I have been looking around for a few days for ways to use Python with
HTML forms. What I am interested in doing is placing the data that is
submited through an HTML form and collected by Python into a MySQL
database. I initially thought that I was going to be able to do this
with ASP, but I found out that my web hosting provider doesn't have ASP
support installed into their servers. Also, I couldn't find any dirt
cheap hosting providers that did support Pyton and ASP together. The
next solution I stumbled upon was to use Zope. However, I wasn't sure
if I should spend more of my time looking into this or not, and I found
a possible way around this, which is by using the CGI module. As you
can see, I am somewhat new to Python web programming and I have
confused myself. Can anybody name a few modules that I should look into
and these modules are the ones that will allow me to accomplish what I
am interested in doing? Thanks for your help.


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