deletion in the cor() function, but I
need it for regression analysis. The default is listwise (casewise)
deletion. Would be grateful for further input on this.
Adel Daoud, PhD, Researcher
*Newly published:*
* Daoud, Adel and Kohl, Sebastian, *How Much Do Sociologists Write
Adel Daoud, PhD, Researcher
*Newly published:*
* Daoud, Adel and Kohl, Sebastian, *How Much Do Sociologists Write About
Economic Topics? Using Big-Data to Test Some Conventional Views in Economic
Sociology, 1890 to 2014*. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies,
but without any clear answer.
Any input is welcomed
Thanks in advance
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Thanks for the info Jeff. I will stick to using annotate()
Adel Daoud, PhD, Researcher
The New School for Social Research,
Visiting Scholar in the Economics Department,
6 East 16th Street New York, NY 10003,
University of Gothenburg
Department of Sociology
ax=1, fill="black", alpha=0.5)
Adel Daoud, PhD, Researcher
The New School for Social Research,
Visiting Scholar in the Economics Department,
6 East 16th Street New York, NY 10003,
University of Gothenburg
Department of Sociology and Work Sc
I am trying to activate the alpha argument to work, but for some reason it
does not to play with me. Anybody has an idea why?
p <- ggplot(data = prediction_df, aes(x=x, y=prediction, fill=threshold)) +
geom_area(colour="black", size=.2, alpha=.4) +
p them in that list format.
> authors.raw <- unlist(regmatches(authors.raw, r))
> authors.raw
[1] " [\"Allan G. KING\"" ", \"B. Lindsay LOWELL\"" ", \"Frank D.
BEAN\"" " \"Chris Baldry\""
Thanks for the reply Don and Frede,
Your suggestions works perfectly!
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to look into the specified subdirectory.
I have tried several combination and searched the list but without any great
list.files(path = "../...") #goes up one level in the folder structure so I
cannot see what the problem is.
Thanks in advance.
View this
here is the solution if anyone is interrested
barchart(V5 ~ V3 | V1 * V2 , data = t,groups = V4, layout = c(1,6),
auto.key = list(space = "right"), ylab = "Makespan")
2014/1/14 Adel ESSAFI
> Hello list
> I have the following data in file in attachment.
3.9, 115.9, 170.28, 107.82, 175.61, 4.65, 8.27, 4.22, 7.77,
0.04, 0.04, 1.8, 1.42, 4.7, 8.27, 4.22, 7.74, 0.57, 0.68, 57.81,
47.98, 115.58, 163.48, 108.85, 172.21)), row.names = c(NA, -80L
), .Names = c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", &q
Hello list
I have the following data in file in attachment.
in want to draw bars for every value of V5 in finction of V3
grouped by V2*V1. however, each unique value
of V4, V2 and V1 I want to draw a bar.
This example is very close to want I want to do. but
here, for each value of V3, barchart dra
Hello list
I generated pdf files with R that I integrated
in .tex file and compiled with pdflatex.
however, all the fonts of my R figure not embadded. so the file is rejected
from EDAS web site.
Could you help please.
[adel@localhost hcw]$ pdffonts hcw.pdf
Hello list
I have this data frame which represent values grouped by algorithm.
remark that for each algorithm, we have the same value in V3 but differnt
values in V4.
I want to make a plot with algorithms in axes, and for each algorithm I
draw a bar (for V3) and a bwplot for V4.
is thart possible.
Hello list
I have this data frame which represent values grouped by algorithm.
remark that for each algorithm, we have the same value in V3 but differnt
values in V4.
I want to make a plot with algorithms in axes, and for each algorithm I
draw a bar (for V3) and a bwplot for V4.
is thart possible.
ran", "Iran", "Norway","Uruguay", "Zimbabwe") )
I had to use the gsub to fix this first.
Interestingly, the setdiff() function did not react on spacing difference
which I used before coming to the ifelse statement and therefore I did not
react on t
names that appear in long_df$country_name is around 200.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
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Hello list,
I have the following data on "dm" table
> dm
Group.1 V1 V2 V3V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
1 C/L NA 15.5 732179 875270.6 -143091.46 1107270 1088300 18964.40
2 C/S NA 15.5 803926 850352.1 -46426.03 1395710 1312310 83403.30
3 D/D NA 15
Thanks Arun! It was simple as that. You suggestion solved it.
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lity, airquality$Month < 7)
#p-value is now 0.1925
What am I doing wrong here?
Adel Daoud, PhD
Visiting researcher (post-doc)
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies / Max-Planck-Institut für
Paulstr. 3 | 5
I have the following table
> m
V2 V1 V3
1 C/L 0 732179
3 C/S 0 803926
19 D/F 0 724924
17 D/I 0 755841
13 D/L 0 731904
15 D/S 0 798289
11 I/F 0 871670
9 I/I 0 897718
5 I/L 0 2628113
7 I/S 0 2628113
2 C/L 1 1107269
4 C/S 1 1395714
20 D/F 1 1181282
18 D/I 1
I have the following table
> m
V2 V1 V3
1 C/L 0 732179
3 C/S 0 803926
19 D/F 0 724924
17 D/I 0 755841
13 D/L 0 731904
15 D/S 0 798289
11 I/F 0 871670
9 I/I 0 897718
5 I/L 0 2628113
7 I/S 0 2628113
2 C/L 1 1107269
4 C/S 1 1395714
20 D/F 1 1181282
18 D/I 1
programming so please just direct me into the right direction.
John, the grid.arrange() function is useful too but not exactly what I
needed. Thanks any way.
On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Greg Snow <> wrote:
> The pairs2 function in the TeachingDemos pac
2013/5/9 PIKAL Petr
> Hi
Thank you, that was the option I look for
> Use drop=TRUE argument in interaction for removing unused levels.
> Petr
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
variables on each axis.
Secondly, to add to this, can I add a correlation line (linear and
through all scatter plots with both correlation and R2 values?
All help appreciated.
Adel Daoud, PhD
Department of Sociology, University of Gothenburg
Box 720
405 30 Göteborg, SWEDEN
I attach the figure generated by R:
2013/5/8 Adel ESSAFI
> Hello list
> I am trying to solve a problem when drawing a figure related to the
> dataframe below.
> I draw V6 in Y axes and V3 as X axes. The data are grouped by V1 AND V2.
> I use this commande to make it:
Hello list
I am trying to solve a problem when drawing a figure related to the
dataframe below.
I draw V6 in Y axes and V3 as X axes. The data are grouped by V1 AND V2.
I use this commande to make it:
auto.key =list( title="Ma
Thank you
maybe the argument sep of interaction() helps you. Try
> interaction( g[,1], g[,2], sep = "/")
> Regards -- Gerrit
> I am using this command to draw the figure attached to this mail.
>> xyplot(g[,4]~g[,3],type="b",**group=interaction(g[,1],g[,2])**, auto.key
>> =list( tit
thank you
2013/5/6 Gerrit Eichner
> Hello, Adel,
> maybe the argument sep of interaction() helps you. Try
> interaction( g[,1], g[,2], sep = "/")
> Regards -- Gerrit
> I am using this command to draw the figure attached to this mail
I have a problem with ggplot and colors
I used this function to draw somes lines and I want them to be all black
(just to test)
however, I dont get any black line in the figure.
Do you have any experience with ggplot and manual colors??
ggplot(cmax, aes(cmax[,3], cmax[,6],colour=interac
How can I make a monte carlo simulation on R?
PhD candidate in Computer Science
3 avenue lamine, cité ezzahra, Sousse 4000
tel: +216 97 246 706 (+33640302046 jusqu'au 15/6)
fax: +216 71 391 166
[[alternative HTML version de
Need help!
I know how to get the mean and kurtosis for a single variable but I am
reading in an excel file that has several columns representing variables. I
need a way to find descriptive statistics across ALL the variables?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
n <- 1000
fitglm <- function(iteration,intercept,sigma,tau,beta){
x <- rnorm(n,0,sigma)
ystar <- intercept+beta*x
z <- rbinom(n,1,plogis(ystar))
xerr <- x + rnorm(n,0,tau)
model<-glm(z ~ xerr, family=binomial(logit))
*slope*<-coef(model)[2] # when a
* *
*> accuracy*
[1] 0.8
*> rocpreds<-prediction(result,z)*
* *
*> rocpreds*
*> auc<-performance(rocpreds,"auc")@y.values*
* *
*> auc*
[1] 0.7916667
* > fp<-performance(rocpreds,"sens")*
* *
*> sentiv<
[1] 1
[1] 0
Don't get error message but wrong values
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Berend Hasselman wrote:
> Your code is still not runnable.
> It gives the error message
> Error in fitglm(0.05, 1) : could not find function "pre
I am running my code in a loop and it does not work but when I run it
outside the loop I get the values I want.
n <- 1000; # Sample size
fitglm <- function(sigma,tau){
x <- rnorm(n,0,sigma)
intercept <- 0
beta <- 0
ystar <- intercept+beta*x
z <- rbinom(n,1,plogis(ystar))
I am new to R and I am trying to do a monte carlo simulation where I
generate data and interject error then test various cut points; however, my
output was garbage (at x equal zero, I did not get .50)
I am basically testing the performance of classifiers.
Here is the code:
n <- 1000; # Sample size
I want to create 10 dataframe using a for loop.
I don t know what to do to create 10 different dataframes whose name is
parametrized with variable i.
This syntaxe fails. It create a unique fataframe called dfn.
Any input will help
> for (i in 1:10){
+ filename=paste("avail4",i,sep
with simpler expressions:
if I have a dataframe
is it possible de transform it to a matrix where nrow(A) colomns, nrow(B)
row and for each value of C, we put the corresponding value in the matrix.
Le 18 février 2012 13:57, Adel ESSAFI a écrit :
> Hello
> >
> orderulcount
Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 xV5
7C L 0.0 30 C / L
19 C L 0.2 27 C / L
31 C L 0.4 15 C / L
43 C L 0.6 7 C / L
54 C L 0.8 2 C / L
10 C S 0.0 27 C / S
22 C S 0.
Le 11 février 2012 02:33, David Winsemius a écrit :
> On Feb 10, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> Hi list
>> I need some help for drawing some histograms
>> I have a dataframe , say,
>> X Y Z T
>> I want to draw
ecting distinct values of law[,1]
The deal is to make the same thing but for a couple of columns
Thanks in advance for help
PhD candidate in Computer Science
3 avenue lamine, cité ezzahra, Sousse 4000
tel: +216 97 246 706 (+33640302046 jusqu'au 15/6)
fax: +216
dear list
I use runif to generate a ramdom number between min and max
runif(n, min=0, max=1)
however , the syntaxe of rexp does not allow that
rexp(n, rate = 1)
and it generate a number with the corresponding rate.
The question is: how to generate a number between min and max using rexp().
Deal list
> I want to generate a random number in an interval using exponential low
> I know how to make that simply using uniform low
> x1 <- runif(1, 5.0, 7.5)
> this will generate a number between 5 et 7.5 but with uniform low.
> Could you help pease.?
> Regards
> --
> PhD candidate in Comput
e data, try this
> aggregate(si[,7],list(si[,2],si[,1]),function(x) sum(table(x)))
> Weidong
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> > NO
> >> aggregate(si[,7],list(si[,2],si[,1]),mean)
> >Group.1 Group.2 x
> > 1
2011/10/22 Adel ESSAFI
> NO
> > aggregate(si[,7],list(si[,2],si[,1]),mean)
>Group.1 Group.2 x
> 1 0.0 D 212.5015448
> 2 0.2 D 200.5271137
> 3 0.4 D 191.5387529
> 4 0.6 D 131.5856218
> 5 0.8 D 16.4
u want?
> sci[,5][sci[,2]==0 & sci[,1]==L]
> Weidong
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> > Hi,
> > It is not what I want, but, thx anyway.
> > Regards
> >
> >
> > 2011/10/22 Weidong Gu
> >>
> >> t
It is not what I want, but, thx anyway.
2011/10/22 Weidong Gu
> try this
> table(sci[,2]=0,sci[,1]=L)
> Weidong Gu
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> > Hello,
> > is there any help please.
> > Regards
> >
is there any help please.
2011/10/21 Adel ESSAFI
> Hello
> I am discovering R and I find it is really very powerful.
> However, I find some newbie difficulties.
> Here, I have a data frame with manu values that I want to calculate the
> frequency (the n
is there any help please.
2011/10/21 Adel ESSAFI
> Hello
> I am discovering R and I find it is really very powerful.
> However, I find some newbie difficulties.
> Here, I have a data frame with manu values that I want to calculate the
> frequency (the n
I am discovering R and I find it is really very powerful.
However, I find some newbie difficulties.
Here, I have a data frame with manu values that I want to calculate the
frequency (the nomber of line) of the some criteria.
For exemple here, I want it to print the number of occurence wher
Hi list
I am discovering R, and
PhD candidate in Computer Science
3 avenue lamine, cité ezzahra, Sousse 4000
tel: +216 97 246 706 (+33640302046 jusqu'au 15/6)
fax: +216 71 391 166
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
I have this data frame and I am newbie in R.
I want to ask if it is possible to draw 10 lines in a plot such that: a line
for every colomn, the x - axis is the second column and the y-axis is the
third one.
Thank you for any input
1 0 1094442
1 0.2 1163576.2
1 0.4 1238539.6
is ot possible to draw two ecdf of vectors (say s1 and s2) on the same
figire with R.
plot function draws a new plot and there is no function like points or lines
to draw a second ecdf on the figure.
*PhD candidate in Computer Science
3 avenue lamine, cité ezzahra, S
alues 0 , 0.2 and 0.4
> And here's one way to color them:
> plot(x[,2], x[,3], col=c("red", "blue", "green")[as.factor(x[,1])],
> xlab="X", ylab="Y", main="Colored Points")
> You might be interested in ?par
Hello list
I have this file
0 121289479 25
0 212599129 1
0 285254098 21
0 444889848 45
0 469197123 30
0 640007403 82
0 718215617 8
0 758534043 56
0 799706577 4
0 814441385 93
0 843545059 37
0.2 121289479 6
0.2 285254098 3
0.2 444889848 6
I have a file with very big values. I want to display the real values with
classic ways (without exposant)
> summary(a[,1]);
Min. 1st Qu.Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.198e+09 1.199e+09 1.200e+09 1.200e+09 1.201e+09 1.202e+09
Can you help please?
I'am not veru used with R!!
2010/8/21 Henrique Dallazuanna
> Adel,
> read.table return a data.frame, Gavin showed, you need pass which column
> will be plotted to hist.
> scan return a vector.
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Adel ESS
-- Forwarded message --
From: Adel ESSAFI
Date: 2010/8/21
Subject: Re: [R] basic hist() question
To: Henrique Dallazuanna
It works fine.
Could you explain to me why it did not worked for read.table?
2010/8/21 Henrique Dallazuanna
> Try this:
In fact, I searching for a simpler solution. I remember that I have done
this without these functions (but I forgot)
simply, is there any function that "force" R to take variable a as table ?
> a=read.table("dureetasks.txt")
> summary(a)
Hi list
I loaded the content of a file dureetasks.txt to variable a. This file
contains an interger per line.
when I print a vector, it displays correctly.
however, when I try to print the histogram, I get this error message
> a=read.table("dureetasks.txt")
> hist(a)
Error in hist.default(a) :
2010/6/5 Adel ESSAFI
> 2010/6/5 Jannis
> What exactly do you mean by "variation"? As I understand it, this term is a
>> broad term for all kinds of different "spread measures" (like quantile range
>> or standard deviation). Do you mean the Co
Yes, that what I mean. But I looked for ready function :)
> compute the mean and the, it is straightforward to calculate
> it.
> Adel ESSAFI schrieb:
>> Hi list
>> I am a new user of R. I ask for some "beginner" question
-- Forwarded message --
From: Adel ESSAFI
Date: 2010/6/5
Subject: Re: [R] How to make R automatic?
To: zhangted001
Well, I am new but i will give you an example of script that I run
R --no-save << EOF
Hi list
I am a new user of R. I ask for some "beginner" question
I am searching if there is any function that computes the variation of some
discrete values of a vector (mean() and sd() exists, but i have not find
Thanks in advance
PhD candidate in Comput
hich stops the search.
Does this means that Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) equals to zero that
makes AIC goes to -inf .And how would I overcome this problem.Can I for
example find those that have strong correlation with x1 first and then use
AIC score to find me the best model among them,.
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