I wonder whether I can take advantage of this thread and ask you another
related question. Now, I want to get the 95%CI of the fit and their
derivatives as well. For the original fitted curves, It is straightforward
as the option "type=terms" can be used to get the CI for the fixed effect.
Don asks a good question. Here is the analogy from the grid package.
> library(grid)
> unit(12, "in")
[1] 12in
> unit(12, "cm")
[1] 12cm
> unit.c(unit(12, "in"), unit(12, "cm"))
[1] 12in 12cm
> c(unit(12, "in"), unit(12, "cm"))
[1] 12 12
> ?unit
> convertUnit(c(unit(12, "in"), unit(12, "cm")), "i
I think a more illuminating inspection is this:
> attributes(A)
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
[1] "UTC"
> attributes(B)
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
[1] "UTC"
> attributes(C)
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
Note that the operation c(A,B) loses the $tzone attribute.
Note also
Possible clarification/correction...(apologies in advance if I'm being
If I put the following four lines in a script whose file name is "junk.r":
then it generates an error message, as expected:
> source('junk.r')
Error in log("a") (from junk.r#3) : non
Dear Joel,
are you trying to apply function mi.t.test from my package MKmisc?
Could you please try:
mi.t.test(implist, "pre_test", "post_test", alternative =
"greater", paired = TRUE, var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)
x and y are the names of the variables, not the variables themselves.
On Fri, 7 Apr 2017, Sorkin, John wrote:
Is there an R package that will perform a piecewise continuous Poisson
regression? I want to model two linear segments that intersect at a
common knot.
The "segmented" package implements such broken stick regressions based on
either "lm" or "glm" model
a) The email I am replying to should have been a reply to your original
email [1]... it is not a complete picture of your problem, and you are not
maintaining a thread of conversation.
b) I don't compose emails in R so I don't know what R package(s) you
should use/look for. I recommend package
On Thu, 6 Apr 2017, Tintin wrote:
How do I create an element with specificiation " Class 'Date' num "
The problem arises when I try to construct my own data structure set in the
"termstrc" package. The model list should look like:
R> str(govbonds$GERMANY)
List of 8
: chr [1:52] "DE0
I think it is a fundamental characteristic of graphics drivers that output will
look different in the details... you are on a wild goose chase. Postscript in
particular has a huge advantage in font presentation over other graphics output
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brev
dear John,
The package segmented can help you. ?plot.segmented includes a Poisson example
"Sorkin, John" ha scritto:
Is there an R package that will perform a piecewise continuous
Poisson regression? I want to model two linear segments that
intersect at a common knot.
hi jeff
thank you for your code, there is lot to think about it...
In the meanwhile I've managed to work out a (sort of) solution but I'm still
not completely satisfied with it
I would like to keep it all more elegant and possibly general
here it is, so far...
I made up a little test for converting from character matrix to tibble: dumping
to file and reading back, pasting up a big string, using pipes, using and using a pipeless version. By far and away it is worth using
Ulrik's or your solution compared to dumping the matrix to
Hi everyone,
I'm still new to R, and I like that's it's so compact, you can do so much in
just a few lines of code.
I wondered if there is any Content Management System built on R. I have
created websites for my clients, and I prefer to set it up in a CMS instead
and give them control to edit
Hi, Joel,
I think, according to the help page of mi.t.test,
mi.t.test(implist, x = "pre_test", y = "post_test",
alternative = "greater", paired = TRUE, var.equal = TRUE,
conf.level = 0.95)
should do it (untested).
Hth -- Gerrit
Hi Brad,
Some of the debugging functions may be of use. You can look at trace()
or setBreakpoint(). But I believe Bert is correct in saying your
concept of a "Line Number" and R's concept of a "Line Number" will
Finally, you can look at the function findLineNum(), which can be
called exte
Is there an R package that will perform a piecewise continuous Poisson
regression? I want to model two linear segments that intersect at a common knot.
Thank you,
John David Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
University of Maryland School of Medicin
Hi there,
I try to plot with custom fonts, which have good shape Latin and CJK
characters. I set up all the fonts correctly. However, when I plot the
same code on png() and postscript(), I get different result. The main
problem is the space between characters is narrower in postscript() than
Hi, Simon
Thank you for your explanation! I followed the instructions and
successfully get the predicted values with both fixed and random effects
Also, what I meant to say was "plot(gamm1$gam, pages=1)" for left and right
How do I create an element with specificiation " Class 'Date' num "
The problem arises when I try to construct my own data structure set in the
"termstrc" package. The model list should look like:
R> str(govbonds$GERMANY)
List of 8
: chr [1:52] "DE0001141414" "DE0001137131" "DE0001141
Dear all,
It is my first time posting on this list so forgive me for any rookie
mistakes I could make.
I want to conduct t-tests on a dataset that has been imputed using the mice
imput_pps <- mice(pps, m=20, maxit=20, meth='pmm') # pps is my dataset. It
contains items from an 11-item que
I believe the lubridate package does a good job with time zones.
> install.packages("lubridate")
> library(lubridate)
Look at the supplied functions with_tz() and force_tz().
William J. Michels, Ph.D.
On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 12:52 AM, Jeff Newmiller
> R does a poor job
R does a poor job of supporting timezone-specific objects... you have to
transfer the necessary attributes explicitly for many operations. (It does no
job of supporting element-specific timezones so don't go there.)
The good news is that R is pretty good at working with points in time, since
Thanks a lot - good idea:
I put
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")
ahead of the code - solves the problem!
Thanks a lot
Den 07-04-2017 kl. 09:26 skrev Mark Leeds:
> Hi Troels: This is off-list so as to not clog the list with my noise
> because my suggestion may not work. I really don't know that much
Thanks a lot - perhaps it is just understanding how times dates are
handled, sorry to bother if that is just the case
C[1]==A[1] # TRUE
[1] "2013-03-28 07:00:00 CET"
[1] "2013-03-28 06:00:00 UTC"
Den 07-04-2017 kl. 08:27 skrev Ulrik Stervbo:
Hi Troels,
I get no error. I
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