Dears, I'm trying to create an Data Editor like Rgui.exe's FIX (windows)...
The code is below. The problem is that I can not get the binds to trigger the validation commands and the main table command Control-C, Control-V, and Control-X work only in the visual without my R data being changed. Any help, tip or example is welcome and I thank you in advance for your attention. Thank you very much Cleber ################### R 3.4 Tcl 8.6 library( tcltk ) tclRequire("Tktable") ncol <- 6 nrow <- 6 x <- matrix( rnorm( nrow*ncol ), nrow, ncol ) rownames(x) <- paste0( "Sam ", 1:nrow ) colnames(x) <- paste0( "Var ", 1:ncol ) ############################################################### showdigits <- 6 tablecmd <- function(r,c,S){ r <- as.integer( r ) c <- as.integer( c ) showNA <- x[ r,c ] ) if( r == 0 && c > 0 ) return( tcl("expr", '{', colnames(x)[c], '}' ) ) if( c == 0 && r > 0 ) return( tcl("expr", '{', rownames(x)[r], '}' ) ) if( r > 0 && c > 0 && showNA ) return( tcl("expr", "{}" ) ) if( r > 0 && c > 0 && !showNA ) return( tcl("expr", round( x[r,c], digits=showdigits ) ) )# signif if( r == 0 && c == 0 ) return( tcl("expr", "{}" ) ) } tablevcmd <- function( S,s,r,c ){ # s : current value # S : potential new value if( grepl("\n", S ) ){ tcl('::tk::table::MoveCell', .Tk.ID( tableData ), 1, 0 ) return( tcl( 'expr', 0 ) ) } r <- as.integer( r ) c <- as.integer( c ) if( r == 0 && c > 0 ) { colnames(x)[c] <<- S return( tcl( 'expr', 1 ) ) } if( c == 0 && r > 0 ) { rownames(x)[r] <<- S return( tcl( 'expr', 1 ) ) } if( grepl(" ", S ) ){ tcl('::tk::table::MoveCell', .Tk.ID( tableData ), 1, 0 ) return( tcl( 'expr', 0 ) ) } if( S == "" ) { x[r,c] <<- NA return( tcl( 'expr', 1 ) ) } if( S != s ){ x[r,c] <<- as.numeric( S ) return( tcl( 'expr', 1 ) ) } } # make the GUI top <- tktoplevel() tcl( 'wm', 'title', top, 'DataFix' ) fmTableData <- ttkframe( top, borderwidth=2 ) tcl( 'pack', fmTableData, fill="both", expand=TRUE, padx=15, pady=15 ) fxscroll <- function(...){ tcl( scrX, 'set', ... ) } fyscroll <- function(...){ tcl( scrY, 'set', ... ) } tableData <- tkwidget( fmTableData, 'table', rows=nrow+1, cols=ncol+1, height=-1, width=-1, ellipsis='............', insertofftime=0, flashmode=TRUE, flashtime=1, anchor='e', resizeborders='col', wrap=FALSE, font='{Courier} 10', padx=5, pady=2,# ipadx=3, ipady=1, rowstretchmode='unset', colstretchmode='unset', multiline=FALSE, cache=TRUE, background="white", selectmode="extended", selecttitle=TRUE, relief='groove', borderwidth=c(0,1,0,1), drawmode='compatible', colwidth=12, highlightcolor="gray", highlightbackground="white", highlightthickness=1, xscrollcommand=fxscroll, yscrollcommand=fyscroll, rowseparator='\n', colseparator='\t', validate=TRUE, vcmd=tablevcmd, usecommand=TRUE, command=tablecmd ) scrX <- ttkscrollbar( fmTableData, orient="horizont", command=function(...) tcl( tableData,'xview',...) ) scrY <- ttkscrollbar( fmTableData, orient="vertical", command=function(...) tcl( tableData,'yview',...) ) #### empacotando os scrollbars tcl( "pack", scrY, side = "right", fill = "y", expand = FALSE, pady = c(0,18) ) tcl( "pack", scrX, side = "bottom", fill = "x", expand = FALSE ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "celltag", "ZeroZero", "0,0" ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "rowtag", "rowtitle", "0" ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "coltag", "coltitle", "0" ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "configure", "ZeroZero", bg='SystemButtonFace', fg='SystemButtonFace', state='disabled' ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "configure", "rowtitle", bg='lightgray', relief='groove', anchor='center')#, borderwidth=c(1,1,1,1) ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "configure", "coltitle", bg='lightgray', relief='groove', anchor='w')#, borderwidth=c(1,1,1,1) ) tcl( tableData, "tag", "configure", "active", fg='green', bg='gray90', relief='solid', borderwidth=c(1,1,1,1) ) tcl( tableData, "width", "0", "15" ) tcl( 'pack', tableData, side='left', anchor='n', fill="both", expand=TRUE ) ################################################################# # stay here to serve as an example ################################################################# # bind Table <Up> {::tk::table::MoveCell %W -1 0} tcl( 'bind', .Tk.ID( tableData ), '<F1>', paste('::tk::table::MoveCell', .Tk.ID( tableData ), 1, 0 ) ) # bind Table <$cut> {tk_tableCut %W} tcl( 'bind', .Tk.ID( tableData ), '<F2>', paste('tk_tableCut', .Tk.ID( tableData ) ) ) --- Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivĂrus. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ______________________________________________ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.