On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL <petr.pi...@precheza.cz> wrote:

r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 24.02.2010 16:55:49:


Removing the % signs by Ista's method works. However as I noted earlier, I was hoping there was a more elegant solution which deals with percentage and
currency values without knowing about their presence beforehand.

It's a shame that something which Excel deals with trivially is such a hack in R. I'll try to delve deeper and write something which does this well. But
my knowledge is limited and I will probably come back for help.

I believe that if you introduce a new class which could specify currencies you could write methods for handling them. But it is beyond my knowledge
and somebody else has to answer it.

Try adapting this example of using a custom class with read.table:


So this seems a bit simplistic. There is nothing in the way of attributes to leave a trail of conversions:

> setAs("character", "num.with.commas",
+    function(from) as.numeric(gsub(",", "", from)))
> setAs("character", "euro",
+    function(from) as.numeric(gsub("€", "", from)))
> setAs("character", "num_pct",
+    function(from) as.numeric(gsub("%", "", from))/100)

> Input <- "A B C
+ 1,000 1% 3.50€
+ 2,000 2% 4.77€
+ 3,000 3% €5.68
+ "
> DF <- read.table(textConnection(Input), header = TRUE,
+    colClasses = c("num.with.commas", "num_pct", "euro"))
> str(DF)
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ A: num  1000 2000 3000
 $ B: num  0.01 0.02 0.03
 $ C: num  3.5 4.77 5.68

or this example of piping through tr to read.table:


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