Sam tingey wrote:
> can i email questions to this address to get help with using R
Sarah Goslee replied;
Yes, but do read:
Dieter Menne thought:
Catch 42. When you are so good that you can create a reproducible example
without using R, you only w
Christof Kluß wrote
> mod <- lme(A ~ -1 + B+C+D+E+F+G, random = ~1 | ...)
> ...
> f <- function(B,C,D,E,F,G) <- {
> return(i + b*B + c*C + d*D + e*E + f*F + g*G)
> }
It looks like you are trying to compute contrasts the ugly way. Check
estimable in package gmodels or the vignette of the m
Found it. Use level instead of groups.
# seqplot bar coloring
d = data.frame(acid=letters[1:10],lwr=rnorm(10),
d$upr = d$lwr+1
# Works as expected
I am trying to get segplot honor the groups parameter like barchart does. The
below give an incorrect display for segplot.
Any help?
# seqplot bar coloring
d = data.frame(acid=letters[1:10],lwr=rnorm(10),
d$upr = d$
chuck.01 wrote
> datum <- structure(list(Y = c(415.5, 3847.8325, 1942.83325,
> 1215.223,
> 950.142857325, 2399.585, 804.75, 579.5, 841.70825, 494.053571425
> ), X = c(1.081818182, 0.492727273, 0.756363636, 0.896363636,
> 1.518181818, 0.49917, 1.354545455, 1.61,
Dan Abner wrote:
> I have been using the sink() function as follows:
> x<-rnorm(100)
> sink("C:\\Users\\dan\\Desktop\\Current Events\\myhw.txt",
> append=TRUE,split=TRUE)
> m1<-c(Mean=mean(x),SD=sd(x),Min=min(x),Max=max(x))
> m1
> sink()
> ===
> Is it possible to create tabular style
Gang Chen-4 wrote:
> However, my problem is that the file generated
> from a graph of fixed size is too large (in the order of 10MB) because of
> many data points in multiple scatterplots. Any suggestions?
Generate pdf, open and save it in Adobe Acrobat which does a compression
when the set
Marie Duarte wrote:
> Is anybody able to recommend packages to provide GUI like behaviour to
> interface with R that would facilitate, eg.
> * Rotatable surface plots (similar to LiveGraphics3D for mathematica,
Andrew Winterman wrote:
> I'm trying to use the xlsx package to read a series of excel spreadsheets
> into R, but my code is failing at the first step.
> I setwd into my the directory with the spreadsheets, and, as a test ask
> for
> the first one:
>read.xlsx(file = "Argentina Fina
Antonio Rodriges wrote:
> The idea is to grant access of remote users to R running on Linux. Users
> must have ability to run their
> R scripts but avoid corrupting the operating system.
View this message in context:
Rosario Garcia Gil-2 wrote:
> I have a problem on keeping the format when I export a matrix file with
> the write.table() function.
> When I import the data volcano from rgl package it looks like this in R:
>> data[1:5,]
> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12
marcel wrote:
> I have a figure with a lattice plot and a basic plot. Is there a way to
> select the color and line width of the surrounding boxes for each of
> these? I could not find any documentation on this.
Thanks for providing a nice self-contained example. There was nothing wron
oaxacamatt wrote:
> I am calculating two t-test values for each of many files then save it
> to file calculate another set and append, repeat.
You did not tell use what you want to do with the data in the file. If you
just want a copy of the output, bracketing with sink(file) and sink() can
Ram H. Sharma wrote:
> I want to overlay lattice scatter plot: I do not know why the following
> code
> is not plotting subscripts ! Sorry if this question is too simple:
> Working example shortened:
> .panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, col = "green4", ylim = c(0, 10))
Because they ar
Irene Prix wrote:
> In a grouped Dotplot, is there any way to set the color of error bars to
> be the same as the corresponding symbols?
> ...
> require(lattice)
> require(Hmisc)
> data(barley)
> Dotplot(variety~Cbind(yield, yield+2, yield-2)|year, groups=site,
> data=barley)
christiaan pauw-2 wrote:
> Hi Everybody
> Is it possible to store a collection of variables of different types (like
> named integers, matricies, data frames and two lists) all in one list and
> save it and then simply load it again later and "unpack" the variables.
The easy way out i
Noah Silverman wrote:
> I have several "global" variables that I want to change with a given
> function. (The variable has a different value after the function is
> called.)
Berend Hasselman wrote:
> Maybe this helps
> ?`<<-`
It helps to get the job done, but the OP aske
Daniel Adler wrote:
> Initial Announcement: Package rdyncall released on CRAN. (Version 0.7.3)
> The package was presented at the Use!R 2009 with the title
> 'An improved Foreign Function Interface for R' and is now available on
> and considered stable for a large range of R platfor
Bansal, Vikas wrote:
> I have two data frames
> df
> ChrPos CaseA CaseCCaseG CaseT
> 10 135349878 0.00 3.428571 0.00 20.571429
> 10 135349880 0.00 21.33 0.00 2.67
> 10 135349883 21.00 0.00 3.00 0.000
Bert Gunter wrote:
> I would also address future questions of this sort to the
> R-sig-mixed-models list, as this is not really an r-help kind of question.
That's a bit confusing, Bert. I always thought that that list was about
lme4/lmer development, it still says
"notably lmer() relate
Menelaos Stavrinides-2 wrote:
> I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population
> growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population
> growth rate of the mite (ranges from negative to positive) and the
> exploratory variable is a categorical variabl
Crock wrote:
> i`m an absolute R-beginner and have a problem loading data from datasets.
> For example, giving the command: >load ("Affairs"), i get the message,
> that there is an error in readChar and there cannot be made any
> connection.
> I tried to find out on introduction papers but was
AriGold wrote:
> Hi this is my first post. I am trying to run a simulation for a computer
> playing Von Neumann poker and adjusting it's expectation of an opponent's
> behavior according to how the opponent plays.
> ...
Debugging length programs is not what this list is supposed to do,
Hi, Dirk,
Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Thanks for your interest in Rcpp. We generally prefer questions about
> Rcpp / RInside / ... on the rcpp-devel list.
I know that list, but I was not sure if Path-questions are part of "devel".
Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> ... presumably from instal
DrCJones wrote:
> hat I would like to do is fit an elipse to two lines of identity (at right
> angles to each other), as indicated in the following figure:
or, for a robu
DimmestLemming wrote:
> hist(soloData$deaths)
> I get the error, " invalid number of 'breaks' ".
There may be something wrong with you data.
View this message in context:
I am trying to run inline/Rcpp under Windows 64. The RTools are installed on
a spaceless path D:\rtools.
Inlining pure c-code works perfectly. When I try the sample code for cpp in
the cxx Documentation, I get:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe: C:/Program: No such file or directory
The path to the com
Jochen1980 wrote:
> I am looking for an opportunity to make a KS-Test in my C/C++-app.
> Unfortunately I am not able to find a lib or function in C or C++ which
> does the job. For my other numerical stuff Gnu Scientific Library was
> recommended to me. What to do now?
> I read that there
zcatav wrote:
> If this isn't, a DOS version may be helpfull to run on Android under
> dosbox.
Wow, a mind boggling bummer!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archiv
jannis-2 wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how much CPU time individual commands inside
> one of my functions consume. Is it possible to obtain the CPU times of a
> whole sequence of commands inside a function?
See the example under proc.time()
View this message in context:
xy wrote:
> I have like 5.075e-12 , 3.207e-05, 7.438e-07 and 9.393e-08 *** , i dont
> know what number they are
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing l
Wonjae Lee wrote:
>> strptime('20110101 0900',"%Y%m%d %H%M")
> [1] "2011-01-01 09:00:00"
>> strptime('20110101 900',"%Y%m%d %H%M")
> [1] NA
> If I have a 3-digit hour like '900', please show me how to convert it to
> 09:00:00.
d = c('20110101 900', '20110101 1900')
d1= gsub(" (\\d\\d
DrCJones wrote:
> But how can do 3 so that the bottom spans the width of the upper two:
> [plot1 plot1]
> [p l o t 3]
for standard graphics (plot..), but that's what you are referring to. For
trellis, you must use other methods.
View this message in context
adolfpf wrote:
> How do I "group" my data in "dolf" the same way the data "Orthodont" are
> grouped.
>> show(dolf)
>distance age Subjectt Sex
> 16.83679 22.01 F1 F
> 26.63245 23.04 F1 F
> 3 11.58730 39.26 M2 M
I know that many sample in that exc
David Scott-6 wrote:
> I have been trying to read some data from an Excel workbook without
> success.
> ...
> > faults <- sqlFetch(channel, sqtable = 'Data',
> +colnames = FALSE, = TRUE)
> > faults
> [1] "HY001 -1040 [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Too many fields de
R Help wrote:
> I'm trying to plot nls profiles, but the plot.profile.nls function in
> R doesn't seem to accept any plot.default variables.
Package nlstools has a few nice graphical display methods.
View this message in context:
Dorien Herremans wrote:
> Even if I use lm(), I get the following output:
>> summary(fit)
> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(>F)
> nh11 324.0 323.99 139.13 < 2.2e-16 ***
> nh21 723.1 723.12 310.53 < 2.2e-16 ***
> nh31 1794.2 1794.2
bellewong wrote:
> The figure is posted at
That type of plot that has descended on us like a beeswarm. Try the package
with that name.
View this message in context:
dorien wrote:
>> fit <- lm((tos~nh1*nh2*nh3*randsize*aweights*tt1*tt2*tt3*iters*length,
> data=expdata))
> Error: unexpected ',' in "fit <-
> lm((tos~nh1*nh2*nh3*randsize*aweights*tt1*tt2*tt3*iters*length,"
Peter's point is the important one: too many interactions, and even with +
helin_susam wrote:
> x <- rnorm(100)
> y <- rlnorm(100)
> model <- lm(y~x)
> a <- resid(model)
> How I show the all area under the normal curve?
First, always try plot(model). It can never hurt. Too bad the plot you want
is not among the six contenders (?plot.lm).
To do it manually:
Nilaya Sharma wrote:
> I was trying to fit a mixed model in animal experiment but stuck at simple
> point. The following similar example is from SAS mixed model pp 212.
> genetic_evaluation <- read.table(textConnection("
> sire dam adg
> 1 1 2.24
> 1 1 1.85
> ...
> 5 2 2.58
> 5 2
dorien wrote:
> I calculate an anova test in the following way:
> ... aov example
> I want to check the fit of the model with Rsquared
Try summary(lm(...)) instead.
View this message in context:
baptiste auguie-5 wrote:
> I wish to modify programmatically only a few factor levels, according
> to a named list. I came up with this function..
> .
> It seems to work, but the original order of the levels is changed.
The split-and-unite policy you use makes it a bit diff
Ian Renner wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a novice with levelplot and need some assistance! Basically, I want a
> window
> which contains 6 levelplots of equal size presented in 3 columns and 2
> rows.
> ...
> Is there any way to concatenate levelplots from a factor vertically as
> opposed
> to horiz
Bert Jacobs-2 wrote:
> I would like to replace the last tree characters of the values of a
> certain
> column in a dataframe.
Besides the mentioned standard method: I found the subset of string
operations in Hadley Wickhams stringr package helpful. They have a much more
consistent interf
Juraj17 wrote:
> Do I have to write my own, or it exists yet? How name has it, or how can I
> use it.
Try the R-function search. It return the function you are looking for as the
first match.
View this message in context:
jose romero-3 wrote:
> For one thing, i am using google docs to host the R object file and google
> docs has secure https URL's, which apparently cannot be handled by R's
> url(). So my questions are these:
Try ?getURL in the RCurl package
View this message in context:
alaios wrote:
> I am trying to learn lapply.
> I would like, as a test case, to try the lapply alternative for the
> Shadowlist<-array(data=NA,dim=c(dimx,dimy,dimmaps))
> for (i in c(1:dimx)){
> Shadowlist[,,i]<-i
> }
> ---so I wrote the following---
> returni <-function(i,ShadowMatrix) {S
Boris New wrote:
> The problem is that the editor wants a formal test. So I guess that the
> Vuong test should be ok...
I frequently note that it is the big boss who believes that the editor wants
a formal test.
Nobody ever got fired for producing a p-value :-(
View this mess
I am trying to pass a additional argument to texi2dvi, for example to use
the aux-directory. Looks like this is not possible via options:
options(texi2dvi='texi2dvi --tex-option="-aux-directory=auxdir"')
texi2dvi(file = "GBPL3.tex", pdf = TRUE)
#Error in system(paste(shQuote(texi2dvi), "--version
armstrwa wrote:
> for(i in 1:length(gagehandles)){
> dates<-get(paste(gagehandles[i],"_amsd",sep=""))
> Error in get(paste(gagehandles[i], "_amsd", sep = "")) :
> variable names are limited to 256 bytes
> It didn't have a problem with the variable names before, so I'm not sure
> wh
> After pondering all the pros and cons regarding the usefulness of a
> rating/review system for R packages, don't you think it would make sense
> to implement such a thing?
Or to look what is there, and how little it is filled:
View this message in conte
Bert Gunter wrote:
> You can't. R^2 has no (consistent, sensible) meaning for nonlinear models.
> If you don't understand why not, get local help or do some reading.
There is no doubt that you are right, but Anna's question only shows that
she is sandwiched between reviewers/supervisors who
Michael Friendly wrote:
> This is just the flexibility of R. I've just discovered a new class of
> geometries based on
> > pi <- 2.3
> ?Constants
This is a must-fortune.
View this message in context:
Marlin Keith Cox wrote:
> Thank you, but I need only the area under the llm colored. What if there
> were two lm lines?
For the well-behaved case you could find the range to be colored with
range = which(diff(resid(llm)>0)!=0)
range = w
Geoffrey Smith-3 wrote:
> Hello, I was wondering if there was an easy way to calculate the rate of
> change in a variable for an unbalanced panel data set. Below is a
> detailed
> description in R of what I am asking. Thank you. Geoff
A classic for mixed models, which simply does not
Erin Hodgess-2 wrote:
> Here is a little function that I put together:
>> fact1
> function(x) {
> n <- ncol(x)
> for(i in 1:n) {
> if(mode(x[,i])=="character")x[,i] <- factor(x[,i])
> }
> return(x)
> }
for a m
John G. Bullock-2 wrote:
> The strip argument to panel.xyplot seems to be ignored for single-panel
> plots. Here is an example:
>data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
>myStrip <- function(...) { ltext(.5, .5, 'strip text') }
>densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, strip=myStrip)
Marcel J. wrote:
> Is there a way to manually costumize the color legend in an spplot() -
> especially where to draw ticks and labels for the ticks?
spplot calls levelplot, so the documentation there gives some help. In
theory, the simplest approach would be to add a colorkey/ticknumber
Uwe Wolfram wrote:
> I did fit an equation of the form 1 = f(x1,x2,x3) using a minimization
> scheme. Now I want to compute the coefficient of determination. Normally
> I would compute it as
> r_square = 1- sserr/sstot with sserr = sum_i (y_i - f_i) and sstot =
> sum_i (y_i - mean(y))
Jeff wrote:
> I know Chi-squared test can be done with the frequency data by R function
> "chisq.test()", but I am not sure if it can be applied to the percentage
> data ? The example of my data is as follow:
> #
jannis-2 wrote:
> is it somehow possible to retrieve the x and y coordinates of points in
> a scatterplot after it has been plotted? identify() somehow seems to
> manage this, so I was wondering whether it is possible?
locator might be the more basic function you are looking for.
surreyj wrote:
> Now all the other demand literature reports the %/proportion of variance
> accounted for (or R squared) as well as the parameter values and standard
> error.
> ...
> I had a chat to a supervisor and he suggested I post to here and see if
> someone can give me a reference/refer
mathijsdevaan wrote:
> I have a DF like this:
> DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection("A B C
> 1 b1 1999 0.25
> 2 c1 1999 0.25
> ..
> For each factor in A I want to sum the values of C for all years(Bn) prior
> to the current year(Bi):
> 1 b1 1999 0.25 0
> 2 c1 1999 0
Elliot Joel Bernstein wrote:
> I'm trying to use lattice graphics to produce some small plots for
> inclusion in a LaTeX file. I want the LaTeX fonts to be used in the plots,
> but to be scaled down to match the size of the plot.
I agree with Deepayan. With tikzdevice, tust try to get
Kari-4 wrote:
> I've created a 3d scatterplot, and had no problems labeling the points.
> However, I've been really struggling to change the color of the points
> based
> on a factor (see 'group' below). Is such a thing possible?
Its always polite to make the example self-running by
danielepippo wrote:
>I'm building a matrix in R with a cycle for like this:
> pp_ris2=matrix(NA,6,6)
> for(i in 0:6){
> .
R is not like c, indexing starts with 1.
View this message in context:
Sent from
JESSICA wrote:
> I have a text file stored in notepad:
> 2004-11-01233311 1
> 2004-11-01234227 1
> ...
> I run
> x<-read.table("C:/R/Sample.txt",header=T)
> then get a table
> ...
> I am trying to
> strptime(x$TIME,"%H%M%S"
Steven Cordwell wrote:
> However, transforming z into a matrix with two rows, where both rows are
> the same as z above does seem to be a workaround.
> z <- matrix(c(z,z),2,length(z),byrow=TRUE)
> y <- c(0.25,0.75)
> image(x,y,t(z),zlim=c(1,7),col=heat.colors(7),xlab="Year",ylab="Action",ya
wanfairos wrote:
> I have one problem to display my simulated data. Basically, I've generated
> a set of rnorm (std.norm.mat)and rnbinom ( data to test on the
> performance of FE Poisson model estimates
> ... Long self-contained example shorted
wanfairos wrote:
> I have one problem to display my simulated data. Basically, I've generated
> a set of rnorm (std.norm.mat)and rnbinom ( data to test on the
> performance of FE Poisson model estimates
> ... Long self-contained example shorted
wanfairos wrote:
> Dear members;
> I have one problem to display my simulated data. Basically, I've generated
> a set of rnorm (std.norm.mat)and rnbinom ( data to test on the
> performance of FE Poisson model estimates
> ... Long self-contained example shorted
wanfairos wrote:
> Dear members;
> I have one problem to display my simulated data. Basically, I've generated
> a set of rnorm (std.norm.mat)and rnbinom ( data to test on the
> performance of FE Poisson model estimates
> ... Long self-contained example shorted
Shige Song wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to recode a variable using the functions provided by
> "memisc" package. Actually I am following the examples on page 9-10 of
> the vignette:
> --
> d.fig <- within(d.fig,{
Bogaso wrote:
> Vect <- c(12.234, 234.5675, 1.5)
> Now I want a string vector like:
> changedVec <- c("012.234", "234.568", "001.500")
sprintf("%06.3f", c(12.234, 234.5675, 1.5))
View this message in context:
Dear latticists,
Getting legend and graph line types synchronized has been a challenge in
lattice; the last example below that works looks ridiculously ugly for such
a simple job, I am sure there is a more elegant solution.
When trying this out, I found a feature which I found confusing: why are
BSanders wrote:
> .
> lin[i] = lm(reservesub[,3]~ reservesub[,i+3])
> For which I'm given 15 warning messages which say :
> "1: In lin[i] = lm(reservesub[, 3] ~ reservesub[, i + 3]) :
> number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
lin = list()
veepsirtt wrote:
> corr <- cor(s1,s2)
> Error in cor(s1, s2) : incompatible dimensions
Check lenghts of your series.
#Error in cor(c(1, 2), c(1, 2, 3)) : incompatible dimensions
View this message in context:
zerfetzen wrote:
> Is it possible in Sweave to put \Sexpr{} inside <<>>? This is a bad
> example, but here goes:
> <>
> Age <- 5
> @
> <<>>
> x <- \Sexpr{Age}
> @
> ...
It's good to have a simplified example, but your's is so much simplified
that it is difficult to understand. I kno
plsc wrote:
> I analysed my data with lme and after that I spent a lot of time for
> mean separation of treatments (post hoc). But still I couldnât make
> through it. This is my data set and R scripts I tried.
> 3 level3 var4361261
> modela<-lme(height~varie
plsc wrote:
> I analysed my data with lme and after that I spent a lot of time for
> mean separation of treatments (post hoc). But still I couldnât make
> through it. This is my data set and R scripts I tried.
> 3 level3 var4361261
> modela<-lme(height~varie
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
__ mailing list
PLEASE do re
Fabrice Tourre wrote:
> How to plot as the coordinate as in my attachment? I want to trim the
> coordinate and one of plot as the figure in attachment. Does any one
> have such example?
(for a lattice-lookalike)
and package
ADias wrote:
> Is there an expression to double the values of a matrix - without using a
> loop?
Why so complicated?
> m = matrix(rep(1,20),nrow=4)
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
Thomas Jensen-6 wrote:
> ... data set ...
> The data set has in total 27 countries for the years 1999 to 2008, but
> with unbalanced panels.
> I want to be able to estimate a model and do forecasting for each
> country in the data set. I have been looking into the YourCast package
> f
anord wrote:
> I'm trying to make multiple comparisons for an lme-object.
> ...
> My final model takes the following form:
> feedings ~ treat + year + data^2, random = ~1|site,data=feed.df
> ...
> ==
> feedings sex site treat year date^2
> 1.8877888 M 838 H 2009
Bill.Venables wrote:
> ...
> If you want to fit a multistratum model, such as a repeated measures
> model, you need to use aov.
...Or lme in nlme / lmer in lme4.
View this message in context:
Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
> With the ssl.verifypeer = FALSE argument it works:
> x = getBinaryURL(dd, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
Thank, good to know. It's only in the examples of ..., but is looks like a
parameter important enough to be included in the docs of getBinaryURL.
Digging t
John Kane-2 wrote:
> # Can anyone suggest why this works
> datafilename <-
> "";
> <- read.table(datafilename,header=TRUE)
> # but this does not?
> dd <-
> "
Jeroen Ooms wrote:
> What is the most efficient method of parsing a dataframe-like structure
> that has been json encoded in record-based format rather than vector
> based. For example a structure like this:
> [ {"name":"joe", "gender":"male", "age":41}, {"name":"anna",
> "gender":"female",
Axolotl9250 wrote:
> ...
> resampled_ecoli = sample(ecoli, 500, replace=T)
> coefs = (coef(lm(MIC. ~ 1 + Challenge + Cleaner + Replicate,
> data=resampled_ecoli)))
> sd(coefs)
> ...
Below a simplified and self-consistent version of your code, and some
# resample
d = dat
mhofert wrote:
> trellis.device("pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
> print(xyplot(0 ~ 0, main = "This title is not 'centered' for the human's
> eye", scales = list(alternating = c(1,1), tck = c(1,0
> ... the title does not seem to be "centered" for the human's eye [although
> i
Az Ha wrote:
> I have a set of data where two groups of animals walk around in an
> environment and I have calculated the percentages of the area covered by
> them. Each group covers different area, for example the arithmetic mean is
> 35% and 23% with n=40 and 29 respectively.
> ...
> Should
Nissim Kaufmann wrote:
> J=sapply(xc, function(xc) {integrate(function(x) {
>sapply(y, function(x) {
> integrate(function(y) {
>sapply(x, function(y) 1/(1+x^2+y^2))
> }, -c, c)$value
> }, -c, xc)$value
> })
Once you are inside the first "{", R only kn
Lei wrote:
> I have been playing with lme fitting different kinds of model. I am
> puzzled by the estimates associated with $modelStruct and I have no idea
> what they are?
> e.g if I fit a random intercept model using the following
> fit.0<-lme(y~time,random=list(subject=pdIdent(~1))
mathijsdevaan wrote:
> I have a postgresql and a mysql database and I would like to combine the
> info from two different tables in R. Both databases contain a table with
> three columns: project_name, release_id and release_date. So each project
> output could be released multiple times (I am
venik wrote:
> I am trying in vain to find the bioDist package.
> More generally, where can I find a lit of packages and their location? I
> thought CRAN will have it, but I had no luck with bioDist.
Google bioDist, second hit (maybe another one, depending on your language
Robert Ruser wrote:
> x <- seq(20, 100, by=15)
> ety <- rep( "Effect on treatment group", times=length(x))
> barplot(x, names.arg=ety, las=1, horiz=TRUE)
> Labels are not visible. But trial and error method with the second mar
> argument I get what I want.
Standard graphics has fallen a
David Winsemius wrote:
> Here's my latest guess at what you may want:
> pdf(file="multpage.pdf")
> xyplot(val~time|subj + comp, data=dt,type="l",
> layout=c(3,5, 3),
> skip=rep(c(rep(FALSE,13), TRUE, TRUE), 3) )
Not really, but "skip" was the right id
Here is an example with ggplot2, which can also be used in a similar way with
lattice. Again, the last page is the problem: the arrangement is correct
here, but the last page (with 1 instead of 5 plots) has a different panel
size which makes a comparison difficult.
And, since I have much more poi
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