Steve Holden schreef:

> Sounds like WingIDE to me. I'm a recent convert, but one feature that 
> impressed me was the instant warning I got when I indented code with 
> spaces in a tab-oriented source file.

>From the SciTE/Scintilla docs:

| tab.timmy.whinge.level
| For Python code, checks whether indenting is consistent. The default, 0 
| turns off indentation checking, 1 checks whether each line is 
| potentially inconsistent with the previous line, 2 checks whether any 
| space characters occur before a tab character in the indentation, 3 
| checks whether any spaces are in the indentation, and 4 checks for any 
| tab characters in the indentation.
| 1 is a good level to use.

It's also in de wxSTC docs:
(Below the lexers table.)


"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving."
RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

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