Let's say I have the following
class BaseHandler:
def foo(self):
print "Hello"
class HomeHandler(BaseHandler):
Then I do the following...
test = HomeHandler()
How can HomeHandler call foo() when I never created an instance of
On Apr 21, 9:30 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant
> chad wrote:
> > Let's say I have the following
> > class BaseHandler:
> > def foo(self):
> > print "Hello"
> > class HomeHandler(BaseHandler):
> > pa
On Apr 22, 12:47 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
> On Thursday, April 21, 2011 11:00:08 AM UTC-7, MRAB wrote:
> > On 21/04/2011 18:12, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
> > > chad writes:
> > >> Let's say I have the following
> > >> class BaseHand
I have installed a TWAIN module(from
http://twainmodule.sourceforge.net) today and figured out how to
acquire an image. The only problem is that the image is way too large
in terms of filesize. It is over 1MB.
I can do either one of two things. Try to figure out how to manupilate
the image with
Is there anyway to set the individual options in Tkinter to a
particular variable. For example, I have a menu option(code is below)
which has January, February, March and so on, which I would like to
have corresponding values of 01, 02, 03 and so on. Can someone please
tell me how to do that with
I have a simple little program that brings up asks the user to enter a
note, then is supposed to place that note into a text file when the
user hits the submit button. However, when the user hits the submit
button, absolutely nothing happens. IDLE doesn't give an error
message and the note is not
On Apr 12, 5:03 pm, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Stroud wrote:
> > Chad wrote:
> >> I have a simple little program that brings up asks the user to enter a
> >> note, then is supposed to place that note into a text file when the
> >>
Let's say I have a list of 5 files. Now lets say that one of the files
reads nude333.txt instead of nude3.txt. When this happens, the program
generates an error and quits. What I want it to do is just skip over
the bad file and continue on with the next one. Below is the actual
code. It only works
On Jun 4, 7:36 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> On Thu, 04 Jun 2009 18:26:49 -0700, chad wrote:
> > Let's say I have a list of 5 files. Now lets say that one of the files
> > reads nude333.txt instead of nude3.txt. When this happens, the program
> > generates an error
I have a directory that contains the following
What's the sanest way to print out all the files in the directory that
start with the underscore? Ie, I just want to list _1, _2, _3, _4.
On Sep 29, 7:20 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
> > What's the sanest way to print out all the files in the directory that
> > start with the underscore? Ie, I just want to list _1, _2, _3, _4.
> I'd use a string's join() method to combine the results of a
> list-comprehension or generator that filtered th
On Sep 29, 7:52 pm, chad wrote:
> On Sep 29, 7:20 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
> > > What's the sanest way to print out all the files in the directory that
> > > start with the underscore? Ie, I just want to list _1, _2, _3, _4.
> > I'd use a string&
Given the following
import subprocess as s
broadcast = s.Popen("echo test | wall", shell=True,stdout=s.PIPE)
out = broadcast.stdout
while 1:
The code only executes once. What I want to do is be able to
continuously w
I tried to change the timeout value from 30 to 90 for pexpect in the
following script...
import telnetlib
import time
import pexpect
def get_name():
user = raw_input("\nUsername: ")
password = raw_input("Password: ")
idle(user, password)
def idle(user, password):
I manually log into a remote shell and so some stuff. After I do some
stuff, I want the rest of the session to be automated. I've tried
pexpect using the interact() function. However, I don't see any way to
go into non-interactive mode going this route. Ideas?
Given the following...
import pexpect
p = pexpect.spawn('cat')
p.expect (['1234'])
p.expect (['1234'])
I no output when I run it...
[cdal...@localhost oakland]$ ./ecat.py
[cdal...@localhost oakland]$
I don't get it. I was expecting to see the output from b
On Dec 24, 4:00 pm, chad wrote:
> Given the following...
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import pexpect
> p = pexpect.spawn('cat')
> p.sendline('1234')
> p.expect (['1234'])
> p.expect (['1234'])
> I no output when I run i
Given the following code...
class cgraph:
def printme(self):
print "hello\n"
x = cgraph()
Does the function print() exist in the cgraph namespace or the
printme() one?
On Jul 13, 8:37 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:03:14 -0700, chad wrote:
> > Given the following code...
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> > class cgraph:
> > def printme(self):
> > print "hello\n"
> > x =
Given the following..
import urllib2
import sys
import time
while 1:
con = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.google.com";)
data = con.read()
print "connected"
#The loop doesn't exit if I use sys.exit(1)
. x = 1
... y = 2
>>> one = foo()
>>> two = foo()
>>> print one
<__main__.foo instance at 0xb7f3a2ec>
>>> print two
<__main__.foo instance at 0xb7f3a16c>
>>> one.x
Is 'one' a reference or a name space? Also, in 'one.x'. would 'one'
be the name space?
On Oct 9, 5:52 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 12:44:29 -0700, chad wrote:
> > Given the following...
> > [cdal...@localhost oakland]$ python
> > Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, May 3 2009, 17:04:44) [GCC 4.1.1 20061011
> > (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)
ore.poll() function:
(r,w,e) = select.select (r,w,e, timeout)
print '---'
print 'read', r
print 'write', w
Each time through the loop you will see which channels have fired
which events.
How the heck
On Oct 16, 6:47 am, Lucasm wrote:
> On 16 Okt, 15:31, chad wrote:
> > At the following url..
> >http://www.nightmare.com/medusa/programming.html
> > The author has the following code for a simple HTTP client
> > #!/usr/bin/python
On Oct 16, 11:02 am, Felipe Bastos Nunes
> You edited the source of asyncore.py puttin the print statments and
> nothing happend? It should work as the method is called as the page
> you posted said.
> 2010/10/16, chad :
> > On Oct 16, 6:47 am, Lucasm
On Oct 16, 11:02 am, Felipe Bastos Nunes
> You edited the source of asyncore.py puttin the print statments and
> nothing happend? It should work as the method is called as the page
> you posted said.
> 2010/10/16, chad :
> > On Oct 16, 6:47 am, Lucasm
Let's say there is a site that uses javascript to generate menus. More
or less what happens is when a person clicks on url, a pop up menu
appears asking the users for some data. How would I go about
automating this? Just curious because the web spider doesn't actually
pick up the urls that generate
I tried the following...
class foo:
def first(self):
print "Chad "
def last(self):
print "A "
x = foo()
y = x.first()
But when I ran it, I got the following...
[cdal...@localhost oakland]$ ./chain.py
Traceback (m
On Oct 24, 4:11 pm, James Mills wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Chris Rebert wrote:
> > Method chaining is usually* not idiomatic in Python.
> I don't agree but anyway... I've just not seen it commonly used
> amongst python programmers.
> cheers
> James
I just saw this technique
I have an text file with the following numbers
Now the program reads in this file. When it encounters a '\n', it will
do some stuff and then move to the next line. For example, it will
read 1 and then '\n'. When it sees '\n', it will do some stuff and go
on to read 3.
The problem i
d on 'value' instead of 'curline'. Will the program
still read the input file named freq line by line even though I don't
have it yielding on 'curline'? Or since I have it yield on 'value',
will it read the entire input file into memory at once?
On Nov 7, 9:34 am, chad wrote:
> I have an input file named 'freq' which contains the following data
> 123 0
> 133 3
> 146 1
> 200 0
> 233 10
> 400 2
> Now I've attempted to write a script that would take a number from the
> standard inp
On Nov 7, 9:47 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:34 AM, chad wrote:
> > #!/usr/local/bin/python
> > import sys
> > def construct_set(data):
> > for line in data:
> > lines = line.splitline
Let's say that I have an article. What I want to do is read in this
file and have the program skip over ever instance of the words "the",
"and", "or", and "but". What would be the general strategy for
attacking a problem like this?
ns, I apologize and hope that you can direct me to
another NG.
import random
print "\tWelcome to 'Guess my Number'!"
print "\nI'm Thinking of a Number between 1 and 100."
print "\nTry to Guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n"
#Set th
with more questions before too long.
"Chad Everett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all, I am new to the group. Trying to learn Python programming on my
> own. I am working through Michael Dawson's Book Python Programming f
Hello all,
Have a problem here with a challenge from a book I am reading.
Any help is much appreciated.
I am trying to run a program that asks the user for a statement and then
prints it out backwards.
this is what I have.
It does not print anything out. I assume that I have something out of wh
"Paul Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chad Everett wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Have a problem here with a challenge from a book I am reading.
>> Any help is much appreciated.
>> I am trying to ru
Hey guys,
Thanks for the hint.
I found that info last night but I could never get it to print more than
just the last letter.
or it would only print partially.
I was using just a single colon, the double colon did it.
"Chad Everett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in mess
Does anyone know why you get socket error while trying to run IDLE and the
module. Is says something about a Subprocess Startup Error. I know that
it always says something about a personal firewall. I have all that shut
off. About 50% of the time when I try and test code by running the module
Hey guys,
I am back. Trying to expand on a program that was given in the book I am
No I am not a high school or college student. Doing this on my own. and
having way to much trouble
I am trying to add a hint section to a word jumble program.
I get a traceback error that the word
Thanks for your help. That should get me along. I appreciate your time.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chad Everett wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I am back. Trying to expand on a program that was given in the book
id syntax".
If anyone has a moment could you please look at it and tell me what I am
doing wrong.
thanks for your time and patience.
# Coin Flip Program
# This program flips a coin 100 times and tells the number of heads and
# Chad Everett 2/3/2005
print "\t\tCoin Fli
"max" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Chad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>> I have installed a TWAIN module(from
>> http://twainmodule.sourceforge.net) today and figured out how to
program tells me
that I guessed the correct number and tells me I guessed 31.
2.When I do get the correct number I can not get the program to stop
asking me for the number.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
# Five Tries to Guess My Number
# The computer picks a random number between 1 and
Nope, I am trying to learn it on my own. I am using the book by Michael
"Francis Girard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Mmm. This very much look like a homework from school. Right ?
Francis Girard
Le lundi 14 Février 2005 04:03
No problem, I need all the help and insruction I can get.
"Kent Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Kent Johnson wrote:
>> You might be interested in the Python tutor mailing list which is
>> specifically
I got it, thanks for the help.
"Michael Hartl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Sorry about the code: Google Groups screwed up the formatting, but I
> hope you get the picture.
r the
definitions of the names in the context of the language grammar.[2]
However, the program below gives me a human-readable parse tree (also
below) that contains symbols that don't seem to be in the grammar, e.g.,
small_stmt, expr_stmt, factor. Is my expectation wrong?
mar/Grammar with the
rest of the docs, e.g., at doc/ref/grammar-parser.txt?
Thanks again for the sanity check!
[1] http://python.org/doc/ref/introduction.html
(correctly) bubbling out of the task. GeneratorExit is similar in
practice to SystemExit here, so it would make sense for it to be a
BaseException as well.
So, my proposal is that GeneratorExit derive from BaseException instead
of Exception.
p.s. Should I have sent this mail to pytho
Hi Terry,
Thank you for your feedback. Responses inline:
Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Chad Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> || try:
> | result = yield chatGateway.checkForInvite({'userId': userId})
> | logger.i
(FooError, BarError) tuple syntax.
I've never hacked on CPython itself, so I don't know what kind of
changes there would be involved, but if there is sufficient pushback
against making GeneratorExit derive from BaseException, I think this is
a fine alternative. Thoughts?
tly appreciated...
We're using Python 2.3.5 and Visual C++ 6.
Chad Austin
get an exception that
unambiguously shows what's going on rather than having random crashes reported
in the field.
Chad Austin wrote:
> Hi all,
> My first post to the list. :) I'm debugging one of our application
> crashes, and I thought maybe one of you has seen something s
Python´s IDE for you?
> Thanks,
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
PyDev is a Python plugin for Eclipse, here is a link to its SourceForge
t was trying to learn 'speech' patterns and it overloaded its
> database. (I've seen that happen on at least one chatbot...)
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
I am trying to filter out this bot via my gmail account but what ends up
happening is that any thread it posts ends up being deleted instead of just
its individual posts. Does anyone know how to filter out just a specific
user in gmail thread view?
t = info[8].lstrip("tid=")
# process trace.int
tf = open(tracefile, 'r')
grep("cmd=java pid",tf)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A grasshopper walks into a bar and
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> Chad Kellerman wrote:
> > Python users,
> > I am parsing an AIX trace file and creating a dictionary containing
> > keys (PIDS) and values (a list of TIDS). With PIDS being unique proce
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Chad Kellerman wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
>> Chad Kellerman wrote:
>> > Python users,
>> > I am parsing an AIX trace file and creating a diction
nameList = list(liveHost)
clone = nameList[-1]
di = nameList[-2]
generic = liveHost[:-2]
for stageHost in stageHostList:
if re.match( generic + '.' + clone, stageHost ):
print "Got a pair: " + stageHost + liveHost
Thanks aga
Title: Class methods
Is there any way to create a class method? I can create a class variable like this:
class Foo:
classVariable = None
def __init__(self, classVariable):
Foo.classVariable = classVariable
A = Foo('a')
B = Foo('b')
Print 'The class variable for A is "%s" a
One db that is very much worth trying is Firebird. This is an open
source Interbase 6.0 (Borland product) compatible db. It is a
SourceForge project. There are three versions: the super server which
is a client/server db, classic server (the one that I am very familiar
with) which is also a clie
Firebird is cross platform (you would need the classic server version)
look at the following post:
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Will McGugan
Sent: Wednesday, June
Title: Can't start new thread
I am trying to understand what is causing python to raise this error when I create a number of threads:
thread.error: can't start new thread
I have been told that it is due to the default thread size (1 MB), but I have recompiled python defining an alternate
expected on a Linux box (main thrd's sleep is interrupted). Sample output from
systems is directly below.
Just looking for insight from others in the know.
Linux 2.6.17
test_bed$ python
bash-2.05b# python2.5 ./thrd_test.py
Starting up
MainThread.run(): 71799
ChildThread.run(): 71799
ChildThread before sleep(10)
MainThread before sleep(15)
^CReceived signal 2
flag: True
flag: False
MainThread after sleep(15)
Shutting down
> I've run into an &quo
Title: Thread Stack Size
I am using the threading module to create a great deal of threads. Is there any way to set the thread stack size? It looks like each thread is being given a default stack size of 1MB. I have looked all over and I cannot find a way to shrink the stack to a few KB. W
EnumKey enumerates subkeys which are equivalent to the folders in
regedit. EnumValue enumerates values only. The reason your script is
not printing anything must be due to the fact that you are passing in a
registry path that contains only subkeys and no values. As I mentioned
before, the folders
. When I use RE: in front of the reply and put python-list@python.org in the TO field, my reply ends up as the start of a new thread. Is this supposed to be the procedure?
Title: smtpd module
Does anyone know of any documentation on how to use the smtpd module, either the SMTPServer or the DebuggingServer? I cannot find any usage cases or examples anywhere. I can find examples of using the smtplib module but not the smtpd module.
-Original Message-
From: Ivan Shevanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 2:03 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Cc: Hughes, Chad O
Subject: RE: smtpd module
So youre wondering how to send mail in python? I have a lot of examples
you want the smtp module. I don
Here are two scripts that I have had to build for a class that I teach. You
will either need to write the constants explicitly, or I can email neet the
constans module that I have built, for the second one to work. I will copy it
to the very end. If you have any questions, just let me know. He
Sorry, I meant to spell check but I did not somehow.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hughes, Chad O
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:01 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: RE: how to operate the excel by python?
Here are two
example I have seen yet.
-Original Message-
From: Tim Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:35 AM
To: Hughes, Chad O; Jesse Noller
Subject: SMTP Test Rig
Chad, Jesse. The SMTP test rig receives SMTP emails and can be
to write them to the screen
-Original Message-
From: Hughes, Chad O
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 9:09 AM
To: 'Fred Dixon'
Subject: RE: [python-win32] NTService detecting if the Windows System is
There may be important processes running in the background (headless
process with no user interaction)
I think you are talking about the following:
from win32com.client import Dispatch
path = raw_input('Type in a path: ')
s.Run('Explorer %s'%path)
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Beha
The first part is easy. I will have to think about the second part. To
find an opened copy of Word and switch focus to it do the following:
from win32com.client import Dispatch
word = Dispatch('Word.Application')
wdWindowStateNormal = 0
if len(word.Documents):
if word.WindowSta
Consider reading this post. It highlights how to do what you want:
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
John Henry
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:21 PM
To: python-list
to Pearl. If
you tell me what these features are in Pearl and what you use them for,
I can tell you if Python has them as well.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 9:20 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Are you sure about the lower-case thing. The original post states
"Perlhead" and there are many instances at www.Perl.com where O'REILLY
spells perl as Perl.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steven D'Aprano
Thanks, I will keep that in mind.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steven D'Aprano
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 11:06 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: RE: Overcoming herpetophobia (or what's up w/ Python scopes)?
On F
type in the word "xlRight" you
will see that it is equal to -4152.
-Original Message-From: Kevin P.
Coffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 17,
2005 11:28 AMTo: python-list@python.orgSubject: how to
operate the excel by python?
83 matches
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