Re: [R] pkg reticulate + python3 + MSYS2 (windows)

2019-09-15 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Hello Ivan Krylov and all users, I think I understand your observation but there is no file named by python37.dll on the computer. It may be as static build inside python3.exe but if so should not give this error? Thank you Cleber Borges Em 15/09/2019 09:04, Ivan Krylov escreveu: On Sat, 14

[R] Gtk3 into R

2019-08-26 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello all, Is there currently any way to use Gtk3 to build GUI on R? Or some more up-to-date graphical toolkit than Gtk2 (via RGtk) or Tcl / Tk (via tcltk) ... best regards Cleber Borges [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-proj

[R] Use of C functions inside the DLL object

2018-11-19 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
hello everybody and good night ... I'm trying to learn how to use a DLL, via "dyn.load" and ".C" inside the R. I did some testing (below is a part of what I tried) and I could not figure out how to do this. If anyone can give a hint on how to do this manipulation, it would be a lot of help! And

[R] cubic complete Scheffe mixture models

2018-03-15 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Hello everyone I'm trying to use Scheffe's complete cubic model (mixture design). In the bibliographies, they indicate that the term is of the type: A * B * (A-B). But I see that trying to adjust the three cubic terms results in singularities. I know this implies not having the inverse matrix:

[R] KK transform - Kramers-kronig relations

2018-03-01 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Hello everyone Anyone know if there is implementation of Kramers-kronig relations[1] in any package? Thanks in advance for your attention. Cleber Borges [1] - --- Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivĂ­rus.

[R] develop.raw error ( adimpro )

2017-12-21 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Hello all, I'm trying to use the adimpro package to read RAW files (image). Make readins is OK! > r <- read.raw( '20171218_210956.dng', type='RAW', compress=FALSE ) > summary( r ) > ### cut the many lines... Filter pattern: GR/BG > r ) [1] "GR/B" > To next, develop the raw file usi

[R] dataframe columns class

2016-12-18 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Why columns classes are function dependents? Like this example: > for( i in 1:5 ) print( class( iris[,i] ) ) [1] "numeric" [1] "numeric" [1] "numeric" [1] "numeric" [1] "factor" > > apply( iris, 2, class ) Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species "character" "character" "cha

[R] tcltk: use of .Tcl.callback

2016-12-03 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Dear, How to properly use the function: .Tcl.callback( ) to trigger a single R function with different values? Below is my stupid solution ... The expected behavior is this but I would like to know how to do it right. Thanks in advanced cleber ## libr

[R] tcltk: use of .Tcl.callback

2016-12-03 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Dear, How to properly use the function: .Tcl.callback( ) to trigger a single R function with different values? Below is my stupid solution ... The expected behavior is this but I would like to know how to do it right. Thanks in advanced cleber ## libr

[R] [tcltk] tktable: bindings doesn't triggers the ValidationCommand and Command

2016-11-24 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Dears, I'm trying to create an Data Editor like Rgui.exe's FIX (windows)... The code is below. The problem is that I can not get the binds to trigger the validation commands and the main table command Control-C, Control-V, and Control-X work only in the visual without my R data being changed.

Re: [R] tcltk table "validateCommand"

2016-11-17 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Hi Dan Were you able to find a way to access the % S values ?? Do you have any examples of how this works? Thank you for your attention. Cleber Em 25/01/2016 08:21, peter dalgaard escreveu: > It's been so long that I have forgotten how to get the package with the table > widget installed on OS

[R] how to use the fontchooser tcl tk widget ?

2016-11-13 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello all r users, somebody has a example how to use fontchooser widget? I haven't success in my try :-( Thanks Cleber > library( tcltk ) # in R-devel, > tclVersion() [1] "8.6.4" > tclvalue( tcl('tk::fontchooser', 'show', command='' ) ) Error in (function (name, pos = -1L, envir = as.environm

[R] tcl('tk::fontchooser', 'show') : How to use? R-devel Tcl 8.6

2016-11-13 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello, Somebody would indicate the correct way to use the option the fontchooser widget into tcltk package (in R-devel, Tcl 8.6) ? I tried to use as other traditional widgets but no success. (code below) Thanks Cleber > tt <- tktoplevel(); but <- ttkbutton( tt, text='Test'); tcl('pack', but ) >

[R] tcl('tk::fontchooser', 'show') : How to use? R-devel Tcl 8.6

2016-11-06 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello, Somebody would indicate the correct way to use the option the fontchooser widget into tcltk package (in R-devel, Tcl 8.6) ? I tried to use as other traditional widgets but no success. (code below) Thanks Cleber > tt <- tktoplevel(); but <- ttkbutton( tt, text='Test'); tcl('pack', but ) >

[R] tcl('tk::fontchooser', 'show') : Hoe to use? R-devel Tcl 8.6

2016-11-05 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello, Somebody would indicate the correct way to use the option the fontchooser widget into tcltk package (in R-devel, Tcl 8.6) ? I tried to use as other traditional widgets but no success. (code below) Thanks Cleber > tt <- tktoplevel(); but <- ttkbutton( tt, text='Test'); tcl('pack', but ) >

[R] which properly to avoid pointer copy Tcl Tk? 'externalptr'

2016-10-11 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello, I'm trying to disable an tkentry widget with a tkcheckbutton using an R function via the command flag. but I get an error regardding copy of the pointer: 'externalptr' which properly way to avoid this? thanks, cleber > library( tcltk ) > tp <- tktoplevel() > > chk <

Re: [R] pure TCL run a command within the R via the tcltk package?

2016-10-10 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
11:02, Fox, John escreveu: Dear Cleber, See ?.Tcl I hope this helps, John ----- John Fox, Professor McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M4 Web: -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Beha

[R] pure TCL run a command within the R via the tcltk package?

2016-10-09 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
Dear, is there any way of a button on pure TCL run a command within the R via the tcltk package? thank you in advance for informations cleber what I have in mind is something like: (below) ## sink("simpletes

Re: [R] how to work ttkspinbox ? win BUG ??

2016-10-08 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
ices utils datasets methods base > Em 08/10/2016 17:51, David Winsemius escreveu: On Oct 7, 2016, at 7:15 PM, Cleber N.Borges via R-help wrote: hello all, somebody have a example of use of ttkspinbox ? I tried to use like others widgets but I get error. Thanks in advanced for any h

[R] how to work ttkspinbox ?

2016-10-07 Thread Cleber N.Borges via R-help
hello all, somebody have a example of use of ttkspinbox ? I tried to use like others widgets but I get error. Thanks in advanced for any help cleber ### > library( tcltk ) > > t <- tktoplevel() > > spin <- ttkspinbox( t ) Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), clas

[R] help with use of the Linear Programming - constrOptim

2016-05-15 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Dears, I imagine that the LP method should be the solution to find the parameters of one objective function ... I known there are the constrOptim command for this. but I don't know how to elaborate the contour condictions in matricial forms that the way like constrOptim works I show below one fu

[R] How to use the options "usecommand" and "command" of tktable?

2015-12-17 Thread Cleber N.Borges
How to capture the output from the "command" option of tktable and how to send input to it? As far as I understand, the most appropriate way to use the tktable is through the flag usecommand and command. It fires the string information and cell coordinates and wait for a new string to set a

[R] there is a vectorinzing version of "[[<-" for "tclArray" class ?

2015-12-09 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hi all, there is a vectorinzing version of "[[<-" for "tclArray" class ? TIA cleber # > library(tcltk); getS3method("[[<-",'tclArray') function (x, ..., value) { name <- as.character(x) i <- paste(..., sep = ",") if (is.null(value)) .External(.C_RTcl_RemoveArrayElem, name

Re: [R] [tcltk][tktable] How to make an efficient data transfer from R to Tcl?

2015-12-08 Thread Cleber N.Borges
is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge is certainly not wisdom." -- Clifford Stoll On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Cleber N.Borges wrote: hello all, I intend transfer a big data.frame, more than 1e4 rows, more than 100 columns... I found solutions (in internet

[R] [tcltk][tktable] How to make an efficient data transfer from R to Tcl?

2015-12-08 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello all, I intend transfer a big data.frame, more than 1e4 rows, more than 100 columns... I found solutions (in internet and help pages) for small data.frame like the showed bellow. Big data.frames is very expensive in computation time in my approach I would like to optimize this transfer any

Re: [R] tcltk TK table : Is it possible to block the cell? [Question in 2003, but TK changes the interfaces functions]

2015-12-06 Thread Cleber N.Borges
thanks by the help but I do not understand how to set a tag in cell table. cleber Em 05/12/2015 18:57, peter dalgaard escreveu: On 05 Dec 2015, at 20:15 , Cleber N.Borges wrote: in 2003 [1] someone asked for: "Is it possible to" block "the cell?" but the solution invol

[R] tcltk TK table : Is it possible to block the cell? [Question in 2003, but TK changes the interfaces functions]

2015-12-05 Thread Cleber N.Borges
in 2003 [1] someone asked for: "Is it possible to" block "the cell?" but the solution involves the "tkcmd" that no longer exists ... tkcmd (.Tk.ID (table1), "tag", "celltag" "ZeroOne", "0.1") I tried to adapt to: tktag.add (table1, "celltag" "ZeroOne", "0.1") but I get error. How to adapt it?

Re: [R] Tk table: how to get information about configurations ?

2015-12-05 Thread Cleber N.Borges
I understood that the configuration is done by the "tk configure" but I can not get the value of the properties back. like this: tkconfigure (table, background = 'red') tkcget (table, 'background') # give me an error thanks for you help cleber ## > tkconfigure (table

[R] Tk table: how to get information about configurations ?

2015-12-05 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello I would like to know the correct way of getting information about the values of the parameters of a Tktable. some details I even managed to extract but quite archaic form ... I thank you for advance for any help. cleber ### # example library( tcltk ) ; tclRequire( 'Tktabl

[R] Tktable do not expand inside a Tkframe

2015-12-03 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello all, I'm trying to build a table within a frame. I would like the table to expand when the entire window is expanded. I could not find examples of how to solve this problem. I thank you in advance for help. Cleber ### # piece of the code library( tcltk

[R] how to add 1 + 1 with the interface between R and C

2015-09-21 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Dear useRs, I would like some help on how to make the sum of 1 + 1 but using the interface between A and C. the function call does .call lock and close the R. Thank you for any help it. Cleber ### R code text_code <-" #include #include #include void testfun

Re: [R] ternary contour plot

2013-12-19 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello, i make here my suggeestion of a Ternary Plot as a RSM. cleber trimage <- function(f){ [[elided Yahoo spam]] t1 = length(x) im = aux = numeric(0) for( i in seq( 1, t1, by = 2 ) ){ #idx = seq( t1**2, i*t1, by = -t1 ) - ((t1 - i):0)

[R] trying to compile R in win 7 (with Rtools) ... (bitmapdll - png.h )

2013-10-05 Thread Cleber N.Borges
I tried to follow the intrusions in when I type make bitmapdll (in gnuwin directory) or make (in gnuwin/bitmap dir) the libpng and libjpeg seems to compile but libtiff reclaims by png.h file. I set in the MkR

Re: [R] trying to compile R in win 7 (with Rtools) ... tcl.h

2013-10-04 Thread Cleber N.Borges
d. make[4]: *** [init.o] Error 1 make[3]: *** [mksrc-win2] Error 1 make[2]: *** [all] Error 2 make[1]: *** [R] Error 1 make: *** [all] Error 2 Em 04/10/2013 22:46, Cleber N.Borges escreveu: bingo! :-) I got one pass to advanced! my TMP environment variable is: %SystemRoot%\TEMP thank

Re: [R] trying to compile R in win 7 (with Rtools)

2013-10-04 Thread Cleber N.Borges
bingo! :-) I got one pass to advanced! my TMP environment variable is: %SystemRoot%\TEMP thanks cleber Em 04/10/2013 22:02, Joshua Wiley escreveu: Hi Cleber, You need to set TMPDIR to a valid directory, the default /tmp/ does not work on Windows. From the cmd shell: set TMPDIR=C:/TMP

Re: [R] trying to compile R in win 7 (with Rtools)

2013-10-04 Thread Cleber N.Borges
thanks. I am logged in the MS-DOS. I thought that cygwin is not necessary... in cygwin terminal, when I type: "where sh" CLEBER@pinkfloyd /cygdrive/c $ where sh C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe C:\Rtools\bin\sh.exe so, I have two version of "sh" and the cygwin will be priority... I will make more test an

[R] trying to compile R in win 7 (with Rtools)

2013-10-04 Thread Cleber N.Borges
hello all, I am trying to compile the R in Win7 and compiles one small part but the script don't move from the 'base' directory to 'stats' I installed the Rtools likee administrator and call the terminal (MS-DOS) like administrator too. if somebody can tell me any tips, I thank in advanced cleb

[R] exchange of axis labels in qqnorm function

2013-09-27 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello all, Are there a reason for this behaviour in qqnorm function? (the exchange of axis labels ) > > x <- rnorm(1000) > par( mfcol=c(1,2) ) > qqnorm(x, xlab='X Axis', ylab='Y Axis', datax=FALSE ) #Default > qqnorm(x, xlab='X Axis', ylab='Y Axis', datax=TRUE ) > > Thanks for any explanation.

Re: [R] the results of the SORT function differ from Scilab/Matlab for Complex Numbers

2012-11-08 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Ok, thanks. There are a simple mode for emulate this behaviour? Cleber Em 08/11/2012 19:25, Thomas Lumley escreveu: > On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Cleber N.Borges <>> wrote: > > Hello useRs, > > The results of the SORT function d

[R] the results of the SORT function differ from Scilab/Matlab for Complex Numbers

2012-11-08 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello useRs, The results of the SORT function differ from Scilab/Matlab for Complex Numbers in my example. This design is the desirable in R? Thanks. Cleber r <- c( 1.7507+0.1689i, 1.7507-0.1689i, 1.3886+0.i, 1.0458+0.0792i, 1.0458-0.0792i, 0.8279+0.1861i, 0.8279-0.1861i, 0.8263+0.3731

[R] How to transform the paths of MST {ape} in SpatialLines objects {sp} ?

2012-10-14 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello all, I would like to transform the paths of MST {ape} in SpatialLines objects. But I don't understand the mechanical procedure in SpatialLines-class of 'sp' package. Please, somebody can help me? Thanks in advanced. Cleber N.Borges ### my (half) trial library(s

[R] Error: bad index in plotmo functions for MARS model (package earth)

2011-07-21 Thread Cleber N.Borges
Hello all useRs, I am tring make a simple surface plot ( 2 by 2 terms of a MARS model (with earth package) but I get the follow error message: > plotmo( mars ) Error: bad index (missing column in x?) I don't no how to workround this... :-( I thanks in advanced by some help! Thanks. Cleber ##