Well ....  few facts.
Fpscan is not deamonized and its detection time is 20x-100x slower that Clamav or Fpscand. It also double load of your server. Fpscand is running in single thread and quite often get stuck. I belive, that it can't handle huge traffic. (more that 10 emails per second) Clamav is multi threaded and stable. Actually it seems to be the only one "enterprise" antivirus for mail servers.

I have been using Fprot 6.0.2 for some 8 months, searching for replacement now.


Jason Haar wrote:
Arno Slatius wrote:

First of all, two enthusiastic thumbs up for including support for F-Prot 6.
I installed the new scanner on a backup MX for now. I do have some issues
which are fixable:

The installer keeps 'detecting' the binary vars incorrect. I end up with
    my $fpscand_binary='/usr/local/sbin/fpscan';
    my $fpscan_binary='';

OK - fixed.

To me however this is not logical: I'd like the scanner which I paid good
money for to be called first. Basically I want to know whether or not it is
still worth it's money; ClamAV should not catch anything anymore if the
first called F-Prot scanner is doing its work properly.
So the question realy is; is it possible for the installer to maintain the
order in which the scanners are listed in the --scanner var or will I have
to continue to edit output @scanner_array after each install?
Hah! Unfortunately you've hit a design decision I made. I designed it to
always put clamAV is front for exactly the same reason as yours - but in
reverse. I wanted to know how many viruses clamAV missed compared with
the commercial scanners. If it was  <10%, then it implies we are paying
a lot of money for AVs that aren't as good as a free product :-)
However, I'll see what I can do in the next release (2.07).

I have uploaded qmail-scanner-2.06-rc2 with the fixed fpscan detection.
Can you let me know if that fixes F-prot support?

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