Jonathan Fine wrote:


I'll post some usage examples later today, I hope.

Well, here are some examples.  A day later, I'm afraid.

** Pipelines and other composites

This is arising for me at work.
I produce Postscript by running TeX on a document.
And then running dvips on the output of TeX.

TeX as a program has parameters (command line options).
As does dvips.

For various reasons I wish to wrap TeX and dvips.

  def tex_fn(filename, input_path=None, eps_path=None):
    '''Run tex on filename.
    Search for input files on input_path.
    Search for EPS files on eps_path. '''


  def dvips_fn(filename, page_size=None, color_profile=None):
    '''Run dvips on filename.  etc.'''


In reality, these tex and dvips have many options.
More parameters will be added later.

So now I wish to produce a composite function, that runs
both tex and dvips.  And does other glue things.

  def tex_and_dvips_fn(filename,

    # glueing stuff
    tex_fn(filename, **tex)
    # more glueing stuff
    dvips_fn(filename, **dvips)

To avoid a name clash, we use 'tex' for the parameter
space, and 'tex_fn' for the function that takes 'tex'
as parameter.

The point is that parameters can be added to tex_fn and
dvips_fn without our having to change tex_and_dvips_fn

** Wrapping functions

This is the problem that originally motivated my

We have coded a new function.

  def adder(i, j):  return i + j

We wish to test 'adder'.
But unittest is too verbose for us.

We wish to define a decorator (?) test_wrap to
work as follows.

  orig_adder = adder
  adder = test_wrap(adder)
  new_adder = adder

orig_adder(i, j) and new_adder(i, j) to be
effectively identical - same return, same side
effects, raise same exceptions.

So far,
  def test_wrap(fn): return fn
does the job.

But now we want
  new_adder(2, 2, returns=4)
  new_adder(2, '', raises=TypeError)
to be same as
  orig_adder(2, 2)
  orig_adder(2, '')
(which can be achieved by ignoring 'returns' and 'raises'.

The idea here is that we can call
  adder = new(adder)
early on, and not break any working code.

And we also want
  new_adder(2, 2, 5)
  new_adder('', '', raises=TypeError)
to raise something like an AssertionError.

OK - so I have an informal specification of test_wrap.

Its clear, I think, that test_wrap must be something like

  def test_wrap(fn):

    def wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs):

        test_args = {}

        # transfer entries from one dict to another
        for key in ('returns', 'raises'):
            if kwargs.has_key(key):
                test_args[key] = kwargs[key]
                del kwargs[key]

        result = fn(args, kwargs)
        if test_args.has_key(result):
             assert test_args['result'] = result

(I've not coded testing for 'raises'.)

Now, the more parameters added by the test_wrap function,
the more the chance of a name clash.

So why not reduce the chances by using name spaces.

One possible namespace syntax is:
  new_adder(2, 3, test=dict(returns=5))

Another such syntax is:
  new_adder(2, 3, test:returns=5)

Each has its merits.

The first works with Python 2.4.
The second is, in my opinion, easier on the eye.

Anyway, that's my suggestion.



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