Nope,  I am trying to learn it on my own.  I am using the book by Michael 

"Francis Girard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
Mmm. This very much look like a homework from school. Right ?
Francis Girard

Le lundi 14 Février 2005 04:03, Chad Everett a écrit :
> Hey guys,
> Hope you can help me again with another problem.  I am trying to learn
> Python on my own and need some help with the following.
> I am writing a program that lets has the pc pick a number and the user
> has five guess to get the number.
> 1. BUG:  If the number is say 35 and I guess 41 the program tells me
> that I guessed the correct number and tells me I guessed 31.
> 2.When I do get the correct number I can not get the program to stop
> asking me for the number.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> Chad
> # Five Tries to Guess My Number
> #
> # The computer picks a random number between 1 and 100
> # The player gets Five tries to guess it and the computer lets
> # the player know if the guess is too high, too low
> # or right on the money
> #
> # Chad Everett 2/10/2005
> import random
> print "\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!"
> print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100."
> print "You Only Have Five Guesses.\n"
> # set the initial values
> number = random.randrange(100) + 1
> guess = int(raw_input("Go Ahead and Take a guess: "))
> tries = 1
> # guessing loop
> while guess != number:
>      if (guess > number):
>          print "Guess Lower..."
>      else:
>          print "Guess Higher..."
>      guess = int(raw_input("Take Another guess: "))
>      tries += 1
>      print "You guessed it!  The number was", number
>      print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n"
>      if tries == 5:
>          print "Sorry You Lose!!!!"
>          print "The Number was ", number
> raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
> Welcome to 'Guess My Number'!
> I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
> You Only Have Five Guesses.
> Go Ahead and Take a guess: 99
> Guess Lower...
> Take Another guess: 98
> You guessed it!  The number was 85
> And it only took you 2 tries!
> Guess Lower...
> Take Another guess: 44
> You guessed it!  The number was 85
> And it only took you 3 tries!
> Guess Higher...
> Take Another guess: 55
> You guessed it!  The number was 85
> And it only took you 4 tries!
> Guess Higher...
> Take Another guess: 33
> You guessed it!  The number was 85
> And it only took you 5 tries!
> Sorry You Lose!!!!
> The Number was  85
> Guess Higher...
> Take Another guess:


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