independent data than variables when seeking a unique numerical solution by non-linear least squares. If you don't you'll get non

Re: [R] nls.lm

2016-10-19 Thread S Ellison
lued solution for all of x, y and z. Are you quite sure that that is what you _meant_? S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __ R-help@r-pr

Re: [R] Why do we get “Don't know how to add o to a plot” Error?

2016-10-19 Thread S Ellison
f the answers here, though, I'm sure that would be appreciated. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __

Re: [R] barplot beside=TRUE - values differ on scales

2016-10-12 Thread S Ellison
ic. But if you must, is there any reason you can't divide the first row by (say) 1000, barplot normally with axes=false, and then put an explicit axis up each side with something like axis(2, at=seq(0,3, 0.5), labels= seq(0,2500,500)) ) #first row axis, left column axis(4) S Ellison

Re: [R] Recoding lists of categories of a variable

2016-10-11 Thread S Ellison
> If you are concerned about missing levels -- which I agree is legitimate -- > then > the following simple modification works (for > **factors** of course): > > > d <- factor(letters[1:2],levels= letters[1:3]) d > [1] a b > Levels: a b c > > f <- factor(d,levels = levels(d), labels = LETTERS[3:1

Re: [R] multiple uses ifelse function

2016-10-11 Thread S Ellison
testseq<=4,'x',testseq) will return four 'x's and then - because R has to coerce everything to a single type - character representations of numbers 5:20. That will not then respond well to subsequent numeric comparisons ... S Ellison **

Re: [R] Recoding lists of categories of a variable

2016-10-10 Thread S Ellison
> Well, I think that's kind of overkill. Depends whether you want to recode all or some, and how robust you want the answer to be. recode() allows you to recode a few levels of many, without dependence on level ordering; that's kind of neat. tbh, though, I don't use recode() a lot; I generall

Re: [R] Recoding lists of categories of a variable

2016-10-10 Thread S Ellison
27;, while also mapping > system missing values to system missing values? You could look at 'recode()' in the car package. There's a fair description of other options at S Ellison **

Re: [R] [R-pkg-devel] doc url to vignette

2016-09-22 Thread S Ellison
> In other words, try to mislead CRAN. Well, no. The thought was that if CRAN has agreed an exception, as Uwe had indicated, you might want a simpler way of maintaining it than discussing it on every update. I can see that that would sidestep an enforced regular review, though. Keep up the g

[R] FW: Why removing the (Intercept) from lm is done by adding -1?

2016-09-21 Thread S Ellison
here the method of subtracting one? Why > > does subtracting one mean that the (Intercept) term disappears? See above; '-' _in a formula_ means 'remove the following term' Following that consistently, if there's a weirdness there, it's that ~0+x works t

Re: [R] "invalid argument to unary operator" while selecting rows by name

2016-09-21 Thread S Ellison
> > Works like a charm, thanks! Still don't know what that error message > > means though. Any idea? You tried to negate a character string. -"601" '-' can't do that. [-x] relies on negative _numbers_ to remove elements, not on separate i

Re: [R] Overlapping axis numbering and labels when using par(new=TRUE)?

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
> How can I get the axis numbering and labels to not overlap? I could also Try specifying las=2 in your plot command? See ?plot.default and ?par S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{droppe

Re: [R] add outlier in data set

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
l reading for what you are trying to do. See also the Note and examples in ?"==" which are also essential reading for comparisons involving floating point numbers; also FAQ 7.31. S Ellison *** This email and any atta

Re: [R] What are the red line and cut line in lm's Residuals vs Fitted plot?

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
> Do you mean that the red line is a regression line? > Why is the regression (line) weighted? I suggest you look up 'locally weighted regression' to find out why that is useful and what it is for. *** This email and any attachmen

Re: [R] Request for R code

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
> Heyy I want to apply LASSO method in AFT model. So can you guys please help > me by sending R code for that. Try"LASSO") or RSiteSearch("LASSO") or Google "LASSO method in AFT using R"

Re: [R] add outlier in data set

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
> I have one question that how we add one or more outliers in the data set. See ?c to add values to a vector. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{droppe

Re: [R] What are the red line and cut line in lm's Residuals vs Fitted plot?

2016-09-19 Thread S Ellison
ments to ?plot.lm, which uses panel.smooth as a panel function. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __ mailing li

Re: [R] Query to find minimum value in a matrix in R

2016-09-16 Thread S Ellison
ention to the meaning of negative indices (like '-n' in dd[-n,]) S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of susmita T > Sent: 16 September 2016 13:09 > To: > Subject: [R] Query to find

Re: [R] why data.frame, mutate package and not lists

2016-09-15 Thread S Ellison
re listed in ?attach). attach()is only sensible if you have already completed all the manipulation needed on the attached object first. Even then, using with() is safer. S Ellison *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any

Re: [R] Apply a multi-variable function to a vector

2016-09-13 Thread S Ellison
rature above). Not quite enough information here. If we called func2(30, 298, 23) which has an arbitrary third argument, what would you like to happen to the third argument? And a fourth, fifth and so on? Something consistent for all arguments, or something different for each depending on i

Re: [R] p.adjust not working correctly?

2016-08-03 Thread S Ellison
of 1.0. Dividing by n would imply incorrectly that individual events have become less probable as the number increases. The result you have obtained is what is supposed to happen. S Ellison > > p <- runif(50) > > > > p > [1] 0.08280254 0.08955706 0.19754389 0.52812033 0.68

Re: [R] intersection of two polygons which are not shapefiles

2016-07-18 Thread S Ellison
t and use something like gIntersection() from rgeos or intersect from raster (see S Ellison *** This email and any attachments

Re: [R] I can't see my questions and their answers in this mailing list !

2016-07-18 Thread S Ellison
hat legitimate mailing lists exist. Presumably other email filtering products could be doing the same. S Ellison *To be fair to the product**, an email report is available - if you go to the relevant web portal and manually request it. Of course, the only reason you'd do that is if you know

Re: [R] source code of a function

2016-07-08 Thread S Ellison
> Is there a function in R which calls the code behind a function? Type the function name without the brackets. *** This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}} __

Re: [R] Command to combine means?

2016-06-30 Thread S Ellison
Stata's documentation lists this as a meta-analysis tool. You may want to look at the rma function in the metafor package for various approaches to that problem. S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Carlos R. >

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