Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!

2005-01-03 Thread jfj
Ron Garret wrote: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Erik Bethke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have NEVER experienced this kind of programming joy. Just wait until you discover Lisp! ;-) I've had it with all those lisp posts lately ;-) There were functional and non-functional programming languag

Re: Tuple slices

2005-01-26 Thread jfj
Jeff Shannon wrote: So, what problem is it, exactly, that you think you'd solve by making tuple slices a view rather than a copy? I think views are good for 1) saving memory 2) saving time (as you don't have to copy the elements into the new tuple) And they are worth it. However, (as in other

Re: Tuple slices

2005-01-27 Thread jfj
Nick Coghlan wrote: 1. Applies only if you are making large slices, or a lot of slices with each containing at least 3 elements. A view can also *cost* memory, when it looks at a small piece of a large item. The view will keep the entire item alive, even though it needs only a small piece. Tha

Re: python memory blow out

2005-01-27 Thread jfj
Stephen Thorne wrote: On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:08:59 +0800, Simon Wittber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: According to the above post: a) If the allocation is > 256 bytes, call the system malloc. b) If the allocation is < 256, use its own malloc implementation, which allocates memory in 256 kB chunks and

Re: Question about 'None'

2005-01-27 Thread jfj
Francis Girard wrote: Wow ! What is it that are compared ? I think it's the references (i.e. the adresses) that are compared. The "None" reference may map to the physical 0x0 adress whereas 100 is internally interpreted as an object for which the reference (i.e. address) exists and therefore gre

Re: Question about 'None'

2005-01-28 Thread jfj
Francis Girard wrote: What was the goal behind this rule ? If you have a list which contains integers, strings, tuples, lists and dicts and you sort it and print it, it will be easier to detect what you're looking for:) G. --

Confused with methods

2005-02-06 Thread jfj
I don't understand. We can take a function and attach it to an object, and then call it as an instance method as long as it has at least one argument: # class A: pass def foo(x): print x = foo a=A() # However this is not possible for another instance method

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-06 Thread jfj
Dan Perl wrote: "jfj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] However this is not possible for another instance method: class A: pass class B: def foo(x,y) print x,y b=B() = a=A() # error!!! ## Python complains t

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-06 Thread jfj
Alex Martelli wrote: jfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Isn't that inconsistent? That Python has many callable types, not all of which are descriptors? I don't see any inconsistency there. Sure, a more generalized currying (argument-prebinding) capability would be more powerf

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-06 Thread jfj
Diez B. Roggisch wrote: If things worked as you wanted it to, that would mean that passing a bound method as argument to a class and storing it there to an instance variable that would "eat up" the arguments - surely not the desired behaviour. Could you please give an example of this ? If you mean:

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-06 Thread jfj
Alex Martelli wrote: I still wouldn't see any "inconsistency" even if two different ways of proceeding gave the same result in a certain case. That would be like saying that having x-(-y) give the same result as x+y (when x and y are numbers) is ``inconsistent''... the word ``inconsistent'' just d

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread jfj
Alex Martelli wrote: jfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Then, without looking at the previous code, one can say that "x" is a function which takes one argument. One can say whatever one wishes, but saying it does not make it true. One can say that x is a green frog, but that

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread jfj
r backwards compatibility, but in Python 3000 it may be the other way around. Thanks all. jfj --

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread jfj
the universe. There is no trolling involved here. Maybe wrong use of the english language. But then again, this is the newgroups and the english language is ill-used all the time:) Regards, jfj --

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread jfj
rrogant noob -- just like arrogant experts... Inconsistenly y'rs jfj --

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread jfj
I just realized that I'm trolling. We all sometimes get into a trollwar despite our intensions (even FL). So, I would like to apologize on behalf of all those who participated in it. I'm sorry you had to witness that. jfj --

Re: A great Alan Kay quote

2005-02-10 Thread jfj
as to capture people as they were. So I think the lack of a real computer science today, and the lack of real software engineering today, is partly due to this pop culture. """ So, let's not be so self-important , and see this interview as one who bashes perl and admir

Re: Iterate through dictionary of file objects and file names

2005-02-12 Thread jfj
Brian Beck wrote: print "Closed: %s" % fileName Call me a pedant, but what'd wrong with: print 'closed: ' + filename or print 'closed:', filename ? Modulus operator good but don't over-use it. Otherwise, bad style. jfj --

Re: THREAD_STACK_SIZE and python performance?

2005-02-12 Thread jfj
ay* matter AFAIK, may be threads. Because each thread has its own stack --in non-stackless python-- stack size may be an issue if it's too much and there are **many** threads. Otherwise, it should not have any impact on performance. jfj # cure to insomnia: when you lay down, try to figure out

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread jfj
;t be free if it wasn't for gcc. Just for that I _believe_ python, being open source, should support mingw as the default. But I *don't care* and I don't mind, really ;) jfj --

[newbie] Confused with raise w/o args

2005-02-14 Thread jfj
like to ask: Are the semantics of 'raise w/o args' a result of python's implementation? If python was re-designed, would that be different? In python 3000, would you consider changing this and if yes, to what semantics? May this be changed in 2.5? Thanks jfj - #

Re: [newbie] Confused with raise w/o args

2005-02-14 Thread jfj
jfj wrote: IMHO, a more clean operation of raise would be either: 1) raise w/o args allowed *only* inside an except clause to re-raise the exception being handled by the clause. Wait! second that. We would like to ### def bar(): raise def b5(): try: raise A

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread jfj
bruno modulix wrote: Ilias Lazaridis wrote: I'm a newcomer to python: [EVALUATION] - E01: The Java Failure - May Python Helps? My trollometer's beeping... When person 'A' calls person 'B' a troll, these are the possibilities:

Re: [newbie] Confused with raise w/o args

2005-02-14 Thread jfj
Fredrik Lundh wrote: "jfj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Wait! second that. We would like to hmm. are you seconding yourself, and refering to you and yourself as we? :) "we" refers to all python users. no. your foo() function raises B, and is called from the exception

Re: lambda closure question

2005-02-19 Thread jfj
sted functions that reference variables from their outer scope"? (although if find this little useful and un-pythonic) Personally, i think that this is a problem with the way lisp and other languages define the term "closure". But python is different IMO, and the ability to referenc

Re: lambda closure question

2005-02-19 Thread jfj
Carl Banks wrote: jfj wrote: Carl Banks wrote: Ted Lilley wrote: Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It seems the closure keeps track of the variable fed to it dynamically - if the variable changes after [...] At least, that's the explanation I'm deducing from this behavior. And tha

Re: lambda closure question

2005-02-20 Thread jfj
It carries around a silly cell object for the rest of its lifetime. see xx.func_closure. At least, I think this is what happens... jfj --

Re: lambda closure question

2005-02-21 Thread jfj
Antoon Pardon wrote: Op 2005-02-19, jfj schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: once foo() returns there is no way to modify 'x'! It becomes a kind of constant. In this particular case yes. But not in general, what about this: def F(): ... l = [] ... def pop(): ... return l.pop()

Re: lambda closure question

2005-02-21 Thread jfj
Carl Banks wrote: transformations gets rebound, so you'd need a reference to it. That certainly is an application. I guess it depends on one's programming background. I'd only use nested (function, class) definition to accomplish such a feature: def genclass(x,y): clas

Confused with classmethods

2005-03-11 Thread jfj
Hi. Suppose this: def foo (x): print x f = classmethod (foo) class A: pass a=A() a.f = f a.f() # TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable! ### I understand that this is a very peculiar use of classmethods but is this error intentional? Or did

Re: Confused with classmethods

2005-03-11 Thread jfj
Diez B. Roggisch wrote: I understand that this is a very peculiar use of classmethods but is this error intentional? Or did I completely missed the point somewhere? A little bit: classmethods are defined in a class context. def foo(cls): print cls class A: foo = classmethod(foo) The error

Re: Confused with classmethods

2005-03-11 Thread jfj
Diez B. Roggisch wrote: Moreover the documentation sais that if the first argument is an instance, its class will be used for the classmethod. OTOH, "class scope" is not a real thing in python. It is just some code which is executed and then we get its locals and use it on Class(localsDict, Base

Re: Confused with classmethods

2005-03-11 Thread jfj
s in the __dict__ of the instance, indeed. OTOH, I'm talking about the "concept of python" and not CPython implementation, and that's why I have these questions:) Thanks, jfj --

Re: Python scope is too complicated

2005-03-20 Thread jfj
t; in global_dictionary, local_dictionary In this case it uses the opcode LOAD_NAME which looks first in locals and then in globals (and actually, then in __builtins__) For functions it uses either LOAD_FAST for locals or LOAD_GLOBAL for globals. HTH jfj --

Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-13 Thread jfj
Yo. Why can't we __setitem__ for tuples? The way I see it is that if we enable __setitem__ for tuples there doesn't seem to be any performance penalty if the users don't use it (aka, python performance independent of tuple mutability). On the other hand, right now we have to use a list if we want t

Re: PyCon is coming - we need your help

2004-12-22 Thread jfj
I wish it was in Amsterdam.. ;) Gerald --

Re: Lambda going out of fashion

2004-12-23 Thread jfj
Stephen Thorne wrote: Hi guys, I'm a little worried about the expected disappearance of lambda in python3000. I've had my brain badly broken by functional programming in the past, and I would hate to see things suddenly become harder than they need to be. Don't worry, it's not gonna go away because

Re: Python scope is too complicated

2005-03-21 Thread jfj
Dan Bishop wrote: x = 17 sum(x for x in xrange(101)) 5050 x 17 Your example with generator expressions is interesting. Even more interesting is: def foo(x): y= (i for i in x) return y From the disassembly it seems that the generator is a code object but 'x' is not a cell variable. WTF?

Re: Getting the word to conventional programmers

2005-03-22 Thread jfj
fort were poured into speeding up Python as Sun devoted to Java, Python would be better than Java in every respect." Except from a the standard, powerful, looks-good-everywhere-and-has-a-tree-widget GUI toolkit? :) Seriously, I think this is *very* important. jfj --

Re: Calling __init__ with multiple inheritance

2005-03-28 Thread jfj
.__init__ (self, params) is simpler and does the job perfectly well. super seems to be needed in "Dynamic Inheritance" cases where we don't know an object's bases and there are comlicated mro issues! jfj --

Re: Calling __init__ with multiple inheritance

2005-03-28 Thread jfj
Peter Otten wrote: jfj wrote: Peter Otten wrote: Here is an alternative approach that massages the initializer signatures a bit to work with super() in a multiple-inheritance environment: super(Father, self).__init__(p_father=p_father, **more) Is there any advantage using super in this

Re: Calling __init__ with multiple inheritance

2005-03-29 Thread jfj
Peter Otten wrote: Child() child father mother parent # <-- parent only once <__main__.Child object at 0x402ad38c> D-uh? class Parent(object): def __init__(self): print "parent" super(Parent, self).__init__() class Father

Re: StopIteration in the if clause of a generator expression

2005-04-01 Thread jfj
Peter Otten wrote: To confuse a newbies and old hands alike, Bengt Richter wrote: got me for one:) To make it a bit clearer, a StopIteration raised in a generator expression silently terminates that generator: *any* exception raised from a generator, terminates the generator jfj -- http

Re: Calling a Perl Module from Python

2005-04-06 Thread jfj
Swaroop C H wrote: AFAIK, there isn't any reliable way to call Perl modules from Python. pyperl. pyperl. pyperl. +10 on making this a standard module for embrace+extend reasons *and* because perl is not that bad after all. jf --

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread jfj
n we should also remove: x=[] to x=list() x=[1,2,3] to x=list(1,2,3) I think "list" is useful only: 1) to subclass it 2) to convert a list/tuple/string to a list, which is done extremely fast. But for iterators I find the list comprehension syntax nicer. jfj --

Re: How to "generalize" a function?

2005-04-25 Thread jfj
ter('(.*)address(.*)') writeMask=makewriter('(.*)netmask(.*)') This is rather advanced python programming though, but it shows cool dynamic function creation features and it's never early to get into it;) jfj --

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread jfj
I jfj wrote: make_fractal_with_seed (x for x in range(1) if fibonacci_prime (x)) and this is stupendus. At least range should be xrange. jfj --

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread jfj
Robert Kern wrote: jfj wrote: 2) to convert a list/tuple/string to a list, which is done extremely fast. Add "any iteratable". Genexps are iterables. The thing is that when you want to convert a tuple to a list you know already the size of it and you can avoid using append() and exp

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread jfj
Mike Meyer wrote: jfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: I think a better question would be "What do *generator expressions* do that list comprehensions don't?". And always use list comprehensions unless you want the extra bit. As the OP, I can say why I didn't ask tho

Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-28 Thread jfj
python_org(); system ("install_python.exe"); goto have_python; } Seriously, people who want executables wouldn't notice the difference. jfj --

Re: empty lists vs empty generators

2005-05-02 Thread jfj
s until you call its next() method. > Q2: Is there a way that handles both lists and generators, so I don't > have to worry about which one I've got? I don't think this is possible. A generator must be called (with next()) in order for its code to take over and see if it is e