Re: what would you like to see in a 2nd edition Nutshell?

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
wxPython > seems to have some BIG advantages. Robin Dunn is writing a wxPython book: <> -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Probleme mit der Installation der openSource Bittorrent.... python vs JAVA

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
n practice 99,99% of the messages are in Dutch, so reading a few messages won't help much... ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: The Industry choice

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
Paul Rubin schreef: > Java code is larger and takes longer to write, but has a higher chance > of working properly once it compiles and passes basic tests. That's why you can make most JSP sites useless by disabling cookies in your browser? :-p -- JanC "Be strict

Re: The Industry choice

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
ython , while not a closely-kept > a secret as Oracle's use of Tcl, certainly isn;t as well-known as it > deserves to be. And since 2004-10-14, Corel uses Python too... ;-) They bought JASC Software last year, who use Python as a scripting language in their PaintShop Pro products.

Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
ing of messages intact when posting? That could be an alternative too... Or just use one of the free news servers, some of them even allow connections on port 80. ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Intern

Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2005-01-01 Thread JanC
Terry Reedy schreef: > "JanC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> I don't know if gmane keeps formating of messages intact when >> posting? That could be an alternative too... > > Reading posts via gmane with Outlook

Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
ort cStringIO py> import sys py> py> def foo(): ... print "test" ... py> f = cStringIO.StringIO() py> sys.stdout = f py> foo() py> s = f.getvalue() py> sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ py> f.close() py> print s.capitalize() Test -- JanC "Be strict when

Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
ne of the largest and busiest production environments in the world. AOLserver is a multithreaded, Tcl-enabled web server used for large scale, dynamic web sites. """ <> -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1

Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
Just schreef: > You should always save stdout instead of using __stdout__. It may not be > the same! You're right, especially when this code would execute in an (at programming time) unknown context. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC

Re: input record sepArator (equivalent of "$|" of perl)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
> distinctions) Or there is some Dutch influence... ;) (In Dutch it's "meter" for both meanings.) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2005-01-05 Thread JanC
election only works with the mouse in SciTE/Scintilla: alt-click-drag. Most of SciTE's (editor-)features are also available in other Scintilla based editors. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2005-01-07 Thread JanC
Have a look at: <> They have native win32 builds of many of the GNU commandline utilities... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-14 Thread JanC
jtauber schreef: > see There is not much to see there, most of the wiki is filled with spam... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 -- http://mail.pytho

Re: Free NNTP (was Re: how to stop google from messing Python code)

2005-01-15 Thread JanC
Aahz schreef: > You also have access to the free netnews server That address is now for DFN internal use only. Their public service moved to <>. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1

Re: hash patent by AltNet; Python is prior art?

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
x27;s not looking really good here in Europe: <> If they succeed to push this through and Poland--or another country-- doesn't help us... :-( -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architect

Re: nntplib: abstraction of threads

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
h?q=jwz+python&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky> <> -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Free NNTP (was Re: how to stop google from messing Python code)

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Paul Boddie schreef: > JanC wrote: >> Aahz schreef: >> >>> You also have access to the free netnews server >>> >> >> That address is now for DFN internal use only. >> >> Their public service moved to <ht

Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Robin Becker schreef: > well since rotor is a german (1930's) invention And AES is a Belgian invention... ;-) > it is a bit late for > Amricans (Hollywood notwithstanding) to be worried about its export -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving."

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread JanC
Francis Girard schreef: > I'm really not sure but there might be some way to embed Java Script > within Jython. You can embed JavaScript in CPython, but I don't know how secure or stable it is: <> -- JanC "

Re: Where can I find sample "beginner" programs to study?

2005-01-28 Thread JanC
Todd_Calhoun schreef: > I'm trying to learn Python (and programming), and I'm wondering if > there are any places where I can find small, simple programs to study. Try: <> <> -- JanC

Re: python and gpl

2005-02-02 Thread JanC
r got your money). In Belgium (and the whole EU, I think) copying a program from disk to memory to be able to run it is covered under "fair use" (just like copying digital data from an audio CD to a DAC to be able to listen to it is fair use), which can't be restricted by companie

Re: Suggesion for an undergrad final year project in Python

2005-02-02 Thread JanC
Kartic schreef: > Or if you are the networking types, come up with a peer-to-peer chat > application with whitetboard capability, which I am sure will be fairly > novel. Hm, a Python version of The Coccinella? :-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiv

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-04 Thread JanC
Paul Rubin schreef: > I don't know that the browser necessarily renders that faster than it > renders a table, Simple tables aren't slow, but tables-in-tables-in-tables-in-tables-in- tables are. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
el element > inside an inline element. The following nesting is valid AFAIK: While this isn't: -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Possibly OT: Controlling winamp with Python

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
u would then point > winamp towards the local socket instead of the internet station. Winamp buffers incoming streams, so that won't be very functional... ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the I

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
be made available for those you distribute it to. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-09 Thread JanC
Jeremy Bowers schreef: > Copyright-based models can't handle modern computer programs, Most countries have computer program specific parts in their copyright laws... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-09 Thread JanC
Francis Girard schreef: > Did some law court, over the past > decade, had to make a decision about GPL on some real issue ? netfilter vs. Sitecom ? -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - sect

Re: For American numbers

2005-02-13 Thread JanC
' uses kilo for both 1000 (at least hard disks & some network transmission speeds) and 1024 in computer science. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-18 Thread JanC
Robert Kern schreef: > And yet there is not one company that has someone devoted full-time to > developing Python. Except for 'future Python' aka PyPy... <> :) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and toleran

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-21 Thread JanC
Nick Vargish schreef: > Please consider a visit to > before posting a monster like that... :^) As long as he also posts the full URL... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - sect

Re: possible python/linux/gnome issue!!

2005-03-02 Thread JanC
r python version you installed. You should keep the older Python version installed & make sure the Red Hat tools use that instead of (I think) the newer version. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: urllib2 meta-refresh

2005-03-02 Thread JanC
ie: <> -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: pyasm 0.2 - dynamic x86 assembler for python

2005-03-13 Thread JanC
ll__ PYTHON !ARG self !ARG args PUSH hello_str CALL PySys_WriteStdout ADD ESP, 0x4 MOV EAX,PyNone ADD [EAX],1 !ENDPROC """ # i386 will be tried first, then x86 @asm_optimise('i386','x86') def __call__(self): print 'Hello python world!' test = hello_world3() test() -- -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Licensing Python code under the Python license

2005-03-13 Thread JanC
Martin v. Löwis schreef: > Larry argues that a license should be legally meaningful, and > legally clear - or else there is little point in formulating > a license in the first place. This is difficult to do right, if you have to consider all the laws in different countries... --

Re: why python is slower than java?

2004-12-07 Thread JanC
appropriate to filter out that person. That person might be a student in some third-world country... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Book Recommendations

2004-12-07 Thread JanC
Nathan schreef: > The link doesn't work -- maybe because of the new google groups > interface? > Can you repost with a working link? I think it's this: <> -- JanC "Be st

Re: Python installation breaks Outlook Express

2004-12-07 Thread JanC
; this behavior ? ... might happen if you use a Python program to filter spam in Outlook (e.g. SpamBayes). This error is often caused by a personal firewall blocking such a filter program, and after a Python upgrade, every Python program will be considered "unknown". -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: why python is slower than java?

2004-12-08 Thread JanC
ropayment > into place because at that level those other factors have at > least a comparable impact. Heh, payment to an American --> equivalent American price for Belgian chocolate --> Belgian price for Belgian chocolate --> this will be very cheap for me and the other Belgians

Re: os.path.islink()

2004-12-08 Thread JanC> -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: MP3 - VBR - Frame length in time

2004-12-08 Thread JanC
Dmitry Borisov schreef: > It has something to deal with the VBR tags( XING header ). *If* there is a VBR tag (it's a custom extension) and *if* that VBR tag contains a correct value. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural

Re: os.path.islink()

2004-12-09 Thread JanC
overnment (probably something to do with posix compliancy?), but that they don't want people to use... ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Upgrading Python Article

2004-12-09 Thread JanC
Fuzzyman schreef: > On the other hand the microsoft > compiler is *better* than gcc anyway :-) It's better at optimising, but it doesn't support standard C & C++. ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Princi

Re: Help beautify ugly heuristic code

2004-12-10 Thread JanC
Did you also think about ISPs that use such a PTR record for both dynamic and fixed IPs? -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: New versions breaking extensions, etc.

2004-12-10 Thread JanC
Jive schreef: > P.s. Does anyone know how to make Outlook Express leave my damned > line-ends alone? If I want line-ends. I know where to find the ENTER > key. Google for "oe-quotefix", but the best solution is to use a proper newsreader. ;-) -- JanC "Be

Re: Upgrading Python Article

2004-12-16 Thread JanC
Tim Roberts schreef: > I don't think that's fair. Visual C++ 7.1 is signficantly better at > compliance than their past compilers. AFAIK that's only for C++, not for C...? -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architect

Re: Python IDE

2004-12-16 Thread JanC
Mike Meyer schreef: > There was a group that made a living porting GCC to vender-specific > hardware platforms, Cygnus. -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: MIDI (was - Re: BASIC vs Python)

2004-12-22 Thread JanC
hon pyd's | and report back on what they discover... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9 --

Re: Tabnanny really useful?

2004-12-22 Thread JanC
spaces are in the indentation, and 4 checks for any | tab characters in the indentation. | 1 is a good level to use. It's also in de wxSTC docs: <> (Below the lexers table.) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when rec

Re: Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?

2004-12-27 Thread JanC
rd to choose the > "proper" one! The field of GUI tools is so fragmented I think the field of GUI frameworks / tools for Python is fragmented because it's fragmented outside of Python too... -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." RF

Re: Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?

2004-12-28 Thread JanC
indows.Forms, several Java frameworks, ... But even then, if DaBo ever becomes as easy to use as Delphi/VB for this type of applications, while remaining cross-platform, that might easily double the number of Python developers. ;-) -- JanC "Be strict when sending and tolerant when

Re: Unicode entries on sys.path

2004-12-30 Thread JanC
vincent wehren schreef: > Normally I would have thought this would require using the Microsoft > Layer for Unicode (unicows.dll). If Python is going to use unicows.dll, it might want to use libunicows for compatibility with mingw etc.: <> -

Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-08 Thread JanC
they didn't implement it, but that's something different.) > So please tell me if any one knows of a good solution for my problem > else I am forced to give up python for my task. You could use python-uno (it's included with OOo by default, and should be able to do everything

Re: Packaging Survey

2009-03-10 Thread JanC
eally sure if a certificate is good is the same for both types (self-signed or signed by a "trusted" CA). -- JanC --

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-15 Thread JanC
working on a PEP about implementing a 'w' (for "wordy"?) formatting type? ;-) -- JanC --

Re: Integer arithmetic in hardware descriptions

2009-03-15 Thread JanC
.g. a very speed-sensitive piece of code (that you must check for correctness yourself then of course, but that's better than having to check *all* code). -- JanC --

Re: PyPy Progress (and Psyco)

2009-03-15 Thread JanC
ks for posting some information. I think the period as a research platform (IIRC the project was funded by a research grant from the EU after all[*]) was maybe necessary to get where they are now...? [*] I'm happy to see at least this part of my taxes being spent for something good... ;-) -- JanC --

Re: Integer arithmetic in hardware descriptions

2009-03-16 Thread JanC wrote: > JanC: >> In most "modern" Pascal dialects the overflow checks can be (locally) >> enabled or disabled with compiler directives in the source code, > > I think that was possible in somewhat older versions of Pascal-like > langu

Re: File Compare with difflib.context_diff

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
dline tool, or at least steal some ideas from it. <> -- JanC --

Re: cross compile Python to Linux-ARM

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
;-) BTW: you can run many of those linux distributions on qemu too, if you want to test some things before you have the hardware (it's obviously only an emulation though). -- JanC --

Re: Is there any library for COREL or ILLUSTRATOR?

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
on Windows, there is an installer on the Sk1 site. -- JanC --

Re: How to do this in Python?

2009-03-21 Thread JanC
Josh Holland wrote: > How people would write a kernel in Python? Like this: ? -- JanC --

Re: Async serial communication/threads sharing data

2009-03-27 Thread JanC
evice to the kernel). -- JanC --

Re: PID lockfile

2009-03-29 Thread JanC
people > running diskless machines, eventually, some years down the line. I think on diskless machines using a tmpfs (or similar) for PID files would be more sane anyway, but of course not everybody will (or can?) use that... -- JanC --

Re: Python 2.6/3.0 packages for Ubuntu?

2009-04-11 Thread JanC
actually, and it has 3.0.1 too, as well as versions of 2.4 (for zope2) and 2.5. Plus jython & ironpython... ;) (For Debian use "" instead.) -- JanC --

Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-11 Thread JanC
nt filesystems in python.) -- JanC --

Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-14 Thread JanC
al port. USB *is* a serial port... that's what the "S" stands for. ;) -- JanC --

Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-15 Thread JanC> [2] well, [1] says that it does, but is not officially supported -- JanC --

Re: [ANN] Falcon - powering innovation

2009-04-15 Thread JanC
design ideas). -- JanC --

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-18 Thread JanC
Stef Mientki wrote: > BJörn Lindqvist wrote: >> SCREEN 13 >> PSET 160,100,255 > > Maybe, who is able to understand such nosense without a lot of apriori > knowledge ? You already needed that sort of knowledge to be able to use a computer back then... ;-) -- JanC -

Re: getting linux distro used...

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
ntu 9.04 Release:9.04 Codename: jaunty If that doesn't work; try '/etc/issue'. -- JanC --

Re: Light (general) Inter-Process Mutex/Wait/Notify Synchronization?

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
John Nagle wrote: > Linux doesn't do interprocess communication very well. > The options are pipes (clunky), sockets (not too bad, but > excessive overhead), System V IPC (nobody uses > that) and shared memory (unsafe). + dbus -- JanC --

Re: Why bool( object )?

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
Steven D'Aprano wrote: > There are 4,294,967,296 integers that can be represented in 32 bits. Only > one of them represents zero. Or you can even define it as not including zero... ;) -- JanC --

Re: Is it better to use threads or fork in the following case

2009-05-08 Thread JanC
files, you could then only download these files out of the .zip, saving a lot in download time... -- JanC --

Re: What text editor is everyone using for Python

2009-05-28 Thread JanC
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote: > When ssh- ing I have been using vim, painfully. Must look at nano - sounds > good. > I really miss Brief. Or try 'joe'. -- JanC --

Re: Network programming ?

2009-05-28 Thread JanC
CTO wrote: > There's a book called Foundations of Python Network Programming that > is pretty much as good a book as you could ever ask for on the subject. I > strongly recommend it, and I think you'll find many of the examples > relevant. Yeah, I can recommend that book to

Re: question about a command like 'goto ' in Python's bytecode orit's just a compiler optimization?

2009-06-18 Thread JanC
and it fails on > the equivalent of the first if ..., elif ... you try to write. I'm 99.99% sure you can implement that by using a decision subroutine that returns subroutine pointers (and maybe parameter pointers), but it certainly won't be efficient on current CPU de