Re: Python Question re Executing a Script

2022-04-30 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 1/05/2022 8:37 am, Brent Hunter wrote: Hello, I just purchased a new Windows 11 computer and installed Python 3.10.4 (64 bit). I can't figure out from your documentation, how do I: 1. Run a python script that is located in the same directory ( C:\Users\Brent\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft

Windows registry PermissionError

2022-05-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I'm trying to copy a value from HKLM to HKCU for application rollout via bulk installation by an administrator but individual Windows user setup. Getting this ... Traceback (most recent call last):   File "D:\Users\mike\envs\chemdata\registry\wreg\", line 84, in     curegistry.setvalu

[Solved] Re: Windows registry PermissionError

2022-05-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Eryk Many thanks. It is working perfectly now. See below for the reworked code. Cheers Mike On 13/05/2022 1:42 pm, Eryk Sun wrote: On 5/12/22, Mike Dewhirst wrote: access=wr.KEY_ALL_ACCESS + wr.KEY_WRITE, import winreg as wr class Registry: def __init__(self, computer=None

Re: [Solved] Re: Windows registry PermissionError

2022-05-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 13/05/2022 4:14 pm, Eryk Sun wrote: Since self.connect() is always called, you should document that the initial hkey parameter has to be one of the following predefined key handles: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_USERS I'm targeting HKEY_CURRENT_USER so I assume HK_USERS includes that.

Re: [Solved] Re: Windows registry PermissionError

2022-05-13 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 13/05/2022 4:37 pm, Eryk Sun wrote: On 5/13/22, Mike Dewhirst wrote: On 13/05/2022 4:14 pm, Eryk Sun wrote: Since self.connect() is always called, you should document that the initial hkey parameter has to be one of the following predefined key handles: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

RE: Simple message passing system and thread safe message queue

2022-07-18 Thread Mike Dewhirst
MortenI didn't click on your link because it is a security bad practice to click on any unsolicited link.I'm not accusing you or anyone else of nefarious intent. It could be argued that being a member of this list means links posted here are indeed solicited links.You asked for comment. Mine is

Re: Pip upgrade causing issues in 3.10

2022-07-19 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 20/07/2022 4:43 am, David Raymond wrote: C:\Program Files\Python310\Scripts>..\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'c:\\program files\\python

Re: Persistent Error: Python was not found

2022-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Jonathan This is what I would do ... 1.    Download Python from not Microsoft 2.    Install as an expert or custom install to C:\Python310 rather than C:\Program files 3.    Ignore this point - I was going to mention VirtualEnv which comes later for software development and there

Re: python developer

2022-09-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 30/09/2022 5:09 am, Walid AlMasri wrote: Hi all, I has been using python in scientific computing for many years I want to become a python developer so what is a good reference to follow ? A developer makes products whereas a scientist understands complexities. I would recommend reading ab

Re: python developer

2022-09-30 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 30/09/2022 3:31 pm, Jan van den Broek wrote: 2022-09-29, Mike Dewhirst schrieb: This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) Why? Good question. Further to Peter's explanation, email is the primary conduit for hackers. At this point in time human education and traini

Re: python developer

2022-10-01 Thread Mike Dewhirst
-10-01, Mike Dewhirst schrieb:>So the answer to your question is signed email is easy and if it becomes >popular it has potential to defeat hackers.Yes, but I'm reading this as a usenet-message (comp.lang.python), not as a mail.-- Jan v/d https://mail.python.

Re: Update from 3.9 to 3.10.8 and uninstall 3.9

2022-10-23 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 23/10/2022 9:13 pm, B N wrote: I am new to python and wish to update 3.9 to3.10.8 which I have downloaded. How do I replace 3.9 with the 3.10.8 I downloaded. Kind regards JohnGee It depends on the operating system. Typically, you can just install the new version and adjust your environmen

Re: How to manage python shebang on mixed systems?

2022-11-06 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 7/11/2022 6:51 am, jak wrote: Il 06/11/2022 11:03, Chris Green ha scritto: I have a number of python scripts that I run on a mix of systems.  I have updated them all to run on python 3 but many will also run quite happily with python 2.  They all have a #!/usr/bin/python3 shebang. This works

RE: Python coding

2022-11-27 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Create a folder anywhere convenient and copy it in there.Then - if python has been downloaded from the Python website and installed "normally" you can open a command prompt in that folder and type C:\\$>python"normally" means Python is in your path environment variable.--(Unsigned

Python script not letting go of files

2022-11-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I have a script which fetches a production site directly from a Subversion repo using svn export It runs a bunch of commands by calling this little method ... def trycmd(cmd, log):     retcode = -1     ret = f"Trying {cmd}"     try:     retcode = os.system(cmd)     ret = f"\n{cmd} -ok->

Re: Python script not letting go of files

2022-11-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Stefan Thank you. I should have said this has been working fine for years and years until Ubuntu 2022.04 on a new droplet running Apache/2.4.52 I will refactor it one day - especially if the script is implicated. But I think I have to learn how to use lsof first! Cheers Mike On 30/11/2022

RE: Subtracting dates to get hours and minutes

2022-12-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I have seen vast conversations on this topic but if everything is in the same time-zone and daylight saving switchovers are not involved it is relatively straightforward.Check the timedelta docs. Or convert datetimes to ordinals and subtract then convert the result to whatever units please you.M

OT: ~gohlke [Was: Installation hell]

2022-12-19 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 20/12/2022 9:28 am, Mats Wichmann wrote: On 12/19/22 14:47, Eryk Sun wrote: If you search a bit deeper, you'll find a site with unofficial Windows builds of many packages, including pygame for Python 3.11: Semi-OT: that's been a superb reso

Re: Winodws10 Command Prompt unresponsive to .py commands

2023-03-07 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 8/03/2023 6:31 am, Thomas Gregg wrote: Hi, I got python 11 to work with the esptool a few days ago. However, I must have something wrong, because now, when I enter any command with .py, Windows Command Prompt just returns without doing anything. Example C:\Users\gregg> version C

RE: found older version of python in my command prompt

2023-03-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
The quickest and dirtiest fix is to edit your %path% variable in windows. Remove all python versions you don't want from the path and Windows won't find them.You can then just delete the unwanted python directories.That doesn't remove any old dll files in secret locations but this is a dirty fi

Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-10 Thread Mike Dewhirst
It seems Christoph Gohlke has been cut adrift and his extremely valuable web page ... ... turned into an archive getting staler by the day. What does the Python Software Foundation and the community think about this? Cheers Mike -- https://mail.pyt

Re: Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-11 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 11/04/2023 5:21 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 14:20, Mike Dewhirst wrote: It seems Christoph Gohlke has been cut adrift and his extremely valuable web page ... ... turned into an archive getting staler by the day. What does

Re: Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Well thank you Christoph Gohlke and thank you Ian Bicking and colleagues. I just used pip to nakedly install psycopg2 and Pillow without a hitch. My distrust of Windows has kept me going back to Christoff's well for years. Maybe it is time to assume innocence unless proven guilty ;-) Thanks

Re: Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Sadly Windows is still in the dock. The jury is still out. Turns out the "without a hitch" was based on cached wheels. I'm going to start from scratch with new projects using Pythons 3.8, 3.10 and 3.11 and report back. Cheers Mike On 12/04/2023 6:13 pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:

Re: Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 12/04/2023 10:59 pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote: Sadly Windows is still in the dock. The jury is still out. Turns out the "without a hitch" was based on cached wheels. I'm going to start from scratch with new projects using Pythons 3.8, 3.10 and 3.11 and report back. Repor

Re: Christoph Gohlke and compiled packages

2023-04-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 13/04/2023 12:00 pm, Eryk Sun wrote: On 4/12/23, Mike Dewhirst wrote: Collecting psycopg2==2.9.3 x86 and x64 wheels are available for Python 3.11 if you can use Psycopg 2 version 2.9.5 or 2.9.6 instead of 2.9.3:

Re: Is there a Python module to parse a date like the 'date' command in Linux?

2023-05-22 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 21/05/2023 5:53 am, Chris Green wrote: I'm converting a bash script to python as it has become rather clumsy in bash. What is the use case? However I have hit a problem with converting dates, the bash script has:- dat=$(date --date "$1" +"%Y/%m/%d") and this will accept almost anyth

RE: where is requests

2023-05-23 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Try pip install requests--(Unsigned mail from my phone) Original message From: Rich Osborne Date: 24/5/23 11:49 (GMT+10:00) To: Subject: where is requests I have install Python 3.11.3 but my import requests does not work. I found documentation that refe

Re: Is there a Python module to parse a date like the 'date' command in Linux?

2023-05-24 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 23/05/2023 7:16 pm, Chris Green wrote: Mike Dewhirst wrote: [-- multipart/mixed, encoding 7bit, 22 lines --] [-- text/plain, encoding base64, charset: UTF-8, 16 lines --] On 21/05/2023 5:53 am, Chris Green wrote: I'm converting a bash script to python as it has become rather c

Re: Is there a Python module to parse a date like the 'date' command in Linux?

2023-06-01 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 24/05/2023 6:00 pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote: On 23/05/2023 7:16 pm, Chris Green wrote: Mike Dewhirst wrote: [-- multipart/mixed, encoding 7bit, 22 lines --] [-- text/plain, encoding base64, charset: UTF-8, 16 lines --] On 21/05/2023 5:53 am, Chris Green wrote: I'm converting a

Re: Why assert is not a function?

2021-03-11 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 12/03/2021 4:31 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 3:53 PM Cameron Simpson wrote: For me, try/except is for when something might reasonably "go wrong" in normal use, even niche normal use. Whereas assert is for things which should _never_ occur. Roughly, again for me, try/exce

Re: A 35mm film camera represented in Python object

2021-04-01 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 2/04/2021 8:47 am, D.M. Procida wrote: D.M. Procida wrote: Hi everyone, I've created - a representation of a Canonet G-III QL17 in Python. There's also documentation: . It's a pure Python model of the p

Re: Not found in the documentation

2021-04-27 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 27/04/2021 11:24 am, elas tica wrote: Le mardi 27 avril 2021 à 01:44:04 UTC+2, Paul Bryan a écrit : From : Thanks for the reference. I was expecting to find this information in the Built-in Types section from

Re: Definition of "property"

2021-05-30 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 31/05/2021 2:57 am, Irv Kalb wrote: I am doing some writing (for an upcoming book on OOP), and I'm a little stuck. I understand what a "property" is, how it is used and the benefits, but apparently my explanation hasn't made the light bulb go on for my editor. The editor is asking for a de

RE: Python download for windows

2020-03-09 Thread Mike Dewhirst
HilaryPython isn't an ordinary program as understood by (most) Windows users.It needs a command-prompt in which to run interactively. In other words, after successful installation, open a command prompt (aka DOS prompt) and type "python". It should open, announce itself and display its character

Re: Python question

2020-03-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 12/03/2020 1:47 pm, DL Neil via Python-list wrote: On 12/03/20 3:03 AM, Rhodri James wrote: On 11/03/2020 04:06, Michael Torrie wrote: On 3/10/20 6:49 PM, Souvik Dutta wrote: What about moving on to a social media app completely made in pythoj for python? No thanks. I don't want to be on

Re: How to uninstall Python3.7 in Windows using cmd ?

2020-03-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 29/03/2020 5:06 am, Terry Reedy wrote: On 3/27/2020 8:07 AM, deepalee khare wrote: How to Uninstall Python3.7.3 using cmd ? i tried using cmd: Msiexec /uninstall C:\Python37\python.exe But it gives me below error: enter image description here Python is not currently installed with msi, hen

Re: How to uninstall Python3.7 in Windows using cmd ?

2020-03-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 29/03/2020 10:24 pm, Terry Reedy wrote: On 3/29/2020 12:17 AM, Mike Dewhirst wrote: On 29/03/2020 5:06 am, Terry Reedy wrote: On 3/27/2020 8:07 AM, deepalee khare wrote: How to Uninstall Python3.7.3 using cmd ? i tried using cmd: Msiexec /uninstall C:\Python37\python.exe But it gives me

Re: Unable to install or operate PIP on Windows 10

2020-03-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 30/03/2020 9:34 am, Steven Hobbs wrote: Hi all, I have installed Python 3.7.7 on Windows 10 and I understood that pip came installed. However when I try using pip I get an unrecognised command error. I tried following the instructions on this website:

Re: How to uninstall Python3.7 in Windows using cmd ?

2020-03-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 30/03/2020 2:55 pm, Michael Torrie wrote: On 3/29/20 6:41 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote: I would first determine whether it is the 32 or 64 bit version which is installed. I would then visit and download the exact same python executable installer. Don't know what msi is b

Re: Is there a difference between python

2020-04-05 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 6/04/2020 8:35 am, Malcolm Greene wrote: Is there a difference between the following 2 ways to launch a console-less script under Windows? python

Re: Helping Windows first time users

2020-04-16 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 16/04/2020 2:46 pm, DL Neil via Python-list wrote: On 16/04/20 3:34 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote: On Wed, 15 Apr 2020 19:23:43 +0100, Barry Scott declaimed the following: I post some suggestion to improve the Python installer for Windows to better sign post users on the next steps. https:/

Re: Pip not working on windows

2020-05-03 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 4/05/2020 12:44 am, Aakash Jana wrote: I recently upgraded pip to version 20.1 and now whenever I try pup install on my PC I get the following error :- Fatal error in launcher : unable to create process using '"c:\python38\python.exe ' "c:\Python38\Scripts\pip.exe" : The system cannot find the

Re: Installation Error

2020-05-21 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 21/05/2020 5:28 am, Charles Seagraves wrote: Hi, I have been learning and using Python to create a program to play Mah Jongg and it was going well until my windows 10 computer started receiving an update. My computer restarted and Python was gone. I have attempted to reinstall with a message t

Re: Is there some reason that recent Windows 3.6 releases don't included executable nor msi installers?

2020-05-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 29/05/2020 10:51 am, Terry Reedy wrote: On 5/28/2020 5:20 PM, Peter J. Holzer wrote: On 2020-05-23 13:22:26 -0600, Mats Wichmann wrote: On 5/23/20 12:23 AM, Adam Preble wrote: I wanted to update from 3.6.8 on Windows without necessarily moving on to 3.7+ (yet), so I thought I'd try 3.6.9 or

Re: Is there some reason that recent Windows 3.6 releases don't included executable nor msi installers?

2020-05-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 29/05/2020 12:26 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 11:57 AM Mike Dewhirst wrote: I am an example I installed all the Pythons on my Windows 10 dev machine (locked into Windows by having clients) but I'm also locked into Python 3.6.9 on my Ubuntu 18.04 production mac

Re: Is there some reason that recent Windows 3.6 releases don't included executable nor msi installers?

2020-05-28 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 29/05/2020 2:59 pm, Dieter Maurer wrote: Mike Dewhirst wrote at 2020-5-29 11:55 +1000: On 29/05/2020 10:51 am, Terry Reedy wrote: ... Source only releases only block Windows/Mac users who choose not to upgrade to a released installer and who cannot or choose not to compile. I am an example

RE: Questioning the effects of multiple assignment

2020-07-07 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Original message From: dn via Python-list Date: 7/7/20 16:04 (GMT+10:00) To: 'Python' Subject: Questioning the effects of multiple assignment TLDR; if you are a Python 'Master' then feel free to skim the first part (which you should know hands-down), until the excerpts fro

Re: App for Moto e6 using Python?

2020-07-13 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 14/07/2020 11:53 am, Steve wrote: > I am looking for an app for my Moto e6 android phone that will accept a > number of hours and count down. Then will beep every minute until I cancel > the app. This is to remind me when to take my insulin. > > > > It has been written in python but I do not

Re: Fake news Detect

2020-07-17 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 18/07/2020 6:16 am, Grant Edwards wrote: > On 2020-07-17, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote: >> On Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:02:15 - (UTC), Gazu declaimed >> the following: >> >>> Hey Guys I am new to python and i am building a fake news detection >>> system ... >> I suspect that, if anyone had done

RE: Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine

2020-07-26 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I think your best bet is to make a formal business case to your IT people and explain what's in it for them. If they hold all the cards you defeat them at your peril.Mike --

Re: Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine

2020-07-27 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 28/07/2020 9:43 am, Andrew McLean wrote: > On 26/07/2020 14:07, Mike Dewhirst wrote: >> I think your best bet is to make a formal business case to your IT >> people and explain what's in it for them. If they hold all the cards >> you defeat them at your peril. &g

Re: Any timeline for PIL for Python 3.4

2020-08-10 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 11/08/2020 2:35 pm, Martin wrote: > Hi, > > I am running Python 3.4.4, and would like to > use the Python Imaging Library (PIL).  This > is currently not available for Python > Version 3.  Does anybody know when it will > become available? Try Pillow

Re: Use of a variable in parent loop

2020-09-27 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 28/09/2020 12:56 pm, Stephane Tougard via Python-list wrote: > On 2020-09-27, Cameron Simpson wrote: >>> In many non declarative language, if I do print($var), it just prints >>> and undefined value with returning an error. >> And that way lie MANY MANY bugs not detected until an undefined valu

Re: Changing strings in files

2020-11-10 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 10/11/2020 5:24 pm, Manfred Lotz wrote: I have a situation where in a directory tree I want to change a certain string in all files where that string occurs. My idea was to do - os.scandir and for each file - check if a file is a text file - if it is not a text file skip that file

zoneinfo and tzdata

2023-08-08 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
The zoneinfo module does not work on Windows unless you have installed tzdata. On Ubuntu that data seems to exist already. Not sure how or why but it obviously isn't there in a Windows virtualenv unless deliberately installed. I just spent a bit of time trying to switch from pytz to zoneinfo

RE: regarding installation of python version

2023-10-09 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
Look in Windows Settings, About, Advanced system settings, Environment variables and you will see two sets of variables. One for the system and one set for yourself.Select Path and click [Edit]Carefully remove all references to Python in both sets.In theory you can now install a new Python and i

Re: Checking if email is valid

2023-11-02 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
If i wanted an email verifier I would look at open source frameworks and see how they do it. Django comes to mind.--(Unsigned mail from my phone) Original message From: Michael Torrie via Python-list Date: 3/11/23 07:23 (GMT+10:00) To: Subject: Re: Chec

Re: Help

2023-11-07 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 7/11/2023 9:02 am, Jason Friedman via Python-list wrote: On Sun, Nov 5, 2023 at 1:23 PM office officce via Python-list <> wrote: which python version is better to be used and how to make sure it works on my window 10 because i downloaded it and it never worked so I uni

Code improvement question

2023-11-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
I'd like to improve the code below, which works. It feels clunky to me. I need to clean up user-uploaded files the size of which I don't know in advance. After cleaning they might be as big as 1Mb but that would be super rare. Perhaps only for testing. I'm extracting CAS numbers and here is

Re: Code improvement question

2023-11-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 15/11/2023 10:25 am, MRAB via Python-list wrote: On 2023-11-14 23:14, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote: I'd like to improve the code below, which works. It feels clunky to me. I need to clean up user-uploaded files the size of which I don't know in advance. After cleaning the

Re: Code improvement question

2023-11-16 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 15/11/2023 3:08 pm, MRAB via Python-list wrote: On 2023-11-15 03:41, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote: On 15/11/2023 10:25 am, MRAB via Python-list wrote: On 2023-11-14 23:14, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote: I'd like to improve the code below, which works. It feels clunky t

Re: Code improvement question

2023-11-16 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 16/11/2023 9:34 am, Rimu Atkinson via Python-list wrote: Why don't you use re.findall? re.findall(r'\b[0-9]{2,7}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\b', txt) I think I can see what you did there but it won't make sense to me - or whoever looks at the code - in future. That answers your specific questi

Re: XML Considered Harmful

2021-09-23 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
I had to use XML once because that was demanded by the receiving machine over which I had no say.I wouldn't use it otherwise because staring at it makes you dizzy.I would want to know how the data are derived from the multiple sources and transmitted to the collating platform before pontificatin domain name to lapse in November

2021-10-04 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
The board of editors of the Python Papers has decided to let the domain name to lapse. It will not be renewed in November. Anyone interested in it can get in touch. Cheers Mike -- Signed email is an absolute defence against phishing. This email has been signed with my privat

Isn't TypeError built in?

2021-12-12 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
Obviously something is wrong elsewhere but I'm not sure where to look. Ubuntu 20.04 with plenty of RAM.     def __del__(self):     try:     for context_obj in self._context_refs:     try:     delattr(context_obj, self._attr_name)     except Att

Re: Isn't TypeError built in?

2021-12-13 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 13/12/2021 12:42 pm, Chris Angelico wrote: On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 12:31 PM Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote: Obviously something is wrong elsewhere but I'm not sure where to look. Ubuntu 20.04 with plenty of RAM. def __del__(self): try: for context_o

Re: Isn't TypeError built in?

2021-12-25 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
Isn't TypeError built in? On 2021-12-13 12:22:28 +1100, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote:> Obviously something is wrong elsewhere but I'm not sure where to look.> Ubuntu 20.04 with plenty of RAM.[...]> [Mon Dec 13 01:15:49.885659 2021] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1033:tid> 140

Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more

2023-12-24 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
Apologies for top posting - my phone seems unable to do otherwise. Here's my view - which may not be popular. 1. Py.exe is an awful idea. 2. Installing python in %PROGRAMFILES% is not a good idea 3. Installing Python from a Microsoft shop or server is a bad idea 4. Shebang lines are pretty mu

Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more

2023-12-25 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
ython-list Subject: Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more On Mon, 25 Dec 2023 at 15:42, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote:>> Apologies for top posting - my phone seems unable to do otherwise.>> Here's my view - which

Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more

2023-12-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 29/12/2023 12:09 pm, Félix An via Python-list wrote: On 2023-12-25 12:36, Mike Dewhirst wrote: 3. You cannot trust Microsoft. You can trust Python Software Foundation. Python from PSF works the same in all environments - or if not it is a bug. Python from Microsoft is tweaked to satisfy

Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more

2024-01-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
In Windows the provided methods for running complex command lines are either a batch file or a shortcut.Someone very kindly pointed out to me in this thread that there is a PEP for py.exe. I don't use py.exe originally because I didn't trust it believing it was a new-fangled Microsoft trick. I d

Re: troglodytes

2024-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst via Python-list
On 14/08/2024 12:54 am, Michael Torrie via Python-list wrote: On 8/13/24 3:24 AM, Robin Becker via Python-list wrote: I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions around the PSF. I've been around in python land for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc. I feel strong