Re: C#3.0 and lambdas

2005-09-23 Thread Richie Hindle
e "bike shed effect": -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: A rather unpythonic way of doing things

2005-09-29 Thread Richie Hindle's_Tenth_Rule -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: A quick c.l.p netiquette question

2005-09-29 Thread Richie Hindle
ssibly triple-distilled evil, depending on your point of view. 158 lines very well spent either way! -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: A rather unpythonic way of doing things

2005-09-29 Thread Richie Hindle
[Peter] > [Jeff] > Yuma Valley Agricultural Center? > Yaak Valley Forest Council? I went through the same process. My guess is "Yes, Very F'ing Clever." Peter? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: A rather unpythonic way of doing things

2005-09-29 Thread Richie Hindle
[Peter] > [fraca7] > print ''.join(map(lambda x: chrord(x) - ord('a')) + 13) % 26) + > ord('a')), 'yvfc')) Ah! Or more easily, Edit / Apply ROT13. Thanks! -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Google Not Universal Panacea [was: Re: Where to find python c-sources]

2005-09-30 Thread Richie Hindle
ared that particular piece of > small-mindedness with the group. In the end our most valuable > contributions to groups like this can be the gift of being able to walk > away from a fight simply to keep the noise level down. +1 (and +1 QONW). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- h

Re: [Info] PEP 308 accepted - new conditional expressions

2005-09-30 Thread Richie Hindle
evaluates C; if it is true, A is evaluated to give the > result, otherwise, B is evaluated to give the result. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Not defined

2005-10-03 Thread Richie Hindle
t rather than the real thing. Try this: >>> import cgkit >>> print cgkit.__file__ >>> dir(cgkit) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Reply-To header

2005-10-03 Thread Richie Hindle
[Andrew] > Is it just me, or does not send with a Reply- > To header? It's not just you. I don't get one either. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Excel library with unicode support

2005-10-05 Thread Richie Hindle
[Mike] > Is there a python library, that is able to create Excel files with > unicode characters. pyExcelerator claims to do this, but I've never used it. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a "British accent"...

2005-10-07 Thread Richie Hindle
mpossible -- in Latin is no reason to forbid > them in English. Your previous post to this thread was chock-full of split nominatives: "The Hollywood voice", "the specific regional accent", "the English-speaking world", "the original French". And you call

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a "British accent"...

2005-10-07 Thread Richie Hindle
n English. Split nominatives like "the green tomato" are also impossible in Latin, but no-one seems to object to their use in English. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-10-14 Thread Richie Hindle
s_phishing_defense.html -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: UI toolkits for Python

2005-10-18 Thread Richie Hindle
ntrols. I > wish it were otherwise. It *is* otherwise. You should follow the Ajaxian weblog here: -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Accessing a dll from Python

2005-10-20 Thread Richie Hindle
"ctypes", 0); You use "windll" for stdcall functions (eg. the Windows API) and "cdll" for cdecl functions. I don't know which one VB defaults to. If you get it wrong, ctypes will give you an error talking about using the "wrong calling convention".

Re: Goto XY

2005-11-09 Thread Richie Hindle
[ale.of.ginger] > WConio.gotoxy(10,10) > error: GetConOut Failed Are you running at a Windows Command Prompt, or in an IDE? As I understand it, WConio will only work in a Windows Command Prompt. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: generate HTML

2005-11-14 Thread Richie Hindle
[ss2003] > I am stuck at above after doing a lot of f.write for every line of HTML > . Any betterways to do this in python? See the "Templating Engines" section of - I hope you have a few hours to spare! 8-) -- Richie Hindle

Re: compare list

2005-11-15 Thread Richie Hindle
[Shi] > Yes, i am using python 2.3, > I have used from sets import * > but still report the same error: > > > Traceback (most recent call last): > > > File "", line 1, in ? > > > NameError: name 'set' is not defined It's 'Set&

Re: compare list

2005-11-15 Thread Richie Hindle
isB) > False(should be true!) Slow down. The intersection of A and B is [2, 5, 9]. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: win32com 'catastrophic failure'

2005-12-06 Thread Richie Hindle
or, but if this doesn't help then at least you'll have narrowed it down to 999,999. 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: hidding the "console" window + system global shortcut keys

2005-01-04 Thread Richie Hindle
[Gabriel] > 2. Set global key biddings. You can do this using ctypes: -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!

2005-01-05 Thread Richie Hindle
[Erik] > I am now a super gushing fan-boy. +1 Quote of the Week! -- Richie Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

Re: OT: MoinMoin and Mediawiki?

2005-01-11 Thread Richie Hindle
r than MediaWiki, just that it really does have some of the features you say it doesn't (perhaps you've been looking at an old version). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --


2005-01-21 Thread Richie Hindle
ee.findtext("*/title") The title >>> print tree.findtext("html/head/title") None >>> What am I missing? I'm using elementtree-1.2.4-20041228 on Windows with Python 2.3. -- Richie Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

Re: ElementTree.findtext()

2005-01-21 Thread Richie Hindle
at I should say is this: >>> print tree.findtext("head/title") The title Sorry to waste people's time! -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Weakref.ref callbacks and eliminating __del__ methods

2005-01-24 Thread Richie Hindle
Many thanks! One question: why the `self.btree = None` in the last line? Isn't `self.btree` guaranteed to go away at this point anyway? (If the answer is "it's necessary for weird cases that would take an hour to explain" then I'll be more than happy to simply use it. 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Weakref.ref callbacks and eliminating __del__ methods

2005-01-24 Thread Richie Hindle
In > other words, its an explicit requirement for *this* __del__, not a general > requirement. I see, yes. Very clever - thanks for the explanation! -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Weakref.ref callbacks and eliminating __del__ methods

2005-01-25 Thread Richie Hindle
te > __del__ methods in library objects such that they can be invoked > multiple times gracefully. Another good point - thanks. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: "private" variables a.k.a. name mangling (WAS: What is print? A function?)

2005-01-25 Thread Richie Hindle
g would never have cropped up (even if asynchat.async_chat had an instance variable named '__map', which is the whole point (which you know, Steven, but others might not)). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: "private" variables a.k.a. name mangling (WAS: What is print? A function?)

2005-01-25 Thread Richie Hindle
he double-underscore system can give you a false sense of security. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-28 Thread Richie Hindle
e up in > Python you would consider to be a security issue? I can't speak for the OP, but one hypothetical example might be a buffer overrun vulnerability in the socket module. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: IDLE history, Python IDE, and Interactive Python with Vim

2005-02-03 Thread Richie Hindle
rom your history in PyCrust, press Ctrl+UpArrow. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: IDLE history, Python IDE, and Interactive Python with Vim

2005-02-03 Thread Richie Hindle
u can get rid of the >>> prompts in one go.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Is there something similar to ?: operator (C/C++) in Python?

2005-06-24 Thread Richie Hindle
[Dave Brueck] > Please keep the discussion civil; please help keep a nice place to > visit. +1 -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: FlashMX and Py2exe doesn't fly...

2005-06-28 Thread Richie Hindle
n their site about the architecture (other than a list of credits that includes ctypes, win32all, Macromedia and SciTE|Flash). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Better console for Windows?

2005-06-28 Thread Richie Hindle
ay to scroll a Command Prompt window using the keyboard? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: MS Compiler to build Python 2.3 extension

2005-06-29 Thread Richie Hindle
[Gary] > I recenly built a C API Python extension for Python 2.3 > on OS X, and now I need to build it for Windows. Will > [MS Visual Studio Pro 6.0] do the trick? Yes. That's exactly the compiler that Python 2.3 itself, and most 2.3 extensions, were built with. -- Richie

Re: MS Compiler to build Python 2.3 extension

2005-06-30 Thread Richie Hindle
In fact, the > code generated by MinGW-GCC 3.4.4 outpaces that generated by MSVC++ 6.0 > by a considerable margin in some of my performance-critical extensions, > and the size of the binaries is often smaller. Interesting! -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Better console for Windows?

2005-07-04 Thread Richie Hindle
ll in there in the system menu, doesn't it? Talk > about blindness... Me too! Many thanks, Bengt. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a "British accent"...

2005-07-04 Thread Richie Hindle
ichie (Nationality: West Yorkshire 8-) (Having a daughter has improved my speech - I'm much more careful about enunciating my words properly so that she doesn't pick up my bad habits.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Software needed

2005-07-13 Thread Richie Hindle
rface to scanners, digital cameras and other devices which implement TWAIN, for the Windows platform. It provides the functionality to allow a Python application to connect to the scanner/camera and to retrieve images from that device." -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Lots of pdf files

2005-07-22 Thread Richie Hindle
or binaries provided you ship the source as well. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Py: a very dangerous language

2005-08-01 Thread Richie Hindle
[Harald] > Always go to bed exactly when you want to write the first lambda. [Peter] > Eureka. The Twentieth Pythonic Thesis has finally surfaced. +1 QOTW. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: .pth files

2005-08-09 Thread Richie Hindle
Xah Lee explode with fury). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Database of non standard library modules...

2005-08-19 Thread Richie Hindle
[Steve] > While cheeseshop might resonate with the Monty Python fans I have to > say I think the name sucks in terms of explaining what to expect. If I > ask someone where I can find a piece of code and the direct me to the > cheese shop, I might look for another language. +1 -- R

Re: Network performance

2005-08-24 Thread Richie Hindle
IP connection should never send two consecutive small packets without receiving a packet from the other end. ('Small' typically means less than about 1400 bytes.) Each time you do that, you'll suffer an artificial delay introduced by TCP/IP itself. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-24 Thread Richie Hindle
these days that's not difficult. (NB. is not running on it yet.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Does any1 use pcapy module on win32 platforms?

2005-08-26 Thread Richie Hindle
FCFC-4016-9D36-14DAA948A600}', u'\\Device\\NPF_{62280C1D-DC5C-42AF-BA0F-6BDB48418CA5}'] I'm using WinPcap 3.0. My packet.dll is stamped as version Maybe you're running a different version? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Code run from IDLE but not via double-clicking on its *.py

2005-08-31 Thread Richie Hindle
[n00m] > WHY ON THE EARTH <'module' object has no attribute 'AF_INET'> ??? Because you have a in d:\python23\00 which is being picked up instead of Python's own socket module. You shouldn't give your modules the same name as Python's own

Re: Code run from IDLE but not via double-clicking on its *.py

2005-08-31 Thread Richie Hindle
le information. Please post: o The command you're typing into the command prompt o The error message you're getting o The full traceback o The code you're trying to run, or if it's too big then the piece that the last line of the traceback refers to Thanks, -- Richie Hind

Re: Code run from IDLE but not via double-clicking on its *.py

2005-09-01 Thread Richie Hindle
wing: d:\python23\python d:\python23\ [Enter] 3. Double-click your .vbs file in Windows Explorer. Now what does the python Command Prompt say? By your description above, it sounds like it disappears, but that ought to be impossible. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

Re: SpamBayes wins PCW Editors Choice Award for anti-spam software.

2005-09-01 Thread Richie Hindle
[Alan] > SpamBayes has won the Personal Computer World ( Editors Choice > award for anti-spam software Yay! Do we get one of those cheesy medals to put on our website? 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Code run from IDLE but not via double-clicking on its *.py

2005-09-02 Thread Richie Hindle
iles: C:\> d: D:\> cd \python23 D:\> python d:\python23\ > out.txt 2> err.txt Does anything appear in d:\python23\out.txt or d:\python23\err.txt? [Dennis] > I'd be tempted to blame the VBS script then... n00m, can you post the vbs? -- Richie Hindle [EMAI

Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The ring of the friendly serpent in business suite: Python, Zope, Plone

2005-09-12 Thread Richie Hindle
[Miklos] > The ring of the friendly serpent in business suite: Python, Zope, Plone > Did you mean "business suit"? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: ANN: Zeus Programmers Editor V3.94

2005-02-08 Thread Richie Hindle
om the point of view of both readers and announcers). -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-10 Thread Richie Hindle
;t work at the interactive prompt, only in a real source file.) (The fact that I felt obliged to add the first paragraph on that page is the funniest part of the whole thing. I really did have people genuinely thanking me for the module, asking for features, asking for help with using it, and so on

Re: lambda and for that matter goto not forgetting sugar

2005-02-10 Thread Richie Hindle
[Philip] > For that matter I would find implementing the classical algorithms far > easier if python had 'goto' I can't believe it - first a request for COMEFROM and now one for GOTO, both on the same day. I should have put under a commercial lice

Re: OT: Anyone want a GMail account?

2005-02-11 Thread Richie Hindle
ting several invites per second. Shame it's written in PHP 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: lambda and for that matter goto not forgetting sugar

2005-02-11 Thread Richie Hindle 8-) [John] > from ( ): > .# Label: "label .x" XXX Computed labels. > > :-) Yay! I've been waiting nearly a year for someone to spot that. 8-) -

Re: Is there way to determine which class a method is bound to?

2005-02-25 Thread Richie Hindle
[vic] > I'm doing some evil things in Python and I would find it useful to > determine which class a method is bound to when I'm given a method > pointer. Here you go: >>> class Foo: ... def bar(self): ... pass ... >>> >>&

Re: Gordon McMillan installer and Python 2.4

2005-03-03 Thread Richie Hindle
ill do what you are asking for, independent of Python and py2exe > and everything else. Standalone single-file packagers. InnoSetup is the most popular free single-file-installer generator for Windows. NSIS is probably second. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: os.system()

2005-03-07 Thread Richie Hindle
f ps - thanks for the education! I learn something valuable from comp.lang.python every week, and most of it has nothing to do with Python. 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [Python- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.1, release candidate 1

2005-03-11 Thread Richie Hindle
[Martin] > I'd like to encourage feedback on whether the Windows installer works > for people. It worked fine for me, upgrading from 2.4 on XPsp2. The only glitch was that it hung for 30 seconds between hitting Next on the directory-choosing page and the feature-choosing page.

Re: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.1, release candidate 1

2005-03-11 Thread Richie Hindle
32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.1, release candidate 1

2005-03-14 Thread Richie Hindle
t; in the Add/Remove list, and no other Python 2.4 entries (apart from the likes of "Python 2.4 ctypes-0.9.2") but that's to be expected. ] Thanks for looking into this, and sorry to take up your time with something that boils down to user error. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.1, release candidate 1

2005-03-15 Thread Richie Hindle
#x27;ve copied the new python24.dll into C:\python24, and everything now thinks it's 2.4.1c1. Sorry about that. (I wish I could remember why I'd copied the DLL, but I can't. I'd like to think there was a good reason. 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Python Docs. Hardcopy 2.4 Library Reference, interested?

2004-12-09 Thread Richie Hindle
rdcopy manual - I find the electronic one easier to use. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Python Docs. Hardcopy 2.4 Library Reference, interested?

2004-12-09 Thread Richie Hindle
hen that's no problem. (I'd briefly considered doing this myself, until I found your site.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: gather information from various files efficiently

2004-12-13 Thread Richie Hindle
[Keith] > Sigh, this reminds me of a discussion I had at my work once... It seems > to write optimal Python code one must understand various probabilites of > your data, and code according to the likely scenario. 8-) s/Python //g -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://mail.p

Re: Tibia 0.1 DOM-based website editor

2004-12-13 Thread Richie Hindle
great tool. I had to hard-code a username - does it require you to use HTTP authentication before it will work? If so, it would be good if you mentioned that in the documentation. It also erased my HTML file when I tried to save my changes. 8-) I'll try to track that one down if I get the

Re: uptime for Win XP?

2004-12-13 Thread Richie Hindle
r Windows machine being up for longer than 2^32 ms (about 49 days), GetTickCount() will wrap back to zero. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: ANN: Python Test Environment

2004-12-15 Thread Richie Hindle
[Michael / Fuzzyman] > I've seen this announcement four times now - I don't whether you're seeing problems with it, but it's definitely reaching the mailing list. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

wxPython documentation [was: Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?]

2004-12-21 Thread Richie Hindle
demo code at runtime, and compare the behaviour of your modified version with the original, all without leaving the demo - fantastic! Huge thanks to whoever did that.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: newbie question

2004-12-22 Thread Richie Hindle
the former.) the-last-haven-of-civilisation-on-the-net-is-under-threat-ly yrs, -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: subclassing list

2004-12-23 Thread Richie Hindle
;>> x [] >>> type(x) >>> with-thanks-to-Gordon-McMillan-ly y'rs, -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Python limericks (was Re: Text-to-speech)

2005-03-23 Thread Richie Hindle
[Michael] > from itertools import repeat > for feet in [3,3,2,2,3]: > print " ".join("DA-DA-DUM" > for dummy in [None] > for foot in repeat("metric", feet)) Spectacular! +1 QOTW -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Things you shouldn't do

2005-03-30 Thread Richie Hindle
d get_s(short* s); void f() { int i;/* An integer to do something /* short s; /* A short to do something */ get_s(&s); /* Do something with s */ } -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [perl-python] Python documentation moronicities (continued)

2005-04-12 Thread Richie Hindle
khead coders ... fuckheads ... > you fucking asses. > paypal me a hundred dollars and i'll rewrite the whole re doc in a few > hours. Can we paypal you a hundred dollars to leave us alone? I'll pledge $10. Are there another nine people here who'll do the same? -- Richi

Re: Compute pi to base 12 using Python?

2005-04-14 Thread Richie Hindle
d+Fractal+Landscapes%22&hl=en or via this tinyurl: (Search within that page for the phrase "Music and Fractal Landscapes". Or Google for it, which is how I found the link.) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Python documentation moronicities (continued)

2005-04-26 Thread Richie Hindle
d announced here on April 18th. [Steve] > I'll have to take your word for that. Xah is right - I have a copy here of his message of 18th April, saying "i have rewrote the Python's re module documentation.". -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Why and how "there is only one way to do something"?

2005-12-15 Thread Richie Hindle
[Steve] > Since Python is Turing-complete Is there some equivalent of Godwin's Law that we can invoke at this point? 8-) -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: ANNOUNCE; Try python beta

2005-12-20 Thread Richie Hindle
the user has typed a newline? I'd ditch that code and do it at the server end: expr = expr[4:].strip() -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: pythonic equivalent of upvar?

2005-12-20 Thread Richie Hindle
[David] > I'm trying to write something with the same brevity > as perl's one-liner > > eval "\$$1=\$2" while @ARGV && $ARGV[0]=~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/ && shift; import sys, re for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if re.match(r'\w+=.*', arg):

Re: Disable 'windows key'

2005-12-20 Thread Richie Hindle
exible ways. You can still use the Windows key as a modifier (as in Windows+E for Explorer). No affiliation other than as a happy customer. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: ANNOUNCE; Try python beta

2005-12-20 Thread Richie Hindle
leaves us with one > thing, we may have gotten a string that used \r for newlines Ah, OK. Your comment talks about DOS - that won't happen on DOS (or Windows) which uses \r\n. I don't know about the Mac. But the \r\n pair isn't handled by your code - strip() on the serve

Re: Disable 'windows key'

2005-12-20 Thread Richie Hindle
> But can it change "Fn" key mapping? I don't think so, no. There's no obvious user interface for that, anyway. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

2005-12-21 Thread Richie Hindle
t give those improvements back to the community. But the Python license allows for this too, and Python hasn't suffered for it. IMO choosing a BSD license will get you more users than GPL, and the benefits of that will outweigh the potential downside. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: os.path.splitext() and case sensitivity

2005-12-21 Thread Richie Hindle
pass > > remove_file_type(sysroot, ['.tmp', '.TMP']) def remove_file_type(target_dir, file_type): [...] if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() == file_type.lower(): pass remove_file_type(sysroot, '.tmp') -- R

Re: Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

2005-12-22 Thread Richie Hindle
arison doesn't hold up. [1] -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: URL 'special character' replacements

2006-01-09 Thread Richie Hindle
module urllib: unquote(s) unquote('abc%20def') -> 'abc def'. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: recursively removing files and directories

2006-01-16 Thread Richie Hindle
[rbt] > What is the most efficient way to recursively remove files and directories? shutil.rmtree: -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: undefined SW_MAXIMIZE for ShowWindow function

2006-07-14 Thread Richie Hindle
[Etayki] > How do I get SW_MAXIMIZE to be defined? It's in win32con. Like this: >>> from win32con import * >>> SW_MAXIMIZE 3 -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: undefined SW_MAXIMIZE for ShowWindow function

2006-07-14 Thread Richie Hindle
arch? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: undefined SW_MAXIMIZE for ShowWindow function

2006-07-14 Thread Richie Hindle
[Fredrik] > oops. thought you were using ctypes, not the pythonwin extensions. Even when I'm using ctypes I use win32con for the constants, unless there's some special reason why I need the code to be independent of pywin32. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://ma

Re: List match

2006-08-17 Thread Richie Hindle
mpare these lits and generate a third list after > comparison > > list3 would be ["apple", "banana","grape","orange", "pear"] Use sets: >>> from sets import Set as set # For compatibility with Python 2.3 >>> one = ["app

Re: [OT] Re: can't open word document after string replacements

2006-10-24 Thread Richie Hindle
d in english, but in french it's (well - it > was last time I used MS Word, which is quite some times ago???) "fusion > de documents". "Mail Merge"? -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Having problems with strings in HTML

2006-06-27 Thread Richie Hindle
ict.dtd";> Test";>link saying "cannot generate system identifier for general entity "b" [...] The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs". -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: getting current UNIX uid

2006-07-06 Thread Richie Hindle
[Johhny] > I am trying to get the user that is running the scripts uid, I have had > a look at the pwd module and it does not appear to offer that > functionality. Is there any way within python to get that information ? It's in the 'os' module: >>> import o

Re: Django website

2006-09-01 Thread Richie Hindle
[Antal] > is there something wrong with django's website ( > or I have problems? > It looks ugly, the css files can't be found, I even cannot download > the source from there. It's broken for me too, so it's not a problem at your end. --

Re: What's going on here?

2006-11-22 Thread Richie Hindle
#x27;, '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__'] >>> class C(object): pass ... >>> c = C() >>> dir(c) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__&#x

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