i have a function:
zz<- (constrOptim(c(.5,0), fr, grr, ui=rbind(c(-1,0),c(1,-1)), ci=c(-0.9,0.1)))
i can get the result by using command (for example): zz$par
now if i can use multicore:
zz<-parallel(constrOptim(c(.5,0), fr, grr, ui=rbind(c(-1,0),c(1,-1)),
result < collect(zz
My thoughts were also that it would work, but it results in 130 column
headings stripped of all rows.
To answer your questions:
str(eu08$region) yielded:
$ region : Factor w/ 10 levels "1.Byrard",..: 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 4 4 4 ...
level(eu08$region) yielded nothing, but levels(eu08$region) yield
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 25.02.2010 07:37:44:
> Hello helpful R folks,
>First off, please forgive my English. Second, I'm new with R, I've
> searched the archives about subsets, and I haven't found quite the help
> need.
> I'm currently analysing a population s
you can use aggregate or tapply. You did not specify which function to use
for "reduction" so I assume mean.
aggregate(multi[, some columns], multi[, c("id", "r")], mean, na.rm=T)
but this does not solve character columns. For them you could maybe try
?ave. or split/sapply way.
There could
Hello helpful R folks,
First off, please forgive my English. Second, I'm new with R, I've
searched the archives about subsets, and I haven't found quite the help I
I'm currently analysing a population survey whose data set has about 15000
households (the rows/observations) and 130 vari
On Feb 25, 2010, at 12:05 AM, blue sky wrote:
I don't find rbind, cbind or other bind that bind in other dimesions
for multidimension array while keeping the result of the same
For example, say, dim(x)=c(2,3,4), dim(y)=c(3,3,4). I want to have the
result z, where dim(z)=c(2+3,3,4),
On Feb 24, 2010, at 9:53 PM, Magali teurlai wrote:
Hi all,
could anyone give me a clue for the name of a function that would
allow me
create the same kind of plot as the attached image in R?
No file. See Posting Guide for types of files allowed by server.
I know how to create a map (sha
Hi All,
Is there an easy way to reduce a data.frame to 1 'id' per row while keeping
information from the other rows of that same variable, if applicable? e.g.:
# data
id r n wi wi.tau z k alliance a.rater eml
treatment outcome o.rater german
1 100 0.2
... and in general panel.whatever for whatever() lattice functions.
Typically graphical parameters are passed though the ... arguments. You need
to **carefully** read the docs.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Statistics
-Original Message-
From: r-he
I have some questions regarding Zero Inflation Poisson models.
I am using count data to analyze abundance trends of salamanders. However,
I have surveys which differ in the amount of effort (i.e. the number of
people searching and amount of time - I am using a museum database so not
all surveys w
I don't find rbind, cbind or other bind that bind in other dimesions
for multidimension array while keeping the result of the same
For example, say, dim(x)=c(2,3,4), dim(y)=c(3,3,4). I want to have the
result z, where dim(z)=c(2+3,3,4), when I bind x and y in the first
dimenion. The bin
Hi to all,
Here is a question which I cannot solve. Appreciate so much for any suggestions!
I have a squared region which is irregularly divided into many rectangular
Each patch is associated with a value, and two patches possibly share a common
I hope to fill in each patc
Dear R helpers,
I have a question regarding wordpress and R. I have asked this
question in Wordpress support (
http://wordpress.org/support/topic/368312 ) but there is no answer so
far, maybe the R community can have a better answer.
I followed the excellent tutorial on r-statistics-blog (
Hi all,
could anyone give me a clue for the name of a function that would allow me
create the same kind of plot as the attached image in R?
I know how to create a map (shapfile polygons), I just want to add the phase
Thanks very much for any help
Giving different colors to plots of different levels of a factor can
be pleasing. For a boxplot, for example, the following produces a nice
boxplot(len~supp*dose, data=ToothGrowth, col=c(“orange”,”gray”))
If I try to specify (using the lattice package)
histogram(~len|supp*factor(dose), da
Jon Erik,
I don't know where you get 'varslist', but if it's from a text file,
then why not scan() it into a *vector* instead of using (I assume)
read.table() to create a data.frame. You'll save yourself much grief.
-Peter Ehlers
On 2010-02-24 20:19, David Winsemius wrote:
On Feb 24, 2010, a
On Feb 24, 2010, at 9:18 PM, Jon Erik Ween wrote:
Thanks for your suggestions. "Reproducible examples", my datasets
are too
big so I'm not sure what you would want to see.
I _wanted_ to see a datasset that had maybe 10 variables and 20 rows
and a stripped down varslist that had m
On 24-Feb-10 20:03, Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
You can use tryCatch also:
cat(tryCatch(sprintf('found %s in col %d\n', s, c), error =
function(x)cat('Not Found\n')))
Ah .. one more way .. thanks, I've saved it away in my set of
R tricks!
Thanks for your suggestions. "Reproducible examples", my datasets are too
big so I'm not sure what you would want to see. Anyway, does this help:
Perf_Index Age risk_score gender hight IQ ...
12 78 10 m 6 110 ...
10 77 9 f 6 97 ...
5 64 f 13 5 120 ...
Perf_Index Ag
Try: stats:::R_pansari
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Dale Steele wrote:
> Thanks, when I modify the function as I think you suggest, I get the
> following error:
> qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
> .C("R_qansari", as.integer(length(p)), q = as.double(p),
Thanks, when I modify the function as I think you suggest, I get the
following error:
qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
.C("R_qansari", as.integer(length(p)), q = as.double(p),
as.integer(m), as.integer(n))$q
> qansari( 0.025, 5, 5)
Error in .C("R_qa
On Feb 24, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Jon Erik Ween wrote:
I can't quite find a direct answer to this question from the lists,
so here goes:
I have several dataframes, 200+ columns 2000+ rows. I wish to script
some operations to perform on some of the variables (columns) in the
data fra
Dale Steele wrote:
> methods(ansari.test)
> stats:::ansari.test.default
> the two functions that are part of ansari.test.default:
> qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
> .C(R_qansari, as.integer(length(p)), q = as.double(p),
> as.integer(m), as.integer(n))$q
Dale Steele wrote:
> I would like to be able to use two functions; qansari and pansari
> which are found in the
> function ansari.test. How can I evaluate these functions
> independently? Thanks. --Dale
> For example, when I load the function ...
> qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
I would like to be able to use two functions; qansari and pansari
which are found in the
function ansari.test. How can I evaluate these functions
independently? Thanks. --Dale
For example, when I load the function ...
qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
.C(R_qansari, as.integer(leng
Lars Bishop-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex
> document.
> This is what I'm doing:
> 1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
So, to be clear, your graphic is saved on the C drive.
Lars Bishop-2 w
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Esmail
> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:07 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] sprintf + integer(0) problem
> Hello all,
> I am stuck with R v2.8.0 under Lin
I can't quite find a direct answer to this question from the lists, so here
I have several dataframes, 200+ columns 2000+ rows. I wish to script some
operations to perform on some of the variables (columns) in the data frames not
knowing what the column number is, hence have to r
You can use tryCatch also:
cat(tryCatch(sprintf('found %s in col %d\n', s, c), error =
function(x)cat('Not Found\n')))
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:49 PM, esmail wrote:
> Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
>> You can try this:
>> cat(sprintf(ifelse(any(grepl(s, nn)), 'found %s in col %d\n', 'Col
Also just consider re-saving the file as a comma separated file (or another
one that fits)
Contact me: tal.gal...@gmail.com | 972-52-7275845
Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.
Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
> You can try this:
> cat(sprintf(ifelse(any(grepl(s, nn)), 'found %s in col %d\n', 'Column
> %s not found'), s, match(s, nn)))
Wow .. one can always learn something new .. that looks pretty complex, I
have a bunch of print statements. I was hoping for a s
epsfig is obsolete and has been replaced by graphicx, which Lars is using
Marc Schwartz
On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Saeed Abu Nimeh wrote:
> Use \usepackage{epsfig} after your \documentclass. Then make sure to
Use \usepackage{epsfig} after your \documentclass. Then make sure to
run LaTex not PDFLaTex
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Lars Bishop wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex document.
> This is what I'm doing:
> 1) In R: save the chart as a a Pos
On Feb 24, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Euphoria wrote:
Thanks to all who posted. After trying all of the above-listed
options - the
error is still popping up, but here is some progress:
1) I can read in the file just fine when I use the read.table
statement and
specify it as a tab delimited file
Thanks to all who posted. After trying all of the above-listed options - the
error is still popping up, but here is some progress:
1) I can read in the file just fine when I use the read.table statement and
specify it as a tab delimited file using the code:
two <- read.table("Z:/CCFPhenotypesTAB
On Feb 24, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Ray Brownrigg wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Lars Bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex
>> document.
>> This is what I'm doing:
>> 1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
On 24/02/2010 6:29 PM, Lars Bishop wrote:
I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex document.
This is what I'm doing:
1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
2) In Latex (using TexWorks on windows xp) :
In the preambule:
On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 24.02.2010 16:55:49:
Removing the % signs by Ista's method works. However as I noted
earlier, I
was hoping there was a more elega
I have a dataset (the netflix dataset) which is basically ~18k columns and
well variable number of rows but let's assume 25 thousand for now. The
dataset is very sparse. I was wondering how to do kmeans/nearest neighbors
or kernel density estimation on it.
I tired using the spMatrix functio
> library(ggplot2)
> data(diamonds)
> temp <- qplot(cut, color, data=diamonds)
> ggsave(temp, file = "test.png")
Saving 7" x 7" image
Error in grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, :
X11 is not available
View this message in context:
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Lars Bishop wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex
> document.
> This is what I'm doing:
> 1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
> 2) In Latex (using TexWorks on windows xp) :
> In the preamb
Thanks very much! Importing from Matrix as you suggest fixes it.
Aaron Rendahl, Ph.D.
Statistical Consulting Manager
School of Statistics, University of Minnesota
NEW OFFICE (as of June 2009):
48C McNeal Hall, St. Paul Campus
I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex document.
This is what I'm doing:
1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
2) In Latex (using TexWorks on windows xp) :
In the preambule:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> Hi
> r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 24.02.2010 16:55:49:
>> Petr,
>> Removing the % signs by Ista's method works. However as I noted earlier,
> I
>> was hoping there was a more elegant solution which deals with percentage
> a
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 24/02/2010 4:31 PM, Georg Ehret wrote:
>> Dear R communtiy,
>> I do not understand why this does not work...:
>> > betaS$SBP
>> [1] 0.03274 -0.04216 -0.08986 -0.45980 0.60320 -0.63070 -0.05682
>> 0.20130
>> > t<-c("betaS$SBP")
That makes me wonder, if one could devise a function to check for common
reasons for this error and report them.
What do you think Erik (and other R users) ?
I mean, just going through the R-help list in search of this error - could
yield many common reasons to check for...
Dear R-users,
I was wondering if there was a way to adjust the placement of the axis
titles for the last page of a multi-page lattice plot (see example
below). Depending on the total number of panels, the placement of these
titles might look strange on the last page, if the layout is not
I had a comment character "#" in my header names earlier today that
threw this error.
Euphoria wrote:
Hi all! I am desperately trying to figure out the solution to this error, but
nothing as of yet is working.
As noted in an earlier post I am using GenABEL. In an attempt to read in
the phe
From the help page for the read.delim() function, under "See Also", suggests:
'count.fields' can be useful to determine problems with reading
files which result in reports of incorrect record lengths.
This is sometimes helpful.
At 1:14 PM -0800 2/24/10, Euphoria wrote:
Hi all!
On 24/02/2010 4:31 PM, Georg Ehret wrote:
Dear R communtiy,
I do not understand why this does not work...:
> betaS$SBP
[1] 0.03274 -0.04216 -0.08986 -0.45980 0.60320 -0.63070 -0.05682 0.20130
> t<-c("betaS$SBP")
> t
[1] "betaS$SBP"
> get(t)
Error in get(t) : object 'betaS$SBP' not found
I usually found this problem to be connected to spaces in the column names.
Or, a wrong "sep" argument (for example "," instead of "\t" and the like)
Let us know if it helped.
Contact me: tal.ga
On Feb 24, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Georg Ehret wrote:
Dear R communtiy,
I do not understand why this does not work...:
[1] 0.03274 -0.04216 -0.08986 -0.45980 0.60320 -0.63070 -0.05682
[1] "betaS$SBP"
Error in get(t) : object 'betaS$SBP' not fo
On 02/25/2010 05:06 AM, Lu Wang wrote:
problem is the na.exclude function does not work here. Is it the reason
that my missing values are not 'NA's but blank? How can I get the pie
chart without those missing values?
Hi Lu,
Your problem is most easily solved when reading in the data.
Achim - Everyone
Yes, I did exactly as you've suggested. I did the analysis over on both my
windows XP machine and on my Linux machine.
It worked correctly. I don't recall which other packages I installed the
first time, but there was a conflict.
Thanks you for the attention and the great rep
On 2/24/10, Georg Ehret wrote:
>I do not understand why this does not work...:
Previously I ran into this and I am also curious why it doesn't work,
but you can work around so:
> x <- NULL
> x$a <- 1:10
> x$b <- 11:20
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Dear R communtiy,
I do not understand why this does not work...:
> betaS$SBP
[1] 0.03274 -0.04216 -0.08986 -0.45980 0.60320 -0.63070 -0.05682 0.20130
> t<-c("betaS$SBP")
> t
[1] "betaS$SBP"
> get(t)
Error in get(t) : object 'betaS$SBP' not found
[I am trying to use the variable "t" in a lo
This is not a homework problem.
How to solve numerically for y from f(y,r) - a=g(y)=0? I am not too sure.
2010/2/24 Bert Gunter
> 1. Is this a homework problem?
> 2. Etiquette on this list is to sign with your full real name. Adhering to
> the list etiq
On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, steve_fried...@nps.gov wrote:
I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from
the mlogit package
This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27,
2010 description
data("Fishing", package="mlogit")
Fish <- mlogit.d
1. Is this a homework problem?
2. Etiquette on this list is to sign with your full real name. Adhering to
the list etiquette may enhance your chance of a useful response, especially
in view of (1), as we (or at least some of us) do not wish to do students'
homework for them.
3. Hint: f(y,r) = a
Hi all! I am desperately trying to figure out the solution to this error, but
nothing as of yet is working.
As noted in an earlier post I am using GenABEL. In an attempt to read in
the phenotype file, in the format .dat, R keeps giving me the error "more
columns than column names"
I have trie
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Ryan Garner
> I have a script that creates a qplot that is then saved as a .png file
> which
> works fine on Windows. But I also work on Linux servers via Putty and would
> like to be able to create and save my plots to my working directory. Is
> there a w
Hi all,
I have a function like the following:
f <- function(r,
For fixed r, I want to find the inverse funtion in terms y.
In other words, for fixed r, if the value of the function is given, I want
find the corrsponding y value th
On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, chipmaney wrote:
Recently, I ran a series of Kruskal-Wallace tests [kruskal.test()] using by()
to group by site Output is a list:
Herb.df$ID: 10-1
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: Indicator_Rating by Year
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 15.24, df = 7, p-
I'm trying to diagnose a bizarre problem in which the help files
invoked from R are partially defective. help(), for instance, is
missing the Description, Arguments and See Also sections; as are help
files for other commands (see below).
I've built 2.8.1, 2.10.1 and HEAD with the same results; do
Hi Aaron --
On 02/23/2010 01:30 PM, Aaron Rendahl wrote:
> I want to call summary on a mer object (from lme4) within my package
> but I can't seem to get the namespace to import the necessary method.
> I've simplified my package to this one function:
> ---
> ss <- functi
Recently, I ran a series of Kruskal-Wallace tests [kruskal.test()] using by()
to group by site Output is a list:
Herb.df$ID: 10-1
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: Indicator_Rating by Year
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 15.24, df = 7, p-value = 0.03302
See below.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Ryan Garner
> I have a script that creates a qplot that is then saved as a .png file which
> works fine on Windows. But I also work on Linux servers via Putty and would
> like to be able to create and save my plots to my working directory. Is
Subject: Re: [R] Turn three Columns into a Matrix?
On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:18 PM, Ortiz, John wrote:
> Hi all,
> If I have a data frame with 3 columns as follows:
>> ta
> Species Depth Counts
> spc_a 120 60
> spc_a 140 140
> spc_b 140 5
> spc_b 150 4
> spc_b 180 10
On Feb 24, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Ortiz, John wrote:
Subject: Re: [R] Turn three Columns into a Matrix?
On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:18 PM, Ortiz, John wrote:
Hi all,
If I have a data frame with 3 columns as follows:
Species Depth Counts
spc_a 120 60
spc_a 140 140
spc_b 140 5
On Wed, 24-Feb-2010 at 09:36AM -0500, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
|> Hello I have the following data frame which I read from an EXCEL
|> file, and when i try to call one of its columns with a space in
|> their names I am not being able to. For example if I do
|> EURODOLLAR$ED1.Comdty Date I obtain th
I have a script that creates a qplot that is then saved as a .png file which
works fine on Windows. But I also work on Linux servers via Putty and would
like to be able to create and save my plots to my working directory. Is
there a way I can ggsave my qplot without utilizing X11 in Linux? I don't
Antje Steller wrote:
> Hello,
> Now I would like to change how the different groups are displayed - now
> they are circles in different colors, and I would like to change those
> colors.
> ..
> my complete xyplot command right now looks like this:
> xyplot(a ~ b| t*h, groups=r, xlab="Zyk
Version 2.2-0 of the rms package is now available. This is a somewhat
major update. One major change is not downward compatible: Instead of
specifying predictor=. or predictor=NA to Predict, summary, nomogram,
survplot, gendata, you just specify the name of the predictor. For
example, to get
Ivan Calandra wrote:
> ...
> > for (i in 1:4){
> sqlSave(xlsFile, as.data.frame(test[[i]]), tablename="test", rownames=F,
> addPK=T, append=T)
> }
> Error in odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, coldata[m, ], test = test,
> : missing columns in 'data'
> > odbcCloseAll()
I have never
On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:44 AM, Scott Weichenthal wrote:
Hello R-Help, I am trying to produce a forest plot but the x-axis is
cut off at 2 for some reason. I have attached the file. How can I
You may have attached the file, but the mail-server then scrubbed it.
Only cert
You can try this:
cat(sprintf(ifelse(any(grepl(s, nn)), 'found %s in col %d\n', 'Column
%s not found'), s, match(s, nn)))
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Esmail wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am stuck with R v2.8.0 under Linux for the time being and I am
> running into a small problem that doesn't e
Dear Dr. Zeileis,
You are right, the setup of Baskerville is different than the ZINB model. In
Baskerville, it was concerned with the transformation and back-transformation
on the response variable.
Thank you for taking the time to make the issue clearer again as well as the
advices on the si
Hello all,
I am stuck with R v2.8.0 under Linux for the time being and I am
running into a small problem that doesn't exist under 2.9.x and 2.10.x
with sprintf.
If I have the following code segment to help me determine the column
number for a specific column header/label:
nn = names(Dataset)
I want to draw a pie chart of level (variable) for each ID (variable). I have a
big dataset, here I attach part of it.
ID level
1 G1
1 A1
1 A1
1 G1
1 G1
1 G1
1 A1
1 A1
1 G1
1 G1
1 G3
1 A1
1 G1
1 A1
1 A1
1 A2
1 A2
1 M
1 A1
1 G1
1 A1
1 A2
1 G3
1 A1
1 A1
1 A
Try also
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello R-Help, I am trying to produce a forest plot but the x-axis is being
cut off at 2 for some reason. I have attached the file. How can I avoid
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do re
If anyone is interested, I solved the problem by modifying the lhei parameter
(if ColSideColors is used, lwid for Row..) and making it parametric:
lhei=c(lhei[1], 0.1*noan, lhei[2])
where noan is an additional parameter passed to the function that specifies
the number of annotations.
Petr and Rob, I apologise for complicating my question further. Having more
than one currency in the same column is no doubt inconsistent. For now, I'm
happy to have a solution for reading single currencies or percentage values
in separate columns. I will use string replacement until I can think of
This seems like a case where you should have a column that is "Currency" or
You can then do proper sql like queries on the data and convert into a base
currency or something to do column wise operations.
A column of data should be somehow "consistent" within some view. Currently
If you are using Linux just grep the output of the appropriate ps command.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Rob Forler wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for the response, but I do not have the command called handle in
> my linux version. Also it isn't clear to me that you could set the name
> before
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 24.02.2010 16:55:49:
> Petr,
> Removing the % signs by Ista's method works. However as I noted earlier,
> was hoping there was a more elegant solution which deals with percentage
> currency values without knowing about their presence before
Hi all! I am using GenABEL on R for GWAS analysis. I am having a couple of
First, I am having a problem reading files (.map, & .ped, size 900Mb, using
windows 32-bit) onto R in the "convert.snp.ped" statement. I am thinking
this problem is likely due to the large size of the files & my
On 24/02/2010 10:56 AM, Gustave Lefou wrote:
Dear all,
I do not know how to deal with block matrices in R.
For example I have 3 matrices A, B and C.
And I want to produce a new matrix of this form
( A B 0 )
( 0 0 C )
where A, B and C are one-row matrices.
The problem is that mathematica
At 1:06 PM -0300 2/24/10, Kjetil Halvorsen wrote:
see below.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Gustave Lefou wrote:
Dear all,
I do not know how to deal with block matrices in R.
For example I have 3 matrices A, B and C.
And I want to produce a new matrix of this form
( A B 0 )
( 0 0
On 2010-02-24 6:51, steve_fried...@nps.gov wrote:
I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from
the mlogit package
This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27,
2010 description
data("Fishing", package="mlogit")
Fish<- mlogit.da
see below.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Gustave Lefou wrote:
> Dear all,
> I do not know how to deal with block matrices in R.
> For example I have 3 matrices A, B and C.
> And I want to produce a new matrix of this form
> ( A B 0 )
> ( 0 0 C )
> where A, B and C are one-row matric
I have a (hopefully) quick question concerning the xyplot function.
The xyplot works very fine for me - I am using it to display functions
of two variates depending on several other factors. I am therefor also
using the groups argument, so that the symbols in each panel appear in
Dear all,
I do not know how to deal with block matrices in R.
For example I have 3 matrices A, B and C.
And I want to produce a new matrix of this form
( A B 0 )
( 0 0 C )
where A, B and C are one-row matrices.
Apart from A, B and C, all the coefficients are 0.
Is there an easy solution in R
Removing the % signs by Ista's method works. However as I noted earlier, I
was hoping there was a more elegant solution which deals with percentage and
currency values without knowing about their presence beforehand.
It's a shame that something which Excel deals with trivially is such a h
Thank you for the response, but I do not have the command called handle in
my linux version. Also it isn't clear to me that you could set the name
before you do the connection?
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> Use the sysinternals handle command t
Thanks Dieter, I actually adopted your example but I
thought it would be an easy way to order non-factor data.
Felipe D. Carrillo
Supervisory Fishery Biologist
Department of the Interior
US Fish & Wildlife Service
California, USA
- Original Message
> From: Dieter Menne
> To: r-help@
Dear R users,
I have a follow-up question on sqlSave().
Since most of the output from the tests I use are lists, I would like to
loop to export each element of the list and append it to the sheet.
Here is what I do:
> library(RODBC)
> test <- structure(list(m = structure(c(0.090909090909091,
I do not see any problem?
> zeta
vzorek a b c skupina sio2 p2o5 al2o3 dus de reten1 reten2
1 179/1/1 7.517.34 0.023 0.780 5.812 ne 1.53 NA NA
2 179/2/1 7.797.34 0.011 0.784 5.819 ne 0.89 NA NA
> zeta[ ,2]
[1] 7.51 7.79 5.14 6.35 5.82 7.13 5.95 7.27 6.29
Maybe factor strikes again.
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 24.02.2010 15:21:50:
> Hi,
> I want to draw a pie chart of level (variable) for each ID (variable). I
> a big dataset, here I attach part of it.
> ID level
> 1 G1
> 1 A1
> 1 A1
> 1 G1
> 1 G1
> 1 G1
> 1
Use the sysinternals handle command to search for the filename
associated with the connection.
> library(RODBC)
> con <- odbcConnectExcel("test.xls")
> system("handle test.xls", intern = TRUE)
[1] ""
[2] "Handle v3.42"
[3] "Copyright (C) 1997-2008 Mark Russinovich"
[4] "Sysinternals - www.sysinter
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