Re: [Rd] Changes in the survival package (long)

2024-12-15 Thread Dario Strbenac via R-devel
Good day, It is impressive to see such sustained package maintenance. -- Dr. Dario Strbenac Bioinformatics Research Associate School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney Camperdown N.S.W. 2050, Australia __

[Rd] Changes in the survival package (long)

2024-12-15 Thread Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel
The latest version of the survival package has two important additions. In prior code the call coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + strata(inst), data=lung) could fail if a version of either Surv() or strata() existed elsewhere on the search path; the wrong function could be picked up