How to run pie chart for each categorical variable in a dataset?
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal
Hi, I want to make a plot similar to sm1 (attached). The code I tried is: dcols
<- densCols(x,y)
smoothScatter(x,y, col = dcols, pch=20,xlab="A",ylab="B")
abline(h=0, col="red")
But it turned out to be s1 (attached) with big dots. I was wondering if
anything wrong with my code. Thanks,Zhengy
On Oct 2, 2012, at 06:00 , Fabrice Tourre wrote:
> Dear list,
> When I read some source code, I find lot of place used symbol <<- , e.g.
> lastTime <<- newTime;
> What is the meaning here?
Did you check help("<<-") ? The explanation there seems at least as clear as
anything I could co
HI David,
Thanks for your input.
Third and fourth solutions looks very interesting.
with(dat1,tapply(coef,list(ind1,ind2),function(x) x))
# also gave the same result.
# I tried with aggregate() and ddply(), but may be not as elegant solution as
On 02/10/12 17:00, Fabrice Tourre wrote:
Dear list,
When I read some source code, I find lot of place used symbol <<- , e.g.
lastTime <<- newTime;
What is the meaning here?
See also:
Also, I find some method with the name start with dot,
Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from
package party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a
multinomial logit model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)?
Interesting question: in principle, this is possible but I wouldn't know
of an
Hi Spencer,
thanks, I'll try R-sig-mixed-models.
I tried using the corRSpher function from ramps in gls but received the
following error:
> Error in recalc.corSpatial(object[[i]], conLin) :
> Unknown spatial correlation class
Will post back here if I am successful.
Dear list,
When I read some source code, I find lot of place used symbol <<- , e.g.
lastTime <<- newTime;
What is the meaning here?
Also, I find some method with the name start with dot, e.g.
.RowStandardizeCentered = function(x) {
div = sqrt( rowSums(x^2) );
div[ div == 0 ] =
Hi, Dan:
On 10/1/2012 8:07 PM, Dan Bebber wrote:
Please be assured, I really did "RTFM" (i.e. Pinheiro & Bates) as well as all the online sources,
and have accessed the codes of the corStruct functions, but they do not reveal how the "metric"
argument is used. Therefore, I can't reprogram to
Please be assured, I really did "RTFM" (i.e. Pinheiro & Bates) as well as all
the online sources, and have accessed the codes of the corStruct functions, but
they do not reveal how the "metric" argument is used. Therefore, I can't
reprogram to include "haversine" distance, as seen in the ramps p
On Oct 1, 2012, at 2:30 PM, arun wrote:
> No problem.
> One more way in addition to reshape() (Rui's suggestion) to get the same
> result.
> library(reshape)
> as.matrix(cast(melt(dat1,id=c("ind1","ind2")),ind1~ind2,value="value"))
> # 1 2 3 4
> #1 1.000 0.250 0.12
Ifelse is a vector function and is absolutely inappropriate for that use.
Use "if" instead.
Also, read the help for Sys.sleep... you need to tell it how long you want to
sleep. You should compute how long that is from now and sleep that long.
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to run a time based query and need some of your help.
Not much of data or packages.
Just a simple one.
Query I am trying to execute.
ifelse ((as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2012-10-01 20:38:00"))),
Note. Why I am using as.numeric is as I have a li
It will be great if you can reproduce some code and data you are working on.
Bhupendrasinh Thakre
On Oct 1, 2012, at 4:25 PM, bibek sharma wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new R -user and request your help for the following problem.
> I need to merge two dataset of longitudinal study which has tw
Hi all,
I am analyzing data on habitat utilization of seals in the Southern Ocean.
My data show spatial autocorrelation, which I'm interested in incorporating
into my model. I am trying to model the presence of dives (versus simulated
pseudo-absences) using a binomial generalized binomial model (g
Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from package
party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a multinomial logit
model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)?
I attempted to do so, but there are at least two reasons why I could not.
I am a new R -user and request your help for the following problem.
I need to merge two dataset of longitudinal study which has two column
(id and respose) common. when I used merge option to join the datas
side be side, because of the repeated subject id, I got larger data
set which is not
I have a large (919 X 919), hierarchically clustered heatmap that I would
like to read the labels off of. I have tried saving the figure in pdf
format and enlarging it until I can see the labels, but if I make the labels
small enough to read (so that they don't overlap) using cexRow and cex
No problem.
One more way in addition to reshape() (Rui's suggestion) to get the same result.
# 1 2 3 4
#1 1.000 0.250 0.125 0.5
#2 0.250 1.000 0.125 0.5
#3 0.125 0.125 1.000 0.5
#4 0.50
Dear Kevin,
>From ?polychor (in the polycor package):
"polychor(x, y, ML = FALSE, control = list(), std.err = FALSE, maxcor=.)
a contingency table of counts or an ordered categorical variable; the latter
can be numeric, logical, a factor, or an ordered factor, but if a fa
The documentation says "The grouping variable in svyboxplot, if
present, must be a factor"
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:28 AM, Muhuri, Pradip (SAMHSA/CBHSQ)
> Dear Anthony,
> Yes, I can follow the example code you have given. But, do you know from the
> code shown below (followi
order() is usually a lot more useful than sort(), since, as you noticed,
sort() drops information about where each element in its output came
Your example was incomplete so I made up one which I
think is similar.
> n <- 10 ; p <- 0.7 ; k <- 0:n ; d <- dbinom(k, n, p)
> plot(k, d) # densi
Hello playeRs!
I'm working on a project for a client. She's modeling hormone levels
periodically, and trying to develop a model and fit her data to that
model, and subsequently she's trying to cluster individuals based on how
well each fits the model.
I've been looking at grofit for this,
You have not specified a nonlinear formula. There are no parameters to
estimate in the formula you provide, y1~dist. What is the nonlinear
relation you are trying to fit? Look at the help file for nls to see some
examples worked.
Gyanendra Pokharel wrote on 10/01/2012
Hi Lucas
I don't know the ff package very well but here is what I found. Maybe
there is a clue in here
> z <- as.Date("1970-01-01")+1:10
> zff <- as.ff(z)
> z %in% zff
> z %in% zff[1:length(zff),]
On Oct 1, 2012, at 20:28 , MYRIAM TABASSO wrote:
> hi, can I help me to cancel my name in this list?
Sure, just go to the mailman site listed in the footer (look near bottom of
> Thanks
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
hi, can I help me to cancel my name in this list?
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PLEASE do read the posting guide
You may find it easier to use the logspline density fits (logspline
package) rather than the kernel density estimators for this.
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Eugene Kanshin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a data x with normal (or very close to normal) distribution, I can
> plot a density distribution
You asked this question before. I think you need to tell us what "modified
ward method" you are talking about and what you are trying to accomplish. I
did a quick Google Scholar search and turned up only a few papers using that
phrase, but they were not defining it in the same way.
Or maybe %in%.
x <- Sys.Date() + 1:10
y <- Sys.Date() + 7:15
x %in% y # logical index into 'x'
x[x %in% y] # common
x[!x %in% y] # not common
setdiff(x, y) # doesn't keep class Date
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 01-10-2012 15:57, R. Michael Weylandt escreveu:
On Monday, October
Hello to everyone.
I'm trying to use the %in% to match to vectors in ff format.
a<-as.ff(data[,1]) %in% fire$fecha
> aff (open) logical length=3653 (3653)
See the differences.
k <- 3
p <- 0.95
m <- 90; n <- 10
dhyper(0:k, m, n, k) # Prob(X = x), with x = 0:k
phyper(0:k, m, n, k) # Prob(X <= x)
# quantiles, what you want
qhyper(p, m, n, k) # inverse of phyper
m <- 50; n <- 50
dhyper(0:k, m, n, k)
phyper(0:k, m, n, k)
qhyper(p, m, n, k)
Try the following.
dat <- read.table(text="
ind1 ind2 coef
1 1 1
1 2 0.25
1 3 0.125
1 4 0.5
2 2 1
2 1 0.25
2 3 0.125
2 4 0.5
3 3 1
3 1 0.125
3 2 0.125
3 4 0.5
4 4 1
4 1 0.5
4 2 0.5
4 3 0.5
", header=TRUE)
reshape(dat, v.names = "coef", idvar = "ind1", timevar = "ind2",
On Oct 1, 2012, at 10:27 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:48 AM, stephenb wrote:
>> The error is just a misleading error message. loading the data produced
>> column sdate as
>>> str(prostate)
>> $ sdate :Classes 'labelled', 'dates' atomic [1:502] 2778 2820 2933 2999
>> 3
Just as a clarification: I downloaded 'prostate.sav' from F. Harrell's website.
For some reason
> data(prostate)
Warning message:
In data(prostate) : data set 'prostate' not found
I don't have the prostate data set as is.
-Original Message-
From: David Winsemius [mailto:dwinsem...@comca
On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:48 AM, stephenb wrote:
> The error is just a misleading error message. loading the data produced
> column sdate as
>> str(prostate)
> $ sdate :Classes 'labelled', 'dates' atomic [1:502] 2778 2820 2933 2999
> 3002 ...
> .. ..- attr(*, "format")= symbol ddmmmyy
> .. ..- att
You might be amused by this alternative:
It works because matrices are vectors stored in column major order.
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:53 AM, arun wrote:
> Hi,
> Try this:
> dat1<-read.table(text="
> ind1 ind2 coef
> 1 1 1
> 1
dthage ~ factor( xspd2 ) ,
subset(nhis, mortstat==1) ,
varwidth=TRUE ,
ylab="Age at Death" ,
xlab="SPD Status: 1-SPD, 2=No SPD"
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Muhuri, Pradip (SAMHSA/CBHSQ) <> wrote:
> D
Thanks Jeff~~~
In fact I do not know how to combine and extract vectors in R.
ans<-sort(dhyper(x, m, n, k),decreasing=TRUE)
will show the first point that exceeds 95% threshold. The problem is:
*information is lost*
I can no longer identify where are the first few elements
Try this:
ind1 ind2 coef
1 1 1
1 2 0.25
1 3 0.125
1 4 0.5
2 2 1
2 1 0.25
2 3 0.125
2 4 0.5
3 3 1
3 1 0.125
3 2 0.125
3 4 0.5
4 4 1
4 1 0.5
4 2 0.5
4 3 0.5
# ind2
#ind1 1
The error is just a misleading error message. loading the data produced
column sdate as
> str(prostate)
$ sdate :Classes 'labelled', 'dates' atomic [1:502] 2778 2820 2933 2999
3002 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "format")= symbol ddmmmyy
.. ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "Date on study"
prostate$sdate <- as.
If you have not already done so, stop what you are doing and work
through the Introduction to R tutorial that ships with R (or other R
tutorial on the web that you may prefer).
The tutorials are written to help you climb the R learning curve much
more efficiently than the fooling around that you a
Thank you. I had looked at xtabs but misunderstood the syntax. This is great. :)
On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:53 PM, "arun" wrote:
> Hi,
> Try this:
> dat1<-read.table(text="
> ind1 ind2 coef
> 1 1 1
> 1 2 0.25
> 1 3 0.125
> 1 4 0.5
> 2 2 1
> 2 1 0.25
> 2 3 0.125
> 2 4 0.5
> 3 3 1
On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Bond, Stephen wrote:
> Describe fails for me with a message similar to what was an issue in 2008 and
> got fixed according to posts.
> R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
> Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> Platform: i38
I have a table of pairs of individuals and a coefficient that belongs to the
1 1 1
1 2 0.25
1 3 0.125
1 4 0.5
2 2 1
2 1 0.25
2 3 0.125
2 4 0.5
3 3 1
3 1
Hi Bert. This is not a homework. If I can do some basic programming in R like
Perl, then I'll have a better chance to accomplish this task but the matrix
concept is not quickly comprehensible...
View this message in context:
Dear R users,
I am a psychology postgraduate student who is relatively new to using R. I am
currently developing a psychometric scale and have run into a few problems when
using R to calculate a polychoric correlation matrix for my dataset. I am
trying to produce a polychoric correlation matrix
Thanks Jeff
The documentation pages, if I haven't missed any crucial points, illustrate
how to get probability and cumulative probability values.
I can first retrieve the data structures and use Perl (I don't know how to
use R...) to sort the derived ratios and sum the probability values until
On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
> On 10/1/2012 12:38 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
> What's LMCTVIFY?
Please accept my apologies for attempting to be cute and I also apologize to Mr
Bebber for rea
Describe fails for me with a message similar to what was an issue in 2008 and
got fixed according to posts.
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
# output truncated
> options(chmhelp
On Oct 1, 2012, at 6:46 AM, Eugene Kanshin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a data x with normal (or very close to normal) distribution, I can
> plot a density distribution with density(x,...). My question is is there
> any way to calculate an area under this distribution (=probability) for
> particular
See the 'R Installation and Administration Manual'.
And yes, it is related to the actions of whoever installed R, so please
discuss it with them.
On 01/10/2012 14:54, Tobias Pilz wrote:
since my update of Linux from opensuse 11.4 to 12.1 and the update of R
to 2.15.1 I can't produce grap
Forget density(). Smooth the ecdf instead.
?monotone.smooth (in package fda, for monotone smoothing, which may be
?locfit (in package locfit)
... and many many others
-- Bert
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Eugene Kanshin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a data x wit
Dear Anthony,
Yes, I can follow the example code you have given. But, do you know from the
code shown below (following Thomas Lumley's "Complex Surveys") why I am getting
the boxplot of dthage for just xspd=1, not xspd2=2?
My intent is the make this code work so that I can generate similar plo
Hi all,
I got following problem in fitting the data.
Any kind of suggestions are welcome
> beta <- 3.5
> d <- seq(0.1,62.5,0.1)
> y <- exp(-beta*d)
> y1 <- y
> x <- read.table("epidist.txt", header = TRUE)
> data.nls <-,x))
> #attach(data.nls)
> <- nls(y1~dist,data.
Homework? There's a no homework policy on this list.
-- Bert
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> Perhaps you should read
> ?dhyper
> and if you have a hard time parsing that, then read
> ?Distributions
> and then go back to
> ?dhyper
> --
Perhaps you should read
and if you have a hard time parsing that, then read
and then go back to
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
I'm going to use
dhyper(x, m, n, k)
to get a 95% coverage. Let me use an example to explain my problem:
Suppose I have a urn containing 90 red and 10 black balls.
Now I wanna remove 3 from the urn. By the following codes:
I can obtain the probability
On Monday, October 1, 2012, Karan Anand wrote:
> hi,
> I am new to using R ,I have 2 datasets with dates common in them ,how
> can i take out the common dates within them.
Depending on what you mean by 'out' either merge() or setdiff()
> karan
> [[alternative HTML version
On Monday, October 1, 2012, pdb wrote:
> I hope someone can point me in the right direction please.
> I have a data frame with a column containing names. I want to identify the
> columns that contain names in a list.
> namestofind <- c('fred','bill',a long list)
> If I only wanted to id
I have a data x with normal (or very close to normal) distribution, I can
plot a density distribution with density(x,...). My question is is there
any way to calculate an area under this distribution (=probability) for
particular range of x values, let's say for x from 0 to 2? I was not able
I am new to using R ,I have 2 datasets with dates common in them ,how
can i take out the common dates within them.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
since my update of Linux from opensuse 11.4 to 12.1 and the update of R
to 2.15.1 I can't produce graphics with png() or similar (like tiff,
jpeg etc.) anymore. The following error occurs:
> png()
Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), g$width, g$height,
pointsize, :
I hope someone can point me in the right direction please.
I have a data frame with a column containing names. I want to identify the
columns that contain names in a list.
namestofind <- c('fred','bill',a long list)
If I only wanted to identify a single name I would use
which(z$name == 'bi
Thank you Jeff,
The main purpose I am looking to use these subsets for is to do comparisons
between groups and/or timepoints within groups. For example the difference
in means between 3 and 4, or the percent difference between group L an D
within group 3. The code I have provided is almost exact
On 9/30/2012 11:38 AM, Jonas Stein wrote:
how can i adjust the font in a ggplot2 qplot so that it will look
similar to the LaTeX font?
Computer Modern Sans Serif in the same size would be nice.
My output device is
ggsave(filename="test.pdf", width=5.5, height=3, dpi=300)
and i will include
using a slight modification of the example shown in ?svyboxplot
# load survey library
# load example data
# create an example svydesign
dstrat <- svydesign(id = ~1, strata = ~stype, weights = ~pw, data =
fpc = ~fpc)
# set the plot window to display 1 plo
On 01/10/2012 10:02 AM, wrote:
On Mon, 1 Oct 2012, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
Thanks a lot.
Following your suggestions, I have done the following:
zercona:Downloads graziapittau$ R CMD INSTALL blme 0.01-4.tar.gz
Warning: invalid package ‘0.01-4.tar.gz’
The filename should
On Mon, 1 Oct 2012, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
Thanks a lot.
Following your suggestions, I have done the following:
zercona:Downloads graziapittau$ R CMD INSTALL blme 0.01-4.tar.gz
Warning: invalid package ‘0.01-4.tar.gz’
* installing to library
I have used the library (survey) package for boxplots using the following code.
Could anyone please tell me why I am getting only 1 boxplot instead of 2
boxplots (1-SPD, 2-No SPD).
What changes in the following code would be required to get 2 boxplots in the
same plot frame?
Julie Lee-Yaw> writes:
> I am trying to run a mixed effects model in R using the lme
> package. My experiment is such that I am interested in the effects
> of Temperature (2 levels) and Species (3 levels) on Growth. I
> collected individuals from three populations within ea
You can also try this:
Date, Velocity_m/s
2010-01-21 07:42:00, 1.217943
2010-01-21 07:43:00, 1.624395
2010-01-21 07:44:00, 1.526379
2010-01-21 07:45:00, 1.456831
2010-01-21 07:46:00, 1.245390
2010-01-21 07:47:00, 1.374330
On 01/10/2012 12:48, wrote:
Dear all,
I'm trying to install in R the package blme that has been removed from R
cran but it is still in the Archive:
I have a Mac OSX and I have been trying with the following command from
On 01/10/2012 7:48 AM, wrote:
Dear all,
I'm trying to install in R the package blme that has been removed from R
cran but it is still in the Archive:
I have a Mac OSX and I have been trying with the following command fr
Dear all,
I'm trying to install in R the package blme that has been removed from R
cran but it is still in the Archive:
I have a Mac OSX and I have been trying with the following command from
the Shell:
Jonas Stein> writes:
> Hi,
> how can i adjust the font in a ggplot2 qplot so that it will look
> similar to the LaTeX font?
> Computer Modern Sans Serif in the same size would be nice.
> My output device is
> ggsave(filename="test.pdf", width=5.5, height=3, dpi=300)
> an
On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Dan Bebber wrote:
> Thanks, but the problem is quite specific and not addressed on the Spatial
> Data taskview page.
> Quite specifically, I would like to know how to edit corSpatial functions to
> calculate great circle distances.
> The Bayesian equivalent, georamp
1. Have you consulted Pinheiro and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects
Modeling in S and S-Plus (Springer)? It does not has much information
on the cor* constructor functions, but it does have some. "corExp" is
discussed on p. 238, and information on other cor* functions should be
in pages near
Hi Greg,
For quasi families I've used extended quasi-likelihood (see Mccullagh
and Nelder, Generalized Linear Models 2nd ed, section 9.6) in place of
the likelihood/quasi-likelihood in the expression for the (RE)ML score.
I hadn't realised that this was possible before the paper was published.
the explanation seems to be that is invoked to define a
saturated log likelihood for quasi families, which means that the F2q term
which I had thought to be undefined, is actually defined in this example
F2q<--500 * log(phiq)/2
The formula then becomes
You nailed it, It was a tz issue. Thanks!
> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:41:35 +0200
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [R] merge.zoo returns unmatched dates
> On Mon, 1 Oct 2012, Vindoggy ! wrote:
> >
> > Sorry for the lack o
how can i adjust the font in a ggplot2 qplot so that it will look
similar to the LaTeX font?
Computer Modern Sans Serif in the same size would be nice.
My output device is
ggsave(filename="test.pdf", width=5.5, height=3, dpi=300)
and i will include the graphic with 5.5 inch in LaTeX.
I fo
Thanks, but the problem is quite specific and not addressed on the Spatial Data
taskview page.
Quite specifically, I would like to know how to edit corSpatial functions to
calculate great circle distances.
The Bayesian equivalent, georamps in the ramps package, is able to do this,
therefore I im
On Mon, 1 Oct 2012, Vindoggy ! wrote:
Sorry for the lack of reproducible data, but this seems to be a problem
inherent to my dataset and I can't figure out where the issue is.
I have several data frames set up as a time series with identical POSIXct date
formats. If I keep the original data
On Sep 30, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Dan Bebber wrote:
> I have spatial data on a sphere (the Earth) for which I would like to run an
> gls model assuming that the errors are autcorrelated, i.e. including a
> corSpatial correlation in the model specification.
> In this case the distance metric shoul
You can look for different versions of that package and try manually
installing the lower version.
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Uwe Ligges <> wrote:
> On 28.09.2012 00:32, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 12-09-27 2:53 PM, Anju R wrote:
>>> Sometimes when
Hi Everyone,
Sorry to ask what I think is a basic question but I really haven't found my
answer yet in the archives.
I am trying to run a mixed effects model in R using the lme package. My
experiment is such that I am interested in the effects of Temperature (2
levels) and Species (3 levels)
Sorry for the lack of reproducible data, but this seems to be a problem
inherent to my dataset and I can't figure out where the issue is.
I have several data frames set up as a time series with identical POSIXct date
formats. If I keep the original data in data frame format and merge them usin
Dear Sir/Madam,
As mentioned in help, R reports error while fitting Johnson distribution by
method of moments. I have used moments from Weibull distribution and
hence it is well within the feasible
area and try to fit Johnson distribution using method of moments.
As for example,
shape=0.5 # Sh
89 matches
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