Aron Lindberg> writes:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm working on a thorny subsetting problem involving list of lists. I've put
> a
dput of the data here:
Andras Farkas> writes:
> Dear All,
> please help with the following if you can:
[snip details]
> first24 <-sum(unlist(c(subset(df, df[, 'simt'] > 0 & df[, 'simt'] <=
> z[1], 3
> second24 <-sum(unlist(c(subset(df, df[, 'simt'] > z[1] & df[, 'simt'] <=
> z[2], 3))
Adam Lawrence> writes:
> I am hoping someone can help me with a bus stop sequencing problem in R,
> where I need to match counts of people getting on and off a bus to the
> correct stop in the bus route stop sequence. I have tried looking
> online/forums for sequence matching but see
Spencer Graves> writes:
> Hi, Jim et al.:
>Thanks for the reply, Jim.
>What are your favorite examples using normal probability plots to
> identify outliers, skewness, kurtosis, mixtures, and the need for
> transformations in plots of raw data an
Charles Berry> writes:
> Scherber, Christoph> writes:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am trying to express a multinomial GLM (using nnet) as a series of GLM
> models.
> Doing the obvious comparison:
Scherber, Christoph> writes:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to express a multinomial GLM (using nnet) as a series of GLM
> However, when I compare the multinom() predictions to those from GLM, I
see differences that I can´t
> explain. Can anyone help me out here?
> Here com
Adam Hayward> writes:
> Hi all,
> I have quite a specific problem with producing 300ppi plots in tiff format
> for publication. I have found ggsave to work beautifully with a single
> plot, which can then be exported to GIMP to compress the resulting large
> tiff file. Howev
peter dalgaard> writes:
> On 16 Jun 2014, at 05:22 , array chip> wrote:
> > Hi, I am using clogit() from survival package to do conditional
> > logistic regression. I also need to make prediction on an
> > independent dataset to calculate predicted probability. Here
Kevin Wright> writes:
> Have you tried the roxygen2 package?
I have.
org-mode + roxygen2 + inline is what was used to make this package:
Everything from the DESCRIPTION file to the C-code to the vignette
Ravi Varadhan> writes:
> Thanks, Bert.
> I have written this simple code, which is crude, but seems to do a decent
job. It works perfectly when M is a
> factor of R. Otherwise, it gives decent balance (of course, balance is not
guaranteed). I guess it is
> possible to take the res
Ravi Varadhan> writes:
> Hi,
> I have this problem: K candidates apply for a job. There are R referees
available to review their resumes and
> provide feedback. Suppose that we would like M referees to review each
candidate (M < R). How would I assign
> candidates to referees (o
Rolf Turner> writes:
> I *do* see the same phenomenon that Bert describes and the code of
> predict.lm()
> *does* appear to contain a bug. There is a line:
> The operative difference between my set-up and Chuck's is that I am using
> version 3.0.2 Patched. So
Charles Berry> writes:
> Bert Gunter> writes:
> I do not see this (see below).
> Maybe traceback() or options(recover=browser) to get
> to the bottom??
Argh! I meant:
Bert Gunter> writes:
> Yes, I realize that it is more likely a misunderstanding on my part.
> Suitable humility will be tendered if this is pointed out.
> The claimed "bug" is that predict.lm throws an error when the scale
> argument is specified with interval = "conf" (and in som
Christofer Bogaso> writes:
> Hi again,
> In R, there are various numerics like, NA, Inf, or simple integers etc.
> However I want to include one custom type: "TBD", which R should treat as
> numeric, not character.
> That "TBD" should have same property like Inf, however except
Jim Lemon> writes:
> On 08/24/2013 04:16 AM, Michael Friendly wrote:
> > For sequential analysis of sequences of events, I want to calculate a
> > series of lagged
> > versions of a (numeric or character) variable. The simple function below
> > does this,
> > but I can't see how
David Romano> writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to use apply (with a call to zoo's rollapply within) on the
> columns of a 1.5Kx165K matrix, and I'd like to make use of the other cores
> on my machine to speed it up. (And hopefully also leave more memory free: I
> find that a
Benjamin Caldwell> writes:
> Dear R helpers
> Reproducible example:
> #warning - this causes a hard freeze on the machines I've tried it on
> matrix.holder<- matrix(rnorm(150), nrow=30, ncol=5)
> Out=
> expand.grid(matrix.holder[,1],matrix.holder[,2],matrix.holder[,3],
Charles Berry> writes:
> Katherine Gobin> writes:
> > How to automatically identify and retain only one column (in this example
> column x) among the identical
> > columns besides other non-identical columns (viz. id, y and z).
Katherine Gobin> writes:
> Dear R forum
> Suppose I have a data.frame
> How to automatically identify and retain only one column (in this example
column x) among the identical
> columns besides other non-identical columns (viz. id, y and z).
Mark Orr> writes:
> Hi R community,
> I have a question concerning passing arguments between apply and lapply?
> rm(list=ls())
> l <- list(1:3,2:3,4:10,7:9)
> v <- 1:3
> #USED IN j loop to catch values
> catch.mat <- matrix
Thomas Alexander Gerds> writes:
> Dear List
> I am looking for the recommended way to create a formula inside a
> function with an empty environment. I tried several versions (see
> below), and one of them seemed to work, but I dont understand why there
> is a difference betwe
Richard M. Heiberger> writes:
> ## Can someone suggest a simpler expression than either of these, with the
> goal
> ## of taking a long matrix into a wide one with exactly one of the factors
> converted to
> ## columns and all the rest retained as factors. I want something that
> g
Ben Bolker> writes:
> Maybe FAQ 7.31 was referred to not for its direct relevance but as
> a measure of the "old-hand-ness" of the people who will get the joke.
__ mailing list
Hi all,
The subject line is TRUE.
Today I accidentally typed rnorm(!0).
My old eyes took a minute to focus clearly enough to see what I really typed and
why I got '!0' random numbers instead of '10' random normal numbers.
If the subject line is disturbing, be assured that this is TRUE:
Janesh Devkota> writes:
> Hello R Users,
> I have ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data measurements for a
> river and I want to process these data using R. Is there a R package to
> handle ADCP data ? Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Google 'acoustic data cur
zoeita> writes:
> Hi,
> I have had a look around the forums and I can't seem to find anything that
> works with my data. I have lats, longs, time, tidal speed and direction and
> need to plot this in an xy plot to determine changes over time. contour and
> cloud have been recomm
carol white> writes:
> Hi,
> I split a data set into two partitions (80 and 42), use the first as the
training set in glm and the second as
> testing set in glm predict. But when I call glm.predict, I get the warning
> Warning message:
> 'newdata' had 42 rows but variabl
Mikkel Grum> writes:
> I have a script that runs as a cron job every minute (on Ubuntu 10.10 and R
2.11.1), querying a database for new
> data. Most of the time it takes a few seconds to run, but once in while it
takes more than a minute and the next
> run starts (on the same data) b
Charles C. Berry> writes:
> On Mon, 5 Jul 2010, Moohwan Kim wrote:
> > Dear R family,
> >
> > I have a question about how to detect some duplicate numeric observations.
> > Suppose that I have two variables dataset.
> >
> > order value
> > 1 0.52
> > 2 0.23
> > 3 0.43
> > 4
30 matches
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