On 6/6/24 18:41, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 2024-06-06 4:37 a.m., Yosu Yurramendi wrote:
What is the HEX code for "transparent" color?
I've tried "" "FF00" "", but they don't work.
If the other answers don't solve your problem, you should give us some
context. Not all graph
Dear all,
I talked with colleagues this morning and we realized that some people
(=me) pronounce CRAN like the German word "Kran" (probably pronounced
like "cruhn" in English -- if it was a word).
My colleague pronounced it as "Sea-Ran" or "Sea-Run". The colleague was
a student and has worked
On 04/12/2014 07:03 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I think you could hack something like that (see the description in
> ?par3d of how rendering is accomplished), but there's currently no
> support for it, and it wouldn't be easy, as currently P and M in that
> description are read-only quantities comp
Dear all,
I am using package rgl and I want to change the position where I "stand".
Maybe a small example might clarify what I am looking for:
# Begininng of explanatory example
# the example ?rgl.surface
y <- 2 * volcano
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(y))
z <- 10 * (1:ncol(y))
On 03/28/2012 08:48 AM, uday wrote:
> I would like to read data from two different folder and then combine this
> together
> the code which I have tried are as follows
> setwd("/Groups/data_first/")
> file_was <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "v2.0.2.was", all.files =
> FALSE, full.names
On 12/02/2010 03:15 PM, Wegan, Michael (DNRE) wrote:
I would like to call both p-values and R-squared values from lm's in a
function. I can get the p-values from coef(summary(name.lm))[r,c], however, I
cannot figure out how to call the R-squared values without manually calling the
summary and
On 12/01/2010 02:43 PM, alcesgabbo wrote:
I plot the first column with the following function:
plot(m[,1],type="o", xaxt="n",ylim=c(min(m[,1:length(colnames(m))])-1,
for the other columns I use there functions:
Dear all,
does anyone of you know where to get some simple data from dragster racing
(the race where you go for 1/4 mile straight)?
Best would be some data where you have two columns with Col 1 "Time since
start of race in miliseconds" and Col 2 "Distance traveled".
Thank you very much,
Ajay ohri wrote:
- go with Bob and Peter's book. Too many sources can be confusing.
- Join the list, create filters for keywords of your specialty (like from
R -Help ) contains regression.
- Try use it for a live project .
I think this is really very good advice:
- 2 books (I would
Jason Thibodeau wrote:
I am attempting to perform some simple data manipulation on a large data
set. I have a snippet of the whole data set, and my small snippet is 2GB in
Is there a way I can read my csv, select a few columns, and write it to an
output file in real time? This is what
I have tried
what about
mean(Incubation, na.rm=TRUE)
I get the following result:
> mean(Incubation, na.rm=TRUE)
Time difference of 4.295455 hours
but I think that, since there are so many NA values in Incu
Avram Aelony wrote:
Dear R community,
I find R fantastic and use R whenever I can for my data analytic needs.
Certain data sets, however, are so large that other tools seem to be
needed to pre-process data such that it can be brought into R for
further analysis.
Questions I have for t
Kanak Choudhury wrote:
i have made a code for optimizing a function using "constrOptim". i need
hessain matrix of the parameters. how could i get hessain matrix when i will
use "constrOptim"? May i get get any help from anyone?
the function fdHess from package 'nlme' can help you?
since you are new to R, you might not be aware of some nice feature at
the homepage of R: the task view
For various topics, somebody kindly provided an overview of packages and
functions for the specific topic.
Also for cluster analysis:
I have forgotten something: in case you don't want to produce postscript
or pdf files, have also a look at the nice article by Paul Murrell in R
News, Vol 4. No. 2:
Roland Rau wrote:
milton ruser wrote:
we c
milton ruser wrote:
we choose an family of fonts. I tryed par(family="times")
without success.
what about this:
pdf("plot1Times.pdf", family="Times")
Maybe you check also the help for
I hope this helps yo
since many suggestions are following the form of
x[x==0] (or similar)
I would like to ask if this is really recommended?
What I have learned (the hard way) is that one should not test for
equality of floating point numbers (which is the default for R's numeric
values, right?) since the bina
Jamie Ledingham wrote:
becomes too much to handle by the time the loop reaches 170. Has anyone
had any experience of this problem before? Is it possible to 'wipe' R's
memory at the end of each loop - all results are plotted and saved or
written to text file at the end of each loop so this may b
dott wrote:
Suppose I have a vector in real number
(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
My question is how I can get
x5*x3*x1 + x6*x4*x2 ?
Thanks a lot.
hard to say what you mean?
Maybe summing up all elements in odd positions and the ones in even
myvector <- 1:6
1*3*5 + 2*4*6
Brandon Invergo wrote:
You can use the length() and which() functions for that:
> length(which(m == 2))
Or even shorter since TRUE Values have a value of 1
mymatrix <- matrix(sample(x=1:10, size=1000, replace=TRUE), ncol=5)
length(which(mymatrix==2)) #should give the sam
Hi Kevin,
list1 <- list(a1=rnorm(100), a2=rnorm(10))
list2 <- list(a1=rnorm(50), a2=rnorm(25))
mylist <- list(top1=list1, top2=list2)
dump(list="mylist", file="mydumpedlist.r")
# please note that you have to quote the name
# of the object(s) you want to du
stephen sefick wrote:
e1 <- function(x,b,t){
e1(2, 2,seq(from=0, to=6, by=1))
Is there a way to do this with a change in time. I would like to use
differential equations. I am trying to model
a population with an initial value, fecundity per time st
Charles C. Berry wrote:
Should someone start a pool on when SAS will offer 'R language support' ??
At least Biostatistics Denmark developed something in this direction.
Too bad that Rolf Poalis made only this announcement:
in the beginning
have a look here:
Hope this helps,
Michael Gormley wrote:
trying to install the pbatR package, I was greeted with the error
Error: package 'tcltk' does not have a name space
Execution halted
Directly installing the packag
Bert Gunter wrote:
speedup over explicit loops. As you said, their greatest advantage is
elegance and code readability (as functional programming, rather than
procedural programming, constructs).
As you also said, vectorizing calculations is a central theme in R that
takes some getting used
Hi rcoder,
rcoder wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm running some code containing an outer and inner loop, to fill cells in a
2500x1500 results matrix. I left my program running overnight, and it was
still running when I checked 17 hours later. I have tested the operation on
a smaller matrix and it execut
Dear all,
for those of you who have too much time (nobody) and those who enjoy
participating in programming contests (maybe some of you), I found an
interesting site linked from reddit's programming section:
The actual contest is at the site: http://selfex
to be honest, I never created a matrix of lists before, but hopefully
this code will help you?
my.pool <- c(NA, 0:10)
n <- 25
alist <- list(sample(x=my.pool, size=n, replace=TRUE))
mymatrix <- matrix(rep(alist, 6*3), nrow=6)
mymatrix2 <- lapply(X=mymatrix, FUN=funct
Hi Rostam,
did you check
Hope this helps,
rostam shahname wrote:
Hi R users,
I would like to create an image using three matrices which contain the
values of Red, Green, and Blue of each pixel, i.e. one matrix which has
values of red, one which has values of green, and on
But probably you will need to set replace=FALSE if you want to sample
from your original data set without replacement.
Sorry for the possible confusion,
Roland Rau wrote:
n <- 200
mydata.set <- rnorm(10)
my.random.subset <- sample(x=mydata.set, size=n
n <- 200
mydata.set <- rnorm(10)
my.random.subset <- sample(x=mydata.set, size=n, replace=TRUE)
I hope this helps,
Alessandro wrote:
Hi all,
I wish to do a random subset (i.e. 200 or 300 points) from a dataset, but I
don't find the right
Stevens, Martin Henry H. Dr. wrote:
The limit of use is that you cannot profit from it. It is Open Source.
I am not sure what you mean exactly. If you mean that you can not earn
any money selling free software (in terms of the GPL2, which is R's
licence), this seems to be not the case:
Dear all,
may I suggest to include this quotation of Patrick Burns in the fortunes
package? :-)
Patrick Burns wrote:
A good reason to use '&&' rather than '&' is if evaluating
whatever is on the right will create an error if what is on
the left is FALSE. '&&' and '||' stop if
Jim Porzak wrote:
All this is included in the distribution in "doc" folder:
1. see FAQ: "2.11 Can I use R for commercial purposes?"
2. Specific GNU License is in file COPYING
the start-up message of R can (hopefully) help you in your case.
It mentions to type in
maybe the following code helps to achieve what you want?
It seems to me it is basically a 'recode' question.
set.seed(1234) # not neccessary but this ensures we have the same
random.values <- runif(n=30, min=0, max=100)
newgrouping <- cut(x=random.values, breaks=c(0,0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10
what about:
mydata <- c(1,2,3,NA, Inf, -Inf, NaN, 5, 6, 7)
mydata2 <- ifelse(is.na(mydata) | is.infinite(mydata),
0, mydata)
nmarti wrote:
I know I can use x <- na.omit(x), and other forms of this, to get rid of
some of these errors.
I know what y
Dear all,
I would like to point to a minor bug in the documentation of merge().
The documentation (?merge) says
all logical; all = L is shorthand for all.x = L and all.y = L.
I think the correct description should be
all logical; all = T is shorthand for all.x = T and all.y = T.
The so
rlearner309 wrote:
I have a question about how to filter the data frame:
Suppose my data frame has variables like gender, age,... How to get a subset
of the data frame, with only female (or male) and/or age > 50...? What is
the typical syntax? I tried several condition expressions, but non
Spencer Graves wrote:
I found the first chapter of Paul Dierckx (1993) Curve and Surface
Fitting with Splines (Oxford U. Pr.). Beyond that, I've learned a lot
from the 'fda' package and the two companion volumes by Ramsay and
Silverman (2006) Functional Data Analysis, 2nd ed. and (2002) Applie
Hi Davide,
did you check the R Installation and Administration Manual?
In Section A.2.1 you will find some more information.
Make sure that you have the 'dev' packages installed of tcl8.x and tk8.x.
If you don't know where 'tclConfig.sh' and 'tkConfig.sh' are located,
just find them:
locate t
Hi Ted,
hopefully the following information gets you started:
Ted wrote:
What I want to do is extract time series data from a database(say, PostgreSQL
or MySQL - I routinely use both), analyse it, and put a selection of the
statistical results into specific tables.
Check the following docume
diver495 wrote:
Using Visual Basic I can complete the same script (simple loop of 500
itterations) in 0.1 sec.
Is it realy R not suitable for huge computing.
If you are happy with Visual Basic, then there is no need for you to use R.
In case your message was not a flamebait, it is well
did you have a look at the manual "An Introduction to R"?
Chapter "Statistical Models in R" should answer (most of) your questions
concerning linear regression.
kayj wrote:
Also each x is a categorical variable with 4 categories so I
Dear all,
a related follow up -- with the hope for some feedback from the specialists.
Is the following general advice justified:
If one has not more than 4GB RAM and one wants to run primarily R on
one's Linux machine, it is a good idea
Hi Carlos,
Carlos López wrote:
I´m trying to find datasets that will give me residuals, after applying
the lm function, with no normality, non linearity, and heteroscedacity
so I can try to exemplify
those cases in the linear regression model. Can you give any advice on
what datasets would be
Cleber Nogueira Borges wrote:
hanen wrote:
my linear model is y=c+a*x1+b*x2 i tried to found a, c, b by the use of:
mymodel<-lm(y~1+x1+x2) where y, x1, x2 are 3 vectors with the same length
the result is a=NA.so i want to know where is the problem.
It's the sum of x1 and x2 equal t
Carlos López wrote:
I´m trying to find datasets that will give me residuals, after applying
the lm function, with no normality, non linearity, and heteroscedacity
so I can try to exemplify
those cases in the linear regression model. Can you give any advice on
what datasets would be appropiate?
Bill Cunliffe wrote:
For example, based on a certain condition, I may want to exit my code early:
# Are there the same number of assets in "prices" and
if (nAssetPositions != nAssetPrices) {
cat("Different number of assets! \
Nitesh Agrawal wrote:
Hi everyone
I have been trying to build R in ubuntu 8.04 from its source code but am
getting the following error.
configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not
I am currently sitting in front of a Windows machine but I built R on m
Hi Wade,
Wade Wall wrote:
I first installed through the package manager, but was unable to start R
without opening a script file. So I installed from the tarball, but am
still unable to open R using any commands; ESS loads into a buffer; but
I can't use M-x-R to open R. the only way I can
Hi Wade,
Wade Wall wrote:
Hi all,
I don't know if this is the proper place to ask this, but I am trying to
configure emacs/ess on Ubuntu 8.04 to run the way described for ESS and
I think the easiest way to install emacs/ess on Ubuntu 8.04 is via the
Simply use your favorite pac
Antony Unwin wrote:
R has spread far and wide with great success. It is not only used
extensively in universities, but also apparently in governmental
organisations and in industry. As the recent discussion of R's Pros
and Cons shows, there are many reasons for this. It would be
Monica Pisica wrote:
- You can save scripts, but not *.exe.
If you want to contrast R with statistical packages like SPSS or Stata
(and if your audience has rather a background in those than in general
purpose languages), I think this is not really a problem unless I missed
something recentl
"Europe" "United_States" "a_longer_string"
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Roland Rau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
Dear all,
I have several datasets and I want to generate pdf plots from them.
Dear all,
I have several datasets and I want to generate pdf plots from them.
I also want to generate automatically the names of the files. They are
country-specific and the element mycurrentdata[1,1] contains this
So what I do is something like this:
Hi Karen,
those are martingale residuals.
You don't have to be a Guru to find it out.
Did you check
Under values it tells you
"an object of class "coxph". See coxph.object for details."
So you can ask for help for coxph.object
and then you will see among the components:
just looked at it briefly and I don't know if it is the real cause for
your problems. But 'data' as well as 'newdata' require a data.frame and
not a list as input.
Does this help?
mah wrote:
> I am unable to get the basehaz function to apply a proportional
> hazards model to
Dear Peter,
congratulations. Looks very impressive. Seems like you guys in Denmark
are very productive this time of the year.
This brings me to my actual problem: isn't Lars Polifo a close relative
of Rolf Poalis? Has there been any recent progress with the 'sas2r'
parser? http://tolstoy.newcas
Hi Sean,
is this roughly what you are looking for (please note that in the
example data you provided there is only one level of ID given, no "S-4",
...) ?
> DF
ID Cl Co BrdInd A AB AB.1 frq
1 S-3 IND A BR_F BR_F01 1 00 1.0
2 S-3 IND A BR_F BR_F01 1 00 1.0
3 S-3 IND A
Shubha Vishwanath Karanth wrote:
> l=list(list(c(1,2),c(4,5),c(6,7)),list(c(11,22,33),c(44,55,66)))
> How do I know the dimensions of this list?... In other words, how many
> sub-lists, sub-sub-lists etc...are there in l? How do I know this?
> l=list(list(c(1,2),c(4,5),c(6,7)),list
Hi Maura,
Maura E Monville wrote:
> I tried to install "ade4TKGUI" but it failed maybe because I did not
> install Tcl/Tk on my Linux/SuSE ???
> * Installing *source* package 'ade4TkGUI' ...
> ** R
> ** inst
> ** preparing package for lazy loading
> Loading required package: ade4
> Attaching
Erika Frigo wrote:
> Good evening to everybody,
> I have problems to import in R a really big dataset (more than 100
> values). Which is the best package to install?
> Is there someone who works with this kind of dataset and can help me, please?
Maybe the package SQLiteDF could be use
Jorge Iván Vélez wrote:
> Dear R-list,
> Does somebody know how can I read a HUGE data set using R? It is a hapmap
> data set (txt format) which is around 4GB. After read it, I need to delete
> some specific rows and columns. I'm running R 2.6.2 patched over XP SP2
in such a case, I would
Hi Marcin,
in addition to Greg Snow's answer, you may also check the "Introduction
to R" Manual, especially Section 12.5. In subsection 12.5.3 (in the PDF
version), there is also a graphical example of the margins.
Mam nadzieje, ze to pomoze.
Hi Georg,
Georg Ehret wrote:
> Dear R community,
>I would wish to color the background of my histogram differently to the
> left and right of an abline... Can you please help?
maybe not very elegant or beautiful, but I hope it will get you started:
### Start of Code Example
the package 'survival' provides the possibility to estimate Cox PH
models with a frailty term.
If this is not what you are looking for, there is also a package called
'frailtypack'. But I have no experience with that.
I hope this helps.
P.S. Boccon
Hi Kathy,
maybe this article could be also of use for you?
Ihaka, R., and Gentleman, R. (1996)," R: A Language for Data Analysis
and Graphics," The Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5,
Kathy Gerber wrote:
> Earlier today I sent a question to Frank Harrell
Marc Bernard wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am looking for a good reference on "Survival analysis". I am looking for
> a booking containing both applications and Maths. Explaining different
> methods in survival analysis
since I just answered in another thread with a book recommen
Xing Yuan wrote:
> Dear List,
> Does anybody no how to compare mean survival times for two (more) groups in
> R? What test statistics should I use?
my answer is less of an R answer than a literature answer:
John P. Klein and Melvin L. Moeschberger devote section 4.5 in their
book "Surviv
Ben Bolker wrote:
> Roland Rau gmail.com> writes:
>> does this do what you want?
>> overlap <- function(a,b,c,d) {
>> all(c:d %in% a:b)
>> }
>> overlap(1,5,3,4)
>> overlap(1,2,3,4)
> Do you really want this
mohamed nur anisah wrote:
> Dear lists,
> any suggestion on how to write a function to return a TRUE if interval
> [a,b] overlaps the interval [c,d]. I've tried it but an error occur saying
> that 'could not find function v ; in addition warning message occur'. Below
> is my codes.Pl
Earl F. Glynn wrote:
> Instead of using "1" or "2" in an "apply", I'll write something like this
> trying for some sort of mnemonic
> apply(x, BY.ROW<-1, sum)
> or
> apply(z, BY.COL<-2, mean)
It think it makes sense to use those "magic numbers" in the given case.
Please let me give you
I think using Emacs+ESS [1,2] is always a good starting point for a
clear layout with consistent and meaningful indentation.
I don't know how other people think about it, but in my opinion,
"Elements of Programming Style" by Kernighan and Plauger is still an
interesting read -- although th
> On Jan 31, 2008 7:17 PM, Roland Rau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > is there a possibility to display pictures (jpegs, pngs, ...) in R?
> >
> > Maybe the following
Dear all,
is there a possibility to display pictures (jpegs, pngs, ...) in R?
Maybe the following (hypothetical) code makes it clearer what I have in
plot(x=0:100, y=0:100, type="n")
rect(xleft=25, xright=75, ybottom=30, ytop=95, fill="apicture.png")
Thank you,
Wensui Liu wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there a emacs/xemacs for unix without compiling it? If it is
> possible, I prefer something that I can use immediately after putting
> it on the unix server.
> Is it possible or am I too stupid to ask this kind of question?
> Thanks for your insight!
Christophe Genolini wrote:
> Hi the list.
> I do not understand the philosophy behind numeric and integer.
> - 1 is numeric (which I find surprising)
> - 2 is numeric.
> - 1:2 is integer.
> Why is that ?
I hope I can answer your question at least partly:
Numeric means "double", i.e. intern
one possibility is to start R in a terminal window by entering
then R should be started.
now simply enter:
and everything should be fine.
Hope this helps,
Prateek Singh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 'R' code in file. saved it as exmaple.r
> here is the code...
Gavin Simpson wrote:
> hits=-2.6 tests=BAYES_00
> X-USF-Spam-Flag: NO
> On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 11:02 +0100, Janice Kielbassa wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I want to do a non-linear regression with 2 explanatory variables
>> (something like : length ~ a * time * exp( b* temperature)), having a
>> data
Hi Matthew,
something else came to my mind:
why don't you post something similar to the newsgroups:
R-help is obviously biased and maybe there are things "we" (the R
community) are just missing. Maybe there are things possible in SPSS or
SAS which R peo
maybe I missed something while using SAS or SPSS. So please make sure
that I am not talking nonsense here.
- How would you re-use results in SPSS or SAS? If it is possible for SAS
and SPSS, I am fairly sure it is not as easy as in R:
lmmodel1 <- lm(Y~X)
myslope <- coef(lmmodel1)[2]
- You ha
please have a look at the posting guide (link is at the bottom of your
message). Most (if not all) of your problems should be solved if you
follow the advice given there.
Anyway, please have a look below:
> Folks, Two simple questions :
> (1) I have a data set (
(all(initial.matrix==initial.matrix2)) cat("Good\n") else cat("Bad\n")
## yes, I know, such comparisons of floats are notoriously problematic
Roland Rau wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am pretty sure that this has been discussed before. Unfortunately, I
> can not fi
Dear all,
I am pretty sure that this has been discussed before. Unfortunately, I
can not find anything in the archives -- probably because I am
"RSiteSearching" for the wrong terms. If I remember correctly, I think I
even asked this question a few years ago. But I cannot even find this.
The ba
Hi Jack,
Jack Luo wrote:
> Dear List,
> I am trying to modify the xlab and ylab for a current figure that was
> plotted by a package, I searched through the low level plotting command and
> they do not seem to contain how to do this (the only way is to use xlab,
> ylab as arguments in "plot" co
Hi Tom,
did you check the R for Windows FAQ?
Hope this helps,
Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
> Recently I came across an interesting web site:
> http://portableapps.com/. The idea is simple, this
Christian Salas wrote:
> I want something like Emacs (of course including auctex and ess), but
> not Emacs. Something like Tinn-R [http://www.sciviews.org/Tinn-R/] is
> the best solution, as far as I know for it, unfortunately is only
> available for Windows.
XEmacs? :-)
If you don't want Emac
Olga K. Kamneva wrote:
> Hello, All!
> I have function which is written in C, the function uses other functions
> also builded bu me. Now I need to use the function to build R function.
> My questions are:
> 1. How can I include libraries (for example, iomanip, sstream, tcl.h)?
> 2. Should
88 matches
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