I have a data set like this
On 7/1/09, Ron Burns wrote:
> In trying to fit garch models in above environment. I am getting
> "reasonable" fitted coefficients, but the fitobj...@fitted are all the
> same. This is true even for the help page example:
There is a better chance of getting good answers if asking finan
varclust() in the Hmisc package might be what you are looking for.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:27 PM, wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am looking for a procedure that allows selection of variables in a
> clustering attempt.
> Specifically I am searching for a way of selecting out noise variables
You should be doing
colnames(tester) <-
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Germán Bonilla wrote:
> Hi all...
> I built a matrix binding vectors with rbind, and have something like this:
>[,1] [,2][,3] [,4] [,
Thanks to everyone who has posted. These posts have really helped me to
budge forward my understanding of R, as well as giving me a couple of new
areas that I still need to work on.
These (below) won't be news to the people who have posted, but for anyone
who is in my position, here are a couple
running R 2.9.1 on Windows XP. Formerly used Tinn-R but it has been
acting strangely lately and I haven't been able to fix it, so I am
trying to learn ESS.
I have Xemacs 21.4.19. I have ESS configured, I think, as per John Fox:
An Introduction to ESS + XEmacs for Windows Users of R
John Fox
Not exactly sure what you want to count. Does this do what you want (made a
change in RunningCount)
> AddCols = function (MyFrame) {
+ }
> BinPosNeg = function (MyFrame) {
+ ## P
I need to keep a running count of events that have happened in my
data.frame. I found a document called usingR that had an example of
doing this for random coin flips and I tried to modify it. It seems to
sort of work in the beginning, but then it stops and I don't
understand why. I'm trying
Deal all:
i want to do the probit with sample selection estimation, the following
is my code:
probit with sample selection can be done by stata :heckprob
The heckprobll is the likelihood function shown in W.H. Greene 5th p714
¡´ The question is the convergence is very slow compare with Stata
Hi List,
I am looking for a procedure that allows selection of variables in a clustering
Specifically I am searching for a way of selecting out noise variables from a
set of numeric/categorical variables (or of course selecting "non-noise"
The procedure should work wit
Well, on this one, I might bring my record down to commercial software
bug fix time lines...
> I have trouble using odfInsertPlot to insert plots outside fig=TRUE
> chunks.
> My goal is to dump a bunch of (relatively uninteresting, but required)
> graphs from within a loop, possibly interspeded
Hi R users and experts:
I got the following message when I use the profile
function on a nls models. The nls function converges at 19 interactions,
but I don't know what I am doing wrong using the "profile" function.
"Error en prof$getProfile() : number of iterations exceeded maximu
On 30 June 2009 at 14:30, Rainer M Krug wrote:
| following a discussion on difference in speed of R between R and Linux, I am
| wondering: is there a howto to get the most (concerning speed) out of R? I
| am not talking about vectorisation and techniques in doing the analysis, but
| what
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Barry
Rowlingson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> You could wrap it in a function of your own making, right?
>> AddNewDev = function() {dev.new();AddNewDev=dev.cur()}
>> histPlot=AddNewDev()
>> Seems to work.
> You leaRn
It is indeed a bug.
Should have a fix soon.
Thanks for the report!
baptiste auguie wrote:
Thanks for the info.
It does look like a bug to me, but it's always best to try and identify the
cause before facing the challenge of a legitimate bug submission.
On Mac OS (same info as my fir
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Erin Hodgess wrote:
Dear R People:
Does the system function return a code, (maybe zero if ok, non-zero
otherwise), please?
Let's see
int 0
a<-system("ls foo")
ls: foo: No such file or directory
int 256
Sure looks like it. And the h
I am a new R user and I did try elrm package to do Exact Logistic
regression for my dataset ( about 170 patients with a binary dependent
variable against age and 6 other binary covariates), I did not have n column
because it was about individuals, I made n column with 1 for each
individual, h
Erin Hodgess wrote:
Dear R People:
Does the system function return a code, (maybe zero if ok, non-zero
otherwise), please?
Dear Erin,
it depends on its arguments and the OS. See the "value" section of ?system.
On 30/06/2009 7:13 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 30/06/2009 6:47 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it
will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.)
Thanks in advance.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 30/06/2009 6:47 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it
>> will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.)
>> Thanks in advance.
>> I have a collection of da
Hi all...
I built a matrix binding vectors with rbind, and have something like this:
[,1] [,2][,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
CLS 3.877328 4.087636 4.72089 4.038361 3.402942 2.786285 2.671222 3.276419
ORD NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.770780 5.901113 11.
Dear all-
Package /fGarch/ version 2100.78 in R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
running on linux
In trying to fit garch models in above environment. I am getting
"reasonable" fitted coefficients, but the fitobj...@fitted are all the
same. This is true even for the help page example
On 30/06/2009 6:47 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it
will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.)
Thanks in advance.
I have a collection of data frames that I need to add columns, do some
calculations and then fill
Mark Knecht wrote:
I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it
will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.)
Thanks in advance.
I have a collection of data frames that I need to add columns, do some
calculations and then fill in the new columns.
Dear R People:
Does the system function return a code, (maybe zero if ok, non-zero
otherwise), please?
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodg...@gmail.com
I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it
will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.)
Thanks in advance.
I have a collection of data frames that I need to add columns, do some
calculations and then fill in the new columns. Since I have a large
Which R, which OS, which affylmGUI (which prety much sounds like
BioConductor) version, ..???
If this is R-2.9.1 under Windows: It ships with tcl85.dll, hence there
might be some side effects of your additional tcl 8.4 installation. But
hard to guess without seeing more details of you syst
Vallejo, Roger wrote:
Dear R users,
I am using the beadarray package. I am trying to upload raw bead-level data
using these commands:
"beadarray" is a BioConductor package. You may want to report it again
on the BioC mailing list, perhaps with some *reproducible* example...
Uwe Lig
Le mardi 30 juin 2009 à 14:51 -0400, Max a écrit :
> I just put a new version on cran...
Now, *that's* support !!! bug report at 17:31, acknowledgement at 20:12,
(probable) bug fix at 20:51. Bravo, bravissimo, Max !
Try that, SAS support !
Emmanuel Charpen
Admittedly this seemed quite peculiar but if you look at the
of the following code you will see that with the weights the first and
second levels of your x$method variable have the same (weighted) median
so the contrast that you are estimating SHOULD be zero. Perhaps
there is some
Dear Max, dear list,
I have trouble using odfInsertPlot to insert plots outside fig=TRUE
My goal is to dump a bunch of (relatively uninteresting, but required)
graphs from within a loop, possibly interspeded with some tables. This
is not possible within a normal fig=TRUE chunk.
Damian Krstajic wrote:
We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models
and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an error.
Maybe I am mistaken and I shouldn't expect to have a model with only one input
We use R versi
There is an R package called fortunes that contains many quotes from the
mailing list and other sources that are humorous, insightful, or profound.
Much can be learned by browsing these fortunes (and entertainment as well).
Rolf has just nominated your quote to be forever enshrined wit
On Jun 30, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
Wellbarring a correction from someone with more low level
insight, I would tend to suspect that the difference in our findings
may be attributed to some interaction of hardware, OS, compiler and
BLAS, perhaps weighted more to the latt
On 30/06/2009 5:11 PM, Craig P. Pyrame wrote:
Dear Rolf,
What do you mean?
He was talking about the fortunes package. Install it, type fortune(),
and you'll get a fortune cookie message. Maybe one with your name on it.
Duncan Murdoch
Best regards,
Rolf Turner wrote:
On 1/07/200
just after layout
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:20 PM, wrote:
> #Dear R users,
> #I want six interaction plots to be on one page,
> #but the following problem occurs: the legend "BMIakt" appears,
> #but it is exactly on the border of the plots (too far right).
> #My s
Dear Rolf,
What do you mean?
Best regards,
Rolf Turner wrote:
On 1/07/2009, at 12:34 AM, Craig P. Pyrame wrote:
... it's probably not a good idea to submit bug
reports just because I misunderstand what R does.
Gotta be a fortune!!!
I've been having problems getting MCMCpack installed on my Solaris 10 x86
I've installed gcc from opencsw.org, and, for the most part, other R packages
install nicely.
>From what I can gather, the build fails due to a mismatch of include files. I
>*think* it wants to use the includ
I am trying to use quantile regression to perform weighted-comparisons of the
median across groups. This works most of the time, however I am seeing some
odd output in summary(rq()):
Call: rq(formula = sand ~ method, tau = 0.5, data = x, weights =
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:32 PM, wrote:
> To get USDCAD rates from Bank of Canada, we first go
> url <- "http://banqueducanada.ca/en/rates/exchange-avg.html";
> select 12 months for Rates for the past and click "Get Rates" button. Then
> the page moves to
> address <- "http://banqueducanada.
To get USDCAD rates from Bank of Canada, we first go
url <- "http://banqueducanada.ca/en/rates/exchange-avg.html";
select 12 months for Rates for the past and click "Get Rates" button. Then
the page moves to
address <- "http://banqueducanada.ca/cgi-bin/famecgi_fdps";
and the rates show in the h
Thanks a lot for all your answers
2009/6/30 Liaw, Andy
> Something like this?
> R> mean(rnorm(100))
> [1] -0.0095774
> R> .Last.value
> [1] -0.0095774
> Andy
> > -Original Message-
> > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> > [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Stephan
Something like this where you use lapply to pass in each element of the list
to a function and then rbind the result:
datalist <- split(data,data$UNIT)
result <- lapply(datalist, function(.unit){
#Dear R users,
#I want six interaction plots to be on one page,
#but the following problem occurs: the legend "BMIakt" appears,
#but it is exactly on the border of the plots (too far right).
#My seccond question is, how I can reduce the empty space in the y-direction
#between the plots.
#Please h
Dear R-helpers,
I have split a dataframe into a list with five elements, with the following
> datalist<-split(data,data$UNIT)
I would now like to run some code (below) on each element of the list to
extract rows from the list elements; then I would like to rbind the
extracted rows into a n
There is a discussion on this topic under the heading "A shorter version of
.Last.value" on July 7, 2008, see for example
--Hans Werner
Stephane-18 wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was just wondering if there i
On 1/07/2009, at 12:34 AM, Craig P. Pyrame wrote:
... it's probably not a good idea to submit bug
reports just because I misunderstand what R does.
Gotta be a fortune!!!
I assume that when you read in the data, you assigned it to an object; e.g.,
myData <- read.table("yourFile")
you can then plot a histogram by:
you may need to reread "Introduction to R" that comes with the software.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:34 AM, maram salem wrote:
> Hi Gr
I have to write the results of a loop in a database, and
I'm using dbWriteTable(con, "output", data).
Is it possible to use something like
for(i in 1:n)
tmp <- sprintf("output%s", i)
dbWriteTable(con, tmp, dati)
to write in the database each table produced by each run of the loop?
I just put a new version on cran...
On 6/30/09 2:12 PM, "Max Kuhn" wrote:
> I'm figuring this out now and I'll let you know when it is resolved...
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Damian Krstajic
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classifi
On Jun 30, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Ted Harding wrote:
On 30-Jun-09 17:41:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Jun 30, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Ted Harding wrote:
On 30-Jun-09 14:52:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Jun 30, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Renzi Fabrizio wrote:
I would like to know how R computes the probability
Oops sorry. Thanks BARRY!
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Barry
> Rowlingson wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
>>> You could wrap it in a function of your own making, right?
>>> AddNewDev = function() {dev.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Barry
Rowlingson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> You could wrap it in a function of your own making, right?
>> AddNewDev = function() {dev.new();AddNewDev=dev.cur()}
>> histPlot=AddNewDev()
>> Seems to work.
> You leaRn
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
> You could wrap it in a function of your own making, right?
> AddNewDev = function() {dev.new();AddNewDev=dev.cur()}
> histPlot=AddNewDev()
> Seems to work.
You leaRn fast :) Probably better style is:
newDev = function(){dev.new();retu
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 11:20 PM,
utkarshsinghal wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am currently using R version 2.8.1 on linux cent os 4.4 (i386) and
> want to upgrade to version 2.9.1. It seems to me that version-2.9.1 is
> it not for my OS.
> Am I right?
> Regards
> Utkarsh
Build it from source?
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Barry
Rowlingson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Ted
> Harding wrote:
>> Barry, spot on! If there were a prize for postings with
>> simplicity, clarity, conciseness and usability, I would nominate
>> yours (especially in the "Why didn't *I* think of tha
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, utkarshsinghal wrote:
I am currently using R version 2.8.1 on linux cent os 4.4
(i386) and want to upgrade to version 2.9.1. It seems to me
that version-2.9.1 is it not for my OS.
Am I right?
CentOS 4.4 is quite old at this point ...
The following Build Requirements for
Something like this?
R> mean(rnorm(100))
[1] -0.0095774
R> .Last.value
[1] -0.0095774
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Stephane
> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 2:07 PM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Ted
Harding wrote:
> Barry, spot on! If there were a prize for postings with
> simplicity, clarity, conciseness and usability, I would nominate
> yours (especially in the "Why didn't *I* think of that?" category).
Thanks Ted!
It's just a shame dev.new() doesn't
On 6/30/09, Christopher W. Ryan wrote:
> suppose I have some logical vector
> x <- as.logical(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0))
> x
> How would I make the words TRUE appear on the screen in a different
> color from the words FALSE?
I believe xterm256 would help with this, and perhaps highlig
Jens Oldeland wrote:
> I am looking for a solution on how to sample increasing sizes of
> "quadrats" in a list of matrices. Each matrix is a binary raster map and
> I want to know if there is a 1 or only 0 s in the sampling unit
> (quadrat, e.g. 4x4 cells).
You could just use a few lo
I'm figuring this out now and I'll let you know when it is resolved...
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Damian Krstajic wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models
> and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if there is an equivalent in R to the shortcut "Ans" in
MatLab whereby I can use the previous result for the current command? This
could save a lot of time when hacking in R itself, not from an editor.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On 30-Jun-09 17:41:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Ted Harding wrote:
>> On 30-Jun-09 14:52:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
>>> On Jun 30, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Renzi Fabrizio wrote:
I would like to know how R computes the probability of an event
in a logistic mod
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Barry
Rowlingson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:15 PM, milton ruser wrote:
>> How about:
>> dev.cur()
>> dev.list()
>> dev.next(which = dev.cur())
>> dev.prev(which = dev.cur())
>> dev.off(which = dev.cur())
>> dev.set(which = dev.next())
>> dev.new(...)
>> g
On Jun 30, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Ted Harding wrote:
On 30-Jun-09 14:52:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Jun 30, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Renzi Fabrizio wrote:
I would like to know how R computes the probability of an event
in a logistic model (P(y=1)) from the score s, linear combination
of x and beta.
Duncan, it's the first example you provide that I'm looking to do.
These Sexpr quickly exceed 80 columns and I was wanting to make them
more readable in the latex code by blocking and indenting the R code.
Dieter suggests putting the R code into a code block then Sexpr-ing that
object. That seems
On 30-Jun-09 16:48:15, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> To keep track, call dev.cur() after creating a new plot
> and assign it to something memorable. Here's how to keep
> a histogram and an xy plot:
>> dev.new();histPlot = dev.cur()
>> dev.new();xyPlot = dev.cur()
>> dev.set(histPlot);hist(runif(100)
suppose I have some logical vector
x <- as.logical(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0))
How would I make the words TRUE appear on the screen in a different
color from the words FALSE?
Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
40 Arch Street, Jo
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Xavier wrote:
saurav pathak vas escriure el dia dl, 29 jun 2009:
I am using Stata 10 and I need to import a data set in stata 10 to R, I have
saved the dataset in lower versions of Stata as well by using saveold
command in Stata.
My RAM is 4gb and the stata file is 60
Dear R users,
I am using the beadarray package. I am trying to upload raw bead-level data
using these commands:
datadir <- ("C:/Computer_programs/R/beadarray/cecilia")
targets = read.table("targets.txt", sep = "\t", he
HufferD wrote:
> Is there any way to have Sexpr span multiple lines?
Use an R block to create the output as as string, and Sexpr that one. It's
anyway much more readable than to hide complex calculations in the latex
View this message in context:
On 30/06/2009 12:44 PM, David Huffer wrote:
Is there any way to have Sexpr span multiple lines?
For input or output? I.e. do you want
\Sexpr{x +
or do you want the value to display on multiple lines?
I think you can't do the first. To do the second, returning a character
value with an
Input: dataframe with 300+columns for a regression. It consists of sets of
factors whose names have the same structure. For example, aa1,aa2,aa3 could be
one set of factors.
After reading in the dataframe, I would like to compute the density
(%nonzeroes) for certain groups of factors and delete
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:15 PM, milton ruser wrote:
> How about:
> dev.cur()
> dev.list()
> dev.next(which = dev.cur())
> dev.prev(which = dev.cur())
> dev.off(which = dev.cur())
> dev.set(which = dev.next())
> dev.new(...)
> graphics.off()
> dev.cur()
> dev.list()
> dev.next(which = dev.cur())
saurav pathak vas escriure el dia dl, 29 jun 2009:
> Hi
> I am using Stata 10 and I need to import a data set in stata 10 to R, I have
> saved the dataset in lower versions of Stata as well by using saveold
> command in Stata.
> My RAM is 4gb and the stata file is 600MB, I am getting an erro
Is there any way to have Sexpr span multiple lines?
David Huffer, Ph.D. Senior Statistician
CSOSA/Washington, DC david.huf...@csosa.gov
Try this:
s <- "mystring"
strapply(s, "[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]+", nchar)[[1]]
which returns a vector of consonant string lengths.
Now apply your algorithm to that.
See http://gsubfn.googlecode.com for more.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Mark Heckmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I want t
Hello All,
I have one question about how to speed up my calculation:
I have multiple independent observations and would like to perform Anova
with type 3 sum of square. For this, I also have 2 factors and 3
covariates and want to see the main effects of 2 factors and the
interaction on each of t
"Abstraction" also has a valid two consonant cluster ("ct"). Some logic
could be added to reject words that have valid twos if they also have
longer strings of consonants.
This may work as a starting off point, using strsplit:
twocons = function(word){
chars = strsplit(word, "[aeiou
Thanks milton! Beautiful!
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:15 AM, milton ruser wrote:
> How about:
> dev.cur()
> dev.list()
> dev.next(which = dev.cur())
> dev.prev(which = dev.cur())
> dev.off(which = dev.cur())
> dev.set(which = dev.next())
> dev.new(...)
> graphics.off()
> dev.cur()
How about:
dev.next(which = dev.cur())
dev.prev(which = dev.cur())
dev.off(which = dev.cur())
dev.set(which = dev.next())
dev.next(which = dev.cur())
dev.prev(which = dev.cur())
dev.off(which = dev.cur())
dev.set(which = dev.nex
This is at least the fourth time you have asked this question, which is at
least two more than the maximum excusable number of times.
The error message says that your computer doesn't have enough memory to load
this data set. This pretty clearly suggests that the size of the file is the
If I execute
plot( stuff )
plot( other stuff)
then at this point I have two windows with plots and the second
graphics window is active. I don't see the devices using ls().
1) Without destroying the second window how do I make the first window
active again?
2) How do I dest
I want to parse a string extracting the number of occurrences where two
consonants clump together. Consider for example the word "hallo". Here I
want the algorithm to return 1. For "chess" if want it to return 2. For the
word "screw" the result should be negative as it is a clump of three
On 30-Jun-09 14:52:20, Marc Schwartz wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Renzi Fabrizio wrote:
>> I would like to know how R computes the probability of an event
>> in a logistic model (P(y=1)) from the score s, linear combination
>> of x and beta.
>> I noticed that there are differences (
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta wrote:
You are dealing with two different problems at the same time: importing
Stata data and importing a relatively big file.
Can you try to export your data to txt file first and try to import from
it directly?
That's likely to be worse in
We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models
and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an error.
Maybe I am mistaken and I shouldn't expect to have a model with only one input
We use R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03). We
I am using Stata 10 and I need to import a data set in stata 10 to R, I
have saved the dataset in lower versions of Stata as well by using saveold
command in Stata.
My RAM is 4gb and the stata file is 600MB, I am getting an error message
which says :
"Error: cannot allocate vector of si
It is usually better (and easier) to use the data argument that comes with
many modelling functions
-- Yes. And for functions without a data argument, see ?with.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
R-help@r-project.org mailing l
We are using the TCL 8.4.
We have a problem that we got when trying to start the affylmGUI library
in R.
The error is like this:
This application has failed to start because tk85.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application my fix the problem.
We thought that may be we can p
Hello All,
I have one question about how to speed up my calculation:
I have multiple independent observations and would like to perform Anova
with type 3 sum of square. For this, I also have 2 factors and 3
covariates and want to see the main effects of 2 factors and the
interaction on each of t
how do I get the t-value when I perform multiple comparisons with the
TukeyHSD() - function?
thanks for any help!
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-pr
On Jun 30, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Renzi Fabrizio wrote:
I would like to know how R computes the probability of an event in a
logistic model (P(y=1)) from the score s, linear combination of x and
I noticed that there are differences (small, less than e-16) between
fitting values automati
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Marc Schwartz wrote:
There is usually a bit of a delay in the Fedora/EPEL repos releasing a new
version of R, but I would expect to see something soon.
I have R-2.9.1 on CentOS 5, and did since the day of release
announcement. I am not so sure it would build on CentOS 4
I had strange windowing behavior with R 9.1 on Windows XP when executing code
from the diagram package. Perhaps it is even normal behavior that I don't
understand as it was an unintentional discovery. I don't even know if it is a
package issue or a windowing issue.
Reproducing it. Execute th
is there a function or an easy way to get the effect size (cohens d)
while performing multiple comparisons via the TukeyHSD function?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the pos
I have the following data:
x1 y1 y2 y3
1.3 grp1a1 NA
2.4 grp1a1 NA
3.7 grp1a2 NA
1.9 grp1a2 NA
2.2 grp2NA
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > imagine the following situation:
> >
> > a <- runif(100)
> > plot(a[a>0.5])
> >
> > plots only the elements in the vector which are larger then 0.5
> >
> > Now imagine
Thanks for the info.
It does look like a bug to me, but it's always best to try and identify the
cause before facing the challenge of a legitimate bug submission.
On Mac OS (same info as my first post), the duplicated "mu" is only present
in the pdf output of pdf(), for both grid and base graphic
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