On Jun 24, 2012, at 05:46, gmspro wrote:
> Why has python3 been created as a seperate language where there is still
> python2.7?
It has not. Python2 and Python3 are very similar. It's not like if you learn
Python using version 2, you have to relearn the language when you want to
switch Python
On May 16, 2012, at 08:24, Monte Milanuk wrote:
>>> http://us.pycon.org/2011/schedule/presentations/207/
> Unless its buried in one of the lightning talk vids, I'm not seein' it.
Me neither. But that page show that it was a workshop, not necessarily
videotaped. That's a pity, it seems i
On Jun 7, 2011, at 20:09, Kev Dwyer wrote:
> vipul jain wrote:
>> hey i am new to python and i want to make a website using python .
>> so for that i need a login page. in this login page i want to use the
>> sessions... but i am not getting how to do it
> The Python standard library do
On Jun 17, 2011, at 17:01, pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:
> Looking for some real-world advice on what is the best way to access MS SQL
> Server 2008R2 databases via Python 2.7 running under Windows XP, Vista, and
> Windows 7 and Windows Server 2005 and 2008.
I use the COM interface to ADO, for a f
On Jul 22, 2011, at 12:23, Thomas Jollans wrote:
> On 22/07/11 10:11, Thomas Rachel wrote:
>> Am 22.07.2011 00:45 schrieb Terry Reedy:
>>> Whether or not they are intended, the rationale is that lining up does
>>> not work with proportional fonts.
>> Who on earth would use proportional fo
podcasts over a long period of time. Do you need any input/ideas/feedback ?
Michiel Overtoom
"Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness." - Ayn Rand
On Aug 24, 2011, at 23:51, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 08/24/2011 01:05 PM, Adrián Monkas wrote:
>> What I want to do is send around 180KBytes via Serial port.
Also have a look at pySerial, http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/
"If you don't know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but
On Sep 1, 2011, at 09:48, Amogh M S wrote:
> Hey guys...
> I think we have a problem with my _init_ method and the constructor
> When I create a class and its _init_ method and try to create an object of it
> outside the class,
> Say, something like
> class S:
>def _init_(self, name=None
On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:24, Hegedüs Ervin wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:00:27AM +0200, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
>> Derive your class from object,
> why's that better than just create a simple class, without
> derive?
Amongst other things, fixes to the type system an
> On Aug 31, 5:35 pm, "T. Goodchild" wrote:
>> So why is 'self' necessary on class methods?
>> Just curious about the rationale behind this part of the language.
When instance variables are accessed with the 'self.varname' syntax, it is
clear to the programmer that an instance variable is
On May 17, 2011, at 20:22, Robert Pazur wrote:
> my question is maybe quite simple:
> What is the best (and shortest) way to extract sentence from .txt file?
Well, open("filename.txt").readlines() gives you a list of all the lines in a
txt file, which might not be sentences, depending on the te
Brandon Rhodes gave a talk about dictionaries (similar to sets), 'The Mighty
You also might be interested in his talk about Python data structures, 'All
Your Ducks In A Row':
Hi Ganesh,
> Any better suggestion to improve this piece of code and make it look more
> pythonic?
import random
# A list of tuples. Note that the L behind a number means that the number is a
data = [(1, 1, 373891072L, 8192), (1, 3, 390348800L, 8192), (1, 4, 372719616L,
8192), (2
> On 2016-12-27, at 20:46, 1991manish.ku...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a pcap file, I want to parse that file & fetch some information like
> Timestamp, Packet Size, Source/Dest IP Address, Source/Dest Port, Source/
> Dest MAC address.
pcapy can do this.
import pcapy
pcap = pcapy.open_offlin
> On 2017-01-07, at 03:24, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> Having your on virtualenv is good for: [...] having an isolated environment
> for packages (you can make more than one virtual environment).
Yes, indeed. For example, if you have to maintain two different codebases, one
using Django 1.8 an
> On 2016-04-29, at 11:47, San wrote:
> Dear Group, please explain the following in details. Thanks in Advance.
> def __init__(self,cls):
>self.cls = cls
Is this homework? Why don't you explain it first in your own words, then let us
comment on it?
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 03:54, ryguy7272 wrote:
> Now, how can I count specific words like 'fraud' and 'lawsuit'?
- convert the page to plain text
- remove any interpunction
- split into words
- see what words occur
- enumerate all the words and increase a counter for each word
Something like t
> On 01 Dec 2015, at 11:10, Laura Creighton wrote:
> I think we have just dodged a bullet, let us now go thank the
> nice people who sent us this and figure out how we should
> secure the domain.
I received exactly the same email a while ago, claiming that someone was
registering the na
> On 2015-12-17, at 01:03, Bruce Whealton
> wrote:
> I would want to package in some way so that when launched, it installs
> whatever is needed on the end user's computer. How is this done?
You might want to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsczq6j3_bA (Brandon
Rhodes: The Day of th
> On 2016-01-01, at 07:43, Brian Simms wrote:
> when I go into Terminal to run "setup.py install" I keep getting "-bash:
> command not found".
python setup.py install
> On 2016-01-20, at 00:01, jim-pc wrote:
> How do I get data from libre office using python?
Could you be a little more specific? What data? From which part of OpenOffice?
OpenOffice files are actually ZIP files with XML documents in them, but there
are other ways to interface with OpenOffi
On Dec 28, 2014, at 09:54, prateek pandey wrote:
> Yeah, I mean Python Software Foundation. I am a developer and I want to
> contribute. So, Can you please help me in getting started ?
"You can't actually make computers run faster, you can only make t
Hi Steven, you wrote:
> In 2009, Robert Martin gave a talk at RailsConf titled "What Killed
> Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby".
I've yet to watch the video, I'll do that later tonight, but I also remember
what DHH said about Smalltalk in his FLOSS interview about Rails, with Randal
Schwartz, in July
would throw without going through all the
sources with a fine comb. Thus, I wrote a decorator which will catch any
exception (but not KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit of course):
# alwayscatch.py - Software by Michiel Overtoom, mot...@xs4all.nl
# decorator to wrap an entire function in a try..e
Hi Poul,
I recently used cairo in a python project
(https://github.com/luismqueral/jumpcityrecords). To see the cairo drawing
directly on the screen I wrote a minimal Gtk application. It's in the 'src'
directory and is called 'randomdraw.py'. Maybe it is of some help to you.
On Feb 25, 2015, at 21:45, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> http://www.slideshare.net/pydanny/python-worst-practices
I agree with you that Python lambdas have little use beyond the most trivial
use cases.
For the non-trivial cases, I like to define a named function which does the
job. And also provides
On Mar 19, 2015, at 08:00, jyothi.n...@gmail.com wrote:
> file_path = "D:\Tarang\Project\form1.py"
Use either slashes (/), raw strings, or double backslashes:
file_path = "D:/Tarang/Project/form1.py"
file_path = r"D:\Tarang\Project\form1.py"
On Mar 23, 2015, at 06:36, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> http://www.keacher.com/1216/how-i-introduced-a-27-year-old-computer-to-the-
> web/
I saw it too, on Hacker News ;-) Awesome. I love(d) my Classic Mac but I
couldn't stand the slow network connection, I think.
Also, creative use of Flask and B
> How can I do accomplish decode('utf-8', 'ignore') when reading with
> DictReader()
Have you tried using the csv module in conjunction with codecs?
There shouldn't be any need to 'ignore' characters.
import csv
import codecs
rs = csv.DictReader(codecs.open(fn, "rbU", "utf8"))
On Apr 14, 2015, at 15:34, Pippo wrote:
> How can I use dictionary to save the following information?
What a curious question. The purpose of a dictionary is not to save
information, but to store data as a key -> value mapping:
telbook = {}
telbook["jan"] = "0627832873"
On May 3, 2015, at 10:22, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> For testing I want my messages time stamped like:
For progress reporting, I often use the module below (eta.py), which also gives
a projected time of completion:
import datetime, time, sys
etastart = 0
def eta(done, total, s, reportinterval=1
On May 11, 2015, at 17:12, nagaraju thoudoju wrote:
> Job Description - Sr. Java Software Engineer
This is a Python mailinglist, not a Java one.
"You can't actually make computers run faster, you can only make them do less."
- RiderOfGiraffes
This bit me once. I was comparing a date to a datetime, both representing the
same day, so I expected them to be the same, but I was wrong. What I should
have done was extracting the date of the datetime with the .date() function,
and only then compare it to the other date:
>>> import datetime
Why not use a function?
if outside(x, 0, 10):
print("x has wrong value")
print("x has good value")
where 'outside' is defined as:
def outside(value, lowerbound, upperbound):
return value < lowerbound or value > upperbound
> excel_book=Excel.Workbooks.Open('D:\WebPython\Config3.xlsx')
Shouldn't this be:
> On 14 Oct 2015, at 23:11, candide via Python-list
> wrote:
> If set size changes during a for loop, a runtime exception is raised
A set is a kind of dictionary (without values). And why it can't be resized, is
explained by Brandon Rhodes in his excellent talk 'The Mighty Dictionary',
Hi Ek,
> On 22 Oct 2015, at 14:44, Ek Esawi wrote:
> f = pd.read_csv('c:/Users/EK Esawi/My Documents/Temp/GOSATemp1.csv')
> File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 1382, in pandas.parser._string_box_utf8
> (pandas\parser.c:17655)
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb1 in position 8
> On 27 Oct 2015, at 02:18, luyijie wrote:
> when i install
> pop "Python Version 3.5 required which was not found in the registry"
> I do not know how to do...
Wat version of Windows are you using?
> I wanted to know whether it is possible in python to pause and resume the
> file upload process to AWS S3
Have a look at s3tools/s3cmd at http://s3tools.org/s3cmd, in
http://s3tools.org/usage I read:
--continue-put Continue uploading partially uploaded files
Laura wrote:
> I think that it would be useful if IDLE spit out a warning
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe it's an idea that IDLE
gives a warning when you're trying to save a file with a name that would shadow
an existing module?
> On 31 Oct 2015, at 06:59, Terry Reedy wrote:
> This is a different issue than IDLE avoiding clashes. I opened
> https://bugs.python.org/issue25522
Terry, thanks for recording this into the issue tracker.
I'd go even a step further. I think IDLE should not only warn, but completely
prevent s
> On 01 Nov 2015, at 16:43, rurpy--- via Python-list
> wrote:
> Why, oh why, do the python.org front page and other pages that offer
> a Windows download not say a word about it not running on Windows XP?
I'm also curious why Python 3.5 won't run on Windows XP. Which features does it
use th
> On 03 Nov 2015, at 05:46, Michael Torrie wrote:
> Sometimes on Windows you can double-click a python file and it will run.
The first thing I do on Windows after installing Python: edit the registry
so that the 'open' key is changed to 'run', and 'edit with IDLE' becomes 'open'.
I like to see
> On 08 Nov 2015, at 22:27, kent nyberg wrote:
> Well, lets assume I want to write and read binary. How is it done?
With the functions 'open()' and 'read()' and 'write()'. If you're on Windows,
don't forget to include a 'b' in the mode string of the open() call, otherwise
Python will assum
> On 16 Nov 2015, at 18:14, syedmwaliul...@gmail.com wrote:
> For some reason it doesn't save the file.
Did you get an error message?
> excel.activeWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\TurnData.xlsx")
When you use backslashes in strings, don't forget to escape them:
> excel.activeWorkbook.SaveAs("c:\\Tur
> On 18 Nov 2015, at 05:58, 夏华林 wrote:
> (nothing)
You might want to start at https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
PS. Leaving the body of an email or usenet article empty is considered bad form.
On Oct 22, 2014, at 12:29, Peter Otten wrote:
> That looks like log(a) while a parity check takes constant time:
> $ python3 -m timeit -s 'a = 10**10' 'a & 1'
Do you mean 'parity' as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_bit ? Because a
parity bit denotes whether the *number* of '1' bits is
On Monday 22 December 2008 03:23:03 Steven Woody wrote:
> 2. char buf[] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, ... }
> What's the equivalent representation for above in Python?
>>> buf="\x11\x22\33"
>>> for b in buf: print ord(b)
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and
Charles V. wrote:
It seems the second call to execute modify the first cursor. Is it normal ?
How am I suppose to write this ?
Maybe introduce a second cursor?
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
c = conn.cursor()
d = conn.cursor() # second cursor
c.execute('''create table stock
x = [[0] * ncols for i in nrows]
That gives an error... small typo corrected:
y = [[0] * ncols for i in range(nrows)]
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across
the Internet is simply ama
Johnny wrote...
>Can anyone explain to me what are decorators for? What are advantages
>of using them?
A tutorial article about decorators from Bruce Eckel:
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of
On 25 Mar 2009, at 21:29 , Stef Mientki wrote:
Now it would be nice to allow iteration over others too, like None .
a = None
for item in a :
I saw this technique used in CherryPy:
>>> a=None
>>> for item in a or []:
...print item
>>> a=[1,2,3]
W. eWatson wrote:
It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything available
for Win (xp)?
According to http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/pyfits:
"PyFITS’s source code is pure Python. It requires Python version 2.3 or
newer. PyFITS also requires the numarray
Vincent writes:
> you kinda expect MyClass to have counter in it.
Yeah, that makes sense. These instance variables are often initialized
in the __init__ method:
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self,initialvalue):
def inc(self):
On Sunday 12 April 2009 15:07:11 Gabriel wrote:
> I'm python newbie and i need to write gui for my school work in python.
> I need to write it really quick, because i haven't much time .)
Try Tkinter, which is included by default with most Python installations.
Writing simple programs is easy li
Paul & Robert wrote...
> d = ["soep", "reeds", "ook"]
>print ', '.join(d)
> soep, reeds, ook
I occasionally have a need for printing lists of items too, but in the form:
"Butter, Cheese, Nuts and Bolts". The last separator is the word 'and'
instead of the comma. The clearest I could come up with
Vanam wrote...
> I want to know whether is there anything that has
> to be installed in addition to python 2.5
> from gasp import *
You have to install the 'gasp' package too.
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
Ahmed wrote...
> I am working on a project where I need to parse incoming emails
> (Microsoft outlook)
I'm not sure if you are able to bypass Outlook (and have Python fetch the
mail itself using poplib), but if you are, the following code might be
useful. I use this to pry apart emails which mig
Ron wrote:
Now all I need to know is how to
plug the date into the datetime object from a string.
You could use simple string manipulation:
>>> import datetime
>>> a="20081031"
>>> d=datetime.date(int(a[0:4]),int(a[4:6]),int(a[6:8]))
>>> d
datetime.date(2008, 10, 31)
>>> print d
You wrote...
>Is there a better way to do that besides doing this:
random.randint(0, 9)
Maybe this?
random.randint(0, 9e16)
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of thousands of individuals
Alex wrote...
>Okay, heres the general idea of the html I have to work with:
> noun
> verb
>Okay, I left off some stuff.
I wish you didn't, or at least provided an URL where I can get the page
which you are trying to parse. Now I don't have a vali
> Now, my q is can we use index like find?
Yes, you can. There is only a difference when the string is not found: the
'find()' function will return -1, whereas 'index()' function will raise a
ValueError exception.
For example:
>>> b="A spaghetti monster is always great"
Ethan wrote:
> One more option may be to attempt to rename
> the file -- if it's still open for copying, that will fail;
> success indicates the copy is done.
Caveat -- this is dependent on the operating system!
Windows will indeed not allow you to rename or delete a file that's still
open f
Victor wrote...
># del is used to determine if should reset the lower header values to ''
>del = 0
Apart from many other things that spring to mind, I already see an obvious
flaw: 'del' is a keyword, or a 'reserved word' in Python. It is used to
remove variables from the namespace. Tip: Use some
Victor wrote...
>len = len(dirs)
The function 'len' is a built-in function in Python. If you assign an
integer to the name 'len', that will replace the function with an int. And
you can't call an int.
My suggestion: Do not use 'len' as a variable name. Use something else, like:
Victor wrote...
import binascii
>TypeError: Odd-length string
>What gives here?
The function unhexlify() wants an even-length string. From the online help:
>>> help(binascii.unhexlify)
a2b_hex(hexstr) -> s; Binary data of hexadecimal repres
Ward wrote...
> Can we rebuild Python.exe to include the various "version"
> information?
Why rebuild it? You can use a resource editor tool to add/edit/delete the
VERSIONINFO from any Windows executable, including Python.exe ;-)
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and ha
Victor wrote...
># Headers are kept in order to determine nesting of chapters
># They are labeled according to font size
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve (I can't divine it from your
example code), but I suspect that a dictionary of sizes and header texts is
somewhat more manegable than
Sean wrote...
> Pretty cool!! Our base will be *much* bigger in about twenty years.
> I remember doing Basic on my dads Apple IIe.
Gee, I wish Python existed back then. I had to endure Commore Basic on the
PET2001. The biggest challenge was how to fit the program in 8K... It
didn't take me long
On Saturday 19 July 2008 21:13:04 Lamonte Harris wrote:
> Where can I get the win32api module? I been searching all day on google and
> nothing, i installed
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78018 which requires
> win32api and its not found...
What are the actions you do an
On Saturday 19 July 2008 22:30:29 Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> I still wonder who came up with the Commodore PET -- Personal
> Electronic Transactor... yeesh... But the "Personal" was already in play
> way back then.
Probably Chuck Peddle, Jack Tramiel or Leonard Tramiel.
For your amusement:
Giveitawhril wrote...
> REAL WORLD programmers who want to be generally useful go
> and learn C#.
No: Real programmers first eat a quiche and then return to their Pascal
> But the SOURCE is some old, high level language which no one wants to
> use anymore!
C is alive and kickin
giveitawhril2008 wrote...
> I think someone should write a compiler, "Revenge of BASIC."
Your remark made an immediate association with me with the following soundtrack:
"A creature for
Maurizio wrote...
> the problem is that i don't know how to put the column of the file in an
> array. (i'm new in phyton).
Give us an example of how your file looks, and what you want to
extract from it, so that we don't have to guess.
"The ability of the OSS process to collect
Grigory wrote...
> I have path "/this/is/path" and I wanna get "/this/is".
>Also I want to use it as platform independent. If I want to pass "c:
>\that\path" then I need to get "c:\that".
import os
print os.path.split("/home/user/motoom")[0]
print os.path.split("c:\\prj\\techniques\\python")[0]
elca wrote:
yes i want to extract this text 'CNN Shop' and linked page
Well then.
First, we'll get the page using urrlib2:
Then we'll feed it into the HTML parser:
Next, we'll loo
elca wrote:
actually what i want to parse website is some different language site.
A different website? What website? What text? Please show your actual
use case, instead of smokescreens.
so i was quote some common english website for easy understand. :)
And, did you learn somethin
elca wrote:
im sorry ,also im not familiar with newsgroup.
It's not a newsgroup, but a mailing list. And if you're new to a certain
community you're not familiar with, it's best to lurk a few days to see
how it is used.
so this position is bottom-posting position?
It is, but you should
elca wrote:
that is korea portal site and i was search keyword using 'korea times'
and i want to scrap resulted to text name with 'blogscrap_save.txt'
Aha, now we're getting somewhere.
Getting and parsin
Ahmed Barakat wrote:
In case I have a huge datastore (1 entries, each entry has like 6
Can you show some sample entries? That way we can get an idea how your
datastore looks like.
By the way, 1 doesn't sound that much. At work I create python
programs which do data pr
On 16 Mar 2010, at 12:46 , Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 19:39:46 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> I found this PyCon2010 presentation to be excellent: The Mighty
>> Dictionary, Branden Craig Rhodes, 30 min.
>> http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3264041/
> Unfortunately, that clip seem
On 2010-03-25 23:00, Michel wrote:
I'm trying to dynamically create a class. What I need is to define a
class, add methods to it and later instantiate this class. Methods
need to be bound to the instance though, and that's my problem.
Maybe this snippet is of any help?
import functools
On 2010-05-13 00:07, Joel Koltner wrote:
Hey, a lot of people would argue that Python's lack of strong typing and
data/member protection (from one class to another) encourages sloppy
programming too. :-)
You're being ironic, aren't you?
Python does have strong typing (many people confuse tha
MRAB wrote:
Element 112 is to be named. Do you think we could persuade the
scientists to name it "Pythonium"? :-)
What did Python do to deserve this? I think 'Hofmannium' is a more
appropriate name ;-)
On the other hand, if the scientists used Python on their equipment with
which they dis
Duncan Smith wrote:
> IDLE now refuses to
respond to left click events (for code editing, menus etc. respond as
expected). If I right click, then left click I can move the cursor, but
that's not ideal.
So, has anybody else had the left click issue with IDLE (and solved it)?
Irritating p
Claus Hausberger wrote:
I have a text file with is encoding in Latin1 (ISO-8859-1). I can't
change that as I do not create those files myself. I have to read
those files and convert the umlauts like ö to stuff like &oumol; as
the text files should become html files.
This fi
seldan24 wrote:
what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
def fold(s,len):
while s:
print s[:len]
s="A very long string indeed. Really that long? Indeed."
A very lon
g string i
ndeed. Rea
lly that l
ong? Indee
I got success with the following code (python 2.6.2):
import turtle
for i in range(4):
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of thousa
seldan24 wrote:
I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
by moving around the length.
An excellent idea.
def fold(s,chunklength):
while offsethttp://www.catb.org/~esr/halloween
mayank gupta wrote:
after analyzing the time taken by the code,
What code?
Peter Chant wrote:
what's the most appropriate (maintained) graphics library to use? PIL seems
to have last been updated in 2006 http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
and GD seems to be even older. Don't want to go down a dead end.
Contrary to organic material, software doesn't rot when it
Peter Chant wrote:
what do people generally use now?
I can only speak for myself... I use PIL ;-)
Virgil Stokes wrote:
> some of these applications will
not install on the latest version of Python.
Which version of Python precisely?
"The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across
the Internet is simply amazing." - Vinod Vall
Phillip wrote:
Specifically the "differences" between lists and tuples have us
confused and have caused many "discussions" in the office. We
understand that lists are mutable and tuples are not, but we're a
little lost as to why the two were kept separate from the start. They
both perform a very
r wrote:
Whats the use of Tkinter if the docs are in TCL. Just
learn TCL and skip the Python middleman.
But Mark's tutorial at http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/index.html allows
you to select 'Python' as one of the languages you want to see the
example code in.
Too bad that the 'ttk' widget
Esmail wrote:
What is your favorite tool to help you debug your
import pdb
pdb has commands to inspect code, variables, set breakpoints, watches,
walk up and down stack frames, single-step through the program, run the
rest of the function, run until return, etc...
96 matches
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