> I would like to read a connection line by line with scan but
> don't know how to tell when to quit trying. Is there any
> way that you can ask the connection object if it is at the end?
I found that adding the argument blank.lines.skip=FALSE to the
scan command will do the trick when nlines=1.
What is the class attribute of your (misnamed) x.pt argument? If it does
not inherit from class "func" then your plot.func method will not be used
when you call plot(). You would need to explicitly call plot.func()
instead. If this question/comment makes no sense to you, then you have
some serious
I think what you may have done is simply changed x.init= to x=x.init.
x.init may or may not be there when the function is called, and that is
what the warning is saying. While you have satisfied the restriction that
the first argument must be "x", but then set the default value to something
that R
Hi all,
When I plot Bollinger bands with
TA = c(addBBands(50,2))
There is a "no" shadow area that it is used to obtain the levels. How can I
plot with charSeries so that the plot start on the shadow area? I mean,
¿How can I say to de axis start plotting f.i
On 20/10/15 01:02, Dr. Leigh S. Sutherland wrote:
Still feeling my way around using R...
What I have done so far:
I have a data.frame 'results' with response 'Fail', and three factors
'PREP', 'CLEAN' & 'ADHES'. ADHES has 3 levels: Crest Cryst Poly
I calculated the variances:
In effect, this works
but whether I use x or x.init, y or y.init in plot.func, I get
no visible binding for global variable ‘x.init’no visible binding for global
variable ‘y.init’
On Monday, October 19, 2015 9:59 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 19/10/2015 3:50 PM, carol white
Thanks a lot, Dénes!!
This library is very good! I can plot the head even in 3D using the command
"eegspace(space,voltage)", in which "space" defines the position of the
electrodes and voltage is the voltage of my EEG signal :)
Simple and elegant! :)
On 19 October 2015
On 19/10/2015 3:50 PM, carol white wrote:
> Thanks Murdoch.
> defining
> plot.func<- function(x=x.init, y=y.init, arg3, arg4, "title", col, arg5)
> and if plot doesn't take the exact parameters of plot.func but modified
> of these parameters
> plot(x=x.pt,y=y.pt,xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0,1)
Thanks Murdoch.
plot.func<- function(x=x.init, y=y.init, arg3, arg4, "title", col, arg5)
and if plot doesn't take the exact parameters of plot.func but modified of
these parametersplot(x=x.pt,y=y.pt,xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0,1), xlab=
"xlab", ylab="ylab", main = "title", col = col,type
You are making a long list with multiple components with the same name.
You probably want to make list of lists, with each component list
representing one employee.E.g.,
> Empl1 <- list(employee="Anna",spouse="Fred",children=3,
+ child.ages=c(4,7,9),employee="John",spouse="Mary",children=2,
I am very grateful to you all, because (as you well know) if you make the
database flat,
> Empl1 <- list(employee="Anna",spouse="Fred",children=3,
+ child.ages=c(4,7,9),employee="John",spouse="Mary",children=2,
+ child.ages=c(14,17))
adding a record with the same status as the first ones is
| If for example I have a double sammation on (xj+xi)The first summation from 1
to 3 And second summation is from 1 to 2If I put the condition of (i>j ) then
the term (x1+x1) will not be included I need to cut the condition into tow
parts If i&j>1 then i>jWhile if i=1 then i>=jSo that the term
... (Following up on Duncan)
and see also ?plot and ?plot.default for argument details.
On Monday, October 19, 2015, Duncan Murdoch
> On 19/10/2015 1:29 PM, carol white via R-help wrote:
> > Hi,I have invoked plot in a function (plot.func) as follows but when I
> check the built pac
On 19/10/2015 1:29 PM, carol white via R-help wrote:
> Hi,I have invoked plot in a function (plot.func) as follows but when I check
> the built package, I get a warning:
> plot(x.pt,y.pt,xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0,1), xlab= "xlab", ylab="ylab",
> main = "title", col = col,type = "l")
> R CMD ch
I would guess that x.pt does not have class "func", whatever that is. You
really ought to read the manual section indicated in the error.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
Have you read the manual as requested?
It will answer your question.
On Oct 19, 2015 6:31 PM, "carol white via R-help"
> Hi,I have invoked plot in a function (plot.func) as follows but when I
> check the built package, I get a warning:
> plot(x.pt,y.pt,xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0,1),
Hi,I have invoked plot in a function (plot.func) as follows but when I check
the built package, I get a warning:
plot(x.pt,y.pt,xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0,1), xlab= "xlab", ylab="ylab", main
= "title", col = col,type = "l")
R CMD check my.package
checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNI
Thanks to all who responded,
I've found a very useful code here:
In particular the Lecture 3...
2015-10-17 7:05 GMT+00:00 Berend Hasselman :
> Your model is producing -Inf entries in the vector Be (in function modl
> and LL) at some s
On 19 Oct 2015, at 16:16 , James Toll wrote:
>> On Oct 18, 2015, at 10:51 AM, Christian Hoffmann
>> wrote:
>> How can I do e.g. print("unknown"(ls())) and get the variable values in my
>> current environment?
> From your example, it sounds like what you want is simply this:
> sap
> On Oct 18, 2015, at 10:51 AM, Christian Hoffmann
> wrote:
> How can I do e.g. print("unknown"(ls())) and get the variable values in my
> current environment?
>From your example, it sounds like what you want is simply this:
sapply(ls(), get)
I all you are doing is matching a single column and then extracting rows
that match, then the '%in%' operator should work:
indx <- reg6idGlobal$alloc_key %in% req6id_subsample_key$alloc_key
my_subset <- reg6idGlobal[indx, ]
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying t
Not sure I understand what your condition 'i > j > k' means in the context
of where each of the values is 1:3. The only value that meets that
condition is i =3, j=2 & k=1, but you said exclude any cases where the
values were equal to 1.
Can you clarify with an example what you mean.
Jim Holtman
Still feeling my way around using R...
What I have done so far:
I have a data.frame 'results' with response 'Fail', and three factors
'PREP', 'CLEAN' & 'ADHES'. ADHES has 3 levels: Crest Cryst Poly
I calculated the variances:
Some trial and error follows ( for anyone who cares ).
The case seems that groupedData does not like
to have both "a grouping" and "an outher" defined at the same time.
d.x <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="
o g h i d
A C E G 1.0
A C E H 2
A C F G 4
the eegkit package
(https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/eegkit/index.html) might help
you if you happen to work with a standard electrode cap.
On 10/19/2015 02:41 PM, Charles Novaes de Santana wrote:
Dear all,
I have .csv file with the evoked potential of different
If I'm summing over (i,j,k) each from 1 to 3
And I have �condition that (i>j>k)
But I want to restrict this condition to only cases where i,j,k>1
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From:"Jeff Newmiller"
Date:Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:24 AM
Subject:Re: [R] condition in triple summation
Learn to post
Dear all,
I have .csv file with the evoked potential of different electrodes of a
human subject and I would like to plot a head figure representing the
evoked potentials. My csv file has 1000 lines (from 1ms to 1000 ms) and 12
columns (each column for an electrode I am studying).
Do you know a wa
I got the solution,
Problem was due to replacement of NA
Thank you so much
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Fox, John wrote:
> Dear Bhawana Sahu,
> You don't show any of the commands that you used to produce this error, so
> one can only guess at its source, but the error message you quote s
Dear Bhawana Sahu,
You don't show any of the commands that you used to produce this error, so one
can only guess at its source, but the error message you quote seems reasonably
clear -- apparently, you failed to specify the data argument to the function(s)
you called.
For example, with a data
Why do you replace NA with meaningless „-„? NA for R means Not Available and R
can handle it properly. „-„ means „-„ for R and is treated as character
together with rest of the column. If somebody aviced it to you, do not trust
him any more.
Anyway, you still do not provide info about data.
Dear John
I suspect
will help here.
You would need to tidy up afterwards (or before) if you do not want the
other columns in your dataframe of keys to be included in the result.
On 19/10/2015 11:19, John Wasige wrote:
Hi, I need help on how to sub-sample my data in R. I have two tabl
Hi, I need help on how to sub-sample my data in R. I have two tables, one
table with global dataset and another with a list of codes for sub sample
the global dataset.
Download link
All these tabl
Your objects are not so big, therefore I assume that something is wrong with
their stucture, especially when one object gives you results.
I wonder if you get more precise answer without providing some basic facts
(structure of data, code, OS, R version).
> -Original Messag
Regarding cores... The only reliable way I have found so far is to look up the
processor specs. In your case I found [1] which says 4 cores.
Dear all,
I am using kernlab function for analysis of dataset containing 8000 rows
and 171 column, but getting an error saying cannot allocate the memory, It
is running properly with the dataset having 3000 rows and 251 column,
Also when I tried this with dataset having 7000 rows and 171 column g
35 matches
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