The quickest and dirtiest fix is to edit your %path% variable in windows. 
Remove all python versions you don't want from the path and Windows won't find 
them.You can then just delete the unwanted python directories.That doesn't 
remove any old dll files in secret locations but this is a dirty 
fix.--(Unsigned mail from my phone)
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 
29/3/23  02:43  (GMT+10:00) To: Subject: found older 
version of python in my command prompt            Sent from [1]Mail for Windows 
  Dear sir,                 I am Pranav Bhardwaj and I am facing issue 
regarding python   version. When I try to open python in my command prompt, I 
see there is   very older version in it that is python 2.7.13 as a default 
version. I   want to switch my default version to the latest version in my 
command   prompt. Plese help me how can I do this.    References   Visible 
links   1.

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