When installing simba package following error showing
Installing package into ‘/home/cbl/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.1’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
also installing the dependency ‘vegan’
trying URL 'http:
take a look at the sqldf package because it has the ability to load a csv
file to a database from which you can then process the data in pieces
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.
On Tue, Jul 14,
You seem to want your cake and eat it too. Not unexpected, but you may have
your work cut out to learn about the price of having it all.
Plotting: pretty silly to stick with gigabytes of data in your plots. Some kind
of aggregation seems required here, with the raw data being a stepping stone to
On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:49 PM, Dawn wrote:
> I attached the file
Well, you may have attached it, but you evidently did not read the posting
guide about which filetypes are accepted by the mailserver.
> including the first two rows and please help to make it
> the numeric data frame. Hopeful
On Jul 14, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Rogério Araújo wrote:
> I'm trying to run dichotomous choice CV data using DCchoice package. But I
> didn't succeed. I keep receiving those messages for 'sbchoice' and
> 'dbchoice' functions:
> Warning in install.packages :
> package ‘DCchoice’ is not available (f
I attached the file including the first two rows and please help to make it
the numeric data frame. Hopefully the following command works:
dcm <- rowSums(dat1[,grep("DCM",names(dat1),fixed=T)],na.rm=T)
Thank you very much!
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Jeff Newmiller
> Well it i
I used two rows to test the data frame, as follows.
> dat <- read.table("TOV_43_Protein_Clusters_abundance1.tab",
header=TRUE,sep = "\t")
> dat1 <- dat[1:2,]
> str(dat1)
'data.frame':2 obs. of 44 variables:
$ X : Factor w/ 1075762 levels "","POV_Cluster_101",..: 305266
$ X10
I'm relatively new to using R, and I am trying to find a decent solution for my
current dilemma.
Right now, I am currently trying to parse second data from a 7 months of CSV
data. This is over 10GB of data, and I've run into some "memory issues" loading
them all into a single dataset to be plot
I used a small set of data (several columns and rows) and it works fine
using the following command:
abc <- rowSums(test[,grep("ABC",names(test),fixed=T)],na.rm=T)
But when I used the real big data table, "Error in rowSums(dat[,
grep("ABC", names(dat), fixed = T)], na.rm = T) :
'x' must be
I'm trying to run dichotomous choice CV data using DCchoice package. But I
didn't succeed. I keep receiving those messages for 'sbchoice' and
'dbchoice' functions:
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘DCchoice’ is not available (for R version 3.2.1)
Error: could not find function "sbchoice"
It seems that Dawn could really benefit from spending some time with
an online R tutorial or two, as she appears not to have much of a clue
about R's basic data structures.
Bert Gunter
"Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
is certainly not wisdom."
Well it is pretty obvious that all of your columns have non-numeric data in
them, but you are the only one who can tell which ones should have been
numeric, and you are also the one who can peruse your data file in a text
I suspect your data frame "dat" has non-numeric data in some of the columns
that have ABC in their names. Any column of a data frame can be numeric or not,
but the data frame as a unit cannot be numeric. If your data file has odd
characters in done of the otherwise-numeric columns, the whole col
Use the 'alim' argument (or the 'at' argument) to restrict the axis limits, so
that CI bounds below/above are indicated with an arrow. And play around with
the 'xlim' argument to make better use of the space in the plotting region. And
the 'ilab' argument allows you to add columns with additiona
Dear All,
I'm having trouble tweaking a forest plot made using the R meta-analysis
package metafor. My main problem is that I have two studies which have very
large Confidence intervals and as such my forest plot is very wide, and not
neat. As I would like to add more descriptive columns into the
Yikes! That almost requires a book. Why don't you start by doing some
of your own homework instead. Search on:
fit spline curves to longitudinal data in R
and then go through the tutorials/presentations that pop up. There
will also be books that you will find, I'm sure if you're serious
about thi
Dear David and Joanne,
David, thank you for answering Joanne's question before I saw it.
The help page for car::scatterplot() is also accessible via the Help button
in the Rcmdr scatterplot dialog.
I'll think about whether to add a control for legend position to the
scatterplot dialog. There are
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Adrian Dușa wrote:
> Dear list,
> Probably not the best subject line, but hopefully I can explain.
> I would like to use R and open a connection to a (system) command line base
> chess engine
> (for example, there is an open source one at stockfishchess.org)
I wish to fit spline curves to longitudinal data
Which package should I use and how should data be structured to facilitate the
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
It can be changed by slightly modifying the scatterplot() command in the R
Script window and re-submitting it.
>From the top menu select Data | Data in packages | Read data set from an
>attached package. Then type Pottery in the space next to "Enter name of data
>set" (notice that Pottery is ca
Answering my own question, I was able to make the tables look better in IE
using some simple CSS:
td {
padding: 6px;
-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Bos, Roger
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 11:36 AM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Dear list,
Probably not the best subject line, but hopefully I can explain.
I would like to use R and open a connection to a (system) command line base
chess engine
(for example, there is an open source one at stockfishchess.org)
In the Terminal window (using MacOS), I can type two commands:
$ .
I wondered if anyone could help me with a small issue in Rcmdr.
I have used the 'Graphs' function in the drop-down menu to create a scatterplot
for groups (gender). But when I do this the legend (telling me the symbols
which represent male etc.) keeps obscuring the title of the plot.
This might be a little off topic, but I am starting to produce some HTML
reports that contain mostly tables and they look great in Chrome but really bad
in IE, so I wanted to see if anyone knows of a better way or an easy fix. One
option I have used is to convert to PDF, but sometimes it is nic
On 14/07/2015 6:09 AM, Knox, Tom wrote:
> I am very new to the use of R and trying to install it in order to use a
> package called mh1823 for determining Probability of Detection stats for
> Non-Destructive Evaluation. I have hit an immediate problem installing the
> xlsx package and get the f
Fantastic. Thanks!
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 7:03 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi Karla,
> This might help. I haven't tested it exhaustively.
> transect_overlap<-function(x) {
> if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a 2x2 matrix")
> if(x[1,1] <= x[2,1]) {
> if(x[2,2] > x[1,2]) overlap<-x[1,2]-x[2,1]
I am very new to the use of R and trying to install it in order to use a
package called mh1823 for determining Probability of Detection stats for
Non-Destructive Evaluation. I have hit an immediate problem installing the
xlsx package and get the following messages:
Warning: unable to access in
I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but you could include a print()
call in your function. For example:
myfun <- function(x) {
m1 <- min(x)
m2 <- mean(x)
m3 <- max(x)
out <- list(m1, m2, m3)
result <- myfun(1:10)
On Mon, Jul 13,
R-help readers,
For your information ...
The package stringi is required to run Alex's code.
Alex's message was cross posted to StackOverflow, and seems to have been
answered there,
On Tue, Jul 1
On 13/07/2015 5:06 PM, Daniel Caro wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry if this has already been addressed before but I could not find any
> helpful references.
> I would like to create a function that outputs a single element of a list
> but stores all elements, similar to 'lm' and many other functions.
Hi Karla,
This might help. I haven't tested it exhaustively.
transect_overlap<-function(x) {
if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a 2x2 matrix")
if(x[1,1] <= x[2,1]) {
if(x[2,2] > x[1,2]) overlap<-x[1,2]-x[2,1]
else overlap<-x[2,2]-x[2,1]
else {
if(x[1,2] > x[2,2]) overlap<-x[2,2]-x[1,1]
> "P" == ProfJCNash
> on Sat, 4 Jul 2015 21:42:27 -0400 writes:
P> n163 <- mpfr(163, 500)
P> is how I set up the number.
Yes, and you have needed to specify the desired precision.
As author and maintainer of Rmpfr, let me give my summary of this overly
long thread (with ma
32 matches
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