The latest version of the survival package has two important additions.  In 
prior code the call
               coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + strata(inst), data=lung)
could fail if a version of either Surv() or strata() existed elsewhere on the 
search path; the wrong function could be picked up.  Second, a model with 
survival::strata(inst) in the formula would not do what users expect. These 
have now been addressed.

 1. For the coxph, concordance, survcheck, survfit, and survdiff modeling 
functions, any Surv(), strata(), cluster(), psline(), tt(), ridge(), frailty(), 
frailty.gamma(), frailty.gauss(), or frailty.t() model terms will use the 
versions from the survival namespace, automatically.  A survival:: modifier is 
not required.
 2. Any use of survival::strata(), survival::cluster(), survival::pspline(), 
... (all but survival::Surv) will have the 'survival::' modifier removed before 
the formula is evaluated.

 3. An exception to 1 above are models with a function/variable conflict such 
as Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata + strata(group) (found in the Epi package) 
or Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(strata) (found in epiDisplay); I simply 
haven't thought of an automatic way to pick strata() from the survival 
namespace, and the strata variable locally, without stepping on my own feet.  
In that same formula Surv would still be found in the survival namespace, 
 4. The call component of the relevant coxph, survfit, etc result is not 
changed, it still documents what you actually typed.  (Updating it to show 
"what was run" breaks a half dozen of the 800+ CRAN packages which make use of 
 This has no bearing on any discussion of whether to use coxph or 
survival::coxph as the primary call. Only formulas are affected by this change.
One motivation for this is that use of :: messes up formula processing, in 
particular the "specials" argument of model.frame, something the survival 
package depends on.  For instance, in versions prior to survival3.8-1 the 
following two calls lead to completely different models; in the second strata 
is not recognized. I urge people to try this and see just how different the two 
models are.
               coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + strata(inst), data=lung)
               coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + survival::strata(inst), data = 
Another false variant of the second model is
               temp <- survival::strata(lung$inst)
               coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + temp, data=lung)
The number in instances of these incorrect forms in the set of reverse 
dependencies was sobering.  I suspect the error is even more prevalent in user 
code.  This update automatically fixes the first but not the second.

 A second motivation was that many users, and this includes myself up to a 
couple months ago, may assume that any formulas in a coxph call would 
automatically resolve first in the survival namespace, in the same way that 
internal calls from coxph to subsidary functions like or 
residuals.coxph() do, without having to resort to use of the double colon.  But 
formulas are evaluated by model.frame(), outside the survival namespace.  To 
see this do the following simple test (pre version 3.8-2)
         Surv <- function(x) x^2   # silly replacement
         coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + strata(inst), lung)  # fails with an 

I can't be responsible for many of the mistakes user's make with the survival 
packages, but I want to prevent these two obvious ones.

As further explanation, we have to realize that formulas are special, i.e. many 
of the symbols in a formula mean something else than simple mathematics would 
give.  We are all familiar with this for the *, / and : symbols:   y ~ x1 * x2 
does not fit a single predictor which is x1 times x2, and y ~ x1 + age/10 is 
not a successful approach for adding "age in decades" as a predictor.  These 
special cases are based on pattern recognition in the formula parser.  If you  
instead wrote y ~ base::"*"(x1, x2), it won't produce the same result.   What 
many (perhaps most?) users fail to realize is that there are other "specials" 
that are recognized in exactly the same way, i.e., by pattern recognition, but 
which happen to look like a function call.  This include offset() in lm and 
glm, strata() in the survival package, s() in the gam package, etc. Qualifying 
any of these with :: mucks up the recognition process.  For instance
                glm(status ~ x + offset(log(time)),  family=poisson, data= aml)
               glm(status ~ x + stats::offset(log(time)), family= poisson, 

are  different models.  The first is a valid poisson regression, the second 
something else entirely.

In the survival package the Surv() function, however, is not recognized using 
the specials argument in model.frame, i.e. during parsing.  Instead, Surv() 
produces an object with a particular class and the modeling functions in 
survival key off that class.  Thus using survival::Surv() or Surv() in the 
formula both work, as does creating y <- Surv(time, status) outside and typing 
coxph(y ~ age + sex, lung).  Since it is not an error the new code does not 
strike off the survival:: part from survival::Surv() (even though this author 
much prefers the shorter form).  Right hand side specials do get modified.
So why didn't I make strata() work this way as well?  In 1993, when this design 
was first encoded, I based my design off the examples available to me, namely 
those models found in Chambers and Hastie "Statistical Models in S".  Both 
namespaces and :: were far, far in the future, and my crystal ball  cloudy.

As a footnote, getting this right was more subtle than I anticipated.  I 
introduced this in survival_3.8-0, and quickly went through 3.8-1, and 3.8-2 
versions.  I wish to acknowlege the CRAN maintainers for their useful input and 
patience as we have worked through the reverse dependency checks.   Current on 
github and (hopefully soon) on CRAN.

An unaswered question is how to best document this behaviour so that users will 
find it.

Terry Therneau

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