Heya. I have never used a module/script before, and the first problem I
have run into is that I do not know how to install a module/script. I
have downloaded Beautiful Soup, but how do I use it in one of my own
programs? I know that I use an "include" statement, but do I first need
to make a copy o
Hello. I am having a little trouble extracting text from a string. The
string that I am dealing with is pasted below, and I want to extract
the prices that are contained in the string below. Thanks in advanced
for any and all help. Thank you.
Okay, so it sounds like I am in the right direction. However, I am not
sure that the text is in a string or some other format becasue the
string is enclosed in "[" and "]", not in ' '.
This is the output I get:
>>> prices
Hey. I am trying to grab the prices from the string below but I get a
few errors when I try to do it: Take a look at the code and error
messages below for me and thanks you in advanced to all that help.
Thank you. Here's the code & error messages:
>>> p
Hello. I am getting an error and it has gotten me stuck. I think the
best thing I can do is post my code and the error message and thank
everybody in advanced for any help that you give this issue. Thank you.
Here's the code:
import urllib2
import re
import xlrd
from B
Hello. I am getting the error that is displayed below, and I know
exactly why it occurs. I posted some of my program's code below, and if
you look at it you will see that the error terminates the program
pre-maturely. Becasue of this pre-mature termination, the program is
not able to execute it's f
Thanks for all of the help. It all has been very useful to an new
python programmer. I agree that I should fix the error/bug instead of
handeling it with a try/etc. However, I do not know why
"range(sh.nrows)" never gets the right amount of rows right. For
example, if the Excel sheet has 10 rows wi
John Machin thanks for all of your help, and I take responsibility for
the way I worded my sentences in my last reply to this topic. So in an
effort to say sorry, I want to make it clear to everybody that it seems
as though errors in my code and use of external programs (Excel in
particular) are m
It worked. Those two functions (usefulness_of_cells &
number_of_good_rows) seem to work flawlessly...knock on wood. I have
run a number of different Excel spreadsheets through the functions, and
so far the functions have a 100% acuracy rating. The acuracy rating is
based on the functions' returned
for 'R0 -'.
Thanks in advanced for any and all info that I recieve.
Whoops. I've got another tid-bit to tack onto this post. What kind of
value does this expression return:
re.sub(r'^R0 -', line)
Does it return a '1' if successful and a '0' if not successful?
You are right that my move towards regular expressions was way
premature, but also this post may too turn out to be a little
premature. I guessed and checked myself a way to accomplish what I
needed and I will include it in this post. But first Alex (doesn't have
to be Alex) could you tell me if yo
I was wondering if python is a good language to build a web crawler
with? For example, to construct a program that will routinely search x
amount of sites to check the availability of a product. Or to search
for news articles containing the word 'XYZ'. These are just random
ideas to try to explain
Why do you say that the bottleneck of the crawler will always be
downloading the page? Is it becasue there isn't already a modual to do
this and I will have to start from scratch? Or a bandwidth issue?
Does a web crawler have to download an entire page if it only needs to
check if the product is in stock on a page? Or if it just needs to
search for one match of a certain word on a page?
I took your advice and got a copy of BeautifulSoup, but I am having
trouble installing the module. Any advice? I noticed that I just can't
put it into the 'lib' directory of python to install it.
I agree. I think the way that I will learn to use most of it is by
going through the source code.
In my last post I received some advice to use urllib.read() to get a
whole html page as a string, which will then allow me to use
BeautifulSoup to do what I want with the string. But when I was
researching the 'urllib' module I couldn't find anything about its
sub-section '.read()' ? Is that the ri
Perfect. Thanks a bunch for clearing that all up for me. You have
delayed some long lost hours for me.
I recently uploaded a sample ASP-Python page to my web server and it
didn't show up correctly. Before I explain what it did, I should
mention that I got the same result when I tried to view the page from
my desktop (winxp user). So when I tried to view the sample ASP with
Python page from my deskto
It still doesn't work. I fixed that one error that you pointed out
Roger Upole, but it still isn't working. All I did was copy and past
the code above, plus Roger's fix, into Notepad2 and saved it as a
'.asp'. When I opened it in Firefox, all that showed up was the source
code of the file. It seems
What do you mean? I can't just upload the file to the server that is
going to host my site?
I have been looking around for a few days for ways to use Python with
HTML forms. What I am interested in doing is placing the data that is
submited through an HTML form and collected by Python into a MySQL
database. I initially thought that I was going to be able to do this
with ASP, but I found o
Larry I do see your point. There does seem to be a lot more support for
PHP and MySQL together than there is Python and ASP. But I want to
first try to accomplish my goal by using Python first before I give up
and revert back to PHP. So if I was going to parse HTML forms and place
the data into a M
As the subject of this post suggests, I have one question; what are
COM-enabled applications? I believe Microsoft Word is one of these
apps, but what else? Is a web browser, Paint, Solitare, games, etc? I'm
not sure if it varies from operating system to operating system, but I
am talking about COM
Are there libraries out there that will assist me in copying a file
from my Dell Axim PDA (Windows Mobile) and putting the copy onto my
desktop (Windows XP)? Thanks so much.
Has anyone sucesfully built a *.exe file on a mac operating system
before from a *.py file? I have been trying to do this with
pyinstaller, but I keep getting errors and I don't know how to install
UPX properly. I tried putting the linux UPX folder in my python 2.4
directory, but that didn't work.
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