thank you . I can try bayesian. PCA method that I used to is can get some
pcs, but I donot know how can i use the original variables in that equation,
maybe I should select those have high weight ones,and delete that less
weight ones. right?
Ricardo Gonçalves Silva wrote:
> Hi,
> Nowdays th
I would like to run a mixed effects model, but there's one aspect of
the model that I don't know how to code. My goal is to analyze data
from an experiment in which I tested the swimming performance (i.e.,
Umax) of two species of fish from 4 different lakes (a sample of the
data is bel
Peter Tillmann wrote:
> Dear readers of the list,
> I have a problem a comparison of two data from a vector. The comparison
> yields FALSE but should be TRUE. I have checked for mode(), length() and
> attributes(). See the following code (R2.10.0):
> *SNIP*
>> ZZ[4]
> [1] 0.02
>> ZZ[
On 11/05/2009 06:40 AM, frenchcr wrote:
if ive got an incomplete data set thats got thousands of rows and 80 columns
with random missing this say...
3 b 3
1 x 2
? how do i turn it into
3b 3
4 missing 1
1x 2
...i.e., i want to insert the word "miss
On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 14:48:08 -0800 (PST)
s t wrote:
> I'm trying to do the following constrained optimization example.
> Maximize x1*(1-x1) + x2*(1-x2) + x3*(1-x3)
> s.t. x1 + x2 + x3 = 1
> x1 >= 0 and x1 <= 1
> x2 >= 0 and x2 <= 1
> x3 >= 0 and x3 <= 1
> which are the constraints.
> I'm expecting
Dear R-Help,
I am trying to perform forward selection on the following coxph model:
>my.bpfs <- Surv(bcox$pfsdays, bcox$pfscensor)
> b.cox <- coxph(my.bpfs ~ Cbase + Abase + Cbave + CbSD + KPS + gender +
as.factor(eor) + Age)>stepAIC(b.cox, scope=list(upper =~ Cbase + Abase +
Cbave + CbSD + KPS +
The penalty constraint worked great with "optim". Thanks Andy.
--- On Wed, 11/4/09, wrote:
Subject: Re: [R] Constrained Optimization
To: "s t"
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 5:54 PM
On 11/05/2009 03:40 AM, Sunita22 wrote:
I need help for the following:
my data is
class no. best performers
101 10
102 21
103 1
104 3
105 5
I want to plot a graph using R, to show that very few classes has
On 11/04/2009 11:49 PM, Peter Tillmann wrote:
Dear readers of the list,
Which is ok, except for ZZ[4] == ZZ[5].
Can someone please give me an advice where to look?
In real world situations the original vector (X) will contain upto 100
Hi Peter,
This looks like there is a small
This probably does not answer your question, which I presume is about the
workings of constrOptim function, but I have a couple of comments and
different solutions of your problem.
1. In general, in the problem of this type, one can incorporate the
equality constraint(s) into the objectiv
Your initial value is indeed "infeasible", as the error message says. Your
x[1] is 1.4, which is not in the interval [0,1].
To incorporate both equalities and inequalities (linear or nonlinear), you
could try my function `'. Contact me off the list if you are
e.g. strsplit(vectorofstrings,split="")
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of mirauta
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:07 PM
On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:39 PM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
After reading the news about the release of R 2.10 I expected that
typing for example ?cut would automatically open a web browser. But
I don't see any difference in how help is displayed under Ubuntu
Linux (karmic). How does one activa
Hi All,
I'm trying to do the following constrained optimization example.
Maximize x1*(1-x1) + x2*(1-x2) + x3*(1-x3)
s.t. x1 + x2 + x3 = 1
x1 >= 0 and x1 <= 1
x2 >= 0 and x2 <= 1
x3 >= 0 and x3 <= 1
which are the constraints.
I'm expecting the answer x1=x2=x3 = 1/3.
I tried the "constrOptim" functi
After reading the news about the release of R 2.10 I expected that
typing for example ?cut would automatically open a web browser. But I
don't see any difference in how help is displayed under Ubuntu Linux
(karmic). How does one activate the new dynamic html help?
On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:45 PM, Jose Narillos de Santos wrote:
You wrotte me in R help and I´m very gratefull.
I couldn´t reply because an illness.
I writte this to see if you can help to solve. I´m a begginer (I´m
20 years
old ) but I´m trying to learn more about this program also I´m
Mark W. Miller wrote:
> I have a list of scientific names in a data set. I would like to split
> the names into genus, species and subspecies. Not all names include a
> subspecies. Could someone show me how to do this?
strsplit should work for your example...
OPPS^2!! Did it again. The version given below now does seem to work
properly: last line now changed (yet again) to
A$Count <- as.numeric(levels(A$Count)[unclass(A$Count)])
On 04-Nov-09 21:47:32, Ted Harding wrote:
> OOPS! Sorry, I made an oversight in the code I posted just now
> (and I didn't
This is exactly what I needed. Thanks again for all your help.
- Original Message
From: Henrique Dallazuanna
To: Jason Rupert
Sent: Wed, November 4, 2009 11:22:52 AM
Subject: Re: [R] Convert H:MM:SS PM /AM into 24 HR syntax
Try this:
strptime("5:27:15 PM",
Remko Duursma
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Centre for Plants and the Environment
University of Western Sydney
Hawkesbury Campus
Richmond NSW 2753
Dept of Biological Science
Macquarie University
North Ryde NSW 2109
Thomas Steiner wrote:
I'd like to fill an existing svg (or png) map with gradient colors.
In detail: The file
should be filled with the population density data from this table:
Is there any function to split a word into letters?
(eg: "AAACC" into "A","A","A","A""C","C" )
I need to load some ADN sequences and ussualy these are writen in words
without spaces between letters.
View this message in context:
OOPS! Sorry, I made an oversight in the code I posted just now
(and I didn't check the result carefullt enough ... ).
The line which was A$Count <- as.numeric(A$Count) should have
been A$Count <- as.numeric(levels(A$Count)) (i.e. I overlooked
that A$Count as first constructed is a *factor*)!
So t
You wrotte me in R help and I´m very gratefull.
I couldn´t reply because an illness.
I writte this to see if you can help to solve. I´m a begginer (I´m 20 years
old ) but I´m trying to learn more about this program also I´m learning
I need to create a matrix in R whose values depends
I think the problem lies in the mixture model. First, why do you have two
free parameters p and q. Shouldnt that be p and (1-p)? Secondly, I am not
sure that your data, d2, is compatible with a binary mixture model. It seems
like a sensible binary mixture model cannot be fitted for your data. I
On 04-Nov-09 21:09:42, Mark W. Miller wrote:
> I have a list of scientific names in a data set. I would like
> to split the names into genus, species and subspecies.
> Not all names include a subspecies. Could someone show me how
> to do this?
> My example code is:
> a <- matrix(c('genusA speci
Hi Charlie and Don!
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:19 AM, cls59 wrote:
> Michael D. wrote:
>> Hi Charlie!
>> Sorry to jump in here so late but I just gave this a try. I usually
>> install rgdal from CRAN on windows or download the binary from
>> for Mac. I wanted t
?read.table (note the "na.strings" argument)
You would have to handle character fields/columns (which would by default
be converted to factors)specially to convert blanks to missing within R.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@
I have a list of scientific names in a data set. I would like to split the
names into genus, species and subspecies. Not all names include a
subspecies. Could someone show me how to do this?
My example code is:
a <- matrix(c('genusA speciesA', 10,
'genusB speciesAA', 20,
Dear Users,
I follow Andreas idea to simulate an ar(1) model with a new kind of innovation
The new argument rand.gen, for the arima.sim function, I'm trying to generate
tGarchGen <- function(a, b, c) {
# must return a vector of random deviates (eta(t))
for (t in 1:100){
On 01-Nov-09 20:23:30, Peng Yu wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Ted Harding
> wrote:
>> On 20-Oct-09 13:34:49, Peng Yu wrote:
>>> fisher.test() gives a very small p-value, which is underflow on my
>>> machine. However, the log of it should not be underflow. I'm
>>> wondering
>>> if there
Thanks! The formattingOut.odt document had exactly what I needed. The style
"highlight" wasnt defined in my environment.
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:59 AM, Max Kuhn wrote:
> It's hard to say without a reproducible example or the output form
> sessionInfo().
> Before doing that th
i try to fit a data series (N below) with a model consisting of a
mixture of two beta distributions
for that i am using fitdistr of package MASS
as follows
> library(MASS)
> N=c(796,3586,4089,3364,2745,1992,1120,432,99,10,0,0)
> d2 = (N-min(N)+0.01)/(max(N)-min(N)+0.002)
> mixtBet
Hi, useR-
I want to create a graphic device - e.g., windows() - that only specific
function(s) have control over. For example, suppose you run the following
dv = dev.cur()
"dv" is the index for the graphic device. By passing "dv" value into a new
function, I can control the d
if ive got an incomplete data set thats got thousands of rows and 80 columns
with random missing this say...
3 b 3
1 x 2
? how do i turn it into
3b 3
4 missing 1
1x 2
...i.e., i want to insert a line of text like.."missing"... into the empty
Steve Miller
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducibl
On 11/4/2009 1:41 PM, Enayet Talukder wrote:
I just installed R2.10.0. When I tried to activate or invoke R by clicking
the shortcut R2.10.0 on my desktop, it is giving an error message on a new
window "Error in loadNamcespace(name) : there is no package called 'ggplot2'
. The program quits when
On 4 Nov 2009, at 18:40, Gavin Simpson wrote:
Additionally, while extracting the t value is a piece of cake with
polr(), the p-value I get a nowhere close to a null distribution.
Yes - I see that polr() also doesn't produce p-values in the output
summary. You can use it to get "a" p-va
On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 18:19 +, Federico Calboli wrote:
> On 4 Nov 2009, at 18:11, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> > Is there a particular reason for choosing a VGLM here? My reading of
> > your post suggests the response is an univariate, ordered factor and
> > VGLMs are especially for multivariate resp
I just installed R2.10.0. When I tried to activate or invoke R by clicking
the shortcut R2.10.0 on my desktop, it is giving an error message on a new
window "Error in loadNamcespace(name) : there is no package called 'ggplot2'
. The program quits when clicked on 'OK".
On 4 Nov 2009, at 18:11, Gavin Simpson wrote:
Is there a particular reason for choosing a VGLM here? My reading of
your post suggests the response is an univariate, ordered factor and
VGLMs are especially for multivariate responses. In which case, can
not use polr() in package MASS that co
On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 14:00 +, Federico Calboli wrote:
> Hi All,
I can't answer your questions myself - try Thomas Yee, the author and
maintainer of the VGAM package - but:
> I'm fitting an proportional odds model using vglm() from VGAM.
Is there a particular reason for choosing a VGLM here?
Hello Kevin,
It is possible you took care of this by giving yourself permission, but when
I used Vista and now 7 x64; it was easier for me to install in a directory
other than program files. For example just installing to a new folder on
the C: (or whatever is your primary) drive. I am using 2.1
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 23:25 -0800, assaedi76 assaedi76 wrote:
> R users. Thanks in advance.
> I would be glad if someonecouldtell me how toget a simulated data from AR(1),
> MA(1)
See ?arima.sim
> My email is :
> Thanks
> [[alternative H
I have downloaded all of the tools and read the readme's that I know about but
I am still getting the following error when I try to build from source:
C:\Program Files (x86)\R\R-2.9.2\src\gnuwin32>make all recommended
make[1]: `Rpwd.exe' is up to date.
cp -p etc/Makeconf etc/Rcmd_environ etc/Rcon
I have two ranks of labels (strings) representing user preferences of colors.
For instance, here is a simple example with 4 preferences for each user:
> rank1
[1] "red" "blue" "green" "black"
> rank2
[1] "white" "gray" "black" "blue"
How can I compute Kendall's Tau for this scenario?
Hi Uwe,
I mistook the arguments for the function of arrows. I understand now.
Thanks again.
2009/11/5 Uwe Ligges
> zhijie zhang wrote:
>> Hi Uwe,
>> It works. Why does the following argument generate different results?
>> with(data, arrows(x[-length(x)], y[-length(x)], x[-1], y[-1])
zhijie zhang wrote:
Hi Uwe,
It works. Why does the following argument generate different results?
with(data, arrows(x[-length(x)], y[-length(x)], x[-1], y[-1]))
#correct,multiple joins
In the former you select all elements of the vectors except the first or
last one, respectively.
In the
Hi Uwe,
It works. Why does the following argument generate different results?
with(data, arrows(x[-length(x)], y[-length(x)], x[-1], y[-1]))
#correct,multiple joins
with(data, arrows(x[1], y[1], x[length(x)], y[length(x)])) #wrong,seems to
be only one join
From the ?arrows, the second argument
I did this recently with a kyngchaos binary build of rgdal,
rgdal_0.6-12.tgz and R 2.9.2.
I'll assume you have current rgdal binary package file in a directory
(looks like 0.6-18 is current)
Here is what I did (with version 0.6-12).
Note that I work from the command line, not from
Try this:
strptime("5:27:15 PM", "%I:%M:%S %p")
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Jason Rupert wrote:
> I've got an array of times in H:MM:SS PM/AM format, e.g. "5:27:15 PM" (no
> leading zero), and I would like to convert them over to 24 HR syntax, e.g.
> If it matters, the times
I've got an array of times in H:MM:SS PM/AM format, e.g. "5:27:15 PM" (no
leading zero), and I would like to convert them over to 24 HR syntax, e.g.
If it matters, the times are from the Central Time zone.
Is there a command to convert the time to a 24HR format?
I tried the followi
YES, that does the trick.
Glad to have your help for I had no idea of the existence of FAQ 7.31 nor for
that matter do I completely understand what floating point number are (but that
is another story :P))
Think I am all set.
Cheers again for your time and energy.
-Original Message--
I need help for the following:
my data is
class no. best performers
101 10
102 21
103 1
104 3
105 5
I want to plot a graph using R, to show that very few classes has maximum
best performers. can someone gui
It looks like SAGE might be another option,
though I never tried it.
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R
Not only RSPython does not support Windows, but it won't compile on most Unix
platforms and fixing it may be more time than writing a package on your own.
Like the other post, I use Python for pre-processing and then load into R.
If you need text processing with line by line access you can also u
Nowdays there's a lot o new variable selection methods, specially using the
Bayes Paradigm.
For your problem, I think you could try the Bayesian Model Average BMA
Or, you can reduce your data dimension by PCA, which also permits you see
the weight of
each variable in the PC.
Michael D. wrote:
> Hi Charlie!
> Sorry to jump in here so late but I just gave this a try. I usually
> install rgdal from CRAN on windows or download the binary from
> for Mac. I wanted to try your method from
> building from source since the directions were so cl
Hello Jim and Gabor,
Thanks for your inputs. The lines:
a<-as.matrix(read.table(pipe("awk -f cut.awk Data.file")))
cut.awk>{for(i = 1; i <= NF; i=i+10) print $i,""}
solved my problem. I know that 40k lines is not a large data set. I have
about 150 files each of which has 40k rows and in each fil
Thank you!
Sarah Ordaz
Laboratory of Neurocognitive Development
University of Pittsburgh
-Original Message-
From: Deepayan Sarkar []
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 2:44 AM
To: Ordaz, Sarah
Cc:; spec...@stat.berke
Hi all,
I fitted a model say with five
xc<-lm( y~x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
I want to plot the residuals for each factor and I used this,
I only get the plot of the last factor (i.e., x5). I think it is
How can I send the five plots into a file?
[Environment: WinXp, R 2.9.2, all packages up to date; building under
(StatET 0.8, eclipse 3.5.1) or from a batch file]
I'm in the process of creating a package, HistData, on R-forge,
containing interesting data sets
from the history of statistics and data visualization. It contains
several ex
Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
> Seems the message below and the thread have reveived no attention/answer.
> The output presented is quite tricky. Looks like if lmer (lme4 0.9975-10)
> has accepted a negative binomial link with reasonable estimates, although
> it was not designed for...
> What
Good morning
I am learning about NLME and LME4, using Pinheiro and Bates and other materials
from Douglas Bates, but I have not seen anything on how to do variable
selection sensibly in this type of model.
In OLS regression, I frequently use the lasso, but googling did not reveal a
method for
After an off-list email exchange, it sounds like the pls package and Partial
Least Squares are appropriate for this analysis.
Kevin Wright
2009/11/4 Joel Fürstenberg-Hägg
> Hi all,
> I'm new to PCA in R, so this might be a basical thing, but I cannot find
> anything on the net about it
I use both python and R, but decided not to mix the two. I'd rather work
directly in R for statistics, visual displays, etc. I really like python for
pre-processing data, some preliminary data organization, and XML capes.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [m
As far as I know the latest versions of neither RSpython nor rpy2
support Windows. For accessing SymPy (which is a python computer
algebra system) from R rSymPy went with jython. Its slower than
cpython, particularly the startup, but it should work on all
platforms. See
Thanks for the feedback. In the meantime, is there any other way to utilize
the model outside of R, even if it is a little more complicated?
- Original Message
From: Graham Williams
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 9:53:10 PM
Subject: Re: [R] RandomForest
Ning Ma wrote:
Hi, everybody
Is there any way to turn off the output message of a function, maybe a
result of cat() or print() command in that function.
I only expected it to be executed quite and return a value. Any
intermediate messages can be omitted.
What do you mean by the "estimates were very bad"? In nearly 40 years of
working with optimization, I've seen badly set-up functions cause
troubles, I've seen multiple minima situations, I've seen comparisons of
results from one data set to the estimates for another, and I've seen
optimization pro
I am not sure why it was removed from CRAN repository. You can get it from
the archives:
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Center on Agi
My guess is that we are being affected by FAQ 7.31 (good old floating
point numbers). The test 'age %in% 5:50' might be affected by round
off. Something like the following might be better:
age < 5 | (abs(age - round(age)) < 0.001)
This should give TRUE for all ages that are 'close' to the year.
I am trying the same as the post above and the actual error is:
the ordinal 284 could not be located in the dynamic link library
I searched for that dll and it is not to be found. windows forums provide
vague directions to reinstall Windows, which I cannot do because this is a
Hi Paul,
You might want to try the gray colour scale - scale_fill_grey()
Unfortunately grid (the underlying graphics library that ggplot2 uses)
does not currently support patterns.
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:17 AM, Paul Chatfield wrote:
> Am trying to produce a graph which prints out w
Hi All,
I'm fitting an proportional odds model using vglm() from VGAM.
My response variable is the severity of diseases, going from 0 to 5 (the
severity is actually an ordered factor).
The independent variables are: 1 genetic marker, time of medical observation,
age, sex. What I *need* is a
FAQ 7.31:
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Peter Tillmann
> Sent: Mittwoch, 4. November 2009 13:50
> To: r-help
I'm guessing that it's in the FAQ, although I have not committed its
number to memory.
Try using all.equal() instead of "=="
On Nov 4, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Peter Tillmann wrote:
Dear readers of the list,
I have a problem a comparison of two data from a vector. The
if nobody knows the answer to my question on time-dependent ROC (see below),
does any body know how TP and FP are related to classes and samples (orders) in
non-time dependent ROC? Any reference?
--- On Tue, 11/3/09, carol white wrote:
> From: carol white
> Subject: ROC
> To: r-h...@s
Jim Holtman,
Thank you for your reply.
Your script is very concise and I think it could help me.
However when I run it on my real data object ( the age range from
5-50 skips certain full years (see script below).
Am not sure why that is and no error is given.
Hoping you can help.
On Nov 4, 2009, at 7:39 AM, maram salem wrote:
Sorry, I didn't mean a linear equation, of course this equation is
not linear, I meant an equation in one unknown.
Hi all,
I've a linear equation of the form:
0.95=2 ( [3+ln(x/3)]^-13 + 4 [3+2ln(x/3)]^-13 + [3+4ln(x/3)]^-13 )
and I want to so
my problem is like this: now after processing the varibles, the remaining
160 varibles(independent) and a dependent y. when I used PLS method, with 10
components, the good r2 can be obtained. but I donot know how can I express
my equation with the less varibles and the y. It is better to
Dear readers of the list,
I have a problem a comparison of two data from a vector. The comparison
yields FALSE but should be TRUE. I have checked for mode(), length() and
attributes(). See the following code (R2.10.0):
# data vector of 66 double dat
1. You can pipe your data through gawk (or other scripting language)
process as in:
2. read.csv.sql in the sqldf package on CRAN will set up a database
for you, read the file into the database automatically defining the
layout of the table,
Benedikt Gehr wrote:
> Hi there
> I am trying to learn how to compute mle in R for a multinomial negative
> log likelihood function.
> I am using for this the book by B. Bolker "Ecological models and data in
> R", chapter 6: "Likelihood an all that". But he has no example for
> multinom
maram salem wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've a linear equation of the form:
> 0.95=2 ( [3+ln(x/3)]^-13 + 4 [3+2ln(x/3)]^-13 + [3+4ln(x/3)]^-13 )
> and I want to solve it for x, can I do this using R?
The equation is (highly) nonlinear.
Use uniroot.
Do plot your function for several different
Hi, everybody
Is there any way to turn off the output message of a function, maybe a
result of cat() or print() command in that function.
I only expected it to be executed quite and return a value. Any
intermediate messages can be omitted.
It's hard to say without a reproducible example or the output form
Before doing that though, did you read the 31 page document
"formattingOut.odt" (or the corresponding pre-odfWeave document) in
the examples folder of the package?
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 8:14 PM, Colin Robertso
On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 04:34:36 -0800 (PST) maram salem
> I've a linear equation of the form:
> 0.95=2 ( [3+ln(x/3)]^-13 + 4 [3+2ln(x/3)]^-13 + [3+4ln(x/3)]^-13 )
> and I want to solve it for x, can I do this using R?
Yup. Use the 'uniroot' function (assuming that your equation only has
That does not seem like a "large" data set. How are you reading it?
How many columns does it have? What is "a lot of time" by your
definition? You have provided minimal data for obtaining help. I
common read in files with 300K rows in under 30 seconds. Maybe you
need to consider a relational d
Sorry, I didn't mean a linear equation, of course this equation is not linear,
I meant an equation in one unknown.
Hi all,
I've a linear equation of the form:
0.95=2 ( [3+ln(x/3)]^-13 + 4 [3+2ln(x/3)]^-13 + [3+4ln(x/3)]^-13 )
and I want to solve it for x, can I do this using R?
Thanks in ad
Hi all,
I've a linear equation of the form:
0.95=2 ( [3+ln(x/3)]^-13 + 4 [3+2ln(x/3)]^-13 + [3+4ln(x/3)]^-13 )
and I want to solve it for x, can I do this using R?
Thanks in advance.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hi there
I am trying to learn how to compute mle in R for a multinomial negative
log likelihood function.
I am using for this the book by B. Bolker "Ecological models and data in
R", chapter 6: "Likelihood an all that". But he has no example for
multinomial functions.
What I did is the follo
Any idea anybody?
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia ha scritto:
Hello all,
I would like to fit a mixture model whose components are normal
distributions confined in a closed interval. Since there are already
several packages for EM, I would like to extend one of these instead of
Hi Steve,
Steve Lianoglou wrote:
On Nov 3, 2009, at 2:41 AM, Antje wrote:
Hi there,
currently, I've updated R on my Mac (OS X) to version 2.10. I was
wondering if I have to install all additional packages again???
In Windows, I just needed to copy the library folder of the old
Seems the message below and the thread have reveived no attention/answer. The
output presented is quite tricky. Looks like if lmer (lme4 0.9975-10)
has accepted a negative binomial link with reasonable estimates, although it
was not designed for...
What can one think about result validity ?
Hi. I have a data frame with 2 variables (x & y). For each row(i) I need to
find an alternate row(j) with similar x & y by sub-setting such that 0.5x[i]
<= x(j) <= 1.5x[i], and then choosing the minimum y[i]-y[j] from that
subset. I am currently implementing this using a for loop:
Hi all,
I'm new to PCA in R, so this might be a basical thing, but I cannot find
anything on the net about it.
I need to make a PCA plot with two response variables (df$resp1 and df$resp2)
against eight metabolites (df$met1, df$met2, ...) and I don't have a clue how
to do... and I've only
Hi Charlie!
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:16 PM, cls59 wrote:
> Pablo Alvarez-2 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We (two mac users) have been attempting to install rgdal from
>> "";, given that it is not
>> available as a binary on the CRAN (binaries) of the "
On 11/04/2009 09:03 PM, Sybille Wendel (Udata) wrote:
That is, that every 4 digits there is a new number, but when the
number is > 999, R thinks of course that the number consists of more
than 4 digits. So, R can't read in the table.
Is there a way I can tell R, that every 4 digits, a new
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