Carl Banks wrote:

jfj wrote:

Carl Banks wrote:

Ted Lilley wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It seems the closure keeps track

the variable fed to it dynamically - if the variable changes after


At least, that's the explanation I'm deducing from this behavior.

And that's the correct explanation, chief.

It is intended that way.  As an example of why that is: consider a
nested function called "printvars()" that you could insert i


places within a function to print out the value of some local

If you did that, you wouldn't want printvars to print the values

the time it was bound, would you?

Allow me to disagree (and start a new "confused with closures"

We know that python does not have references to variables. To some
newcomers this may seem annoying but eventually they understand the
pythonic way and they do without them. But in the case of closures
python supports references!

That's right.  It's called Practicality beats purity.

Yes, but according to the python philosophy one could pass locals() to the nested function and grab the values from there. Seems practical for the rareness of this...

 My experience bears this out: I find that about half the nested
functions I use are to reference an outer scope, half I return as a
closure.  Only once or twice did I try to use a nested function inside
the defining function.  I would guess this is more or less typical of
how nested functions are used.  If so, it was the right decision.

The question is how many of the nested functions you use take advantage of the fact that the deref'd variable is a *reference to a variable* and not a *constant* (different constant for each definition of the nested function of course). Or, IOW, it seems very reasonable that if somebody wants to write the "printvars()" function, he could simply pass locals().

I would accept this being the right decision if there was a statement
like "global var", called "deref var" with which nested funcs could
modify those variables.  Then we could say:

def foo():
    def f1(y):
        deref x
        x = y
    def f2():
        print x
    return f1, f2
But one should go with OOP in that case instead.

Ogligatory Python 3000 suggestion:
I hope in python 3000, we'll get rid of CellObjects and insert
freevars at the consts of the function object at MAKE_CLOSURE.



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