I have a list output from the 'lapply' function where the value of
each element of a list is a data frame (each data frame in the list
has the same column types). How can I rbind all of the list entry
values into one data frame?
It is from the wellspring of our despair and
I'm wondering if there is a simple way to assign a quantile to a vector in a
data frame, much like one could in Stata using centile. Let's say I want 100
slices in my assignation. I can easily see what the limits of each slice by
using quantile:
quantile(my.df$my.var, probs=seq(0, 1, 0.01))
But ho
I have a simple plot:
ggplot(polls, aes(x =Date, y = Popular_Support, colour=Party, shape=Source))
stat_smooth(span=0.5) +
How can I get the smooth to only render along one of the scales? ie, I want
to see regressions for each colour, but not each shape.
Right now I get a trendlin
Am 27.09.2008 um 05:46 schrieb John Sorkin:
Windows XP
R 2.7.1
I am trying to use apply (or lapply, sapply) to get the sample
function to select 1000 samples of size 10 from c(1,2,3) with
probability c(0.1,0.2,0.7), i.e.
for (i in 1:1000)
Thanks for the suggestions. Your code works nicely. As for savePlot I am
unsure if it will work for the text output to plot, but I will continue to
M Just
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Jorge Ivan Velez
> Dear Michael,
> For your first questi
Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.
-M Just
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Greg Snow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could use the cat function to output some text that would then be
> included in the sinked output file. Or look at the txtStart and related
> functions in the T
Dear R Gurus,
I have a problem related to plot.
For example, I have two variables, pre and post.
pre <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
post <- c(2,5,7,2,3)
How can I plot a line graph similar to this one?
Would you please
Windows XP
R 2.7.1
I am trying to use apply (or lapply, sapply) to get the sample function to
select 1000 samples of size 10 from c(1,2,3) with probability c(0.1,0.2,0.7),
for (i in 1:1000)
My solution does not work:
Using quantmod and TTR (for EMA, as well as many, many more technical tools):
# get some data
Lots of examples at:
http://www.quantmod.com http://www.quantmod.com
Thanks! I think 'ave' was what I was looking for...
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 6:28 PM, jim holtman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try this:
>> x
> V1 V2 V3
> 1 a w 200
> 2 a w 100
> 3 b w 500
> 4 b w 200
> 5 b z 300
> 6 b z 400
>> x$rank <- ave(x$V3, x$V1, x$V2, FUN=rank)
>> x
> V1 V
Well, I finally figured out to do some algebra transformation and the
problem was reduced to non-linear optimization on bounded areas. But
on my way to this I ran into IMSL Fortran library function NNLPF. And
its documentation toke me to DONLP2, a free Fortran package solving a
huge family of nonli
Hi List,
I had the pleasure of taking Dr Bob Muenchen's interview for his upcoming
book R For SAS and SPSS users. He has spent 27 years in this field while I
have spent almost that much on earth.
So this is more like a fan blog interview. I thought it would be of use to
people curious about R, or
Not sure if it applies to your file or not but if it does then the
sqldf package facilitates reading a large file into an SQLite database.
Its a front end to RSQLite which is a front end to SQLite and it
reads the data straight into the database without going through
R so R does not limit it in any
You should be able to convert with:
myDate <- as.Date(dates, origin='1960-1-1')
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Philip James Smith
> Hi:
> I have a matrix, named "mat," of numeric values that are in days since Jan
> 1, 1960.
> I want to convert them Date class val
You can always setup a "connection" and then read in the number of
lines you need for the analysis, write out the results and then read
in the next ones. I have also used 'filehash' to initially read in
portions of a file and then write the objects into the database.
These are quickly retrieved if
Try this:
> x
V1 V2 V3
1 a w 200
2 a w 100
3 b w 500
4 b w 200
5 b z 300
6 b z 400
> x$rank <- ave(x$V3, x$V1, x$V2, FUN=rank)
> x
V1 V2 V3 rank
1 a w 2002
2 a w 1001
3 b w 5002
4 b w 2001
5 b z 3001
6 b z 4002
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 4:54
First of all, what you have will not work since you also have to
subset the RHS of the equation:
data$score[data$type=="1" &
data$year=="2001"]<-data$score[data$type=="1" & data$year=="2001"] *
Another way is to construct a matrix of the values you want to search
for and change: (not tested
Good afternoon
I have what I hope is a simple logistic regression issue.
I started with 44 independent variables and then used the drop1,
test="chisq" to reduce the list to 8 significant independent variables.
drop1(sep22lr, test="Chisq") and wound up with this model:
Model: MIN_Mstocked
I would like to be able to update an existing column in a dataframe,
like this...
data$score[data$type=="1" & data$year=="2001"]<-data$score * 0.111
data$score[data$type=="1" & data$year=="2002"]<-data$score * 0.222
data$score[data$type=="1" & data$year=="2003"]<-data$score * 0.333
First - you need to pass the data frame into the function.
testing <- function (d, colname) {
return (d[[colname]])
d <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=1:10))
print (testing(d, 'x'))
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of eric lee
Sent: Friday, S
I'd like to pass a column name as the argument for a function, but I'm
getting "NULL" as a return value. Any suggestions? Thanks.
> d <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=1:10))
> d
x y
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 1 4
5 1 5
6 1 6
7 1 7
8 1 8
9 1 9
10 1 10
> testing <- function(var) {
> it depends on what the original author wanted.
> with constructs a new environment, and all assignments, if any, made in
> the expression evaluated within with are invisible to the outside
> (unless one plays with environments, again):
> x = 1:10
> a = 3
> with(test(), { x[1:3] = c(a,b,c); x
that's likely to work, but it's even worse than my non-functional
version: the destructive operation on the test's caller's environment is
performed here by the callee (test), and you can get ugly surprises if
you forget that test does that.
i'd consider this (and the 'for (name in names(result))
Bert Gunter wrote:
> But why do this? Just leave the (preferably named) variables as list
> components and work with them there.
> 1. ?comment tells you how to add a comment attribute to the list for self
> documentation (what were the components? how are they related? etc.)
> 2. ?with shows y
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Matthew Pettis
> Hi,
> I'd like to rank obs in a data frame as subset by 2 or more columns...
> The example input would look like the following:
> ++++
> x y v
> -- -- --
> a w 200
> a w 100
> b w 500
I suggest the panel.dotplot.tb in the HH package.
It is a lattice panel function and therefore works
with standard trellis formulas including conditioning
variables and grouping variables.
Since you define what you want in terms of Minitab, I mention
that thi
Try this:
V1 V2 V3
1 a w 200
2 a w 100
3 b w 500
4 b w 200
5 b z 300
6 b z 400
DF$rank <- unlist(lapply(split(DF$V3, list(DF$V1, DF$V2), drop = T), rank))
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Matthew Pettis
> Hi,
> I'd like to rank obs in a data fram
The answers that were previously given allow you to easily extract results
from your returned list, but if I understand well, this list is created only
because you cannot return several arguments whereas you need to keep the
values of a, b, c, etc. Am I right?
Another solution would be to directly
Hello, I'm running R 2.7.2 and Tinn-R . I followed the steps in
http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=864071 , but I still get the
message: source(.trPaths[5]) in R console when I make a selection. Send line
works fine. Can anyone suggest a solution?
View this messag
for some threads that discuss strategy for analyzing big datasets.
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, zerfetzen wrote:
I'm sure that a large fixed width file, such as 300 million rows and 1,000
columns, is too large for R to handle on a PC, but are there
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Patrick M. Joyce wrote:
I'm trying to perform an integration on a function that contains a sum.
Similarly I'm hoping whatever acts as a fix will be good enough to aid in
a 2nd case as well but I've already put in a work-around for that
My code example is
Dear Benjamin,
In the absence of interactions, a suitably constructed model matrix could,
for example, allow one predictor to range over its values while others are
held to typical values (such as means). The effects package does this for
linear and generalized linear models (and soon for proporti
I'd like to rank obs in a data frame as subset by 2 or more columns...
The example input would look like the following:
x y v
-- -- --
a w 200
a w 100
b w 500
b w 200
b z 300
b z 400
And the data frame I want to create i
But why do this? Just leave the (preferably named) variables as list
components and work with them there.
1. ?comment tells you how to add a comment attribute to the list for self
documentation (what were the components? how are they related? etc.)
2. ?with shows you how to access the components
> Am 23.09.2008 um 23:57 schrieb Peter Dalgaard:
>> For this kind of problem I'd go directly for the binomial
>> distribution. If the actual probability is 0, this is essentially
>> deterministic and you can look at
>> > binom.test(0,99,p=.03, alt="less")
> > This means that you don't
Nutter, Benjamin wrote:
I hope you'll forgive me for resurrecting this thread. My question
refers to John Fox's comments in the discussion of lsmeans from
John you said, "It wouldn't be hard, however, to do the computations
Why not have the return values of each instance of the function be:
a) list containing only the current value if terminal node
b) concatenated list of returned values from functions if not
terminal node (and hence call other functions)
My thought is the way you've set this up won't be efficie
I have a recursive function. The recursion forms a tree with many
(millions) terminal nodes. The function must output a value (say, a
number or a vector) from each terminal node. At the end, when all
recursion is done, we want to collect all the output values. How can
that be done cleanly and ef
I'm sure that a large fixed width file, such as 300 million rows and 1,000
columns, is too large for R to handle on a PC, but are there ways to deal
with it?
For example, is there a way to combine some sampling method with read.fwf so
that you can read in a sample of 100,000 records, for exam
I hope you'll forgive me for resurrecting this thread. My question
refers to John Fox's comments in the discussion of lsmeans from
John you said, "It wouldn't be hard, however, to do the computations
yourself, using the coefficient vect
Mike Prager wrote:
> "Stefan Fritsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have several output variables which I give back with the list command.
>> test <- function {return(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...))}
>> After the usage of the function I want to assign the variables to the output
>> var
I'm trying to perform an integration on a function that contains a sum.
Similarly I'm hoping whatever acts as a fix will be good enough to aid in
a 2nd case as well but I've already put in a work-around for that
My code example is here:
Hi, Everyone,
I just installed R-2.7.2 on my computer and then installed package RWeka,
version 0.3-13. I noticed that when using command "evaluate_Weka_Classifier",
with parameter "newdata=", it still evaluated on training data. Does anyone
else noticed this?
My older version of R-2.6.1 with
Hello all,
I would like to perform SVM-RFE (Guyon et al. 2002) in R and have only found
one implementation of this algorithm. The function belongs
to the MCRestimate package but when I try to use it I encounter a problem
- the function appears to be missing a required package or other function
Hi, there was a typo in the last formula of my previous email. The correct
formula is:
mean life time = int_{0} ^{\inf} u * f(u) du
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging and Heal
Greetings -- I'd like to present R to our university research group as
a viable platform to do machine learning applications for human
behavior modeling. The actual research will be further specialized,
but general activities -- acquiring/interfacing with the data,
specifying/learning a mo
Try this:
DF$Date <- as.Date(DF$Date)
xyplot(NumEggs ~ Date | Site, DF, type = "h")
Also look at ggplot2 for another way.
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Felipe Carrillo
> Hello All:
>Using the below dataset how can I make a barplot with
"Stefan Fritsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have several output variables which I give back with the list command.
> test <- function {return(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...))}
> After the usage of the function I want to assign the variables to the output
> variables.
> result <- test()
The fundamental relation b/w hazard (h), survival (S), and density (f)
functions is:
f(t) = h(t) * S(t)
Where S(t) = exp ( - int_{0} ^{t} h(u) du )
mean life time = int_{0} ^{\inf} f(u) du
If you have a piecewise constant h(t), you can either smooth it and compute
the required integrals u
I apologize if this was sent twice but I don't think it was actually sent
the first time!
I have been using the step() function for stepwise regression and was
wondering if there was a way to specify a tolerance level either using
step() or another stepwise function. So far I have only fo
Depending on what you want your covariance matrices to be like, you
could form
random symmetric matrices with positive diagonals and then use nearPD
to make them positive definite, but the resulting distribution of
matrices would be hard to guess. And giving a diagonal matrix
Dear Abdel
The Mandriva repositories seem to have only 18 packages in the Contrib
repositories. These seem to be dependencies of various GUI flavours
(the repositories include rattle, Rcmdr (as R-cran-Rcmdr) and the
non-CRAN rkward.
Beyond that, yes you require the build tools. You should have gc
Hello All:
Using the below dataset how can I make a barplot with
Date(X) and NumEggs(Y) by Site. Then plot Temp(lineplot)
It seems really simple, but I am having a hard time trying to
do it by Site. Thanks
Date NumEggs Site Temp
1 2008-04-22
Given a set of stochastic sequences, say n with T observations on
each. Is there any algorithm (hopefully implemented) to compute the
total correlation / multi-information for this set of random
sequences? I know that it entails estimation of entropy, and that is
where I see blurry. How does o
Does the 'dots' function in the TeachingDemos package do what you want? (It
fits one interpretation of your description, but my minitab is a bit rusty, so
not sure).
(The "you" above referring to kerfuffle, not Rolf, for some reason I received
the reply, but not the original).
Gregory (Greg
Good Day All,
I have a negative binomial model that I created using the function
glm.nb() with the MASS library and I am performing a cross-validation
using the function cv.glm() from the boot library. I am really
interested in determining the performance of this model so I can have
to investigate whether the types of the variables are equal. Probably (most
probably), X2 is a factor (treated as dummy variables) so that your 60
values from the second regression are the intercept (i.e. the coefficient
for the first observation) plus 59 dummies for the offs
I have a matrix, named "mat," of numeric values that are in days since
Jan 1, 1960.
I want to convert them Date class values so that I can do things like
seq( value , len=10, by="1 week")
where "value" is any of the matrix elements.
How do I do this?
Please reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge University Press is proud to present its extensive list of titles
featuring the R Language with books of unrivaled excellence. Please visit
our R
dedicated page and check out all of the titles Cambridge has to offer.
Below is just a sample of what is available from Cambridge.
From the R-web pages, on what should be posted to which mail list:
The ‘main’ R mailing list, for discussion about problems and
solutions using R, announcements (not covered by ‘R-announce’ or ‘R-
packages’, see above), about the availability of new functionality
for R and documentat
If one looks at the other is.* functions or ?mode, one will quickly see
each is.* function does something specific and not 'what one would
For example, is.real and is.complex do not tell you whether the argument
a zero complex part or not.
Another example is all.equal. If one
Michael A. Miller wrote:
>> Wacek Kusnierczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > but it does seem to be a wrong decision for a language
> > focused mostly with statistical computations and not
> > computer science concerned with how to represent an
> > integer.
Hi Everyone,
I seek guidance to avoid wasting a lot of time and doing things badly.
Several times I've solved my problems, only to find that my solutions were
clumsy and not robust. (see "nested" getInitial calls; variable scoping
problems: Solved??
> Wacek Kusnierczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> but it does seem to be a wrong decision for a language
> focused mostly with statistical computations and not
> computer science concerned with how to represent an
> integer.
The key word here is "computations." And after read
If all I have access to is an empirically calculated hazard function, is it
possible to compute an approximate value for the mean lifetime?
I know that if the hazard function is essentially constant, the mean lifetime
is 1/hazard rate. But if I'm confident that the empirical hazard func
Try this:
sapply(names(result), function(nm)assign(nm, result[[nm]], envir = globalenv()))
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Stefan Fritsch
> Dear R Users,
> another problem for me is the output of a function.
> I have several output variables which I give back wit
I have been using the step() function for stepwise regression and was
wondering if there was a way to specify a tolerance level either using
step() or another stepwise function. So far I have only found an option to
specify tolerance in lm.fit() but I am not an experienced R user and am no
is there an option to calculate the 'within' & 'between' group variances
for a simple ANOVA (aov) model (2 groups, 1 trait, normally distr.) ?
or do I have to calculate them from the Sum Sq ?
thanks for your time and greetings,
Gregor Rolshausen
PhD Student; University
or ?with
Hope this helps,
On 26 Sep 2008, at 14:57, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
Dear R Users,
another problem for me is the output of a function.
I have several output variables which I give back with the list
test <- function {return(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...))}
> "AR" == Arthur Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:54:59 -0700 writes:
AR> Hi, all,
AR> Is there an R-command that will convert shell("cd") to a string, so
AR> that I can use it in the paste() command?
I'm pretty sure that for the specific case, you sh
Dear R Users,
another problem for me is the output of a function.
I have several output variables which I give back with the list command.
test <- function{return(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...))}
After the usage of the function I want to assign the variables to the output
result <
Hi Norman,
This is pretty easy in ggplot2 (if you adjust your data a little):
days <- seq(Sys.Date(), len=100, by="1 day")
df <- data.frame(
date = rep(days, each = 3),
trt = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 50),
price = runif(150)
qplot(date, price
a is a data.frame that contains a numeric vector "tot_rdm_amt", hence
you want to use cut(a$tot_rdm_amt,10), I guess
Uwe Ligges
Mackay Peter wrote:
Hi Everyone
I have a data set I want to bucket into deciles. Have been trying (without)
success to use cut and using online help to understand
chron uses:
- separate arguments for date and time -- not a single one as you have
- a separate system for the codes, not the % codes of Date and POSIXt classes
If you want to specify the date and time all as one string
rather than two arguments, use as.chron instead of
chron -- as.chron does use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 26.09.2008 16:18:33:
> what am I doing wrong?
> chron(as.character(f), format=c(dates="%m/%d/%y", times="%h:%m"))
Not sure about chron as I do not use it but this
strptime(f, format="%m/%d/%y %H:%M")
works OK. So maybe
chron(as.character(f), format=c(dates=
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 26.09.2008 14:17:59:
> Dear All
> I have three data sets, X1, X2 and Y. X1 is data, X2 and Y were
> generated in (different) R programs. All three vectors have one column
> of 60 data points.
> I am using the code lm(Y~X1)$coef and lm(Y~X2)$coef. The first returns
what am I doing wrong?
chron(as.character(f), format=c(dates="%m/%d/%y", times="%h:%m"))
f <- structure(c(51L, 60L, 66L, 87L, 90L, 115L, 23L, 35L, 37L, 6L,
12L, 55L, 84L, 96L, 109L, 17L, 29L, 41L, 3L, 74L, 94L, 102L,
30L, 8L, 46L, 69L, 107L, 15L, 25L, 39L, 1L, 71L, 95L, 19L, 56L,
62L, 76L, 85L, 9
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Erich Neuwirth wrote:
Is there a way tell R that it should use --internet2 from within
a running R process?
Not without changing the source code. If you read the sources, you will
see that you need to set the C variable UseInternet2 *before* the ftp/http
functions are c
Yes, sorry it auto.arima is in the 'forecast' package. The following produces
the problem:
auto.arima(ts(c(rep(0,104), rep(143, 52), rep(260,33)), frequency=52))
Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am calling auto.ar
Is there a way tell R that it should use --internet2 from within
a running R process?
Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
Visit our SunSITE at http://sunsite.univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-39464 Fax: +43-1-4277-39459
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your help. I did not have a go yet at installing R, but will
do it shortly.
I have another related query, and your help is greatly appreciated.
Eventually I am going to read netcdf files in R, do I need other packages
and/or softwares beside R-base (e.g. fortran compiler
I've just used r a little, so this might be a trivial question but
I have a small data file
part, vs/total ,ps/total,gpgpu, date
... ... ... ... ..
that contains the percent that certain features contribute to a part and
the dat
source() does the trick
thanks to you all!
baptiste auguie wrote:
you mean like ?source ?
On 26 Sep 2008, at 13:49, Michael Schulte wrote:
Dear R-people,
I want to use an idea from LaTeX in the work flow with R.
It is possible in LaTeX to have a main file from which other files are
This is hardly original to LaTeX (in fact even TeX has a way), and most
programming languages have such a mechanism (e.g. #include in C).
R's nearest equivalent is source(), but that does not have a mechanism
like TEXINPUTS to search for files (but then neither does MikTeX). I
believe I have
I performed canonical correspondence analysis (cca) with the example data of
vegan, but I'm not able to obtain a table like scores() for the constraining
variables. I can see them in the summary() mode, but it would be great to
have in a separate table. Any suggestion?, thanx Gianandrea
you mean like ?source ?
On 26 Sep 2008, at 13:49, Michael Schulte wrote:
Dear R-people,
I want to use an idea from LaTeX in the work flow with R.
It is possible in LaTeX to have a main file from which other files
are called (ie included).
So for example if you have book, the main index file
On Friday, 26 September 2008, 14:49 (UTC+0200), Michael Schulte wrote:
> So for example if you have book, the main index file would call each
> chapter separately.
> Is there something comparable in R that follows the above 'include' idea
> from LaTeX?
I've used source() for that.
At 02:02 26/09/2008, Rolf Turner wrote:
On 26/09/2008, at 12:34 PM, jim holtman wrote:
The nice thing about R is if you don't like something, then get create
your own function (is.Integer?) that does what you want without asking
to have the base code changed and therefore impact a lot of progr
Perhaps ?source.
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Michael Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear R-people,
> I want to use an idea from LaTeX in the work flow with R.
> It is possible in LaTeX to have a main file from which other files are
> called (ie included).
> So for example if yo
Dear Stefan,
One place is my Applied Regression text (Sage, 1997 or 2008).
John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
web: socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox
> -Original Message-
Dear R-people,
I want to use an idea from LaTeX in the work flow with R.
It is possible in LaTeX to have a main file from which other files are
called (ie included).
So for example if you have book, the main index file would call each
chapter separately.
Is there something comparable in R tha
On Friday, 26 September 2008, 10:49 (UTC+0200), Silje-Kristin Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> I have a small problem, I'm new in using R, so I hope you can help me...
> I'm running a logistic regression model and want to do a nice plot.
> The plot I have made is done a plot with the command jitter:
> plot
library(fortunes); fortune("Type III")
(Try it multiple times as there are two relevant quotes: one is to
I would not expect modern statistics courses to discuss this issue (or
even ANOVA except for historical information), as with an inter
Have you tried the dotplot() function in the package epicalc? I think it
does what you want.
kerfuffle wrote:
> hi folks,
> Bit of a newbie, but I've spent a fair bit of time looking for an answer
> on this, with no joy. Can anyone help me?
> Dataset: A single column of
Dear list,
slightly OT: can you recommend me any sources where I can find more
about this Type I - II - III anova problem? It seems as my statistics
courses did not cover this issue, so I feel rather naive and have this
sort of feeling that some of my analyses might be complete nonsense.
Dear All
I have three data sets, X1, X2 and Y. X1 is data, X2 and Y were
generated in (different) R programs. All three vectors have one column
of 60 data points.
I am using the code lm(Y~X1)$coef and lm(Y~X2)$coef. The first returns
two values, an intercept and a slope, but the second returns 60 v
I'm trying to find a way to change the font size in a mosaic plot (the
grid version, not the base graphics one).
Here's an example to demonstrate:
#Basic plot
mosaic(HairEyeColor, shade = TRUE)
#Bad first guess: this stops the default cell colouring, and doesn't
change the font siz
Daft of me. Yes. Many thanks,
Peter Dalgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
26/09/2008 12:14
Re: [R] Does R have an "inverse empirical cumulative distribution"
function ?
> Dear R Users,
> Does R have an "invers
Isn't the "inverse" ECDF just the quantile function?...
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Homepage: http://www.yihui.name
School of Statistics, Room 1037, Mingde Main Building,
Renmin University of China, Beiji
> Dear R Users,
> Does R have an "inverse empirical cumulative distribution" function,
> something one can use to invert ecdf ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tolga
quantile(, type=1)
(Actually you can't invert a piecewise constant function...)
O__ Pete
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