[R] Simulation based on runif to get mean

2018-01-29 Thread smart hendsome via R-help
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding simulating based on runif.  Let say I have generated matrix A and B based on runif. Then I find mean for each matrix A and matrix B.  I want this process to be done let say 10 times. Anyone can help me.  Actually I want make the function that I can pla

Re: [R] Plotting quarterly time series

2018-01-29 Thread phil
Gentlemen, Thank you so much for your help. You have solved my problem. > Using Achim's d this also works to generate z where FUN is a function used > to transform the index column and format is also passed to FUN. > > z <- read.zoo(d, index = "time", FUN = as.yearqtr, format = "Q%q %Y") > > On S

Re: [R] Fortune candidate

2018-01-29 Thread Robert Baer
On 1/27/2018 12:16 PM, David Winsemius wrote: John (to a serial querulant): ...but with such a sweeping lack of information from you, don't congratulate yourself if you get a helpful answer. It wasn't your fault. David Winsemius Alameda, CA, USA Second that nomination! 'Any technolog

Re: [R] Add ablines

2018-01-29 Thread William Dunlap via R-help
I assume you are using the qcc package's qcc function. example(qcc) gives an example of adding abline's to its plot: # add warning limits at 2 std. deviations q <- qcc(diameter[1:25,], type="xbar", newdata=diameter[26:40,], plot=FALSE) (warn.limits <- limits.xbar(q$center, q$std.dev, q$sizes,

Re: [R] Add ablines

2018-01-29 Thread Jeff Newmiller
A) Without your data, it is very difficult to see what your problem is. You need to include both data and code to create a reproducible example. [1][2][3] B) Please follow the guidance in the Posting Guide mentioned in the footer of every message on this list; in particular note that this is a p

[R] [R-pkgs] New package IndexNumR: A package for computation of index numbers

2018-01-29 Thread Graham White
Hello useRs, A new package, IndexNumR, has been released on CRAN. IndexNumR provides a set of functions for computing various bilateral and multilateral indices. It is designed to compute price or quantity indices over time. Bilateral indices include Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher, Tornqvist, Sato

[R] Rasterize plot in PDF output

2018-01-29 Thread ronaldo . fisher
Hello everybody out there using R, When putting multiple plots with thousands of data points into a single PDF file, this file can get huge and take a long time to open. The following post describes exactly the same problem in Matplotlib, as well as a nice fix for it: Matplotlib: multipage PD

[R] The R Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2

2018-01-29 Thread Roger Bivand
Dear all, The latest issue of The R Journal is now available at: https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2017-2/. New this time - quick access to news and notes 2013-to date in the navigation bar to the left including new Forwards and R-teaching columns; articles in 2017-2 may link to code and

Re: [R] Result show the values of fitting gamma parameter

2018-01-29 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, I believe the following is simpler. It changes the OP's code a bit and uses lapply, not apply. res2 <- lapply(C, fitdist, "gamma") do.call(rbind, lapply(res2, `[[`, "estimate")) # shape rate #A 3.702253 1.234126 #B 31.300800 3.912649 Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 1/29/20

Re: [R] Result show the values of fitting gamma parameter

2018-01-29 Thread Eric Berger
Capture the results of the apply command into an object and then work with that. Here is one way to do it: > res <- apply(C, 2, fitdist, "gamma") > out <- c( res$A$estimate["shape"], res$B$estimate["shape"], res$A$estimate["rate"], res$B$estimate["rate"]) > names(out) <- c("A shape","B shape","A r

[R] Result show the values of fitting gamma parameter

2018-01-29 Thread smart hendsome via R-help
Hi, Let say I have data by two columns A and B, and I have fit each column using the gamma distribution by 'fitdist' . I just want the result show only the shape and rate only. Eg: library(fitdistrplus) A <-c(1,2,3,4,5) B<-c(6,7,8,9,10) C <-cbind(A,B) apply(C, 2, fitdist, "gamma") Output sho