Re: [R] Subset with missing argument within a function

2016-02-04 Thread Stefano de Pretis
Thanks Bill, This is more clear. In any case, I find very inappropriate that a programming language tries to guess the value of a missing argument. It is unfair towards code developers and it promotes the production of bugged piece of software. I hope R will revise its policies sooner or later.

Re: [R] Accessing specific data.frame columns within function

2016-02-04 Thread Ulrik Stervbo
Hi Clark, In your function you are using the variable 'y' and not 'data'. If this indeed is your intention, there is no need to pass 'data' to your function, otherwise all 'y's in your function should be 'data'. Does this work for you: f <- function(data, oldnames, subset.val = 4){ data <- dat

[R] Accessing specific data.frame columns within function

2016-02-04 Thread Clark Kogan
Hello, I am trying to write a function that adds a few columns to a data.frame. The function uses the columns in a specific way. For instance, it might take a^2 + c to produce a column d. Or it might do more complex manipulations that I don't think I need to discuss here. I want to keep x as a dat

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread Spencer Graves
On 2/4/2016 6:59 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Feb 4, 2016, at 3:15 PM, Rolf Turner wrote: Quite a while ago I went to talk (I think it may have been at an NZSA conference) given by the great Ross Ihaka. I forget the details but my vague recollection was that it involved a technique for

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread Spencer Graves
It's not clear if the TPP would ever directly impact the R project. However, it could impact many R users. * For example, if someone decides that something you have on the web includes material for which they claim copyright, the TPP allows them to order your Internet Servi

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread David Winsemius
> On Feb 4, 2016, at 3:15 PM, Rolf Turner wrote: > > > > Quite a while ago I went to talk (I think it may have been at an NZSA > conference) given by the great Ross Ihaka. I forget the details but my vague > recollection was that it involved a technique for automatic choice of some > sort

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread Rolf Turner
Quite a while ago I went to talk (I think it may have been at an NZSA conference) given by the great Ross Ihaka. I forget the details but my vague recollection was that it involved a technique for automatic choice of some sort of smoothing parameter involved in a graphical display. Apparent

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
Ted and José, The FSF has a blog post here that might provide some insights: That is from last November, but the relevant passage, perhaps in a temporal vacuum, seems to be the s

Re: [R] LaplacesDemon package installation

2016-02-04 Thread Ted Harding
See at [***] below. On 04-Feb-2016 21:23:05 Rolf Turner wrote: > > (1) You might get better mileage asking this on the r-sig-mac list. > > (2) The phenomena you describe are puzzling and are beyond my capacity > to explain. Perhaps someone else will be able to enlighten you. > > (3) Out of id

Re: [R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread Ted Harding
Saludos José! Could you please give a summary of the relevant parts of TPP that might affect the use of R? I have looked up TPP on Wikipedia without beginning to understand what it might imply for the use of R. Best wishes, Ted. On 04-Feb-2016 14:43:29 José Bustos wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I hav

Re: [R] LaplacesDemon package installation

2016-02-04 Thread Rolf Turner
(1) You might get better mileage asking this on the r-sig-mac list. (2) The phenomena you describe are puzzling and are beyond my capacity to explain. Perhaps someone else will be able to enlighten you. (3) Out of idle curiosity I went to the github site and downloaded the zip file of the pa

[R] Elasticities in Nested logit model

2016-02-04 Thread Shyam Kumar Basnet
Dear all, I am trying to compute the elasticities based on the Nested Logit Model. I have been following the book "Econometric Analysis by Greene (2002)". I am first trying to re-produce the ELASTICITIES as reported by Greene(2002), and then plan to replicate with my original data. Unfortunate

[R] LaplacesDemon package installation

2016-02-04 Thread Lluis.Hurtado
Dear all, I've recently changed my Mac and I am trying to reinstall my commonly used R-packages. I'm having troubles with a package called LaplacesDemon. This package is no more in the CRAN list and the developers web page ( is out for more than half a

[R] Conditional (paired) design for binomial regression in MCMCglmm

2016-02-04 Thread Rémi Lesmerises
| This is my first attempt asking question in this forum and I do it because thorough research on the web didn't give me any answer.I am trying to accomodate a conditional regression in a Bayesian generalized linear mixed model using Monte Carlo Markov Chain. I am using the package {MCMCglmm} i

Re: [R] Paste Funtion Help

2016-02-04 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 04/02/2016 3:33 AM, SHIVI BHATIA wrote: HI Team, Need help with the below syntax. merge.salaries[, name:=paste("nameFirst","nameLast")]. Here merge.salaries is the data set I have merged. There are 2 columns nameFirst and nameLast I need to merge these two into one and name a

Re: [R] Subset with missing argument within a function

2016-02-04 Thread William Dunlap via R-help
The "missingness" of an argument gets passed down through nested function calls. E.g., fOuter <- function(x) c(outerMissing=missing(x), innerMissing=fInner(x)) fInner <- function(x) missing(x) fInner() #[1] TRUE fOuter() #outerMissing innerMissing # TRUE TRUE It is only

Re: [R] Paste Funtion Help

2016-02-04 Thread Bert Gunter
The problem in the original post is, as clearly stated , the ":=", which is some other language, not R. From which I infer that the OP needs to spend some additional time with an R tutorial or two to learn R. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep comin

Re: [R] Paste Funtion Help

2016-02-04 Thread Ulrik Stervbo
Hi Shivi, I usually do merge.salaries$name <- paste(merge.salaries$nameFirst, merge.salaries$nameLast) also if merge.salaries[, name:=paste("nameFirst","nameLast")] would work, you would end up with a column full of "nameFirst nameLast". Best, Ulrik On Thu, 4 Feb 2016 at 17:32 SHIVI BHATIA wr

Re: [R] Has R-help changed reply-to policy?

2016-02-04 Thread Ted Harding
Steve, I'm inclined to suspect that something *has* changed at your end (or along the line between you and R-help). In replying to your message, selecting "include all recipients" (i.e. reply to all), the result was: To: S Ellison Cc: just as it always has been! So no chan

[R] Has R-help changed reply-to policy?

2016-02-04 Thread S Ellison
Apologies if I've missed a post, but have the default treatment of posts and reply-to changed on R-Help of late? I ask because as of today, my email client now only lists the OP email when replying to an R-help message, even with a reply-all, so the default reply is not to the list. I also noti

Re: [R] Subset with missing argument within a function

2016-02-04 Thread Stefano de Pretis
Hi Petr, Thank you for your answer. I'm not sure how the empty index reflects what I'm showing in my example. If my function was emptySubset <- function(vec) vec[] I would then agree that this was the case. But I think it's different: I'm specifically telling my function that it should have two

[R] R project and the TPP

2016-02-04 Thread José Bustos
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the use R software under the new TPP laws adopted by some governments in the region. Who know how this new agreements will affect researchers and the R community? Hope some of you knows better and can give ideas about it. saludos, José [[alternat

[R] Paste Funtion Help

2016-02-04 Thread SHIVI BHATIA
HI Team, Need help with the below syntax. merge.salaries[, name:=paste("nameFirst","nameLast")]. Here merge.salaries is the data set I have merged. There are 2 columns nameFirst and nameLast I need to merge these two into one and name as name however I can getting an error: Error

[R] Package for error analysis

2016-02-04 Thread Catarina Silva
Hi, I'm doing error analysis of predictive models and I need to calculate global error, this is, I need to calculate the resultant error from propagation of indirect measurements errors. I know a little about propagation error theory, using derivation formulas to calculate it, but I want to know

Re: [R] Subset with missing argument within a function

2016-02-04 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi Help page for ?"[" says An empty index selects all values: this is most often used to replace all the entries but keep the attributes. and actually you function construction works with empty index > x<-c(1,2,5) > letters[x] [1] "a" "b" "e" > letters[] [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i

Re: [R] ggplot: geom_bar not respecting factor order when stacking

2016-02-04 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi So if the legend is in correct order you need to reorder the sequence of bars from top/bottom to bottom/top here is one solution. ggplot(temp, aes(x=trait, y = value)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill=varlevel, order= -as.numeric(varlevel))) Cheers Petr > -Original Message- >

[R] Subset with missing argument within a function

2016-02-04 Thread Stefano de Pretis
Hi all, I'm guessing what's the rationale behind this: > subsettingFun <- function(vec, ix) vec[ix] > subsettingFun(letters, c(1,2,5)) [1] "a" "b" "e" > subsettingFun(letters) [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" [20] "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" If the

Re: [R] [FORGED] find numbers that fall in a region or the next available.

2016-02-04 Thread David L Carlson
Assuming your map area can be described as a closed polygon, these functions would tell you which points lie within the boundaries of the polygon. David C From: Alaios [] Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 1:34 AM To: David L Carlson; Subject: Re: [R] [

[R] Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm

2016-02-04 Thread Maram SAlem
Hi all, I'm trying to write a code that performs the Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm, to draw values of a 2x1 parameter vector from a posterior distribution that doesn't have a well known form. So one of the parameters, theta1, has a well known full conditional distribution( for which the gibbs

[R] ggplot: geom_bar not respecting factor order when stacking

2016-02-04 Thread Alexander Shenkin
Hi all, ggplot2 (v2.0.0) does not seem to respect factor order when stacking bars in geom_bar(). ## > dput(temp) structure(list(phylo_sig = c(0.148740270638472, 0.148740270638472, 0.148740270638472, 0.148740270638472, 0.148740270638472), trait = c("p_corrected_percent", "p_co