Well few facts.
Fpscan is not deamonized and its detection time is 20x-100x slower that
Clamav or Fpscand. It also double load of your server.
Fpscand is running in single thread and quite often get stuck. I belive,
that it can't handle huge traffic. (more that 10 emails per second)
Hi there
Hopefully a final change has been made to the f-prot support.
Can some f-prot users give this version a go, and if it sings, I'll
release the final version of 2.06
Arno Slatius wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, two enthusiastic thumbs up for including support for F-Prot 6.
> I installed the new scanner on a backup MX for now. I do have some issues
> which are fixable:
> The installer keeps 'detecting' the binary vars incorrect. I end up with
> this:
> my $