Re: [R] graph together 4 series after HP filter

2016-09-06 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi Sebastian, here are examples with ggplot2 and basic graphic. You may also impress your audience by using

Re: [R] outliers in Box Plot

2016-09-06 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi Rosa, you may take advantage of the extremevalues package. An example: set.seed(1023) v3 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 0.2), rnorm(5, 4, 0.1), rnorm(5, -4, 0.1)) v4 <- sample(v3, length(v3)) nam <- as.character(1:length(v4)) df <-

Re: [R] Need advice on linear programming in R

2016-09-04 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi Michael, On top of all suggestions, I can mention the following packages for linear programming problems: (see cl

Re: [R] Help regarding Community Detection Algorithm in R (like Propagation, Walktrap)

2016-05-02 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You may look at: -- Best, GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the

Re: [R] selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer

2016-04-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi, I was able to replicate the solution as suggested by William in case of data.frame class, not in case of data.table class. In case of data.table, I had to do some minor changes as shown below. library(data.table) a <- 1:10 b <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j") c <- seq(1.1, .2, len

Re: [R] multiplication by groups

2016-04-24 Thread Giorgio Garziano
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5), A = c(1,0,5,1,1,NA,0,3,2,7), B = c(2,3,NA,3,4,NA,1,0,5,NA)) df2 <- data.frame(ID = c(1,2,3,4,5), A = c(1,6,1,3,9), B = c(5,3,4,1,5)) m <- match(df1$ID, df2$ID) sel <- c("A",

Re: [R] Inserting a blank row to every other row

2016-04-24 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Starting from this data frame: my.df <- data.frame(num = 1:5, let = letters[1:5]) > my.df num let 1 1 a 2 2 b 3 3 c 4 4 d 5 5 e > and inserting a blank row (NAs row) for each one of my.df rows. na.df <- data.frame(num = NA, let = NA) my.df <-, apply(my.df, 1

Re: [R] Finding Highest value in groups

2016-04-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Since the aggregate S3 method for class formula already has got na.action = na.omit, ## S3 method for class 'formula' aggregate(formula, data, FUN, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit) I think that to deal with NA's, it is enough: aggregate(Value~ID, dta, max) Moreover, passing na.r

Re: [R] Finding Highest value in groups

2016-04-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
idvalues <- data.frame (ID = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5), Value = c(0.69, 0.31, 0.01, 0.99, 1.00, NA, 0,1, 0.5, 0.5)) aggregate(Value~ID, data=idvalues, max) ID Value 1 1 0.69 2 2 0.99 3 3 1.00 4 4 1.00 5 5 0.50 -- Best, GG [[alternative HTML

Re: [R] subset by multiple letters condition

2016-04-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You may investigate a solution based on regular expressions. Some tutorials to help: https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.ama

Re: [R] Add a vertical arrow to a time series graph using ggplot and xts

2016-04-20 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Please see updates to df2 assignment as shown below. library(xts) # primary #library(tseries) # Unit root tests library(ggplot2) library(vars) library(grid) dt_xts<-xts(x = 1:10, = seq(as.Date("2016-01-01"), as.Date("2016-01-10"), by = "1 day")) col

Re: [R] Plotting data on a map

2016-04-06 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Some tutorials and examples may help.

Re: [R] Good pointers for understanding the R language implementation

2016-04-06 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Guessing that you may want to take a look at: Anyway, as David wrote, that it is too vague for specific hints. -- Best, GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help

Re: [R] R cases on predictive maintenance

2016-04-05 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Generically: and among those: -- Best, GG This Communication is Ericsson Confidential. We only send and receive email on the basis of the term

Re: [R] converting a class dataframe (chars) to transaction class

2016-03-31 Thread Giorgio Garziano
A more specific reproducible example. set.seed(1023) library(arules) # starting from a dataframe whose fields are characters (see stringsAsFactors = FALSE), as asked products <- c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8", "P9", "P10") mydf <- data.frame(user = sample(LETTERS[1:20], 100, re

Re: [R] ts or xts with high-frequency data within a year

2016-03-31 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Ryan, >From "decompose()" source code, two conditions can trigger the error message: "time series has no or less than 2 periods" based on the frequency value, specifically: 1. f <= 1 2. length(na.omit(x)) < 2 * f It appears to me that your reproducible code has got a typo error, it shou

Re: [R] Filtering based on the occurrence

2016-03-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
# your code Subject<- c("2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "5", "5", "5", "5") dates <- seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-12'), by = 1) deps <- c("A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "A", "F", "G", "A", "F", "A", "D") df <- data.frame(Subject, dates, deps) df final<-c("2 2011-01-02B","2 2011

Re: [R] converting a class dataframe (chars) to transaction class

2016-03-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
mydf <- data.frame(d1 = LETTERS[1:10], d2 = letters[11:20]) > str(mydf) 'data.frame': 10 obs. of 2 variables: $ d1: Factor w/ 10 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $ d2: Factor w/ 10 levels "k","l","m","n",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > library(arules) trans1 <- as(mydf, "transaction

Re: [R] how can I count data points outside the main plot line?

2016-03-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
As a "quick solution", I would explore the use of stat_smooth() and then extract fit data from, as herein shown: library(ggplot2) p <- qplot(hp, wt, data=mtcars) + stat_smooth(method="loess") p ggplot_build(p)$data[[2]] xy ymin ymaxse PANEL group colour fill

Re: [R] Open source project that needs performance optimizations

2016-03-28 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Yes, I think it is worth evaluating what available at: and as a thesis to tackle a "real-life" use case where R language and some of those High Performance Computing packages are used to solve problems about. Or you may implement

Re: [R] hourly prediction time series

2016-02-05 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Some good references: Best, -- GG This Communication is Ericsson Confidential. We only send and receive email on

Re: [R] R Sig-Geo group - loop for creating spatial matrix

2016-02-02 Thread Giorgio Garziano
om: Francesco Perugini [] Sent: martedì 2 febbraio 2016 09:24 To: Giorgio Garziano Subject: Re: [R] R Sig-Geo group - loop for creating spatial matrix Dear Giorgio, thanks a lot for your reply. From here now, I want to implement the Global G test for spatial autoco

Re: [R] Modelling non-Negative Time Series

2016-02-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano Best, -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PL

Re: [R] R Sig-Geo group - loop for creating spatial matrix

2016-02-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You may handle that as a list of "nb" objects. library(spdep) example(columbus) coord <- coordinates(columbus) z <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) neighbors.knn <- list() for (val in z) { neighbors.knn <- c(neighbors.knn, list(knn2nb(knearneigh(coord, val, longlat=F), sym=F))) } class(neighbours.knn)

Re: [R] Plotting Dates Time Series Data

2016-02-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
This tutorial may help: See pages 20 and 27 for your specific issue. Best, -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

Re: [R] cross correlation of filtered Time series

2016-01-13 Thread Giorgio Garziano
: Giorgio Garziano; Subject: RE: [R] cross correlation of filtered Time series Thank you, May I know the reason for keeping frequency as 60, the package says it expects frequency in hertz, how does it work if I input daily data?. The correlation max shown by

Re: [R] cross correlation of filtered Time series

2016-01-12 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hello, I think that the package "seewave" may help you. See corenv() function. library(seewave) sst.ts <- ts(dc$sst, frequency=60) t2m.ts <- ts(dc$t2m, frequency=60) corenv(sst.ts, t2m.ts) corenv.res <- corenv(sst.ts, t2m.ts, plot=FALS

Re: [R] create one bigger matrix with one smaller matrix

2015-12-31 Thread Giorgio Garziano
A <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4),2,2) B <- matrix(A, nrow=14, ncol=14) > B [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [1,]131313131 3 1 3 1 3 [2,]242424242 4 2 4

Re: [R] rugarch package: VaR exceedances plot

2015-12-28 Thread Giorgio Garziano
My suggestion is to inspect the VaRplot source code and, also with the help of debug() if necessary, you may verify how ylim results with your data. > VaRplot function (alpha, actual, VaR, title = paste("Daily Returns and Value-at-Risk \nExceedances\n", "(alpha=", alpha, ")", sep = ""), ylab

Re: [R] need for help for solving operations in a vector

2015-12-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I think that the rle() function may help you to tackle the problem in a more general way. Using William's suggested series: x <- c(2,2,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,3,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1) > x [1] 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 rle.x <- rle

Re: [R] creating a xts object

2015-12-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Some hints at the following link where the " requires an appropriate time-based object" error is commented. -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

Re: [R] to change the size of the line in the plot created in ggplot2

2015-12-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi Marna, here is another example that should appear more similar to your scenario than my previous one. x <- seq(1:100) y1 <- x*x g1 <- rep("y1", 100) df1 <-, y1), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) df1 <-, g1)) colnames(df1)<- c("x", "value", "variable") y2

Re: [R] to change the size of the line in the plot created in ggplot2

2015-12-24 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi Marna, I prepared this toy example that should help you. x <- seq(1:100) y <- x*x avg <- mean(y) avg.v <- rep(avg,100) # your average column data df <-, y, avg.v)) library(ggplot2) ggplot(data=df[,-3], aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_line() + geom_line(data=df[,c(1,3)], color='b

Re: [R] to change the size of the line in the plot created in ggplot2

2015-12-24 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You can do it this way, for example: geom_line(linetype="dashed", size=1, colour="blue") Further info at: -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To

Re: [R] assigning values to elements of matrixes

2015-12-23 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I think this may help. my_assign <- function(operand, value) { assignment <- paste(operand, value, sep = "<-") e <- parse(text = assignment) eval.parent(e) } a <- rep(0,5) > a [1] 0 0 0 0 0 my_assign("a[2]", 7) > a [1] 0 7 0 0 0 my_assign("a[4]", 12) > a [1] 0 7 0 12 0 -- GG

Re: [R] Trying to avoid the loop while merging two data frames

2015-12-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Library dplyr to use arrange() for ordering, in the case. library(dplyr) result.order <- arrange(result, d, version, a, b, c) dim(result.order) [1] 30005 head(result.order) d versiona b c 1 -2.986456069 1 0.2236414154 0.004258038663 1.089

Re: [R] Checkpoints in Caret

2015-12-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Further, trying to be more specific about checkpoint with R, I may suggest the following readings. Look for "checkpoint models" in: Look for "checkpointing" i

Re: [R] Checkpoints in Caret

2015-12-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I found some information about parallel processing in R that might be of your interest: htt

Re: [R] Error running predict

2015-12-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You forgot to put the comma after "-intrain" in the following assignment: testing <- spam[-intrain, ] "make" is one of the data columns of spam dataset. > colnames(spam) [1] "make" -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-pro

Re: [R] neuralnet to discriminate a given outcome by giving cutoff outputs

2015-12-20 Thread Giorgio Garziano
About my previous answer, I should have taken advantage of glm() in place of lm(), as the response is binomial. -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.

Re: [R] neuralnet to discriminate a given outcome by giving cutoff outputs

2015-12-20 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I would tackle the problem in the following way: lm.model <- lm(z~ x + y, data=m) summary(lm.model) Call: lm(formula = z ~ x + y, data = m) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.34476713 -0.09571506 -0.01786731 0.05225554 0.51693389 Coefficients:

Re: [R] Create a data.table by looping over variable names

2015-12-16 Thread Giorgio Garziano
library(data.table) dat <-, nrow=1, ncol=100)) colnames(dat) <- gsub("V", "i", colnames(dat)) -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://st

Re: [R] Print minified XML in tree format

2015-12-14 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I may suggest this quick guide: and the following link: I apologize for not being more specific. -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Re: [R] how to use confusionMatrix function in solving multi-classes problem

2015-12-13 Thread Giorgio Garziano
You may use the "caret" package. At the following link 2-classes and 3-classes examples: -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see htt

Re: [R] define number of clusters in kmeans/apcluster analysis

2015-12-13 Thread Giorgio Garziano
And in case you would like to explore the supervised clustering approach, I may suggest to explore the use of knn() fed by a training set determined by your cluster assignments expectations. Some "quick code" to show what I mean. z <-, scale(y))) colnames(z) <- c("x"

Re: [R] stopifnot with logical(0)

2015-12-11 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I think the inspection of the "stopifnot()" source code may help. > stopifnot function (...) { n <- length(ll <- list(...)) if (n == 0L) return(invisible()) mc <- for (i in 1L:n) if (!(is.logical(r <- ll[[i]]) && !anyNA(r) && all(r))) { ch <- de

Re: [R] change col types of a df/tbl_df

2015-12-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
my_convert <- function(col) { v <- grep("[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{4}", col); w <- grep("[0-9]+,[0-9]+", col) col2 <- col if (length(v) == length(col)){ col2 <- as.Date(col, format="%d.%m.%y") } else if (length(w) == length(col)) { col2 <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", col)) } col2 }

Re: [R] matrix which results singular but at the same time positive definite

2015-12-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Decrease the "tol" parameter specified into the "is.non.singular.matrix() call, for example as: m <- matrix(c( 1.904255e-12, -1.904255e-12, -8.238960e-13, -1.240294e-12, -1.904255e-12, 3.637979e-12, 1.364242e-12, 1.818989e-12, -8.238960e-13, 1.364242e-12, 4.80998

Re: [R] Use of R for estimation of Discrete Choice Models incorporating latent variables

2015-12-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
My educated guess: package: RSGHB Wondering if also package ltm may help. There is available R package search at: My apologies if abovementioned packages do not f

Re: [R] change the x axis tickmarks when using plot function in drc package

2015-12-09 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Looking at the source code of the package drc, there is something that may somehow explain what you are experiencing: file: plot.drc.R, function addAxes(), lines 543-626 ceilingxTicks <- ceiling(log10(xaxisTicks[-1])) ... xaxisTicks <- c(xaxisTicks[1], 10^(unique(ceilingxTicks))) xLabels <-

Re: [R] Custom manual legend in ggplot2

2015-12-09 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Last "+theme_bw()" to be deleted. Try this: ggplot(data1, aes(x=x1, y=y1))+ geom_point()+ geom_smooth(method="glm", family="gaussian",aes(linetype="equation1"))+ geom_smooth(aes(x=x1, y=y1, linetype="equation2"),data=data2, method="glm", family="gaussian")+ scale_linetype_manual(values =

Re: [R] Custom manual legend in ggplot2

2015-12-09 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Try to look at the link: Also consider: help(theme) legend.backgroundbackground of legend (element_rect; inherits from rect) legend.margin extra space added around legend (unit) legend.key background underneath legend keys (element_rect

Re: [R] column means dropping column minimum

2015-12-08 Thread Giorgio Garziano
First, your code has flaws in the assignment of NA and in passing na.rm=TRUE to colMeans(). It should be: test2 <- test for (i in 1:ncol(test)) { test2[which.min(test[,i]),i]=NA} print(test2) samp1 samp2 samp3 16060NA 2506065 3NA9065 490NA90

Re: [R] ts.intersect() not working

2015-11-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
It appears to be a numerical precision issue introduced while computing the "end" value of a time series, if not already specified at ts() input parameter level. You may want to download the R source code: and look into R-3.2.2\src\librar

Re: [R] Problem in SVM model generation

2015-10-16 Thread Giorgio Garziano
>From R prompt, input: memory.limit() which returns the amount of memory available to R. Then, before allocating that vector, run: library(pryr) mem_used() To see current memory in use. Should be: memory.limit() - mem_used() >= 2.4GBytes -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Re: [R] processing time line by line

2015-10-16 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I may suggest this tutorial: and this discussion: which inspired this example: Rprof("profile1.out", line.profiling=TRUE) for(i in 1:10

Re: [R] DeSolve package

2015-10-16 Thread Giorgio Garziano
It is likely the "p" variable is not defined in your R environment. Inside your function model.LIDR, the variable "p" is used before being initialized in any of the environments reachable by the search path, included the model.LIDR function environment. The remedy is to define and initiali

Re: [R] Variable names conflict

2015-10-15 Thread Giorgio Garziano
May this be fine ? foo <- function(df) { x <- df[, 1, drop = FALSE] available <- rev(letters[(letters %in% colnames(df)) == FALSE]) colnames(x) <- available[1] dfOut <- data.frame(df, x) dfOut } Data <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2), y = c(3, 4)) foo(Data) x y z 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 -- GG

Re: [R] (no subject)

2015-10-04 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Good question. > str(Empl[c(2,4)]) List of 2 $ family:List of 3 ..$ spouse: chr "Fred" ..$ children : num 3 ..$ child.ages: num [1:3] 4 7 9 $ family:List of 3 ..$ spouse: chr "Mary" ..$ children : num 2 ..$ child.ages: num [1:2] 14 17 > > Empl[c(2,4)][1] $family $family$spou

Re: [R] denstrip package: densregion when density is not provided

2015-10-04 Thread Giorgio Garziano
It is likely you have some list structure you should not. Check the class of the elements of your matrixes, to see if any list class shows up. Not clear from your code what is "y" passed to densregion(..). Anyway, one way to reproduce your error is the following: # this does not work > a <- lis

Re: [R] denstrip package: densregion when density is not provided

2015-10-03 Thread Giorgio Garziano
>From the "densregion" help page I can read that: z is a matrix of densities on the grid defined by x and y, with rows corresponding to elements of x and columns corresponding to elements of y. So in your scenario z must be a 3 rows x 100 columns matrix, if you like to take advantage of densregio

Re: [R] Rayleigh Distribution

2015-10-02 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Similarly to what can be read on help(qqplot), however using Rayleigh distribution: library(VGAM) p <- ppoints(100) x <- qrayleigh(p) y <- rrayleigh(100) qqplot(x,y) qqline(y, distribution = function(p) qrayleigh(p), prob = c(0.1, 0.6), col = 2) -- GG [[alternative HTML version d

Re: [R] problem of Mahalanobis distance matching using MatchIT

2015-10-02 Thread Giorgio Garziano
About the "distance = NA" issue, please see if this comment helps: Furthermore, the Mahalanobis NA distance values are hard-wired in the code, file matchit.R: ## no distance for full mahalanobis matching if(fn1=="di

Re: [R] merging tables based on both row and column names

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Replacing na.omit() with ! appears to improve performance with time. rm(list=ls()) test1 <- (rbind(c(0.1,0.2),0.3,0.1)) rownames(test1)=c('y1','y2','y3') colnames(test1) = c('x1','x2'); test2 <- (rbind(c(0.8,0.9,0.5),c(0.5,0.1,0.6))) rownames(test2) = c('y2','y5') colnames(te

Re: [R] merging tables based on both row and column names

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I reworked Frank Schwidom's solution to make it shorter than its original version. test1 <- (rbind(c(0.1,0.2),0.3,0.1)) rownames(test1)=c('y1','y2','y3') colnames(test1) = c('x1','x2'); test2 <- (rbind(c(0.8,0.9,0.5),c(0.5,0.1,0.6))) rownames(test2) = c('y2','y5') colnames(test2) = c(

Re: [R] Splitting data frame into columns with dplyr

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
library(dplyr) df <- data.frame(z = rep(c("A", "B")), x = 1:6, y = 7:12) %>% arrange(z) temp <- reshape(df, v.names = c("x", "y"), idvar = c("x", "y"), timevar = "z", direction = "wide") lA <- na.omit(temp[,c("x.A", "y.A")]) lB <- na.omit(temp[,c("x.B", "y.B")]) df.long <-,

Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Intel i5 Windows-7 64-bit 16GB RAM. GG From: Maram SAlem [] Sent: giovedì 1 ottobre 2015 14:12 To: Giorgio Garziano Cc: Subject: Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long Thanks a lot Giorgio, I used memory.limit(size=4096) but got

Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
: Giorgio Garziano Cc: Subject: Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long Thanks a lot Giorgio, I used memory.limit(size=4096) but got don't be silly!: your machine has a 4Gb address limit I'm working on my Ph.D. thesis and I have a huge code of which this

Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

2015-10-01 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Check your memory size by: memory.limit() try to increase it by: memory.limit(size=4096) From: Maram SAlem [] Sent: giovedì 1 ottobre 2015 13:22 To: Giorgio Garziano Cc: Subject: Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long Thanks

Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

2015-09-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Be: log <- (rowSums(ED) <= (n - m)) Compare the following two values: length(log) nrow(w) -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] dplyr complete.cases(.) works one way but not another

2015-09-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
The "pronoun dot" is used in conjunction with %>% in dplyr (which imports magrittr). See pag.9, paragraph "Placing lhs elsewhere in rhs call" of the document: -- GG __

Re: [R] dplyr complete.cases(.) works one way but not another

2015-09-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
This works: filter(mydata, complete.cases(mydata)) About dplyr "pronoun dot", see: -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https

Re: [R] Theme white bands blue and grey or other color

2015-09-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
library(quantmod) getSymbols("YHOO") chartSeries(YHOO, theme="white") b1 <- addBBands(50,2) b1@params$colors$bg.col="#FF" b1 b2 <- addBBands(100,2) b2@params$colors$bg.col="#FF" b2 [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _

Re: [R] External functions called by my functions

2015-09-30 Thread Giorgio Garziano
See if this may help: -- GG [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] flatten a list

2015-09-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
To mention also: temp <- list(1:3, list(letters[1:3], duh= 5:8), zed=15:17) library(rlist) list.flatten(temp) [[1]] [1] 1 2 3 [[2]] [1] "a" "b" "c" $duh [1] 5 6 7 8 $zed [1] 15 16 17 --- Giorgio Garziano [

Re: [R] flatten a list

2015-09-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
If you need further info on flattening a list, check this out: [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing l

Re: [R] Creating World Map with Points

2015-09-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
80) lat <- runif(n,-90, 90) size <- runif(n, 1,5) data <- cbind(long, lat, size) data <- gpl <- ggmap(map) + geom_point(data = data, aes(x = long, y = lat), size=data$size, alpha=1, color="blue", s

Re: [R] merging tables based on both row and column names

2015-09-29 Thread Giorgio Garziano
s.null(v)) { m[rowname, colname] <- list(v) } else { m[rowname, colname] <- NA } } } > m x1 x2 x3 y1 0.1 0.2 NA y2 Numeric,2 Numeric,2 0.9 y3 0.1 0.1 NA y5 0.5 0.6 0.1 > m["y2",] $x1 [1] 0.3 0.8 $

Re: [R] a question on write.table

2015-09-28 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Try this: X<-c("A","B","C","D","E") Y<-c(0,1,2,3,4) for (i in 0:3) { Y<-Y+i data<-data.frame(X,Y) fe.flag <- file.exists("test.csv") write.table(data, "test.csv", row.names = FALSE, col.names = !fe.flag, sep=";", append = fe.flag) } [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _

Re: [R] Hide Legend

2015-09-28 Thread Giorgio Garziano
white", type='line', name="") chartSeries(YHOO, type='line', theme='white') b <- BBands(HLC(YHOO)) addTa(b, legend=NULL) -- Giorgio Garziano [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help

Re: [R] Rattle installation

2015-09-27 Thread Giorgio Garziano
RColorBrewer,\nreadxl, reshape, rggobi, RGtk2Extras, ROCR, RODBC, rpart,\nrpart.plot, SnowballC, stringr, survival, timeDate, tm,\nverification, wskm, XML, pkgDepTools, Rgraphviz" pack["rattle", "Imports"] [1] NA In general, the package installation by RStudio is strai

Re: [R] Analysis of causal relations between rare (categorical) events

2015-09-26 Thread Giorgio Garziano
it may help. Giorgio Garziano [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Randomness tests

2015-09-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
By "interested in any kind of deviation from randomness", I mean that I would like to apply all "randtests" R package randomness tests, if they give reliable results for {-1, 1} sequences. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-projec

Re: [R] Randomness tests

2015-09-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Good suggestion, thanks. -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller [] Sent: venerdì 25 settembre 2015 18:49 To: Giorgio Garziano; Subject: Re: [R] Randomness tests You are way off topic for this list. Perhaps

Re: [R] Randomness tests

2015-09-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I am interested in any kind of deviation from randomness. I would like to know if the fact that a time series can take values only from the set {-1, 1} restricts the type of randomness tests that can be done. -- Giorgio Garziano [[alternative HTML version deleted

Re: [R] Quantmod several indicators

2015-09-25 Thread Giorgio Garziano
=300) In general, if you like to plot indipendently a trading indicator computed by quantmod, you can do: wpr <- addWPR(n=300) plot(wpr@TA.values, type='l') -- or any other R plot library you like as in @TA.values are stored trading indicator values for any quantmod indicator. Gio

[R] Randomness tests

2015-09-22 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi, to test randomness of time series whose values can only be +1 and -1, are all following randomness tests applicable or only a part of ? cox.stuart.test difference.sign.test bartels.rank.test rank.test runs.test Tests provided by the randtests R package. Thanks. Giorgio Garziano

Re: [R] Variance-covariance matrix

2015-05-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
/covariance-matrix.aspx About what outlined in the book reference I mentioned, I shall open a separate thread in the case. Thanks. --- Giorgio Genoa, Italy From: Tsjerk Wassenaar [] Sent: domenica 10 maggio 2015 22:31 To: Giorgio Garziano Cc: Subject

Re: [R] Variance-covariance matrix

2015-05-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
x2 / (N-1) . . . Σ xn2 / (N-1) Reference: “Time series and its applications – with R examples”, Springer, $7.8 “Principal Components” pag. 468, 469 Cheers, Giorgio From: Tsjerk Wassenaar [] Sent: domenica 10 maggio 2015 22:11 To: Giorgio Garziano Cc: r-help@r

Re: [R] Variance-covariance matrix

2015-05-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
lt;- (1/(n-1)) * %*% t( -- Giorgio Garziano -Original Message- From: David Winsemius [] Sent: domenica 10 maggio 2015 21:27 To: Giorgio Garziano Cc: Subject: Re: [R] Variance-covariance matrix On May 10, 2015, at 4:27

[R] Variance-covariance matrix

2015-05-10 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Hi, I am looking for a R package providing with variance-covariance matrix computation of univariate time series. Please, any suggestions ? Regards, Giorgio [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UN

Re: [R] Question about base::rank results

2015-04-27 Thread Giorgio Garziano
Ok. Thanks for your explanation. Cheers, Giorgio Garziano -Original Message- From: Rolf Turner [] Sent: lunedì 27 aprile 2015 09:24 To: Giorgio Garziano; Subject: Re: [R] Question about base::rank results On 26/04/15 20:17, Giorgio

[R] Question about base::rank results

2015-04-27 Thread Giorgio Garziano
5,77,78,22) > x[rank(x)] [1] 12 77 34 78 22 15 (?) > x <- c(12,34,77,15,78) > x[rank(x)] [1] 12 77 15 34 78 (?) Please any feedback ? Thanks. BR, Giorgio Garziano [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-pro