Perhaps Off Topic, but for a good cause.
This year I met Jana Schroeder, a blind person forced to change jobs as part of
the social cost of Covid. Her outsider experience of computer coding training
became a wish to make things better. She has applied for a Holman Prize
($25,000 over a year) to
Giudo has suggested adding optional static typing to Python.
(I hope suggested is the correct word.)
An example of the syntax he proposes is:
> def f(this:that=other):
> print this
This means that f() has a 'this' parameter, of type 'tha
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Jonathan Fine wrote:
Giudo has suggested adding optional static typing to Python.
(I hope suggested is the correct word.)
An example of the syntax he proposes is:
> def f(this:that=other):
> print this
Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'll post some usage examples later today, I hope.
Well, here are some examples. A day later, I'm afraid.
** Pipelines and other composites
This is arising for me at work.
I produce Postscript by running TeX on a document.
And then running dvips on the output of T
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Jonathan Fine wrote:
The use of *args and **kwargs allows functions to take a variable number
of arguments. The addition of ***nsargs does not add significantly.
I've posted usage examples elsewhere in this thread.
I think they show that ***nsargs do provide a benefi
Nick Coghlan wrote:
If the caller is meant to supply a namespace, get them to supply a
def f(ns1, ns2):
print ns1['a'], ns1['b'], ns2['a'], ns2['b']
f(ns1 = dict(a=1, b=2), ns2 = dict(a=3, b=4))
Hey, where's Steve? Maybe his generic objects should be called
namespaces instead of bun
Mark Fanty wrote:
In perl, I might do (made up example just to illustrate the point):
if(/add (\d+) (\d+)/) {
do_add($1, $2);
} elsif (/mult (\d+) (\d+)/) {
} elsif(/help (\w+)/) {
or even
do_add($1,$2) if /add (\d+) (\d+)/;
do_mult($1,$2) if /mult (\d+) (\d+)
I'm sort of wishing to convert TeX tokens into characters.
We can assume the standard (i.e. plain) category codes.
And that the characters are to be written to a file.
This proceess to take place outside of TeX.
Say in a Python program.
Think of a pretty-printer.
* Read the TeX in as tokens.
* W
I have written a program that interacts with a
command line program.
Roughly speaking, it mimics human interaction.
(With more speed and accuracy, less intelligence.)
It works fine under Linux, using select().
But Windows does not support select for files.
Only for sockets.
Here's a google se
Paul Rubin wrote:
Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
My question is this: Under Windows, is it possible
to read as many bytes as are available from stdout,
without blocking?
I think Windows implements non-blocking i/o calls. However the
traditional (to some) Python or Java appro
fraca7 wrote:
Jonathan Fine a écrit :
Paul Rubin wrote:
As I recall, some posts to this list say that Windows provides
non-blocking i/o for sockets but not for files.
No, Windows does provide non-blocking I/O for regular files, but it's a
completely different mechanism than the one us
I'm looking for a simple Python + Tk text editor.
I want it as a building block/starting point.
I need basic functions only:
open a file, save a file, new file etc.
It has to be open source.
Anyone know of a candidate?
Paul Rubin wrote:
Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I'm looking for a simple Python + Tk text editor.
I want it as a building block/starting point.
Something wrong with IDLE?
Thanks for this suggestion.
For some reason, I did not think of IDLE as an editor.
Must have been a
Eric Brunel wrote:
Do you know the (apparently dead) project named e:doc? You can find it
It's a kind of word processor that can produce final documents to
various formats using backends, and one of the backends is for LaTeX.
It's written in Perl, but
This it to let you know that I'm writing (in Python) a script that
places the content of CTAN into a git repository.
I'm working from the TeX Collection DVDs that are published each year by
the TeX user groups, which contain a snapshot of CT
On 06/11/11 16:42, Jakub Narebski wrote:
Jonathan Fine writes:
This it to let you know that I'm writing (in Python) a script that
places the content of CTAN into a git repository.
I hope that you meant "repositories" (pl
On 06/11/11 20:28, Jakub Narebski wrote:
Note that for gitPAN each "distribution" (usually but not always
corresponding to single Perl module) is in separate repository.
The dependencies are handled by CPAN / CPANPLUS / cpanm client
(i.e. during install).
Thank you for your interest, Jakub, an
On 07/11/11 21:49, Jakub Narebski wrote:
But now I understand that you are just building tree objects, and
creating references to them (with implicit ordering given by names,
I guess). This is to be a start of further work, isn't it?
Yes, that's exactly the point, and my apologies if
I'm writing some routines for handling dvi files.
In case you didn't know, these are TeX's typeset output.
These are binary files containing opcodes.
I wish to write one or more dvi opcode interpreters.
Are there any tools or good examples to follow for
writing a bytecode interpreter?
I am alrea
nyone know of any related work?
Jonathan Fine
"Sridhar Ratna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What about JSON? You can serialize your dictionary, for example, in
> JSON format and then unserialize it in any language that has a JSON
> parser (unless it is Javascript).
Thank you for this suggestion. The growing adoption of JSON in Ajax
Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Thank you for this suggestion. The growing adoption of JSON in Ajax
> programming is a strong argument for my using it in my application, although
> I think I'd prefer something a little more binary.
> So it looks like I'll be using JSON.
John Machin wrote:
> def unpack(bytes, unpack_entry=unpack_entry):
> '''Return dictionary gotten by unpacking supplied bytes.
> Both keys and values in the returned dictionary are byte-strings.
> '''
> bytedict = {}
> ptr = 0
> while 1:
> key, val, ptr = unpack_entr
ble = '/wobble'
And when a distribution is created and installed
we get
$ python install
running install
running build
running install_data
creating /wibble
copying data/wibble.txt -> /wibble
creating /wobble
copying data/wobble.txt -> /wobble
This is an exa
My problem is that I want a Python 2.4 module on
a server that is running Python 2.3. I definitely
want to use the 2.4 module, and I don't want to
require the server to move to Python 2.4.
More exactly, I am using subprocess, which is
new in Python 2.4. What I am writing is something
> On Mar 20, 10:33 am, Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>My problem is that I want a Python 2.4 module on
>>a server that is running Python 2.3. I definitely
>>want to use the 2.4 module, and I don't want to
>>require th
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In other words, I'm asking for a python24 package that
>>contains all (or most) of the modules that are new to
>>Python 2.4.
> For subprocess specifically, s
Gerald Klix wrote:
> Hi,
> You can't import subproces from future, only syntactic and semantic
> changes that will become standard feature in future python version can
> be activated that way.
> You can copy the subprocess module from python 2.4 somewhere where it
> will be found from python
Jonathan Fine
Kay Schluehr wrote:
>From the HTML slides:
>Assertion tests are easy to write but report and run poorly.
> I tend to think this is a prejudice that leads to ever more ways to
> write tests perform test discoveries, inv
Tim Arnold wrote:
> Hi, I need to do some scripting that interacts with CVS. I've been just
> doing system calls and parsing the output to figure out what's going on, but
> it would be nice to deal with CVS directly.
> Does anyone know of a python module I can use to interface with CVS?
> than
Steve Holden wrote:
> You remind me of the conversation between the philosopher and an
> attractive lady whom he was seated next to at dinner. He asked her if
> she would sleep with him for a million dollars, to which she readily
> agreed. So he followed this by asking her if she'd sleep with h
Ben Finney wrote:
> Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Here's how to write some tests using Metatest. We can think of the
>>tests as an executable specification.
>>from import plus, Point
Kay Schluehr wrote:
>>Sounds interesting. Is this code, or examples of its use, available?
> Sure, it's part of EasyExtend. See also
OK. So the ULR for the documentation of consoletest is:
It has a r
Ben Finney wrote:
> [Jonathan, please don't send me copies of messages sent to the
> discussion thread. I follow comp.lang.python via a non-mail interface,
> and it's irritating to get unwanted copies of messages via email.]
[Thank you for letting me know your preference. For myself, I often
Kay Schluehr wrote:
> On 19 Sep., 01:30, Jonathan Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>there is no fundamental reason why it can't be separated from
>>OK. That might be a good idea.
> Ironically, I liked
As part of the MathTran project I found myself
wanting to maintain a bijection between long
names and short names.
In other words, I wanted to have two dictionaries
f and g such that
f[a] == b
g[b] == a
are equivalent statements.
A google search for
Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
> If you need to get a short name, given a long name or vice-verse _and_
> the set of short names and long names is distinct (it would be
> confusing if it wasn't!) then you can just have one dictionary, no
> need to complicate things too much:
> f[a]=b
> f[b]=a
> You won't
>>A google search for and
>>produced no hits, so I suspect that this may not
>>have been done before.
> There are few (good too) implementations around, but they are called
> bidict or bidirectional dicts. Sometimes I use this implementation,
I find the following inconsistent:
>>> sys.version
'2.4.1a0 (#2, Feb 9 2005, 12:50:04) \n[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8)]'
>>> pack('>B', 256)
>>> pack('>> pack('B', 256)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
struct.error: ubyte format requires 0<=number<=2
Jonathan Fine
The Open University, Milton Keynes, England
I'm using the _winreg module to change Windows registry settings, but
its rather low level, and I'd prefer to be working with something more
Does anyone have any recommendations?
I want to generate test data from an XML schema. I've had a quick look
at existing tools (such as minixsv and amara) but from what I've seen
they don't seem to help.
It is of course easy to extract all the element names from a schema, but
I want more than that.
Motivation: I wish t
Mark Thomas wrote:
Has anyone seen anything that might help generate test data from a schema?
I'm unaware of anything in Python, but Eclipse can generate sample
documents from a schema:
A big thanks to Armin Ronacher and Raymond Hettinger for
PEP 372: Adding an ordered dictionary to collections
I'm using ConfigParser and I just assumed that the options in a section
were returned in the order they were given. In fact, I relied on this fact.
Does anyone know of a collection of regular expressions that will break
a TeX/LaTeX document into tokens? Assume that there is no verbatim or
other category code changes.
Wes James wrote:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 5:03 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
Does anyone know of a collection of regular expressions that will break a
TeX/LaTeX document into tokens? Assume that there is no verbatim or other
category code changes.
I'm not sure how this does it, but it
We can call a function fn using
val = fn(*args, **kwargs)
I'm looking for a good name for the pair (args, kwargs). Any suggestions?
Here's my use case:
def doit(fn , wibble, expect):
args, kwargs = wibble
actual = fn(*args, **kwargs)
if actual != expect:
Jonathan Fine wrote:
We can call a function fn using
val = fn(*args, **kwargs)
I'm looking for a good name for the pair (args, kwargs). Any suggestions?
Here's my use case:
def doit(fn , wibble, expect):
args, kwargs = wibble
actual = fn(*args, **kwargs)
The idioms
def f(*args, **kwargs):
# Do something.
args = (1, 2, 3)
kwargs = dict(a=4, b=5)
g(*args, **kwargs)
are often useful in Python.
I'm finding myself picking up /all/ the arguments and storing them for
later use (as part of a testing framework). So for me it
Jon Clements wrote:
I'm not sure this'll catch on, it'll be interesting to see other
However, I believe you can get the behaviour you desire something
import inspect
class AllArgs(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self._func = func
self._spec = inspect.geta
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've
got a number of dependencies and, if possible, I want to order them so
that each item has its dependencies met before it is processed.
I think I could get what I want by writing and running a suitable
makefile, but t
Chris Rebert wrote:
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've got
a number of dependencies and, if possible, I want to order them so that each
item has its dependencies met before it is processed
Aahz wrote:
In article ,
Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've
got a number of dependencies and, if possible, I want to order them so
that each item has its dependencies met before it is processed.
I think I could get what
Makoto Kuwata wrote:
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've got
a number of dependencies and, if possible, I want to order them so that each
item has its dependencies met before it is processed.
Eduardo Schettino wrote:
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:53 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've got
a number of dependencies and, if possible, I want to order them so that each
item has its dependencies met before it is pro
Makoto Kuwata wrote:
I released Oktest 0.2.2.
Oktest is a new-style testing library for Python.
from oktest import ok
ok (x) > 0 # same as assert_(x > 0)
ok (s) == 'foo
Eduardo Schettino wrote:
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
Eduardo Schettino wrote:
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:53 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm hoping to avoid reinventing a wheel (or other rolling device). I've
a number of dependencies and, if possib
hiral wrote:
Is there any module/utility like 'rsync' in python.
Thank you in advance.
Not exactly what you asked for, but Mercurial provides a Python
interface. You might find this URL a good starting point:
I just discovered today a new syntax for writing tests. The basic idea
is to write a function that contains some statements, and run it via a
decorator. I wonder if anyone had seen this pattern before, and how you
feel about it. For myself, I quite like it.
Let's suppose we want to tes
I'm writing a talk that compares embed and extend, and wondered if
anyone here ever used the Python *embedded* in a database server.
Web frameworks (such as Django) use extend, to import an extension
module that makes a connection
Jon Clements wrote:
On 5 Aug, 13:17, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I'm writing a talk that compares embed and extend, and wondered if
anyone here ever used the Python *embedded* in a database server.
Web frameworks (such as Django
It might seem odd to use 'apply' as a decorator, but it can make sense.
I want to write:
# Top level in module.
tags =
where the list is most easily constructed using a function.
And so I write:
def tags():
value = []
# complicated code
alex23 wrote:
Unfortunately, apply() has been removed as a built-in in 3.x. I'm not
sure if it has been relocated to a module somewhere, there's no
mention of such in the docs.
The old use of apply()
You can save yourself the tidy up by using the same name for the
function & the label:
Jonathan Gardner wrote:
On Aug 21, 9:09 am, alex23 wrote:
On Aug 21, 11:36 pm, Jonathan Fine wrote:
class ColourThing(object):
def rgb():
def fset(self, rgb):
self.r, self.g, self.b = rgb
def fget(self):
return (self.r, self.g, self.b
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
There's a standard idiom for that, using the property() built-in, for
Python 2.6 or better.
Here's an example including a getter, setter, deleter and doc string,
with no namespace pollution, imports, or helper functions or deprecated
class ColourThing(obje
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:51:27 +0100, Jonathan Fine wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
There's a standard idiom for that, using the property() built-in, for
Python 2.6 or better.
Here's an example including a getter, setter, deleter and doc strin
ner for new and completely original work,
then for the love of God I implore you to contact me.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Andrew Jonathan Fine
BEE, MSCS, 15 years experience, 5 in Python, the rest in C/C++,
about 1/3 embedded design and device drivers, and 2/3 in applica
On Dec 28, 6:21 am, Steve Holden wrote:
> Andrew Jonathan Fine wrote:
> > To whom it may concern,
> > I am the author of "Honeywell Avoids Documentation Costs with Python
> > and other Open Standards!"
> > I was laid off by Honeywell several months
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